Galaar Rau's Beskar'gam

Gian Greydragon

The Great Blackholio
SWRP Writer
May 8, 2016
Reaction score

Galaar's Beskar'gam

After being promoted to Supercommando, Galaar melted down his old armor and reforged it into a medium set of Beskar'gam, reforging a portion of the Beskar into Wrist blades to be worn on his right forearm. Galaar kept the Thermal under-suit from his original set of armor, adding a jetpack to the back panel, after saving the credits for it.


Completely legal in Mandalorian space.


This is simply to flesh out the armor that Galaar now possesses after gaining the rank of Supercommando.


Yes. This armor possesses Advanced Technology (Jetpack)

Type and Coverage

Type: Medium

Coverage: (Coverage regions for Light armor is 1-3 regions, Medium is 4-5, Heavy is 6-7)
    • Head: A full coverage duraplast helmet with transparisteel t-visor
    • Torso: Segmented beskar-alloy plating over bantha hide undersuit covering most of torso
    • Back: Solid beskar-alloy plating over bantha hide undersuit, covering upper back
    • Upper Arms: Duraplast pauldrons and elbow protectors
    • Lower Legs: Armored Boots with duraplast shin plating and knee pads


Function 1: Jetpack (Earned here)
    • Jet packs are back mounted units used by elite troops increase their mobility on the battlefield. The jet pack's maximum speed is 50 kph and carries fuel for up to five minutes of continuous flight (flight mode), but can also be fired in short bursts triggered by jumping (combat mode). The wearer can control the system to switch between modes and/or disengage it from their armor via wrist controls. These packs are cumbersome, adding an additional 8kg for the average human (larger individuals will have heavier jet packs to support their weight). While the fuel is stable enough not to explode, direct hits from weapons can trigger the system inadvertently, after which it is rendered useless.
Function 2: Thermal Undersuit
    • Thermal undersuits wick away or reflect thermal energy for brief periods of time. They are not nearly as effective as a suit that firefighters would wear. Most commonly used to protect soldiers from short blasts from flamethrower weapons or brief exposure to extreme heat, and are only good for 1-2 posts of exposure depending on intensity. They are useless against blasters.
Function 3: Scout HUD
    • Scout HUD - Contains a 4x magnifier and Compass.
Function 4: Wrist Blades
    • The big, mean cousin of the standard concealed blade, these twin, 25-30 centimeter, cortosis-alloy gauntlet blades are designed for combat. They are durable enough to take the shock of an impact and their jagged design is perfect for causing damage to soft targets. The blades are so large, however, that they can no longer be concealed, being clearly visible even when collapsed into the gauntlet for storage. (Single Meter-length blade)