Independent Ezra Kirk "Two-Suns" Vaughn

Gian Greydragon

The Great Blackholio
SWRP Writer
May 8, 2016
Reaction score

NAME: Ezra Kirk Vaughn
FACTION: Independent
RANK: Merc/Thug
SPECIES: Human (Tattooine Native)
AGE: 25
220 lbs.

Tanned like many natives of Tattooine, and rough in appearance. He keeps his brown hair cut short, just slightly longer than a buzzcut, and well-kept. He typically wears piece-meal plastoid armor concealed under a rugged duster that's seen the hotter side of both Tattooinian Suns. His features are rugged, often sporting stubble, or a full beard depending on whether he's on the run in the current system. (Pic Incoming... eventually)

Ezra is fast. Fast on his feet, faster hands, fast eyes, faster tongue. While not physically strong, he has lived most of his life in the desert wastes of Tattooine, and can endure some punishment as a result. Ezra is not a 'book-smart' individual, and one could easily gather that just from speaking from him, however, his street smarts are probably his greatest tool. His understanding of hunting and survival has kept him alive through many Tusken Raids.

Brash, and unafraid to say what needs to be said, Ezra can also read a room, and choose his words, all the while still sounding like a total hick. He's a bit of a flirt around the Cantina's, and doesn't care to dress up. He fails to see any difference in the Sith and Jedi, and simply refers to them as 'space wizards' colloquially, having never met either such individuals

Ezra was born to a dirt poor moisture farmer and his wife, the struggle began early. The moment he could hold a rifle, he was put to work with his older brother, Yan, who taught him everything he knew about how to survive in the desert, and essentially raised Ezra for his father, while he drank whatever cactus fruit wine he wanted and bossed the boys around. He soon developed some decent skill with a slugthrower rifle, and with it, confidence under pressure. The cold nights in the cliffs, keeping watch with his oldest brother were some of his fondest memories. Nothing too interesting happened between his 10th and 16th year, other than gaining a younger brother, but once he turned 17, after that year's harvest, a fight had broken out between Ezra's father, and his brother, now 21, over him leaving the farm to join the Rebellion effort. After it came to blows, Ezra decided it was in his best interest to leave with his brother, much to his parents' dismay.
For the next few years, Yan and Ezra traveled all over Tattooine, foraging, doing oddjobs, gambling, brawling, and other means to get by. Eventually, Yan met a contact within the Rebel Alliance, said his goodbyes to Ezra, who was still unsure of his path in life. The years following Yan's departure, Ezra's moral compass shifted slightly; lying, cheating and thievery becoming more of a part of his repertoire. Card-Sharking, weapons and spice trafficking, mercenary work for local crime lords.

Ezra is a practiced sharpshooter, with a preference for slug-throwers, mostly out of necessity. Mid-to-long range combat is his forte, but he is proficient enough with pistols to survive in close range. He has no true martial training beyond tavern brawling. Outside of combat, he is a potent tracker and hunter, having had to survive with his brother. From working on the Moisture Farm, he has a fair amount of knowledge about Droid Repair and programming.

He speaks Basic, Huttese and Bocce.

1x Pioneer Slug Pistol
1x Outrider Slug Rifle
1x Tusken-style Robes modified not to look completely like a Tusken Raider, primarily with a lower tech mask and goggle combination
x1 Q2 Holdout Blaster Pistol he lifted off some thug he was playing cards with.
x1 Shockboxing Gloves, with removed limiters

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Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Has your characters been in any matches in the Dueling Ring or participated in a PvP, be it a Main Faction battle, a duel, or a skirmish? If so, post the names of those he/she has fought and include a link to the fight. Also be sure to specify who won the match.
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Gian Greydragon

The Great Blackholio
SWRP Writer
May 8, 2016
Reaction score
Apologies for the obnoxiously large image, this notebook is confusing to try and edit things on.