Forget the Past


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Jan 9, 2008
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Calgar Talon was sleeping in his simple initiates bunk on board the Light of the Force. It was a simple and small room, no more then six feet wide and six feet long it was taken up by a desk and a bed, no more was needed by an initiate, and Calgar wanted no more then that in any regard.
Tonight however, there was something Calgar wanted....a peaceful sleep, a sleep without the nightmares that plagued him. He tossed and turned in his bunk, his chest and face slick with sweat, the sheets stick too his skin and wrapping around him until he was entangled.
In his dreams he saw his twin brother Varnius, he watched him slowly "experiment" on their younger siblings, torturing them to see how they'd react and finally killing them just to watch it happen. Calgar hadn't been there of course....but he somehow knew that his showing him the truth of what happened.
Calgar woke with a start, suppressing a scream that threatened to burst from his mouth. He looked over at the chrono on the desk and saw that it was 6:30 in the morning Galactic Standard Time. Today he was supposed to meet his master, become a padawan, and he was meeting his master at 8:00 am. He brushed his sweat dripping hair back and managed to disentangle himself from the sheets. Walking over to the wall he activated the sonic shower which swung out from a hidden comparment and blasted away all the sweat and grime that clung to his skin like a film.
After the sonic shower did it's job he got dressed in a dark blue tunic and pants with a pair of black military boots and went to go find something to eat. He glanced down at his personal chronometer, 7:00 am.

"Great" Calgar muttered to himself, "I've got an hour to kill....what the hell am I gonna do for an hour?"


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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War is brewing and all that encompasses it was not doubt evident. Thankfully, Jedi Master Gracelyn Maier has thus far avoided the participating in the actual war. Not because of her inaction, but rather to train. Train younglings, new men and women and everyone in between with the desire to annihilate the enemy.

Today brought forth the same need. A young man, about the same age as Maier- but with less experience than Maier. As the female Jedi sat in the training room, she contemplated on the pending training. Her last Padawan disappeared without prior notice/explanation. Maier never pursed him, as she knew she'd done everything within reason to train the boy. Exhaling a soft sigh, Maier will look down at her gold chronometer. 0800 Standard Galactic time was what she saw. "Either my chrono is fast or he is tardy," came a short mumble under Maier's breath.

Looking beyond the only window in the training room on board the Light of the Force, a small frown would grace her delicate face. She felt compelled to flee the seemingly confined ship, for she preferred the great outdoors over a ship. She was after all a native of Kaal.

"All for the Order..." she whispered while waiting for her Padawan's arrival.
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Jan 9, 2008
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Calgar stood outside the training room, he had finished his caf about half an hour ago and found a place where he could smoke a he was ready to start his training. Brushing the wrinkles off of his tunic he looked down at his chrono and saw 0800. He pressed the door's activation button and it soundlessly glided upwards to clear his way. Walking into the room he saw her, Master Gracelyn Citorioso Maier.
Calgar bowed as he approached her, "Good morning Master Maier."

He straightened upwards, still trying to push his earlier nightmares out of his head to focus on the task at hand.
"It is an honor for you to be my master and I thank you for giving me this opportunity."


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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The man reeked of cigarette...

Thought Maier was a bit surprised, she certainly wasn't expecting her soon to be amicable Padawan smoking his lungs away! Reciprocating Calgar's customary greeting, Maier uttered "how do you do?..." Within seconds, the female Jedi was standing upwards and observing Calgar's demeanor. It seems as though something was troubling him.

Continuing, Gracelyn added "pleasure to serve the Order....We're at a pivotal point, my Padawan, as such we as the Jedi must be prepared for the inevitable. Including training, so when the enemy strikes- on our shores- we can readily fight." Maier's stoic face turned into a short smile- as the thought of the Jedi latest victory crossed her mind.... At last the Empress Teta is safe.

"Before we commence our training, do tell me about your goals. What prompted you to join the Order, and etc.."


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Jan 9, 2008
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Calgar's struggled to keep a calm demeanor as he answered his master's question, "I want to do what I can do make the galaxy better, to help those who need it. To stop those who seek to harm the innocent. I saw a terrible tragedy 1 year and 132 days ago. I want to find the man responsible......and understand why he did it. I don't seek his death.....I seek to have him earn forgiveness from those affected."

He spread his hands about and gave a wry smile, trying to hide the pain that talking about his sibling's death had caused him, "So that's my story, not all to exciting and I'm sure there are better histories among the jedi then mine. But it's what drives me and that's enough for me."


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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While the man spoke, Maier listened, though she wasn't terribly interested in his response. The words, to the Kaalian Jedi- came out a bit rehearsed and unoriginal....until he mentioned something that sounded very personal.

"You sound rather zealous in avenging members involved with said tragedy... Remember you are here withing the confines of the Jedi to acquire necessary skills, but also (and if I may add) to seek and do the will of the Force."

Now moving away from the window the female Jedi will telekinectically beckon several weights by her side. All ranging in difficult seizes. Pausing she turned to face Padawan Calgar. "Telekinesis....demonstrate and or tell me what you know..."


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Jan 9, 2008
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Calgar's face turned a slight shade of red and he awkwardly shifted his weight from one foot to the other.
"I'll be honest...I had the basics explained to me....but I wasn't that good at it. I can try though."

The young man focused his mind on just one of the weights...willing it to move. It started to shake...then simply rolled over limply onto it's side.
"Damnit," Calgar mutter under his breath.

He stretched out his hand to try to get an extra amount of focus on the weight and this time managed to lift it about an inch off of the ground before he lost his mental grip and it dropped.

He grinned at his master sheepishly, "Sorry....."


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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With a watchful eye, Maier observed as the man before her tried to accomplish that which she'd done effortlessly. To her the telekinesis came as easily to her as mere breath, yet her student couldn't seem to manage. Looking up, Calgar appeared rather nervous- the tell tale signs alluded to it. His shaky hands matched the wobbling weight he was working to move.

'Damnit....Sorry-" finally came Calgar's retreat of sorts. Turning to get closer- but yet keeping enough distance between the man and herself- Gracelyn offered a soft smile (her first one since the pair met). "No need to apologize for something that you're not proficient in- yet," came the female Jedi response while placing a strong emphasis on the latter word. "Calgar," she called while adding " telekinesis essentially is capitalizing on the Force, through your mind to exert that which you wish to accomplish....And in this case I want you to move a weight of your choice to your side- just like I did earlier."

She need not mention the part concerning being a Force sensitive in order to achieve said goal- as she assumed Calgar is. Moving aside, Maier would watch and see what her padawan could muster.


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Jan 9, 2008
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Calgar nodded and closed his eyes, breathing slowly. He pictured in his mind the image he saw when he had bursted into his house...his siblings slain and hanging from the roof. He quashed the rage that built up from that image and instead focused on his mission, not one of revenge, but of redemption. He had failed them but he now had the opportunity to make things right. He built that emotion from the anger and betrayal in his mind and turned it into a pure hope. A hope that he could find his brother and redeem him. No matter what he had done Calgar's brother was sick in the mind....but not beyond redemption.
He opened his eyes and focused on the weight. Before his blue eyes had been soft and somewhat warm, they were like clear ice now however. He willed the weight to come to his side.

The small weight wobbled at first, then shot outwards, flying past Calgar and slamming into the wall behind him, leaving a small dent in the tough metal.

Calgar let out a small sigh, "Well shit.....too much force I guess." he let a little chuckle out at his unintentional pun and scratched the back of his head while grinning widely.


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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While the final weight- the one that would ultimately leave a mark in the wall- headed her direction, Maier, pivoted the opposite direction. Seconds later, the sheer power contained therein led the weight to drive itself inside the though metal wall.

"Well shit.....too much force I guess."

Came Maier’s Padawan’s words, at which point the female Jedi clapped. Almost in a mocking manner. “Congratulations, now you’ve earned yourself extra work, Calgar.” Pointing to the small dent in the metal wall, Maier continued “…My goal with our training is three fold. One, teach you how to uphold, and demonstrate the Jedi Code and the knowledge therein. Two, assist you forming some sort of proficiency and discipline with the Jedi tool of the trade. Three, help you understand the Force, it’s intricacies, and how to distinguish the light form of actions verses the dark.”

Now moving closer to Calgar, Maier would complete her instructions for the day. “I can’t teach a student who has anger tendencies. Calgar,” Gracelyn called, as though there were others present with them- though clearly there weren’t. “…you get to not only fix the dent, but write me a short report on the canon usage and application of telekinesis. You are dismissed for the day…. See you in the morning.”

With that Gracelyn moved each weight – through the Force- back to its original position.

((Apologies with the tardy post. Insofar as the assignment to Calgar, you can write a minimum of 100 words; nothing elaborate. :-] ))


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Jan 9, 2008
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Calgar sighed in disappointment as he left the room. He headed down to the supply room to requisition the tools he would need to fix the dent. On his way back his mind started drifting. Was that anger he had used to throw the weight? He had thought he could convert his rage into a hope for his brother's redemption....could he do that? Was redemption even possible for someone like Varnius?
Calgar shook his head rapidly, "I need to stop thinking about this stuff. I'm a Jedi's time to start acting like one." He got back to the training room and started to set up the tools, with a sudden thought he stopped and pondered the dent.
"It's worth a shot...."
He cleared his mind of the storm of emotions that normally besieged it and instead focused on one thing. Willing the dent to pop out.
Calgar must have sat in front of the dent for a good hour or so before he heard a loud pop. Opening his eyes he saw the dent in the wall had popped back out and the wall now looked undamaged.
He smiled to himself, "Whelp....guess I got these tools for nothing. Now time for that paper."

After returning the tools he headed back to his room and started cooking a pot of caf, lighting up a cigarette he sat down at his desk and started typing.

"One of the trademark tools of the Jedi order, beyond the lightsaber, is the use of the Force for telekinesis, or the moving of objects using the willpower of the Jedi. The uses of this technique are essentially limitless and it's potential to help in an given situation infinite. In training it can be used as a form of meditation, in battle as a secret weapon, and can assist a single Jedi in a task that would normally require two or more people. It is truly an important technique every Jedi must strive to master. There are many examples of the different usages of telekinesis over the history of the Jedi order. The great Luke Skywalker used telekinesis to meditate during his training under Master Yoda."

Calgar yawned and drank some more of his caf. He snuffed out the cigarette and took off his shirt. He printed off the short paper and put it on his desk so he wouldn't forget it in the morning. Setting his alarm for the next morning he started stretching and doing some light exercises before retiring to bed for the night.


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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Extra assignment given and task for the day complete, Maier watched as Calgar Talon sighed in disappointment while exiting the training room. ‘Despise not small beginnings,’ she mumbled to herself.

Moments later, Padawan Talon returned to the training room, with supplies in tow. Gracelyn uttered not a word. In fact she herself was completing tiding up the room when Calgar emerged. Supplies to the side, Maier watched- through her peripheral vision- as the man set the sat down, and stared at the dent he’d created. Sheer look of amusement graced the female Jedi face, but again Calgar would not have noticed or heard- as his face and focus appeared to be on the dent. Maier didn’t realize what the man had planned on doing until moments later when the dent started to slowly pop into form. Nonetheless, it was no where near perfect, thus the Kaalian aristocrat quietly exited the training room- giving Calgar space to focus.

In lieu of dinner, Gracelyn snacked on a few fresh fruits Muja fruit- a delicacy shipped in from Kashyyyk. When night came, the young Jedi drifted off to slumber. The next morning- per her regular routine- she meditated, bathed, and headed off to the training room for day two of training.

Glad to be ahead of his Padawan- Calgar- Maier would sit in meditation position, as she patiently awaited the emergence of her Padawan for day two of training. She couldn’t wait to read Talons assignment on canon usage and application of telekinesis. A simple, but yet a depth-filled subject.


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Jan 9, 2008
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The same dreams.....every night......every friggin night. Calgar sat up in his bed, holding his head in his hands. He wished he could stop the dreams, find a way to get a restful sleep...just once. He stood up and poured a cup of caf. He took a sonic shower to get the sweat off his skin and started to get dressed. Finishing the cup of caf he lit up a cigarette and reviewed his paper to ensure that he hadn't made any mistakes. It was all good it seemed. He finished his cigarette and snuffed it out. Stretching to get the cramps out of his back he picked up his paper and left the room to get some breakfast.

After eating he headed back to the training room. He took in a deep breath in front of the door and stepped in to see his master meditating.

"Morning master!" he said cheerfully with a grin on his face.
"I trust you slept well."


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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Still in her meditation position, but yet very keen on her physical environment, Maier sensed her Padawan approach the door, and then enter. His voice slowly echoed inside the room. Eyes now open and alert, Gracelyn observed the posture on Calgar's face transform into a smile, followed by a thoughtful question.

"Indeed, though a sense a slight disturbance in you," Maier did not want to pry. Talon would sooner or later have to deal with whatever it is that seems to consume most of his thoughts. Now levitating off the cushion, Mair would head over the wall. The same one that Calgar had dented during their initial exercise.

"Well done Talon. I see you used unconventional means to fix the dent. Though not 'unconcevnetonal' in my eyes," Turning to now face the man, the Kaalian aristocrat would inquire about the assignment. She could see a set of document in Calgar's hand, but refrained from assuming that was the result of the assignment.

"I trust you learned something from the assignment.... Do tell, Padawan Talon, discuss three canon usage and application of telekinesis."


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Jan 9, 2008
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Calgar cleared his throat slightly, "Well, Telekinisis can be used as an offensive weapon, a tool to ease or quicken physical labor, or as a meditation technique. It is essentially one of the most versatile force techniques." He handed his master the paper in his hand, "Here is the assignment you asked for.
He grinned, "SO! What's in store for me to mess up on today then?"


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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Maier observed in amazement at the sound of her Padawan’s response to the assignment.

One of the trademark tools of the Jedi order, beyond the lightsaber, is the use of the Force for telekinesis, or the moving of objects using the willpower of the Jedi. The uses of this technique are essentially limitless and it's potential to help in an given situation infinite. In training it can be used as a form of meditation, in battle as a secret weapon, and can assist a single Jedi in a task that would normally require two or more people. It is truly an important technique every Jedi must strive to master. There are many examples of the different usages of telekinesis over the history of the Jedi order. The great Luke Skywalker used telekinesis to meditate during his training under Master Yoda."

Clearly he’d done his share of research and had a solid understanding of Telekinesis.

Now nodding- a sign of sorts for his excellent work- Maier continued. “One more detail to your response. Telekinesis essentially hinges on your exertion and alignment with the Will of the Force. Herein, Calgar, lies the difference between the Jedi and the dark siders. We, my Padawan must only seek to do that which the will result in positive results fro the greater good.” Gracelyn paused to allow her words to sink in.

“In fact, speaking of greater good, and Telekinesis, there is a mission that we and I will embank upon. I am of the school that learning is not exclusive to listening, but rather in doing. My pilot, along with one other Jedi will embark on the journey to Zebitrope IV bright and early tomorrow morning. Until then you are welcome to stay, or return to your quarters to pack.”

Turning her attention to the electronic device in her hand, the female Jedi would wait for Calgar’s response, and then exit the room shortly thereafter.

((I will post the mission after you your response.))


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Jan 9, 2008
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Something almost akin to pride showed on Calgar's face at the tacit compliment his master had given him. He listened attentively to her...and then was floored when she mentioned a mission. He looked at her in shock, "A mission....but I mean.....I've barely completed any of my training...I don't even have a lightsaber yet. What if something goes bad?"
His face turned red from embarrassment, "Sorry....I should've asked what the mission was first and then gotten worried about it."


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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Maier nearly laughed at the sound of her Padawan's response.

"You will not need your lightsaber, yet. And I do believe you are ready- I wouldn't have made arrangements otherwise. Zebitrope IV is not as hostile of a planet as you would think. It's Hutt space," she paused. "...Surely you can deter a few criminals," she added with a soft smile.

"See you in the morning, right?" She moved to gather the few belongings she had in the other side of the training room.


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Jan 9, 2008
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"Uh yeah.....see you in the morning...."
Calgar rushed back to his room as soon as his master had left...
"Well this is unexpected....a mission this quick?" He mumbled to himself as he walked into his room. He sat down on the edge of his bed and let his head sink into his hands, "I hope I don't mess up on this." He stood up to pack but realized that really all he owned was already in a duffel bag. He checked just to make sure and it was all there. A blaster pistol, a hunting knife, three sets of clothes, a personal hygiene kit, and a small faded picture. He cinched the bag shut again and fell back onto the bed. "I can do this....I hope."


SWRP Writer
May 15, 2011
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"Good," came Maier's singular response.

The following morning, Calgar, along with Maier and a third Jedi journeyed to the said mission. The task was rather simple, assist with Zebitrope IV's orphanage relief, recovery, and reform process- post Hutt destruction.

((Mission thread<---))