Erin Bola

Hol Horse

Filthy Weeaboo Scum
SWRP Writer
Apr 14, 2017
Reaction score
NAME: Erin Bola
AGE: 42

FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Sith Marauder

HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 225 lbs.
FORCE: Totally Bro.


  • There are some sith who arrive at the academy on Korriban from the jedi temple, then there are some sith who were simply always powerful force users, than there are those like Erin who simply arrive out of the blue at the feet of the academy's steps looking to simply seize power. Either not remembering his past, or choosing to forget it, Erin arrived at the age of 15 according to official records and joined the sith academy. Being an unassuming teenager with seemingly little potential, the human proved to be one of the most driven and flagrantly ambitious students in his class, surpassing those who approached him with sill and mercilessness. As he trained in the way of the lightsaber, his raw physical power and skill with dual wielding blades became apparent. Over the course of the next decade, Erin went from a virtual unknown to one of the most promising and intimidating figures in the academy.

    As part of his final test, Erin and a handful of his fellow classmates were instructed to duel one another to the death, with only the survivor being able to graduate to become a fully fledged Sith. The battle was grim and gruesome, but, as the dust cleared, the human stood tall, an emotionless smile on his face that looked more plastic than natural. Still, as the last remaining member of his original group, Erin was given his twin lightsabers and granted the title of sith. Still, there was one more thing that he needed to do before he could leave the academy. Without explaining, nor giving a reason to this day, Erin reached into his mouth and began viciously pulling at his tounge. Squealing in pain as he did so, a dark cloud began to consume the sith as, over the course of an hour in front of his masters, the human ripped his tounge from his mouth and presented it as a pledge of his devotion to the dark side and the strength that was to be found in suffering.

    With this lifetime reminder, Erin began his career as a sith warrior, known for his silence as well as his strength. Through the five years following the fall of the Republic, Erin crusaded with the rest of the order against both the mandolorians as well as the jedi. As ghost on the battlefield as well as off, people still wonder why he severed his own tounge, fueling the rumors that he was never even a human in the first place but some unthinking demon relishing in violence. While these ideas could hardly be further from the truth, there isn't much to argue for the opposite either...

  • The man is tall and physically fit. His black hair is about medium length with a growing bald spot atop his head, although no longer tries to keep it in order and simply lets it settle as it pleases. He has rather normal ears and a normal nose. His teeth are a perfect white, although his hygiene as grown somewhat more uptight since his years at the Sith Academy. He has no blemishes or scars on his face and he almost never has any dirt on him.

    Erin's upper body is large but muscular. He has grown into a very strong and physically intimidating man, with broad shoulders, a thick V-shaped back, large arms, as well as very broad shoulders. His abdominals sport a visible six pack, carved away along with the rest of his body from strict training and dieting to mold his body into its optimal physical form. The result of this dedication to physical and mental has rendered him the closest thing most have seen to an (ironically) drug-clean professional wrestler. His arms are slightly long but not enough for it to be noticeable to the average onlooker unless Armani were to take off his shirt.

    His lower body is also equally powerful and thick, his long and built legs comprise the majority of his height. Erin's feet are slightly large for his age however, something that he was teased for growing up, but now can conceal more easily. Beyond that he has what you might expect of a normal person for their lower body, what else would there be to describe? Overall, Erin is a physically intimidating and impressive man, one who looks more like a wrestler than a sith warrior.
  • Having pulled out his own tounge as his final test of devotion to the sith, Erin can no longer talk verbally, thus forcing most of his personality to be derived from sign language as well as body language.

    Erin Bola is a fairly interesting personality who bears a strong apathetic reasoning when it comes to his view of the world at large - though he spend 85% of his time pretending to be different, to be happy and charming and humourous. In general he wants nothing more out of life than simply to exist, but if one was to really press him then one would definitely find that his truest desire, his main reasoning for everything he does is 'because I can'. He didn't always walk the path of nihilism, even if it means Erin will die along the way. He will do whatever he has to, go whatever length it takes to see his goal, whatever it may be, to fruition, be it making a deal with the devil or selling his soul for the very thing he wants - a desire to bring misery drives him. He is no fool though, he knows he needs a bigger purpose in life but for now he has none, he exists solely to find something to feed off of through the dark side. Not that it consumes him though, he seperates himself where he needs to using music or drawing, he loves art be it auditory or visual and he trains himself as well, both physically and magically, as often as he can.

    In general Erin would describe himself as "driven" - once he sets his mind to a task he will see it through to the end regardless. Sure, he may let some things fall by the way side but he will do whatever it is his mind is set to do, no matter what the task. He views himself physically as fairly ordinary, he doesn't see himself as attractive or ugly simply as plain as though he was just an everyday person. He doesn't really care how others view him though, he simply wants to be. On the other hand he makes sure he keeps himself exceptionally well-dressed and well-groomed, he bathes regularly and in fact much prefers to be clean and tidy over anything else, in fact he will always keep himself clean unless in the middle of a fight then he doesn't care what splatters on him. His biggest flaw is most likely his pure apathy, he doesn't care for others and will in fact do nothing to lift a finger if someone asked for his help, unless there was something in it for him. He is no hypocrite in this either, staring on apathetically if someone is in trouble but if he was in trouble he would not want help and in fact spurn it. He is a secretive person, he hides everything about himself if he can, no matter what.

    He doesn't really care who he associates with, he simply lives alongside whomever he finds and while he does have some preferred associates, typically people with strength and intelligence -mainly the latter since he loves good conversation over anything else- but in general he doesn't really care who is nearby, be they a pacifist or the scum of the earth. He has no family to interact with but he knows they are alive and he abhors them all. He has few real friends, he treats everyone pretty much the same and most of his old friends broke ties with him when he changed after his family died. He can be quite charming though, when he isn't staring at your boredly, he can charm anyone and he can get along with anyone with a quick and easy smile and laugh; but it's all an act whenever he does it. He doesn't care about anyone, no matter how well he pretends and sadly he has to pretend quite a lot.

    He can speak quite casually when the situation requires it, though more often than not he is quite formal. As stated above he can be quite charming and he is very casual and witty and able to chit-chat a lot with anyone when he is pretending like that, but when he is being his usual apathetic self he is very formal and quite straight-forward in a way, he plays what he calls the "Game of Houses" in that he can be saying one thing and mean another, he is a very skilled politician in that respect - not professionally but in the way he speaks. If his life was ever threatened Erin would most likely not care, he has spent so very long being threatened that he takes it in stride, though he would probably kill the one threatening him without even a seconds thought. If he saw someone else being threatened though he would also not care, he would in fact ignore it unless it suited his designs. Above all he values -or valued as it were- loyalty above all things, now he values nothing but intelligence, the ability to hold a decent conversation with another above other things, and he values power the least, he sees those who are "powerful" as weaklings who use one crutch to cover another. Strength on the other hand is a different matter.

    He is very difficult to upset or anger as well, he is so apathetic that insults simply melt off of his exterior and he usually looks at someone without any kind of emotion, not even weariness or amusement, simply nothing in his eyes but a lack of any ability to care. He is drawn to those with knowledge though, any form of knowledge is good in his eyes and it brings him towards those individuals so he can share in their knowledge. When he is upset -for he can be upset it is simply exceptionally difficult to do and few know how- he reacts quite quietly, not shouting or crying out in annoyance but becoming very formal and polite and then reacting with exceptional violence all while remaining formal and calm and polite. Most other emotions coming from Erin are fairly similar.

    He has no care for the laws of the lands, in fact he has a bounty on his head in at least three cities that he knows of because of the way he flaunts the law. But his personal code is something different, he will not break that even under pain of his own death, though he will not let others in on what it is. When it comes to his future though he forsees nothing but pain, pain for the ones he is hunting. He is sure there will not be a life for him after his revenge, that his own will be over with his task done so he does not plan for it. His best case scenario would be to die after his revenge was complete, his worst for his revenge to never come to fruition. That is why he works tirelessly to hunt down the people who turned him into the monster he is now. He does have memories of his past life too, the life before the sith. He remembers some people he once knew, but he knows most of them wont know him now. In fact he wishes he once still held that life as he was, he wishes he was once the same person as he had been, both magical and in terms of everything else.

    He always accepts responsibility for his actions, he only takes responsibility for what he has done though if someone tries to blame something else on him then he'll probably punch them very hard in the mouth. He very likely has some form of undiagnosed post-traumatic stress disorder as well as some form of sociopathic mental disorder mainly due to his apathy and immense capacity for violence. He is most frequently seen with either a slightly-bored mostly uncaring facial expression or, when he's pretending to be nice and happy, a grin and a twinkle in his eye. He is exceptionally intelligent, though since he doesn't talk often this isn't often apparent but he can see to the heart of the matter of most things very quickly. He is definitely a world traveller and an athlete, he travels and trains a lot, spending a lot of his time active, however he balances this with relaxation and calm as often as well - he spends a lot of time playing or listening to all kinds of music as well as creating art as well. He also drinks quite a bit, carrying a flask of alcohol with him at all times in order to dull the pain of his past in some way, as well as to prevent himself dreaming about the future for he sees his own future as limited. Though, secretly, he wishes above all other things for a home - with his family alive once more. Even though he knows it's impossible due to both time and circumstance he just wants somewhere to be at home once more.

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Template by @ZayPat

Hol Horse

Filthy Weeaboo Scum
SWRP Writer
Apr 14, 2017
Reaction score
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The Dreaded
SWRP Writer
Jun 6, 2017
Reaction score
So his initials are E.Bola?