Flying Close To The Sun

Tomic Domin

SWRP Writer
May 23, 2019
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Tomic could see that Elix had gotten out and that was good but now Tomic himself needed to get the hell out of the line of fire. Firing off a couple of shots to keep the enemy down, he charged towards the closest avenue of escape; a window. Blasting the window open with a blast from his pistol, Tomic threw himself forwards.

Just as a blaster bolt came flying through the air.

The bolt grazed his right shoulder, burning the armour and his skin a little bit. The main issue with it was that it flung him forwards from the right, sending him into a spin rather than a controlled jump. Cursing loudly, Tomic slammed into the side of a building and clattered noisily to the ground.

Muttering to himself, he recovered his pistol before holstering it and instead bring out his rifle. He pushed himself to link up with Elix by the exit he'd taken, speaking to him over coms.

"Call for exfil." he recommended as he brought his rifle up to cover the warehouse, "I don't trust that's all of them."


Elix Lorso

SWRP Writer
Apr 2, 2019
Reaction score
The moment Elix landed on the ground outside of the warehouse the pain in his chest reached a new level of intensity, sending bright and crippling blows of pain through his body that almost prevented him from raising his blaster at the door. Whatever the pain he felt, there was no way it was going to beat his prime survival instinct. Sure enough, moments after he fell the armored figure of the Eclipse aggressor appeared in the doorway, turning too late to be able to respond adequately to the two bolts from Elix' quick-draw blaster and like Elix he dropped to the floor. Unlike Elix, he'd never get back up again.

His eyes watered and moans of agony escaped his lips as the old rebel holstered the blaster pistol and slowly climbed back up to stand on both of his feet. Tomic was just now rounding the corner and joining him at the back of the warehouse, thus Elix, prompted by the younger man's words, he sighed into his comm piece with a broken raspy sigh "Initiate exfil Solace"

Nothing happened.

Footsteps could be heard coming from inside the warehouse and then high-pitched cries for help came from the crowded street in which direction their exfil was to be. Elix turned to Tomic with a look of desperation as he once again took the quick-draw from its holster and replaced the almost depleted powerpack with a new one. For some reason the rebel speeder that was supposed to pick them up once he spoke its codename into the comm unit didn't show and he had no idea whether or not they simply bolted, were Eclipsed, or the signal was jammed.

it was clear, however, that they would be forced into another shoot-out if the Empire didn't conveniently have an air-based exfil available.



Tomic Domin

SWRP Writer
May 23, 2019
Reaction score

Exfil from the rebels was not forthcoming.

Tomic was a little bit disappointed but it was something he had expected. The Eclipse were a good, talented, group of mercenaries and they had access to some top of the line tech. It made sense that they would have some way to block their coms within a certain area so he wasn't too discouraged. He didn't bother attempting to call for Imperial exfil because the liklihood of it being anymore effective than the rebel's call was slim to nil.

"Locally sourced exfil."

It was a euphemism, of course, for something slightly unsavoury.

"GET OUT OF THE KRIFFING SPEEDER!" he barked over the sights of his rifle as he held up the young couple, lost on their drive through the city, "I SAID GET OUT OF THE KRIFFING SPEEDER!"

The driver and his passenger both had their hands up as they stepped out of the speeder quickly before backing away slowly. When it became obvious that he was more interested in the speeder they turned tail and ran. Tomic climbed into the back to keep an eye on their six with his rifle as Elix would grab the controls.

Time to leave.


Elix Lorso

SWRP Writer
Apr 2, 2019
Reaction score
As Tomic hijacked a speeder a good dozen Eclipse mercenaries showed up on the scene from two directions, forcing Elix to make quick shots, too quick to be properly aimed, in an attempt to force them into cover and a more cautious approach. He fired thrice in both directions as he dashed for the speeder, for a moment able to ignore the stabbing pain in his chest, and threw the depleted pistol into the speeder first before taking a seat behind the wheel.

There wasn't time for chatter now and upon seeing that the owners of the speeder had left it in operating order, Elix stamped on the pedal and off they went. Meanwhile the Eclipse mercenaries were blasting holes into the back, shattering windows and damaging the rear repulsors enough to make steering a literal nightmare, but he managed somehow to steer it through the streets of Iziz without running over any pedestrians, which on itself was quite impressive already.

When they finally reached a more policed area, the older man turned to look at Tomic, checking at the same time whether or not he was still alive, but mainly to ascertain that he still had the informant's datapad. "Good," he said after his eyes fell on the little device, "-let's get that to command."

This mission had gone terribly. The co-operation was clearly needing improvement and Elix didn't think he'd ever be able to be on friendly terms with someone that so resembled his estranged son, no matter that the Imperial technically saved his life.

Anyway, they got out with the intelligence intact, so mission success.

/end thread

