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Shaw Amaris

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 22, 2024
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"Thanks again for tagging along bro." It must have been the fifth time he'd thanked Macote, and the evening was still young. Shaw smiled over at the other padawan, readjusting the large cardboard box he held against his chest. The older padawan had been with the order longer and knew his way around Jedi influenced worlds much better than Shaw did. Having never traveled off Coruscant until recently, every planet was an entirely new experience for Shaw. "Would have gotten lost without ya."

More than that it was just nice to have the company. Shaw wouldn't have admitted it, but he'd been a little lonely lately. He missed his family and all of his old friends. Macote was dope and had passed the vibe check early on, even before he'd thrown himself at that three headed monster on Shili with a vengeance and no real regard for his own safety. All while wearing house slippers! Sheesh, talk about a rent free moment!

Macote tagging along meant all the more to Shaw knowing that this probably wasn't how the Kage wanted to spend his weekend. They were headed for a hock shop, where Shaw could offload all this stuff he was carrying and hopefully make a few credits in the process. He was short on currency and had been ever since he'd left Coruscant. It wasn't like he could just go pick up a part time job now that he was with the Jedi either, so he'd resorted to other methods of revenue. Like dumpster diving behind the Jedi temple. It was crazy what people would just throw away! Shaw hadn't found anything too crazy like some of the stuff he and his friends used to find in the financial district, but it was a start.

Shaw missed playing video games and wanted to pick up a console to replace the old one he'd left back on Coruscant. There had been no time to gather personal belongings once those monsters had shown up. There had barely been enough time to escape with his life. He wanted to play the new Fatal Fight game coming out in a few weeks. Plus it'd be a good way to connect with some of the other padawans, if they played video games.

"Bro, I bet those razelings are sliming all over my controllers right now," he lamented aloud to Macote, dodging a moving food cart. He wondered if they even had opposable thumbs. He'd been too busy running from them to give them a good long look. @Fine Dining Set

Macote Hassan

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Jan 23, 2024
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The image of Razeling monstrosities getting their disgusting ooze all over his shit back home played out as they walked through the street. Macote was more than happy to accompany Shaw, a junior Padawan with a lotta heart, though. Macote didn’t exactly have friends or plans. He probably would’ve spent the whole weekend just scrolling and lazily practicing flute until the weekdays rolled by again.

Macote was more than happy to join Shaw on this escapade. Not for nothing, the dude seemed really funny. The two of them being refugees from Coruscant helped, too. He was desperate for a connection from his homeworld. "Can you imagine? Those ugly fuckin' things playing Fortress-Night and DigCraft." Macote shuddered at the thought as they stepped through a busy street on....


Where were they, again? "Uhhhhhh..."
Macote was supposed to be an expert with directions. Why couldn't he, for the life of him, even remember what planet they were on right now? "Right. Pawn shop. We sell this and buy ourselves a new console." Maybe they could use the leftover cash to buy a bong and some marcan herb to stash in the dorms. "But, you know, you don't have to sell shit. We're Jedi." He whispered conspiratiorially. Jedi used mind-tricks to rip off vendors all the time, right? Or was that one of the EXTENSIVE violations of ethics that the Jedi could commit with the Force?

"I'm down to pawn off your shit, but we could make a little more scratch just doing an odd job."
This seemed like a busy enough city on a nondescript, alien world. "How about you keep your knick knacks and we earn some real peggats, the old fashioned way?" Two teenaged padawans completely alone on the streets. What could possibly go wrong?


Shaw Amaris

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 22, 2024
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"Ugh don't even get me started!" Shaw continued to complain, all to happy to lament his forsaken gaming console to a sympathetic listener. His mater hadn't given two bantha ticks when he'd brought it up to her. He had gotten a heated lecture from her about how he was lucky to be alive, that there were far more important things to be worried about instead of video games, etc. etc. She'd never thought video games a constructive use of his time anyway but since he'd used his own credits to buy it she'd let it pass. Begrudgingly and with a snide comment thrown in here and there when his dirty clothes pile started getting too big or he forgot to take out the trash or something.

When he thought of all the hours he'd spent on those games, leveling his characters up and grinding to collect the best gear. Now he would have to start all over. Not to mention the fact that he was out of practice now. "I'm gonna get my butt handed to me when the new game comes out. I just know it." Ranked players were no joke.

They came to a stop beneath a flashing neon sign with a bowl of piping hot ramen on it. The door to the restaurant swung open as a customer exited, and the strong smell of cooking ramen reminded Shaw that he was hungry. "I'm down," Shaw grinned, nodding along to Macote's suggestion. He'd picked up plenty of odd jobs back on Coruscant and wasn't afraid of a little work. He could keep this stuff he'd collected or pawn it off some other time. Only question was, what kind of odd job were they talkin'? "Whatcha got in mind?"

Something at the end of the street caught his eye. A pop up stand with Girl Guides selling boxes and boxes of cookies. The younger girls were organizing boxes, the older girls manning the stand. The girls manning the stand looked like they were around Shaw's and Macote's ages. Maybe a bite to eat was in order while Macote gave him the details of his idea? Shaw didn't have the credits for ramen or cookies, but maybe they wouldn't need credits if they played their cards right. "How's your rizz?" he asked the other padawan, gesturing down the road to the cookie stand. Shaw's stomach wasn't mad at the idea of charming their way into a box or two of free cookies. @Fine Dining Set

Macote Hassan

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Jan 23, 2024
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Macote's rizz was impeccable. They'd be up to their noses in free Girl Guides cookies in no time. "Watch and learn, Shaw. A Coruscanti like me has game all across the galaxy." As Macote stepped towards the ladies at the table, he saw her. A brown skinned, black-haired tiefling with piercing, golden eyes. From the badges on her sash, it seemed like she was the Troop Mom. She looked at him with a small smile as he approached, gripping her clipboard tightly.

"You interested in some cookies? Proceeds go towards the Refugee Housing Fund." She gestured towards the girls at the table, who waved excitedly. As Macote looked into those golden irises, his mind completely reset. He couldn't think of a single goddamn smooth thing to say. Instead, his arm jutted out awkwardly, almost without his control, as he began to stutter and mumble about his words. He placed his hand awkwardly on the stand, and said but a single word. "Hey."

Her revulsion was almost palpable, but before he could say anything else, his hand slipped off the table and he smacked his face into a box of cookies. Thick Mints. His favorite, in more usual conditions. But now, as he sat here on the ground, covered in cookies with shame rapidly following, he realized this had been a terrible plan.

"We're bailing." Macote took off running down the street back towards the ramen shop, a place they could gather their thoughts and sip on soups for a moment. They still didn't have any money, though, and Macote saw an opportunity. "Maybe we can mind trick our way into some free soup..." Was that a violation of the Jedi Code? One ramen wasn't that bad, right?


Shaw Amaris

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 22, 2024
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Shaw had all the confidence in the world in Macote. He didn't doubt for a minute that the teenager's rizz was impeccable. Why should he? Macote had sweet curly white hair that really stood out but in a good way. He was tall. His eyes were dark. Dare he say broody? Girls love the dark, broody type. Oh and he had pointy ears. Girls love pointy ears. So Shaw fully expected to walk away from the Girl Guide's table with at least one box of cookies. Possibly even two or three if they were lucky!

The scene that actually unfolded was more like an awkward first meet up scene from the first half of a teen drama played off for comedic relief. Shaw blinked a few times and couldn't help but interject, mouth ajar. "Skrrrrrrt." His heart went out to Macote. That hit hard. Like real real hard. The kind of thing every boy has nightmares about. Macote had faced that three headed beast back on Shili like a total pro and hadn't even batted an eye. Girls though. Girls were a different kinda beast altogether.

"Uhhh you won't be needin' these, right?" Shaw asked the pair of girls, reaching down to pick up a few of the smashed cookies that had been knocked off the table. I mean, might as well make the most out of the situation. He didn't wait for a response. "Sweet." Then he took of running after Macote, cardboard box bouncing in his hands as he shoved a couple of the Thick Mints into his mouth. The other two he saved for Macote.

"I'm down," he replied once he'd caught up with his friend, and the pair of teenagers ducked into the ramen shop. The atmosphere was inviting and chill. Some lofi beats played over the speakers, background noise to the everyday chatter of customers. There was a long bar with porcelain drop pendant lights overhead and lots of booths with padded seats.

Shaw slid into the first empty booth they came to and set his box in the seat next to him. A neon sign hung over their table with a fat cat slurping noodles out of a bowl. "Don't sweat it, bro," Shaw said to Macote as soon as they were both settled. "She probably thought it was... uhh cute or something." @Fine Dining Set

Macote Hassan

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Jan 23, 2024
Reaction score
When they arrived to the noodle shop, Macote groaned and sunk his head into his hands. "Cute? Bro, they thought I was a kriffin' freak." He chuckled, lowly. He had really made a fool of himself - but it was cool. He didn't care about their opinions, really. This shame surely wouldn't burn a hole into his psyche. Right?

Macote began to nod along with the rhythm when his noodles arrived. He slurped them, hungrily, as he thought over ways to make money. His piccolo slid out of his coat as he shrugged. "We could always try busking." While it could be fun, there was never a guarantee of money. Stepping in someone else's shit and vomit was almost certainly guaranteed, though.

Macote shrugged. He wasn't one to worry about the future - they were very much in the present. Figuring out how to pay for it would be problem for the two of them in fifteen minutes. "You said you're from Coruscant, yeah?" His eyes bored into Shaw's. They were both survivors of horrors beyond reckoning. "Did any of your family make it off? Anyone still there?"


Shaw Amaris

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 22, 2024
Reaction score
"They'd be lining up to get your number if they'd seen you battle that three headed dog," Shaw assured his friend, nodding his head along to strengthen the statement. Trying to cheer Macote up. Not that he needed much cheering up. The noodles seemed to do the trick. Both boys slurped up the piping hot noodles, probably burning their tongues in the process. At least Shaw did. He was too hungry to wait for them to cool off.

Busking? Shaw hadn't really done it before. Plenty of his friends had though. He was down to try just about anything once! "I'm down," he grinned, eyeing the little instrument Macote had pulled out of his coat. Shaw didn't know how to play anything, but "I've got some killer dance moves."

Shaw's gaze fell on a poster taped to the wall beneath the neon cat. It caught his attention, and he pulled it down to give it a closer look. "This is today." It was a wrestling poster, advertising "amateur hour" at the Victorious Volpai. Some kind of underground wrestling match with a thousand credit prize to anyone that could beat their reigning champ Hulking Houk the Heinous!

A purple skinned Houk took center stage on the poster, arms flexed and teeth bared. There was a golden gauntlet on his hand. They were really playing up his likeness to the infamous comic book villian the Mad Titan. Bring a friend! it said, If you dare to take on the unbeatable! The unstoppable! The unbreakable Hulking Houk the Heinous!

"Duuuuuuude! We could totally take him!" Shaw exclaimed, showing Macote the poster. They just had to get the thirty credit non-refundable entrance fee. Busking, perhaps? Oh and they'd have to not mention the force. At the bottom of the poster in large red letters it said ABSOLUTELY NO FORCE USERS.

Now that they sort of maybe had a plan if Macote was down, they could settle back and enjoy their noodles. "Yeah," Shaw replied, swallowing some noodles. "Born and raised." He ran a hand over his hair. "We were lucky. We all made it off. Well except for my older brother, but the razelings didn't get him. He died a few years back." He looked at Macote, wondering if his family had been as fortunate as Shaw's. "What about you? Your... your family make it off?" @Fine Dining Set

Macote Hassan

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Jan 23, 2024
Reaction score
Macote remained silent, averting his eyes uncomfortably at the last question. Shaw's whole family was lucky. Or Macote's was cursed. First, refugees from the Belugan apartheid state on Quartzite. Then, slaughtered by the Sith's abominable beasts. There was no justice. He changed the topic back to something more simple - wrestling.

"Great idea. I think I could suplex him, hit a slick arm bar, and tap him out." Macote had practiced enough grappling and martial arts to know how to win this. Or, so he believed. "I'm glad your family is alright, man. Hang onto them." He patted Shaw on the shoulder. He was a good kid and funny guy, but he had a giant heart. Macote didn't know everything about the Order, but he saw the makings of a truly great Jedi in Shaw. He wouldn't let harm befall him while they were together.

Macote used his very limited Jedi Padawan salary to pay for the noodles as he looked at the program.
"Cash prize - 10,000 credits. Bro, we can get the Game-Station-Revolution X3 with those kinda credits!" Macote imagined the new system as a revolutionary way to play HuttBall 3k24. "That's the last of my credits, though. We're really gonna have to figure out a way to pay the entrance fee."

"And sick names. Call me THE IRON SHADOW!" Macote flexed.


Shaw Amaris

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 22, 2024
Reaction score
The conversation didn't stick to family for long and Macote really never did answer Shaw's question and he wasn't the kind to push it. Often because he was too oblivious to realize there was anything to push. "Bro." Shaw was even more excited now. "That is a wicked name. Don't tell me you just came up with that??" Bro surely had to have that locked and loaded for some time. "Okay. Let's see, let's see..." Shaw drummed his fingers along the table impatiently, trying to come up with what his wrestler name would be. "The Poetic Punch! You know, like poetic justice except the only justice we'll be dealing out is at the end of a fisssst!" He slammed his fist into the palm of his other hand and grinned.

Like Macote he could already picture himself in the center ring, using all the right moves and hitting all the right combos. The bright lines shining down on them. The crowd cheering their names. Fans lining up for autographs afterwards and girls wanting to catch selfies with the guys that had taken down Hulking Houk the Heinous. And the CREDITS!!! Unlike Macote Shaw didn't really have the training or experience to back up his grand plans. A few fist fights here and there weren't comparable to a cage match. But what he did have was confidence and all the enthusiasm in the galaxy. They were gonna beat the Hulking Houk! Together!

"Did you say you need some credits?" their waitress, a bright eyed togruta girl a few years older than them asked as she cleared the table. She looked between the two boys and then down at the flier and put two and two together. "See that guy over there in the corner? Nodon't look!" Shaw had already looked. There was a rodian sitting in the corner nursing some bubble tea. He looked pretty menacing other than the tapioca pearl stuck between his front teeth. "He's not the first stalker I've picked up working here, but you can bet your gungan he's one of the creepiest. Walk me home and the credits are yours."

Shaw, eager to get over to the wrestling match and get started was quick to agree. All they had to do was act tough and walk a cute girl home. Talk about an easy thirty credits!

"Play it cool and he'll just think I picked up a couple dates. Quick—say something clever he's walking this way," she muttered out of the corner of her mouth, vigorously wiping the table down with a wet towel.

Shaw panicked and threw an arm out across the back of the booth to appear more confident. Then with his best suave grin he pulled one of the oldest pickup lines out of the book. "Did it hurt when you fell from Cloud City?"

The waitress faked a laugh, throwing her head back and really selling it. Shaw thought it had actually worked until the front door closed behind the rodian and she whacked Shaw with the wet towel. "Real original. I haven't heard that one a thousand times. My shift ends in twenty minutes. Meet me out back."

And then she was gone. Shaw looked across the table at Macote, rubbed the back of his neck, and shrugged. @Fine Dining Set

Macote Hassan

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Jan 23, 2024
Reaction score
The Iron Shadow and the Poetic Punch. Sounded more like a pair of cocktails than warriors, truth be told. But Macote grinned along and nodded, absentmindedly, dreaming of the riches they could pull from their wins in the wrestling ring. With Shaw's confidence and Macote's laser-focused bloodthirst, there was no Houk, no matter how hulking, that could stop them! "If I'm the Iron Shadow and you're Poetic Punch...together, we're the Shadow Poets!"

Macote saw nothing wrong with this plan. Just meet this waitress they don't know in the parking lot in twenty minutes, maybe get accosted by this rodian with his totally normal looking hands. Macote kept bobbling his head in a forever nod, stupidly encouraged by the events around them.

"Here's the plan. Shaw, if she tries anything sketchy, we...force throw her into the garbage. If the Rodian does anything sketchy, we...force throw him into the garbage." It was a solid plan as far as he was concerned. He rose from his feet to approach the back door.


Shaw Amaris

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 22, 2024
Reaction score
"The Shadow Poets," Shaw repeated, seeing how the duo's names rolled off the tongue. "The Shadow Poets... Sweet!" He grinned. Macote just had a way with words. Shaw on the other hand? Nah. Not at all. He had never been good with words. Maybe the older padawan would start rubbing off on Shaw in more ways than one. He could only hope.

Macote had a way with making plans too. Simple and straightforward with just the right amount of violence to keep things interesting. "Got it," Shaw nodded along. He stuffed the wrestling flier into his pocket. "And we might as well snatch the creds, right? I mean if they try anything?" It would be the perfect opportunity, and the way Shaw saw it they deserved to be compensated for their time and trouble if this was some sort of elaborate trap. No sense in letting it roll around in the garbage after all.

The alleyway behind the noodle stop was pretty standard. It looked like every other alleyway Shaw had ever been in on Coruscant. Garbage dumpsters piled high, graffiti, boxes stacked up against the buildings. A few rats running around here and there. Stamped out cigarras. The usual. The waitress? Prompt.

She stepped out the backdoor exactly twenty minutes later with purse and keys in hand. She wasn't one for small talk either. Shaw's less than stellar pickup line probably hadn't done them any favors. "I live this way," she said before setting off at a brisk pace and expecting them to follow. "Just a few blocks away." @Fine Dining Set

Macote Hassan

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Jan 23, 2024
Reaction score
Macote nodded at Shaw's brilliant logic. If they tried anything, their credits were forfeit. But, Macote had a sense that this would just be a normal, short walk for two normal padawans. As they began to walk through the crowded streets. Macote followed behind dutifully, thinking of light conversation he could make. "What are this planet's defense forces like? It looks pretty undefended. A pirate raid or Sith invasion could just come in and turn all of you into slaves or food. Or both." Macote said, thinking about the only topic that ever ran through his mind on repeat endlessly. Fighting the Sith, their eternal crusade against their great enemy.

The waitress looked back at the Kage.
"What? Planet defense forces? Why would I know about that?"

Macote shrugged, as he scanned their environment. "You just...should know. You know? The future is really uncertain. Consider investing in a blaster pistol and a first aid kid, and training for both of them. Then, you won't need us to walk you home." Macote added, 'helpfully.' "Maybe also, a spare flashlight, six months of water, some batteries, and three months worth of dehydrated fruit and nuts." He could go on. One shouldn't ever leave their speeder with less than half a tank of gas. One should always have a bug-out bag prepped and ready in the house. One should have an escape route always prepared in case of emergency. These were just the basics of preparing for an inevitable Sith invasion.

The waitress turned to stare at Macote and Shaw again. " guys are kinda weird, huh?" She rolled her eyes as she kept walking. Macote looked back to Shaw and shrugged.

Minutes passed as they kept walking through blocks and across streets. Macote noticed that it had been 20 minutes since they left. How far were they going?

Finally, they reached an unassuming, metal door. Without another word, the waitress opened the door to vast, dark room filled with fog. Strobe lights blared, but it was otherwise eerily silent. Macote, confidently, stupidly, strode into the dark. He gestured for the pair to follow behind him. "It's in here? It's kinda dark."

Rows of lights flicked on, one-by-one, revealing a massive, populated arena. Before Macote could ask what was going on, speakers sounded. "GOOD PEOPLE OF THE CITY, WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME TO THE ARENA!" Cheers erupted from the stands as the lights narrowed on Macote and Shaw.

"TODAY, IN A SHOCKING TURN OF EVENTS, HOUK THE HORRIBLE FACES HIS MOST TERRIBLE ENEMIES YET...WICKED JEDI!" Boos and thrown garbage were pelted down at the Padawans from the stairs. As Macote looked for the waitress, he watched her wave and walk back through the door to the outside.

Had they been talking to loudly at lunch? "Shaw...I think they're onto us."


Shaw Amaris

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 22, 2024
Reaction score
"I thought you said you just lived a couple blocks away?" Shaw voiced out loud as he followed Macote and the waitress into the dark room, that little fact just dawning on him when they finally reached their destination. By the time the pair of teenagers figured out what was going on, it was too late. Credits changed hands between the waitress and a one eyed rodian standing by the back door, and then she was gone. She totally set them up.

"I mean. At least we don't have to pay the entrance fee now," Shaw whispered back to Macote, trying to look on the bright side. It was hard to look on the bright side when they were staring up into the face of an absolute unit of a houk rattling the bars. Bro looked like he chomped down on rocks for breakfast in between high protein energy shakes.

"Oh, you definitely still do," the ring master said, pushing the teenagers toward the ring. "Now! Now! Don't be shy, boys! Go on in!" He shoved them into the ring, and the cage doors snapped shut behind them. This was a cage match. There was no backing out now. Shaw glanced down at his feet and saw he was standing in a pool of some kind of reddish brown liquid. Was that blood?

The announcer's voice bellowed across the arena. "IN THIS CORNER OUR CHALLENGERS!" The stage light centered on Macote and Shaw again. "FORCE USERS MOST FOUL! THE IRON SHADOW AND THE POETIC PUNCH!" The crowd booed even louder. Had that waitress overheard everything?

Shaw looked over at his friend. "Bro, we're totally the heels."

"AND IN THIS CORNER!" The stage light swung across to the purple houk in the other corner. He looked like he was ready to eat them alive. This guy was the face around here?? Dude seriously looked like a villain straight out of a comic book. "THE CHAMP YOU KNOW AND LOVE! THE UNBEATABLE! THE UNSPOTTABLE! THE UNBREAKABLE! YOUR REIGNING CHAMPION AND MINE—HULKING HOUK THE HEINOUSSSSSSS!" The crowd went wild, cheering and whistling and jumping up and down in their seats. It was deafening.

A buzzer rang out. The match had begun. Good thing they had come up with a plan earlier. Well, somewhat of a plan. "Aight," Shaw said, bouncing up and down on his toes to get himself hyped up. "I'll distract him while you suplex him!" Shaw had all the confidence in the world and then some in Macote.

Without another word, the teenager rushed forward, making a beeline for the door at the other end of the cage. If the houk thought he was trying to make a break for it, he might direct his attention toward him. "You're going NOWHERE!" the houk rumbled. He grabbed ahold of Shaw, thick fingers wrapping around the teenager's neck. Yup. Shaw had his full attention. Now was Macote's chance. @Fine Dining Set

get the wrestler's attention 11/20

Macote Hassan

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Jan 23, 2024
Reaction score
Macote stuck out his middle fingers defiantly as they made their way onto the stage. "FUCK YOU GUYS!" He bellowed, arms outstretched, as the iron cage descended around them. "WE'RE JEDI AND WE'RE PROUD! WE SAVED ITHOR! WE STOPPED THE KILLIKS!" Macote didn't care that they were the heels - he knew the Jedi were the heroes of legend. Even if the galaxy didn't see it, Macote saw. They needed to rise up and strike against the Sith. So far, the Empire, in all its Jedi-hating glory, was the only force that had done lasting damage to the Sith by destroying Raze. The Jedi needed to act. And act quickly. Lest they remain the butt of the entire galaxy's joke.

Macote pulled out his flute to play a
daring intro song. "Sharp like an edge of a samurai's sword, the-" While he was mid-tune, Houk wrapped a massive fist around Shaw's neck. The teen Jedi sprung into action. Rushing towards the behemoth's back, Macote latched on like a backpack. He crossed his legs around Houk's waist to constrict his breathing from his chest, forcing the wrestler to relent as Macote tried to lock in a rear naked choke. Just as Macote was slipping his arm around the the giant man's giant neck, he felt those fists drop Shaw to the ground and grab Macote like he was a stuffed animal.

"Oh shi-" The suplex that Macote received was legendary, as Houk grabbed the Palawan Macote and slammed his back onto a giant knee. White hot pain seared through Macote, as his back cracked like a box of spaghetti.


"Shaw....Poetic Punch...." Macote gasped out his breaths, looking like a crumpled receipt. "Avenge me, brother!"


Shaw Amaris

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 22, 2024
Reaction score
The Hulking Houk was walking laps around the stage, showing off his muscles and playing it up big for the crowds. His fans were going wild, jumping up and down in the stands and going wild while Shaw just stood there gaping at Macote sprawled across the stage.


All that stuff Macote had said about stopping the killiks and saving Ithor—that was all stuff Macote had done, not Shaw. Macote was the resident hero, not Shaw. If Macote was down for the count, Shaw didn't stand a chance. He could already imagine everything the houk had in store for him. Could hear his bones snapping in half.

If Shaw wanted to make it out of this cage alive, he was going to have to play dirty, and play dirty he did while the houk was mesmerized with the crowd. It was a low blow (literally and metaphorically) but someone in Shaw's position couldn't afford to play by the rules. Playing by the rules was gonna get him killed and tossed in a dumpster out back.

It was a stroke of luck that Hulking Houk the Heinous happened to not be wearing his jockstrap that day, which he may or may not have given to one of his adoring fans earlier that day and would certainly regret now. The crowd booed Shaw mercilessly, pelting the stage with garbage again as the houk squealed and doubled over.

Shaw ignored them all, running over to Macote and keeling down to help his buddy while the houk was preoccupied. "Mactote! You okay?? Can you stand? Bro, you almost had him!" @Fine Dining Set

dice 17/20