Armor Faela's Beskar'gam


SWRP Writer
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score


Faela's Beskar'gam

Medium Armor
• Head: Helmet
• Torso: Upper Chest/Pauldrons
• Back: Upper Back
• Upper Arms: N/A
• Lower Arms: Bracers
• Upper Legs: N/A
• Lower Legs: Boots

Function 1: Computer Spike
  • Computer spikes are used to forcibly decrypt or unlock computer terminals. Most civilian systems can be cracked in one posting round, while most military or hardened systems take two or more.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes
Function 2: Filter
  • Filters are attachments to a helmet, or function as part of a mask, or is the mask itself, that filter out environmental contaminants such as smoke or most toxins. They are susceptible to caustic substances and damage.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes
Function 3: Scatterweave
  • An incredibly rare and expensive material. Scatterweave is a coating that reflects very little light, making it extremely useful for sneaking at night. It also "scatters" the wearer's heat signature, making it difficult for automated sensor systems or thermal visors to get a precise fix on the wearer's location without intense scans.
  • Force User Compatible?: No
Function 4: Vision Modes
  • This Allows a Helmet HUD to cycle to low-light and thermal vision modes.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes
Function 5: Jetboots
  • Miniaturized jetpack technology, jetboots (also called "rocket boots") are essentially boots to which small jetpack thrusters have been attached. The wearer must activate/deactivate the thrusters modes via wrist-mounted controls. Like an average jetpack, jetboots permit a maximum speed of 35kph and can maintain this speed for two minutes of continuous flight (flight mode). In combat (mode), they can be used in short bursts to propel the wearer up to seven (7) meters. Jet boots are much smaller, lighter, and less vulnerable to attack and damage than jetpacks, but are also very difficult to utilize effectively, and wearers can be easily thrown off course.
  • Force User Compatible?: No

Sleek in design, Faela’s beskar’gam was designed to fit her role in supporting her friends. It is comprised of metallic alloys that provide decent resistance to blaster fire. The left gauntlet of her armor is made from beskar and was given to her after her father passed. The armor is still relatively new and hasn’t been fully integrated with technological upgrades.

It’s legal where Mandalorians are legal.
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