Ask Friends Unleash Cursed Knowledge: Zakuul

Vossari Khaldun

Sith Order
Sith Master

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Fine Dining Set
Sep 26, 2023
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Under candlelight in the dark of night, Sith whispered in shadow the name of a haunted planet once visited by Acolytes in a cursed spring:


This ancient planet was claimed by two of the most powerful force users in the Galaxy, years ago. Some may argue it was this adventure, this conquest, that set their fates in motion. Now the question was: Could one bottle lightning and do it again? Could the Sith, now at a weak, low point, reforge themselves through the fires of Zakuul?

The ancient planet was a secret to much of the galaxy (save for those who had seen Dead Evil 3) and remained in Sith hands. While few new of the nexus of Dark Side power that was located there, it was a wellspring of energy that practically called out to those masters of the Force. So distant it was from the rest of the galaxy, they could scantly hear it. Sometimes, in the dead of night, a chill would run down one's spine - the chilling force of the horrors made manifest on this distant swamp world.

Vossari had received an invitation to this strange and far-away planet from a Lord Lorham. They had not heard this name before, but based on the presentation of this invitation - an old, leather-bound parchment delivered by raven's talons - Vossari gathered that Lord Lorham was an important figure. Instructions in the missive told him to board a shuttle with several other acolytes bound for far-off coordinates to attend a banquet - a special selection for Sith Acolytes who showed great promise.

It seemed about as ominous as anything else the Sith went, so Vossari shrugged and went along with it. They dressed in what they would consider appropriate clothing - a hoodie and overalls - and grabbed their sword and lightsaber (and some spray paint) before boarding the shuttle and promptly falling asleep for their entire time in transit.

The acolytes would arrive to Zakuul without incident, this time. Their craft, stewarded by a droid pilot, touched down in an unassuming swamp at the foot of an ancient, crumbling spire. It sat onto of a hill, jutting out of the swamp like a spike. Based on the coordinates, this was the site of their banquet. Vossari looked to the sky, and the sight of twisted birds with many wings and mouths made him shudder. The creatures squawked with many maws, heralding their arrival to the castle. The sky was clear and the sun burned bright, by swirling clouds in the distance indicated a storm was coming. Best to hurry inside to their temporary home. Foreboding sounds emanated from the swamp itself - the rustling of some sort of unfriendly creature, no doubt - and Vossari felt even more motivated to get out of this swamp.

Vossari appraised his companions for this banquet. An odd assortment, but hopefully they would prove useful in whatever strange trials laid ahead. They pointed to the tower. "Prettttttty sure that's the place, y'all. You wanna head in?"

@lizziie @Logan @LouJoVi @Apollyon


Sith Order

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Oct 6, 2023
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The bird that delivered the invitation letter had come as a great surprise to Raish. She had never really been invited to anything in her life, most occasions that required her presence were usually more of a forced participation thing than someone actually wanting her to be there.

Even more of a surprise was how easy it was to grab hold of the delivery bird, squeezing its fragile little body between her fingers as it squealed and squawked. Just like with most creatures in the galaxy, it pretty much tasted like chicken. Raish made a mental note to avoid eating the beak next time, though. Way too crunchy, not very good.

The shuttle ride to Zakuul was certainly uneventful and incredibly boring for Raish. She spent most of the time eyeballing the sleeping Vossari, wondering if he would taste better than the weird bird from earlier. Certainly more meat on him than the bird. A little nibble couldn’t hurt…

Before her intrusive thoughts won the day, the shuttle finally landed and Raish followed the rest out and down the offramp and into the muck of the swamp. Her feet sank just a little as the swamp mud pressed up between her toes, an odd feeling for her. Raish pretty much never wore shoes but was far more accustomed to the feeling of cold duracrete beneath her feet than thick and sticky mud.

She was wearing her typical garb and had her lightsaber tucked away in a pocket, hidden and out of sight. She probably would leave it there for the duration, but it seemed wise enough to bring it.

Her attention was drawn to the strange birds flying around and wondered how much effort it would be to chase one down. She was absolutely starving and her mind could focus on little else.

When Vossari spoke, she turned to look at him, her fanged teeth glinting from stray rays of light bouncing from her unsettling smile.

Yes, we shouldn't wait. There’s food in there right? Do you think they will have some of the birds in there? I wonder if they are better cooked, I didn’t have time to cook the one they sent us. Did you?

Bouncing on the balls of her feet, Raish rocked back and forth, her smile unwavering as her strange eyes glistened with excitement. A small hiccup escaped her, and if the others were watching closely, they might have seen a stray feather come out of her mouth and flutter to the ground.

Like a cat who’d finally managed to catch the tweety bird.

@lizziie @Apollyon @Fine Dining Set @LouJoVi


Sith Order

Character Profile
Sep 16, 2023
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The first time that S’kenji heard about Zakuul was when he was reading an old holobook about the Sith of old times. It mentioned how the planet had been under the Order’s control for centuries and the presence of a powerful nexus here. The Fiani never thought that he was going to have the opportunity of such a place.

Of course, until he received the invitation.

The Acolyte had no idea who Lord Lorham was, but he seemed to be someone important because the invitation came to him in such an elaborated way that the Fiani immediately thought of nobles. Only members of nobility would do something elaborate like that, training ravens to deliver parchments made of leather weren’t cheap.

Apparently, Lord Lorham had invited S’kenji and other Acolytes for a banquet in Zakuul. Always eager for allies, the Fiani went immediately. It would be a perfect opportunity for him to know his fellow apprentices and perhaps impress the Lord. However, a bit of regret hit him when he saw where the ship landed.

His ears got lowered with discomfort when his eyes laid at the swamp in front of him. "Are we really at the right place? This doesn't look like where someone would make a banquet. Unless you are a swamp monster." he thought that they were going to arrive at a spaceport, not cross a swamp to reach it. The traditional Fiani kimono that he was wearing, the one that he specially made for the occasion would end up being ruined once they reached the banquet.

Here goes his chance of impressing a possible new customer for his clothes.

The fact that his clothes were going to be damaged was least worry, though. The sounds of the swamp creatures, together with the very atmosphere of the place was terrifying, making his ears get even lower, while his gray-colored tail wrapped around his waist. While hegave his first steps in swamp, S'kenji stumbled, being too distracted by the cawing of the bizarre birds in the sky. Due to that, he couldn't feel anything around him.

Hopefully, it wasn’t going to be bad. The fact that his lightsaber was attached to his kimono made him feel a bit better.

2/20 for Perception

@Fine Dining Set @lizziie @Logan @Apollyon
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Sith Order

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Oct 6, 2023
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"A bird?"

Ahriman looked up as a raven glided toward her. Almost instinctively she reached out her hand, and it landed directly on her, curling its talons around her forearm. Attached to one of its legs was the message which she undid and read with her other hand.

"Go," Daeva said, reading it through her eyes. Ahriman didn't react to this imperative, not right away, anyway. Daeva always read so quickly; it was such a bother. Even when she read for pleasure, he would whine and gripe for her to read quicker and turn the page. That was to say, it was several more seconds before she reached the end of the letter.

"Why would this 'Lord Lorham' invite me?" she asked plainly into the chilled air, her breath making fog as she exhaled in speech. "Great promise? A banquet? Odd."

"It doesn't matter why," Daeva grumbled. "If you're being invited to something like this, it's a chance to elevate yourself."

Ahriman sighed, her breath creating another cloud in the air before her. She supposed Daeva was correct. So she would go. Surely it couldn't hurt, could it? She'd been having trouble connecting with the other acolytes, so perhaps being grouped together as "promising" would earn her friends of circumstance.

"How did you even find me?" she asked of the bird on her arm, holding him up to study the corvid's beautiful black feathers. Her face remained void of any interest though, and in contrast, the bird cocked its head and studied her back. She reached out her hand to stroke its head and neck.

"Crush it."

1​Almost without thinking, Ahriman's soft fingers tensed. Snap! The bird, its head broken at an unnatural angle, fell from her arm to her feet.


She didn't talk to anyone during the shuttle trip to Zakuul, other than Daeva, of course. To the others, it would appear as if the half-sephi was simply talking aloud to herself. She slept most of the trip though, and only got up when the shuttle dropped out of hyperspace and began to enter Zakuul's atmosphere.

Like the others, Ahriman wasn't wearing acolyte robes. Instead, she was dressed in black sweats and a pair of boots. She had a short dress rolled up as her shirt under the hoodie, for the banquet. Though she wasn't really interested in fancy things, she figured she might as well put in a bit of effort since she made the journey out here.

Pale eyes regarded the swamp and sky blankly, but her ears pushed against her skull. "Why wouldn't this guy give us a closer location?" she asked blankly, ignoring the birds above to study the surrounding area. 2​The swamp waters rippled with some sort of odd, eerie luminescence, and the ground around them was littered with strange little artifacts. One of them was pressing against her boot, so she leaned down to yank it up from the mud.

"Do these look strange to you?" she asked, presumably asking aloud to everyone.

"Could be remnants of past Sith explorations." Daeva, who she'd been asking, answered within her head.

"The water is strange too. It's... glowing."

1​intrusive thought roll: 2/20 (fail)
2​perception roll: 12/20 (success)
@Fine Dining Set @Logan @LouJoVi @Apollyon


Sith Order
Sith Master

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Sep 8, 2023
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Karys had been kept busy by Azar over the course of the last month or so. He’d been sent on more personal missions to benefit his master directly. He’d already brought several worlds and their resources into the clutches of the Sith, it was time to be less useful to the Order for a while.

Despite his attempts to avoid direct attention, apparently it had found him. A Lord Lorham had requested his presence for a banquet of some sort. Karys felt the cold chill of the dark side as he read the leather bound invitation, he couldn’t help but feel drawn in. He made to get ready for whatever he might encounter.

Karys would board the vessel as instructed and take in the appearance of his fellows. He was not impressed. Once they landed he would have to duck beneath he edge of the ship as he plodded onto the swamp world. Karys wouldn’t be dressed as a Sith for this invitation.

Instead, he wore his dark green flight jacket overtop his light combat armor, with a pair of black pants. He wore bits of armor he’d kept from Zygerria. Namely a shoulder pauldron, bracers, and the metal boots. On his belt, Karys had his blaster pistol, a few reloads, his lightsaber hilt, the flask that contained Azar’s potion, and his EZphone.

His crimson eyes would survey his surroundings. His gaze turned to half buried objects in the swamp. His interest was piqued.

Do you see that?” He called as he pointed to the half buried treasure in the perfectly normal, not haunted swamp.

9/20 perception

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
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Dec 24, 2017
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The more perceptive amongst the acolytes (@Apollyon @lizziie) would notice the small runestones carved in Ur-Kittat, the ancient sith language. Weathered by time and bearing an ancient dialect, it was hard to read. At their touch, the stones emanated a faint warmth. The Sith could feel it - these stones wanted to be found. They wanted to join the acolyte's belongings. The other dummies (@Fine Dining Set, @LouJoVi, @Logan) would notice nothing; only Daeva would recognize the glimpses of power that resonated from the swamp's glow.

As the group trudged through mud and silt towards the spire, they would make note of their environment. Giant webs hung in trees above, with human-sized cocoons trapped in sickly, grey webbing. They sat, lifelessly, waiting for their distended hunters to return and consume them. As they moved, the bird-creatures above circled and squawked, creating maddening symphony that accompanied their steps. Large vines, tinged with blood-red veins, jut in and out of the swampy waters and into the brush. Around them, life dies, grass falling apart into clumps.

Eventually, the party reached the foreboding, stone entrance at the foot of the tower. The still bright-sun is obstructed by the tower of stone, its facade coated in beautiful carvings of ancient beasts, powerful sorcerers, and the images of the cosmos itself.

The stone door remains closed, with no doorbell to aid its opening. As they gather, a voice emanates from deep within the tower - as if amplified by a speakerphone.

It is an old, wheezing voice, littered with coughs and high as a tea kettle. "STATE YOUR PURPOSE."

@Fine Dining Set @Apollyon @LouJoVi @lizziie @Logan

Vossari Khaldun

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Sep 26, 2023
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Vossari wandered through the swamp, blissfully unawares as to the disturbing images taking place around them. He did not notice any of the runestones, nor did he notice the glow emininating from deep beneath the swamp's waters. Their eyes were laser-focused on the task ahead - the door - and the cohort of acolytes they found themself with. New Friends.

Vossari shot a puzzled look at the Arkanian weirdo ( @Logan ) before looking up at the birds. "I hope we're eating better than that. That bird seems like...all teeth." A shudder ran down their spine. "But, uh, do you." Honestly, Vossari just hoped her hungered gaze turned towards anything else besides him. Getting eaten by another acolyte would be a decidedly bad end to their adventure. But Vossari's stomach rumbled, then; they were also really hungry. "I hope it's better than the academy food, AM I RIGHT?" They nudged Ahriman (@lizzie) with their elbow as they cherished their cheap jab at the academy's horrible sludge that they called meals.

As the door spoke to the group, Vossari strode confidently to the front door and cleared their throat. "AHEM! We are the Chosen Acolytes, here for the super-dope banquet in our honor for being..." They looked back at their group. It was an odd collection of acolytes Vossari had seen before, and some he had never even heard of. "In our honor for being just generally, all-around great." They smiled, smugly, and waited for their companions' responses. Or, the response from the door itself.



Sith Order

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Sep 16, 2023
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S’kenji followed the others through the swamp, his ears still low due to the disturbing sounds that the creatures were making around them. He had stopped looking around a long time ago, since he saw the giant sized webs hanging in the trees. The Fiani didn’t fear spiders, but he preferred avoiding to catch a glimpse of the colossal arachnid that had made these.

Due to that, he was only looking at the path in front of them. S’kenji was also holding the side of his kimono, being careful to not make the hem that he so carefully sewed to get dirty by mud. His shoes inevitably got covered by it. He was so distracted by his concerns about his surroundings and his outfit that he didn’t see anything glowing below the water of the swamp.

If the scenario around them wasn’t creepy enough, the conversation of the Arkanian about eating birds made S’kenji be on alert. He had noticed the strange way that she looked at Vossari during their trip, it was like how the Fiani looked at a sandwich. With that realization, the Acolyte curled his tail around his waist, fearing that the possible cannibal among them would try to pick a piece of it.

Then he walked faster, seeking to stay next to Vossari. “I hope that there is food here. I don’t want to end up being part of a slash movie.” he whispered to his fellow Acolyte. “The Bloody Swamp: Attack of the Cannibal Acolyte.” the Fiani joked, trying to distract himself from the fact that the cocoons in the webs were large enough for them to fit inside. "Or Bloody Swamp: Attack of the Giant Spiders." he said, now visibly concerned.

After crossing the swamp, the group had arrived in front of a large tower. Even if everything else around them looked like a death trap, S’kenji needed to agree that the doors of the place were really cool. He wondered what the images in the carvings meant. “Yes, we are the chosen Acolytes.” the Fiani said, trying to add more to what Vossari was saying. “We received invitations for a banquet here.

@Fine Dining Set @lizziie @Logan @Apollyon


Sith Order
Sith Master

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Sep 8, 2023
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Karys towered above the other acolytes, aside from the Fiani. Because of this, Karys stood off to the back of the group. He was idly reading the rune that he’d found when a voice called out to them. It demanded they speak their purposes. Two of his comrades immediately responded with their names and why they had come. Karys would do the same.

I am Karys, I am also here on request from a Lord Lorham.” He called out.

As Karys spoke he continued inspecting his rune. It radiates power and was warm to the touch. The faded text told of something that was of great interest to him. Eventually, he would slip it into his pocket to ensure it wasn’t taken from him.

Eventually, his gaze would fall down to the strange girl with pointed teeth. @Logan She was barefoot, he grimaced.

You realize this is a swamp right?” He questioned her.


Sith Order

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Oct 6, 2023
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She turned the object around in her fingers, looking at the ruin with relaxed eyes. "That's ur-kittât," Daeva pointed out, rather unhelpfully. "What does it say?" she asked, turning the stone over once to glance at the back before returning the runes face up. "I can't tell. It's been weathered down too much to differentiate the runes."

Well, it was interesting regardless. Ahriman wiped the mud off the rune on her sweats, picked up another one (for Daeva), and then started forward so as to not fall behind the others. She did her best to stay out of the luminant water — which, in addition to the runes, she had pointed out to the others — while trying her best to ignore the incessant squawking of the birds circling above them. They were loud and annoying to the others, so they were even worse for the half-sephi.

She wasn't really paying attention to the conversations about the birds until Vossari nudged her. "Hm?" She glanced his way, a bit of a delay in her audio processing and an indiscernible expression on her face. "Oh, yeah. The food is ass," she agreed with an affirming nod. There was one particular dish they liked to serve on Tuesdays though — tacos — that she quite liked, even if they were a little spicy for her. "I like the tacos, though."

"We could kill the birds. Use their meat for tacos," Daeva suggested with a light snicker. Not sure if he was joking or not, Ahriman responded, "I don't think the birds would make good taco meat." They'd probably be too gamey, and Vossari was right: they looked more teeth than meat. "If we killed the birds, they'd stop chattering," he pointed out. That was a much better point. Ahriman glanced up at the flock circling above their eyes, her silvery eyes hardened. "Yeah, they would." They were beginning to get on her nerves, though that was only evident by the occasional irritated twitch of her ears.

Thankfully, they'd arrived. Vossari's over-the-top response to the door's rather harsh welcome elicited a small, singular chuckle out of the half-sephi, though she still remained eerily stony-faced. She came to a stop next to Raish — the "cannibal" the others had been whispering about earlier — just as Karys asked the arkanian offshoot about her lack of footwear. Curious, Ahriman glanced down to see... just that.

"Perhaps she likes the feeling of mud and leeches between her toes," Ahriman commented, her voice just barely twinged with the inflection of amusement. It was odd, certainly, but as long as those rancid, stinky feet came nowhere near Ahriman's nostrils, she didn't really care.

While she waited for the door to respond (she didn't bother to introduce herself when Vossari had already introduced the group), she attempted to ignore the incessant cawing of the birds by studying the building in front of them.

@Logan @Fine Dining Set @LouJoVi @Apollyon


Sith Order

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Oct 6, 2023
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Eating.. better? As far as Raish was concerned, all food was good food. She would pretty much eat anything that wouldn't immediately kill her by ingesting it, though she had more than one close call in that regard throughout her life. Why were they called packing peanuts if they weren't actually peanuts?? )):

Whoever had decided to name those had was swiftly written into her revenge journal, once she had managed to quit shitting and crying and throwing up and was able to hold a pen.

You guys seem oddly interested in my toes, Raish said, giggling at her own statement. Should I start charging you guys some credits? I hear people make good money on the holonet doing that. I've thought about it, but I don't quite understand how the holnet works. Or the phone. Or what's so interesting about feet. Or.. She trailed off, her giggling take the place of her words as she couldn't quite keep herself from finding herself so funny.

As she was prattling on, Raish curled her toes so that some of the swamp mud forced its way between them. The feeling was nice, actually. Very natural, though she didn't see any leeches which was kind of disappointing. She was really starting to get hungry and a nice little treat would have been perfect right now.

While the three boys spoke with the invisible voice coming from the tower. Their stated purposes came across better than the one Raish would have said, which was she was here to eat. She'd been invited to dinner and there had yet to actually be any food given to her. Quite rude if you were to ask her.

Raish decided to pass the time while they waited for the voice's answer by standing on one foot and sticking her arms out, trying her best to stay balanced while spinning in place in little half turns. She didn't do very well just standing around, her mind tended to wander and she'd developed little games to play to prevent her from getting completely lost taken off track.

She hoped to the force that they'd be let inside soon, and also hoped there would be a rug or something to get the mud off her feet. Surely someone wouldn't put a tower in the middle of a swamp without taking the appropriate measures to keep mud out of their house, right?

Either way, Raish continued her little balance and spin activity while doing her best to keep from staring at Vossari again, still wondering if maybe she should just try eating him if they were going to have to wait much longer.

Or maybe the fox boy.

She wondered if they tasted like chicken.

@lizziie @Apollyon @Fine Dining Set @LouJoVi

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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The door sat still, at first, as the acolytes spoke. Another voice emanated, deep and grumbling like the rumble of stone itself: "YOU MAY ENTER." The stone doors slowly lurched open, as a gale of fog poured from within the twisted spire. The cawing of birds increase in volume and speed, rapidly, as the fog filled the air around the acolytes. The carved statuettes that dotted the tower stared imposingly down at the group - through the haze of the fog, they could still see their piercing gaze.

A tall, thin, togruta emerged, martini glass in hand. He wore a long, fur robe that stretched from his shoulder down to the floor. He took a sip from his glass (actually, more like a slurrrrp) before speaking. "Ah, acolytes!" He gestured to the tower around them. "Welcome, to Lord Lorham's MOJO DOJO PARTY PALACE!" Loud sound effects blared from the interior - the sounds of horns and cash register noises put together - as he made his dramatic flourish to the house around them. A smile crept to his wrinkled face. "Come in, come in, get out of that horrid swamp." He shot a glare up to the murder of birds in the sky, who in turn silenced their squawking.

The fog cleared, revealing the interior of the ground floor. Plush, pink carpeting led to an expansive foyer, filled with hot-tubs, clear mini-fridges stocked with snacks and drinks, and pool tables as far as the eyes could see. A fog machine billowed out pillars of fog, while a well-curated house mix played in the background.

"Welcome, welcome, acolytes! Please, feel free to enjoy the comforts of the Party Palace." He said, gesturing to the room around them. "The entire spire is now home to the greatest parties on all of Zakuul. Tonight shall be no different." He continued to walk, eventually reaching a long, winding, stone staircase. It seemed entirely out of place compared to the incredibly modern decor of this layer of the lair, but then, this whole place felt out-of-place.

"Please, make yourself at home. The banquet begins in three hours. Feel free to explore the grounds, have a drink, mingle..." He waved his hand dismissively. "Whatever it is you new acolytes get up to. I will send my attendants for you soon. Unless you have any questions?"

He snapped his fingers and furrowed his brow, remembering something. "Ah, of course. The entire grounds is yours to peruse, so do get settled in." His smile left his face, turning stern momentarily. "My only caveat is this: The eleventh floor is off limits. No exceptions."

His smile returned as he waited to hear out the acolytes.



Sith Order
Sith Master

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Sep 8, 2023
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Karys had turned his gaze from the strange little Sith when another young Sith spoke. She seemed to be talking to herself but she asked what the rune said. Karys cocked his head, interested.

"I can read it, if you'd like." He told her, extending his hand as an offer. "Ur-kittat is my first language." He explained. (@lizziie)

His baritone voice didn't hold any warmth nor malice in it. Instead, he maintained a sense of neutrality in his voice as he spoke to the other Acolytes. Normally, he would have been a little more friendly but he had a feeling whatever was going to happen, it wasn't going to be pretty. Attachments wouldn't be a strength, they'd be a weakness. If he was given the rune, Karys would read what written on it.

Then when the pair of young women began talking about the feeling of mud between one's toes and selling feet pics on the holo-net, he grimaced. Disgusting. His eyes averted around same time that the strange Sith began squelching her toes in the mud and spinning in circles.

Wonderful, they are all insane.

Then the voice behind the door boomed, allowing them entry.

The Togruta that appeared through the fog was not what he was expecting. Nor was the interior of the building. Karys silently blinked in disbelief as he looked around the massive entry chamber. It was colorful, it was noisy, it was not at all what he was expecting. Who would build this in the middle of the swamp? Karys could feel the beginnings of a headache forming in his temples.

What was this nonsense?

As their host ushered them in, Karys was careful to avoid stepping on the shag rug with his muddy boots. His need for neatness and cleanliness wouldn't allow him to dirty something that would take ages to clean. His eyes flickered uneasily around his surroundings. It was very clear that he was uncomfortable.

"Are there rooms where we can rest?" He asked the Togruta. "And are you Lord Lorham?"


Sith Order

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Sep 16, 2023
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S’kenji couldn’t think what was more unnerving in this situation, the swamp filled with nasty things or the people that were around him. With the exception of Vossari and Karys, the two girls seemed to have something not going well inside their heads. The Arkanian not only was a cannibal, but also a total lunatic. She was walking barefooted in a swamp! Then wanting to sell pics of it in the holonet. The Fiani doubted that after this walk through a mud full of parasites, something would remain from her feet to be photographed.

Ahriman didn’t look like a total lunatic like Raish, but the way that she talked while looking at empty spaces made S’kenji concerned. Was she going to have a mental breakdown? At least they had Karys to carry her back if it happened, because the Fiani wasn’t going to do it.

However, what all his fellow Acolytes had in common was the fact that they were dressed inappropriately for a banquet. The Fiani felt ashamed for being seen near them. They were going to the banquet of a Lord, not to a rave in Zeltros. Although Raish's clothes were good enough in his opinion, but S’kenji already believed that she was a total lunatic, with her choosing this outfit only as an accident.

When the door of the tower was open revealing the Togruta, S’kenji felt the urge to tear his eyes out of the sockets. The creature in front of him was a total attack on fashion. His fur robe didn’t match his skin tone, making him look even paler than he already was. And really, who uses fur robes these days? Only Trandoshans, but they have the same knowledge of fashion that Raish had of her surroundings.

The Fiani barely paid attention to what the Togruta was saying, trying to not be killed by the vision of the fashion abomination in front of him. The only thing that he understood was that the eleventh floor was off limits. When Karys made his questions to the assassin of fashion, S’kenji mind returned from the shock of facing the bad dressed man. “Yes, a room to rest would be good.” and it would be a perfect opportunity for him to do damage control in his kimono and shoes.

@Fine Dining Set @lizziie @Logan @Apollyon


Sith Order

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Oct 6, 2023
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"The runes have been weathered quite a bit," Ahriman stated matter-of-factly as she reached into her pocket to procure the runes for Karys to read. Her assumption was that since the man was a sith pureblood, perhaps he could recognize meaning where Daeva had failed to do so. The moment her fingers brushed the stones though, Daeva's voice cut through to interrupt.

"Don't trust him," he demanded in her ear. A flash of white caught her eye, she blinked, and the wolf was standing next to the pureblood, his lips pulled back in a permanent snarl. "Look at him. A pureblood. What does that remind you of, Ahriman?"

She bristled at those words, her ears twitching despite the lack of reaction on her face. But, despite his best efforts, it was not enough to convince her. Ahriman barely paused long enough to indicate that any of that internal exchange had occurred, and she removed her hand to present the two runes to Karys with an open palm. "Do you see what I mean?" she asked after she was sure he'd inspected them enough to understand what she meant. Still, perhaps he would see something Daeva had not.

After Karys responded and returned the runes, whatever his response would be, Ahriman would pocket the runes again just before the doors swung open and just before Daeva added one more remark. "You can't trust anyone who thinks themselves better than you based on blood alone," he growled, pushing ahead to enter the building and leaving Ahriman behind. He disappeared upon reaching the threshold of the building, but his voice remained ever-present in her left ear. "What's the difference between a Pureblood Sith and a Sephi?"

Ahriman's eyebrows furrowed, wrinkling the skin in between as she pondered it for just a moment. But it wasn't for long, and that expression was quickly washed away under the warm, multicolored lights of the foyer the group had entered into. Those furrowed brows raised instead, the second most expressive she'd been so far. Like the others, she could hardly believe that such a place like this existed in the midst of all the muck and mist about.

Since questions were already being asked, Ahriman didn't bother to repeat any. A room would be nice so she could strip out of her muddy clothes and into the dress she was wearing underneath her sweats, though it'd be just fine to slip into a bathroom stall. A drink could be nice, and she could certainly do with a bite to eat...

"I don't trust this man," Daeva announced. "You don't trust anyone," Ahriman said back just before she looked over at Vossari.

"I'm sure the food and drink here still beat the academy's by a mile," she said as she gestured subtly over to the minifridges further in.

intrusives: 18/20, 13/20
ooc: daeva isn't really there and is only seen by ahri so any descriptions of him are purely from her pov <3

@Logan @Fine Dining Set @Apollyon @LouJoVi

Vossari Khaldun

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Sep 26, 2023
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Vossari's jaw dropped at the interior of the building. "No kriffing way, dude. This place is sick." Vossari floated instantly into the hot tub, flopping off their hoodie. Long, colorful tattoos merged with marred scars, producing a tattered tapestry on their back. They sunk deep into the water, stretching out a hand to float a beer into their hand. "No real questions. We've got a few hours to just chill and explore?" Finally, someone was recognizing them for their talents.

This could be nice. He listened as the other acolytes droned on about boring shit or weird shit, hoping to tune them all out just to celebrate themself. By the time Ahriman was done talking to herself, Vossari had closed his eyes in the warm, hearty tub of bubbling water. From a distance, now, they addressed her. "We're off to a good start, I'll say that much." This tower was pretty cool, but they really wanted to see the rest of it after a healing soak. They blinked their eyes open. "Are y'all really gonna nap right now? You don't wanna check out this sick spire before the banquet? Should've napped on the shuttle like I did."

They snapped their fingers at the togruta. "Actually, now that I think about it, can I get a cup of caf? I'll just have the beer later." They looked at their hoodie, crumpled on the floor. "And a towel, please?"
They crooked their head towards Raish. "I think she needs one, too."

With that, they sunk deeper into their soak, blowing bubbles into the bubbly tub. They noticed it tasted like champagne and berries. This tower was delightful.



Sith Order

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Oct 6, 2023
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Raish entered the building with everyone else and was absolutely floored by what they saw. Based on the outside and the grossness of the swamp, it was no where close to what she was expecting. When the guy said the banquet wasn't going to start for hours she was a little dejected.. until the she saw the hot tubs.

She smiled at Vossari as he requested a towel for her and she would wait a few moments for someone to arrive with one and would then quickly clean the mud off her feet. Considering things for a moment, Raish eventually would shrug and peel off her clothes and enter the hot tub with what she hoped would be her new friend.

She hadn't brought a swimsuit or anything, so hopefully her being naked was an acceptable form of attire to sink into the hot bubbling water. It was extremely comforting on her skin, a feeling that Raish was not familiar with in the slightest but absolutely loved.

Dunking her head beneath the water for a moment, she would come back up with a fang-toothed smile, her hair hanging in wild strands framing her face.

What's caf? She asked him before mimicking his bubble blowing. Was that something everyone did in hut tubs? Raish had no idea but didn't want to seem like a weirdo. Do you think I would like it? I wonder if they could get us some snacks before the banquet. Three hours seems like forever!

All things considered, the entire situation should have been setting alarm bells off for Raish. Everything just seemed so.. perfect, so too good to be true. But at the current moment she was completely enamored with the amenities so she decided to ignore any red flags that might have been waving in her face.

What do you think is on the eleventh floor? Do you think that's where the food is?? I wonder if we could sneak up there.. She said, trailing off and sinking back beneath the water before coming back up and spouting water out of her mouth like a fountain.

Man, she fucking loved hot tubs.

@lizziie @Apollyon @Fine Dining Set @LouJoVi

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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Raish's intuition was right. There was something strange about this building. The layout felt so out of place for their environment, so modern in an antique environment, that the acolytes couldn't help but feel out of place. Even if they liked hot tubs. Even if they hated clubs. There was something strange here. Small, shrouded attendants scurried in and out of the room to meet the guests' requests as they asked for them. Hot towels and steaming, black cups of caf came almost instantly. They stood no higher that four feet tall, and wore long, black hooded cloaks that would be better fitting for the Sith.

The Togruta laughed at the question - if he was Lord Lorham. "Me? Oh, by the Shepherd, no! The Lord Lorham will meet you at the banquet." His smile never once wavered. "Quarters for lodging will be on the second floor."

He gestured to the stony, spiral staircase. Reaching the staircase would reveal a long, tall cobblestone swirling path that led from the floor to the impossible heights of the tower.

A short walk up would reveal the living quarters. The rooms were sterile, yet comfortable - plain, white beds and a comfortable-looking shower, in a hallway full of double-bedded suites.
The beds were large and soft, covered in pillows and blankets.

The next few hours were theirs, to do as they wished.



Sith Order

Character Profile
Sep 16, 2023
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Now that S’kenji got used with the fashion atrocity that was in front, he was able to have a better look at their surroundings. In his opinion, nothing here made sense. He had so many questions that needed answers. Why was an old tower filled with hot tubes and party music? Why would someone make their private club in the middle of a mortal swamp? Who were these small servants? Here they Jawas doing a summer job away from Tatooine? Where was Lord Lorham? Does he dress well?

However, the most important question was: how could someone still wear fur robes? It was totally unfashionable. And white against white skin made the Togruta look as if he was naked! And furred! It was totally bizarre!

The Fiani returned his attention to the moment, he was still in a very strange tower. It wasn’t the moment for him to make a mental essay about how the use of furs was outdated and the colors not matching. "Thank you, Mr...What is your name?" he asked, wanting to know the name of someone that could commit such atrocity against fashion and have no remorse for it.

With the confirmation that they would have rooms, the Acolyte would go to the second floor . However, he would wait for someone else to go with him. He didn’t want to be alone in this place. While he went to his room, S’kenji would grab one of the hot towels that the smalle servants were offering. He was suspicious of what they could be. The Fiani would be even more suspicious with the fact that his room looked like something that came out from a hospital rather than the guest rooms of the house of a Lord.

With his towel at hand, the Fiani would soak it with water in the bathroom and immediately start to use it to remove the mud from his shoes. Then he would pull from his pocket a small portable sewing kit, immediately using it to repair the hem of his kimono. Some of it ended up clinging to tree branches.

When he looked at the white bed, the Acolyte felt the urge of sewing something colorful on it.

@Fine Dining Set @lizziie @Apollyon @Apollyon


Vossari Khaldun

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Sep 26, 2023
Reaction score
This chick was a freak. You could deal with the good kind, but they still weren't sure if she was the good kind. As a wrean, Vossari was not uncomfortable in their bare skin - they registered it was strange for someone else to hop in, but they supposed they had done something similar. Still, despite her oddities, she had the exact same thing in mind: Exploring the 11th floor. He pushed all his red flags about her and this weird tower to the side.

The little guys in cloaks appeared, handing him a towel and a cup of caf. "You haven't even heard of caf? Were you raised in a barn?" Their brown eyes leered into Raish's, as they cocked their head with curiosity. As the togruta and the attendants began to leave the room, Vossari slid next to Raish to whisper. You never could be sure who was listening. "You wanna sneak up to floor 11? Let's do it. Bet there's some weird shit there." Maybe some stuff they could take with them, or some incriminating evidence about Lord Lorham that they could use against him. It was fun to break the rules!

After they finished their caf, they would throw a towel on, and tossed one to Raish. "I bet the whole staff here are prepping for this party. The eleventh floor probably won't even be guarded." It was a foolproof plan. Feeling rejuvenated by caffeine and warm water, they put their clothes back on, and began to slink towards the staircase.

Towards the 11th Floor.
