Ferre's Ideas in a Hat


Not Jedi AFL
SWRP Writer
Feb 28, 2016
Reaction score
RP Scenario Pocket
1.) Character's wish comes true
- Bast gets locked in a Jedi temple
-Fiyero stumbles upon a wild animal and tames it
2.) Battle Arena
3.)Training Accident

-During a flight simulation, a space anomaly occurs
-While meditating, get too into the force and see into each other's thoughts
4.) Portal to Somewhere
-Discover a hidden door in the Jedi temple
5.) Dangerous Flood
-Milk run mission goes south quickly when a flood occurs.
6.) Trapped in a Maze
-Temple training
7.) Caught in a trap
-Milk run mission gone wrong (Trying to capture their force, trying to sell them as slaves)
8.) Character A is kidnapped and B has to rescue them
9.) Found a Treasure Map

-Leads deep into temple
-Planet in the out rim
-dangers Sith-occupied territory
10.) Vacation at Nice Place
-Padawans are sent to mitigate negotiations between two business men at a Resort Hotel
-Padawans sent on a spiritual retreat in the mountains
11.) Stolen Diary
-Diary found that alludes to a crime about to occur
12.) Character is drugged
-In a fight with a gang, gets injected
13.) Camping Trip
-Padawans need to do assist people who live on a holy mountain where ships may not fly to. They must trek up to the village.
14.) Locked Out
-On a desert/winter/dangerous animal planet where they are dropped off for a mission, they are locked out of the city which closes its gate at night. Their communications don't work and they must survive until morning.
15.) Lost
- A space anomaly sends the padawans to an unexplored part of the galaxy...how will they get back?
16.) Escort mission
Senator/Business person/ royal
17.) Night on a Haunted Planet
-not real, just terrifying
-very real dangers
-sith dangers
18.) Must Infiltrate Enemy Lair
(Hutts, Gang, Sith, etc)


Not Jedi AFL
SWRP Writer
Feb 28, 2016
Reaction score
@Havatr_Einar 's contribution

-Building a Saber ( self explanatory)
-Obtaining Crystals (going to a place were we can get a rare saber crystal)
-An Ancient Tomb ( Jedi that was buried with a medallion that enhances force powers. )
-A Lost Cause (hunting a rogue jedi)
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