Open Social Etti Galactic Economic Forum


Blackwell Tech CEO

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The Good Doctor
Oct 11, 2020
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Etti IV
This years Galactic Economic Forum summit would be held in the Corporate Sector capital world of Etti IV. Anyone who is anyone in the galaxy was invited to this event; from politicians of many stripes, military officers, business leaders, economists. Socialites too. Galactic leaders would be there, other very influential people would be there as well. The GEF meeting is also high profile so journalists are expected to be there covering the event as well. The gala for today would have a formal dress code. It was a social event, speeches would be another day.

As it is a high profile event and this being in the Corporate Sector, there is a heavy CorpSec Security presence.

Newton Arden would be there, having arrived not too long ago. The Blackwell & Switter CEO would have his astromech droid M7 accompanying him as he usually does. The corporate executive did arrive early so people were still coming in. The atmosphere in the area was very fancy and classy. Newton can see.

Theres drinks over there, Newton would go over there, with his droid in tow. He would then receive some Ardees Beverage. Now with a drink in hand, Newton would see if there is any one here who he would recognize or if there was someone worth conversing too.

Darth Arcanos

Sith Order
Dark Lord of The Sith

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May 22, 2023
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Now that he was King, he wasn’t afraid to make more appearances. Between the space station with a death stick operation gifted to him by Nor’baal and all his accomplishments on Korriban and elsewhere, he had enough standing to start making appearances. The Corporate Sector did not discriminate between factions - only your credits or crowns mattered here and you could get away with murder.

Even then, Azar would behave tonight. He arrived dressed in form-fitting attire, a nose ring in left nostril and various earrings lining his ears. His nails were perfectly manicured and he smelled of expensive cologne, his hair neatly styled.

Azar arrived at the gala, grabbing himself a drink off a passing tray. He did his usual brush of the Force to detect any poisons before taking a sip. He spotted the infamous CEO of Blackwell, strutting over the greet the man.

“Mr. Newton Arden?” He asked politely, extending a hand to shake his, “What an honor to meet you,” Azar said with a smile, “I am Azar Kressh, King of Korriban,” He said. Normally he would have an attendant announcing his titles, but the Corporate Sector operated differently. Everyone represented themselves out here.

@The Good Doctor

Dusty Daytonus

King of Ploo Sector

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Fantasy Liver
Jul 12, 2021
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King Daytonus was quite enjoying the life of a warlord. He has successfully conquered the entirety of the Ploo system and had appointed himself king and was now going for the rest of the Plooroid sector too. A couple of hulking Sterebs, from the newly conquered world of Serroco, served as a symbol of Dusty's rising power since they were decked out in finery and served as the Glymphid king's bodyguard.

They weren't the only ones accompanying King Dusty either. A Glymphid and Fluggrian dressed in green flight suits, had served as Dusty's yacht fighter escorts and followed behind the Sterebs, along with a sparkling protocol droid, a bartender droid, Dusty's favorite masseuse, and even a Rodian fire eater. It was an entourage purposefuly intended to be gaudy and over-the-top, exactly the way Dusty liked it.

"Let's hope the refreshments are a bit better this year. I swear to god if it's fleek eel soup again, I'm invading Orto and getting myself a real Ortolan chef." Dusty murmured to his retinue.

Voren Dhur

Hyperlane Herald Editor

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Jul 1, 2021
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The sleek transport ship touched down on the bustling spaceport of Etti IV, and Voren Dhur emerged into the chaotic symphony of starships coming and going. The air was thick with the scent of various alien species, the murmur of a hundred conversations, and the subtle hum of commerce that hung over the spaceport like a perpetual cloud.

He wasted little time in getting himself away from the spaceport and to his destination. Afterall there was work to be done, and the board would be displeased if he had come all this way just to get trashed in the local cantina.


No! he shook his head, tearing his eyes away from the cantina sign, and hopping into a cab, to make rapid progress to the forum.

Dressed in a mismatched ensemble of worn-out boots, a wrinkled jacket, and a hat that seemed to defy gravity, Voren looked like a sore thumb amid the sea of well-dressed delegates. He adjusted his holo-recorder slung across his chest, its lens gleaming with anticipation.

"This is where the credits roll, my dear readers," he muttered to himself, marching through and into the forum with the swagger of someone who belonged in the shadows rather than the spotlight.

The Galactic Economic Forum beckoned in the distance, the centres towering spires and glittering advertisements promising a symposium of financial insights and a good dose of political intrigue. Voren navigated the gaggle of business and political elites with a mix of determination and amusement, observing the elaborate displays and holographic projections that dotted the path.

The Forum itself was a dazzling spectacle of wealth and influence, with diplomats, traders, and corporate moguls mingling in a dance of power. Voren's sharp eyes darted from one gathering to another, seeking the juiciest stories amid the polished façade of economic cooperation.

"I'm here for the credits, the chaos, and the candid confessions of corruption," Voren mumbled, sidestepping a droid carrying trays of exotic refreshments. His mission was clear – to infiltrate the heart of the economic elite, armed with nothing but his sharp tongue and a keen nose for scandal.

As he approached the entrance, Voren couldn't help but smile. The Galactic Economic Forum was a treasure trove of potential headlines, and he was ready to expose the underbelly of financial wizardry and political posturing. With a final adjustment of his hat and a twirl of his holo-recorder, Voren Dhur swaggered into the grandiose venue, ready to turn the galaxy's economic affairs into the next gripping saga for the Hyperlane Herald.

Amid the glittering attendees, Voren's eyes caught a glimpse of the imposing figure of the King of Korriban. Standing head and shoulders above most, the monarch's influence seemed to billow around him, creating an aura of regal authority. Voren's keen journalistic instincts kicked in, and he zeroed in on the scene like a mynock to a power conduit.

Spotting the King of Korriban engaged in conversation with the CEO of Blackwell, a notorious corporate titan, Voren's grin widened beneath the brim of his hat. This, he knew, was the nexus of power and intrigue he had been hoping for. The air practically crackled with the potential for scandal, secrets, and perhaps a dash of intergalactic drama.

With the skill of a seasoned infiltrator, Voren began to navigate over, making his way toward the powerful duo. His casual saunter belied the intensity of his focus as he observed their animated discussion from a distance. The King of Korriban's deep, resonant voice clashed with the CEO of Blackwell's polished demeanour, creating a captivating dynamic that promised more than just economic banter.

As he closed the gap, Voren discreetly activated his holo-recorder, ensuring it captured every nuance of the conversation. He marvelled at the contrast between the ancient majesty of the imperious ruler and the modern, cutthroat business acumen of the Blackwell CEO. It was a collision of worlds, and Voren Dhur was determined to be the scribe chronicling the aftermath.

Finally arriving within earshot, Voren raised a hand in a casual salute. "Gentlemen, pardon the intrusion. Voren Dhur, Hyperlane Herald. Mind if I join this enthralling discussion, or am I about to witness the birth of the next headline?" His sarcastic grin and sharp eyes hinted at a readiness to unravel the secrets lurking beneath the surface.

M.D. Blec Croncu

Famous Neurosurgeon

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Sep 30, 2023
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M.D. Blec Croncu received an invitation as well. He wasn't usually one to go out for drinks, but the prospect was too intriguing to decline. Perhaps it presented an opportunity to network with other businesses? Who could say for certain...


Dressed in an elegant suit, M.D. Blec Croncu arrived at the party. He was pleasantly surprised to see the large turnout, although it took him a while to spot a familiar face.

Eventually, he found Newton, with whom he had collaborated on production design some time ago. He appreciated Newton's business acumen and sense of fairness.
Blec's gaze then fell upon King Daytonus. He was ambivalent about him — not particularly inclined to like or dislike, as he was not in Ploo to pass judgment.
An other person caught his attention next, his attire striking and his status apparently that of royalty. 'Interesting,' Blec mused upon hearing his introduction.
Then there was the journalist. Blec couldn't help but think, 'Hmm, this sounds like the start of a joke... two kings, a CEO, a doctor, and a journalist meet at a party.'

After a sarcastic quip from the journalist, Blec joined their discussion circle.

'For those who don't know me, I'm Blec Croncu, a neurosurgeon. I've assisted Newton's company, Synthetic Horizons, in developing several cybernetics,' he interjected, offering his hand to Newton for a firm handshake. 'Hey, how have you been? It's been a while.'

Turning to King Daytonus, he greeted, 'Your Highness, it's nice to see you again,' with a respectful nod.

To Azar Kreesh, he said, 'Your Highness, it's a pleasure to meet you,' also with a courteous bow.

Finally, addressing Mr. Dhur, Blec remarked, 'Hello, it's nice to meet you too,' eagerly awaiting the continuation of their conversation.
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Jayna Thorne


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Nov 29, 2022
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For months, Jayna had buried herself in ambition - ingratiating herself with the Tetan Mining Guilds. The disappearance of Leon and the rift that existed between herself and the rest of the Thorne family had wounded her deeply, and driven the former Heiress to withdraw from those around her. Nevertheless, she wasn’t afraid to make appearances. The economic forum was scheduled to attract some of the most important faces in the Galaxy, and left her loathe to be absent.

The sleek transport slowly came to a halt before the venue - revealing the quarter-Sephi seated within. Jayna was dressed in a slender
black evening gown, coupled with a clutch in her right hand. Her ears were adorned in simple drop earrings and a thin chain around her throat. Elegant, albeit less expensive choice in accessory.

As she entered the gala, Jayna swiped a glass of champagne off a passing tray - cradling the thin vessel between her fingers. Her silvery eyes swept across the floor, eventually settling upon the cluster of men who’d already arrived. Most of them were faces she recognized at once, not least of all due to Newton’s extensive business dealings with her family.

But it was Azar that captured her attention the longest.

The Heiress wasn’t going to forget the face of the man who’d stolen her jewels and left her stranded - even if the years had passed between them. At once, her mind was transported to that moment, though she didn’t dwell upon the past for more than a moment.

Stepping across the floor, Jayna offered the trio a practiced smile. “Gentlemen,” She began politely, extending a hand to each. “Jayna Thorne. What a pleasure.”

Her silvery gaze flicked over to Azar, the smile lingering on her expression. “And how good to see you again, Your Majesty,” She said smoothly. While Jaikus or her twin were more liable to hold a grudge, there wasn’t a hint of malice within the former Heiress’ tone.

@Sreeya @The Good Doctor @Nor'baal @JoeWing


Blackwell Tech CEO

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The Good Doctor
Oct 11, 2020
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Newton was in an awfully good mood in the past few days. Even M7 noticed it in him. His business dealings very recently bore fruit and Newton's fortune continues to be in ascendency. It's unlike him. The CEO was not the one known for emotions, but today he was reveling.

The executive slash engineer saw familiar faces already in the short time he's been here. To tally so far: There is at least two Kings, at least one Thorne, one well renown journalist, business partners who he has worked with very recently. The economic forum is truly a place for the elite of the galaxy.

"It's an honor to meet you as well, your majesty." Newton smile, he would shake the hand of the king, with one of his two cybernetic hands. "Welcome to the Corporate Sector. Enjoying your visit so far?" he asked the Red Sith (@Azar Kressh). Newton knows of Korriban. Ancient Sith homeworld. The Corporate Sector doesn't have preconceived notions about Sith, they are welcome to spend their money in this corner of space just like anyone else.

And next to the renown editor @Voren Dhur who the Blackwell/Switter CEO recognizes. . "You write the news, you tell us." Newton joked and chuckled in a lighthearted manner. "You can join in. Welcome" he assured the journalist, and then taking a swig of his drink.

Next up would be @M.D. Blec Croncu. Newton would take the good doctor on his handshake. "Doing splendid. You?" he said. "Welcome to the party. How is your business doing now?".

Lastly the one and only @Jayna Thorne . Newton knows the Throne family very well, always a pleasure to encounter any of them. Good people to do business with and lots of money and know-how. "A pleasure to have you here, Miss Jayna" he smiled as he would shake her hand as well. Jayna seems to have encountered the King of Korriban before. Intriguing.

@Sreeya @Nor'baal @JoeWing @Altaris


Darth Arcanos

Sith Order
Dark Lord of The Sith

Character Profile
May 22, 2023
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Azar smiled at the CEO, “I miss the searing heat of the Korribani sun often, but it is suitable here, I suppose,” He said, “I must congratulate you on your recent acquisition of such a social media titan,” Azar said as he sipped from his drink, “Hopefully you will keep it free for users,” He added with a playful wink. (@The Good Doctor )

Azar glanced over when Voren Dhur stepped forth to join them. He had read the man’s articles and knew he commanded quite a bit of influence.

“Good evening, Mr. Dhur,” He said politely, “I would be curious about your opinions on where you believe Imperial Czerka is headed after the attacks on its HQ and the CEO,” He took another sip, “Ghastly business,” Azar added as if he wasn’t the one that orchestrated it in the first place. (@Nor'baal )

Azar nodded at the new figure that came to join them - a doctor. Of course, Azar had no idea that this man had operated on the Dark Lord. In fact, Azar still had no idea where Tempest was. She was often away, but this lack of communication was getting suspicious, “Cybernetics, eh? I don’t suppose you dabble in cosmetic surgeries. I wouldn’t mind a nose job,” Azar mused. He was always iffy about his nose and he had credits to throw around to get the perfect one now. (@JoeWing )

When Jayna Thorne strutted over, it took a lot of willpower to keep his cool. Azar was transported back to six years ago when he was still new to the galaxy. He was no more than a thief on the street that robbed her of her earring and left her to get caught by her would-be kidnappers. It was a wonder she recognized him at all.

Azar gave her a smile as he grasped her hand and leaned down the kiss the back of it, “Pleasure is mine, Miss Thorne,” He said breezily, his yellow eyes fixing on silvers, “I love your earrings,” Azar commented with a faint smile. (@Altaris )

Voren Dhur

Hyperlane Herald Editor

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Jul 1, 2021
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Voren stared at the Blackwell CEO.

He was expecting the man to start hissing and shedding or something. That's what CEOs did, right?

Moving on from his invasive thoughts about the Corporate elite, he zoned in on the question put to him by the monarch, who was substantially smaller up close.

A mini-monarch.

A monarch-ling.

"Small talk is a dead art." Voren retorted flatly, his usual brash manner remaining unchanged despite the formality of his surroundings.

I need a drink.

Imperial Czerka. That was a name that had not graced his pages in a while. The feeds had been chock full of news about its myriad troubles. Yet he'd not seen the need to front the story - after all, most of what went out on the Empire was just muted in their space anyway, and the only stuff of interest outside the Empire was usually about what they had done wrong.

Like slaughtering a few million apes.

From what he had seen on the feed, the Imperial company needed to improve. Many of its funding shortfalls had been plugged in many cases by benefactors he could not identify - he assumed it was Hutts - and that had the stink of trouble.

But then again, the Empire usually did.

"Down the pan," he shrugged "...would be my guess. You don't take a hit like that, then see your bosses open the doors the slugs down south, without things going sour, fast." Voren added.

He reached for a stim and lit it, offering the pack to the business and political elites.

"You reckon the Imperials would approve you as an investor in Impi Czerk?" he snipped at Newton. The ISB needed to vet investors into Imperial firms these days, he wondered if the Corporate Sector Tycoon had plans to grow his portfolio a little further.

"Would be fair to say the Empire stands at a crossroads, no?" he chucked the question out more widely.

M.D. Blec Croncu

Famous Neurosurgeon

Character Profile
Sep 30, 2023
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"Nice to meet you too. Tell me, your name does ring a bell. What career do you pursue?" Blec inquired, offering a confident handshake to @Jayna Thorne. He recognized the name but couldn't place it. Traveling the world, he encountered new names daily. He had also met many VIPs during his travels. The one thing he was certain of was that she had never been a patient of his.

With a grin, he nodded at @Newton and said, "I'm doing fine, really fine." Anticipating Newton's question about his business, he answered, "As you mentioned earlier... splendid." He chuckled lightly and continued, "I've really got my hands full. The larger ship I bought has significantly expanded my operations. Sadly, I had to part with 'The Synapse', but this allowed me to acquire a smaller vessel for rapid response. Previously, my capacity was around 11 patients; now, it's at 25. But enough of my medical chit chat, how's your business doing?"

Being ignored by @Voren Dhur seemed to be a blessing for Blec. No questions meant no unnecessary attention, which he already had plenty of. He respected those in this line of work. It took courage to ask uncomfortable questions, and even more to publish them. He imagined they might face dangers.

Listening to @Darth Arcanos's, he couldn't help but smile and responded, "Well, your highness, to be honest, I'm not trained in cosmetic surgeries, but one of my surgical droids could assist you, if you'd like. From my perspective, though, it seems you have a good-looking nose."

@The Good Doctor @Sreeya @Altaris @Nor'baal

Jayna Thorne


Character Profile
Nov 29, 2022
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Jayna couldn’t help but arch a brow ever-so-slightly, taking a moment to regard the Doctor and the question that he posed for her. Though the smile lingered pleasantly against her expression, the former Heiress had to wonder how the man had traversed the Galaxy without being bombarded with mentions of her family. In the end, she merely shrugged her shoulders playfully. “I’m sure you’ve seen a headline or two,” She said smoothly, opting not to elaborate further. “Politics, of course.” She said in response to his second question. As the doctor elaborated on his own business, Jayna lifted her glass slightly. “I wish you continued success, Doctor.”

Her silvery gaze flicked between Voren and Newton - listening at the Imperial Czerka discourse. The thought of Newton investing in the state-owned corporation was something that the former Heiress, in truth, highly doubted. She of all people knew how closely Blackwell and the Consortium worked, and the thought of Newton having sway over Imperial affairs was sure to make every Moff shaking in their boots.

“I wager there will be a great many investors seeking to take advantage of the situation,” She said simply, swirling her glass ever-so-slightly. "Whether the Grand Marshall continues to support the venture is where I would be concerned." The Drast Dynasty had gone above-and-beyond to prop up the state-owned corporation. Whether it was able to survive or flounder was equally dependent upon continued support from the Throne.

Jayna allowed her gaze to settle back onto the golden eyes of the King of Korriban, lingering there for a while. She didn’t miss his little quip about her earrings nor its deeper meaning. Her lips curled towards a sparkling grin, head tilting the faintest bit. “You are too kind,” She said smoothly. “I am sure there are a few pieces in my collection you could appreciate.” The former Heiress said without missing a beat. It was a reference only he would understand, naturally.

“Would you do me the honor of a dance?” Jayna turned, her hand extended outward as an offer to clasp his own. “Lest we linger and contribute to Mr. Dhur’s next scathing headline.”


Blackwell Tech CEO

Character Profile
The Good Doctor
Oct 11, 2020
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Newton would ponder thought of investing in Imperial Czerka. It was official during the reign of Emperor Drast, that only Imperial subjects would be able to do that. In the chaos that came in his death and the Czerka-spin off going downhill after the destruction of it's HQ, it would be opportune to somehow capitalize on this somehow before they really. Perhaps he can find a proxy to do that.

"Thank you, pleasure is all mine" he said replying to King Kressh (@Sreeya) while smiling. "Yes, Switter will remain a forum where people from across the galaxy that can post freely on" he said. Although Newton was known more for his involvement in the technology and corporate side of things, and didn't involve himself in politics, the dual CEO did have his own political views, that every day people should be able to say whatever he wants with no censorship.

"I doubt it" Newton responded, snipping back to the editors (@Nor'baal) question. It would be in the Empire's best interest to stop such a thing from happening. "The Empire is at a crossroads alright." he said with a slight chuckle and smirk. And then after hearing the Thorne heiress' (@Altaris) remark, he would nod. She is correct. Personally, he expected the Grand Marshall to continue to support Imperial Czerka. "Emperor Drast put a lot of time, effort, and resources into it. I think the current regime will try to continue that, even if on a much tighter leash." he didn't see Imperial Czerka going away as a thing, at least not completely.

Overall Grand Marshall has a lot of cleaning up to do. How will the he address the Cantonica Concordat? And the issues that has caused to the Empire? Remains to be seen. Altair has his work cut out for him to say the least.

Still though, Newton would look into ways to capitalize on it himself, and somehow get his side in. Newton would have another go at his drink.

Now to the good doctor (@JoeWing) "I'm glad that your business is being improved." he said. "As for me, business is thriving, Blackwell continues to deliver great results. And Switter, I've started working in the company and now currently getting feel of how things are done." Even as the CEO, he went through those 'training videos' Ugh. "After that, I will work with the other executives to make changes to improve upon the current model. " Newton naturally exceled at the product-oriented business in Blackwell. But for Switter, it's a communications company so it is a bit different. A big flaw with Switter as it is, is that it relies on advertises to generate money to keep itself afloat. Newton wants to introduce things that can users can pay for and get more credits out of it.

He would then ask the doctor another question. "What do you think you go next, business wise?"

Newton would take a seat into an empty table close to the group, and he would have another sip of his drink. His droid would remain at his side of course. Newton is interested in seeing Jayna and Azar dance.

Darth Arcanos

Sith Order
Dark Lord of The Sith

Character Profile
May 22, 2023
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If Imperial Czerka was considered ‘small talk’, Azar was thrilled. He had his sights on that corporation for some time and the journalist’s apathy towards it meant it was off the galactic radar for now. He made that mental note before he turned his attention to the doctor (@JoeWing )that responded. The compliment on his nose drew out a genuine smile, “Oh, you flatter me, Dr. Croncu,” He said with a breezy laugh, “I will be sure to request your services should I ever need them,” Azar added, his golden gaze lingering briefly before they turned to Jayna Thorne.

The heiress’s response to his quip drew out another smile. He was thrilled she was mature enough to at least pretend to be over the past. Azar grasped her hand, “On the contrary, Miss Thorne,” He said with a grin, “I’d rather give them something to print.”

With that, he strutted onto the dance floor and guided her with him. He turned to face her as a song began to play. He may have been shorter than her, but he commanded a presence that blurred that little detail. With a smile, he began to guide her through the dance floor with practiced, expert steps. As a royal, he was versed in many formal dances and he knew she was as well.

Azar circled around the floor, his hand slipping down to her waist during a pivot. He let her twirl and spin, releasing her before tugging her back towards himself. He slid his leg in between hers, sweeping her into a barrida and a sudden change of motion. Azar practically floated through the dance floor, moving effortlessly as if Jayna was nothing more than an extension of himself.

At a certain point he lowered her into a dip, maneuvering the taller woman around as if she was a dainty little thing. Azar glanced down at her, giving her a half grin as he looked into those brilliant, silver eyes, before he tugged her back up to keep their dance going.


M.D. Blec Croncu

Famous Neurosurgeon

Character Profile
Sep 30, 2023
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Blec nodded as Ms. Thorne stated her occupation in vague terms. Curious, he pulled out his EZPhone to look up who she was, discovering she was the daughter of Emry Thorne. While not particularly interested in politics, he acknowledged the influence and respect her name evidently carried. His grin was genuine as she wished him well. @Jayna Thorne

The promise of medical service to someone of royal blood was always intriguing, albeit not without its risks. Such clients could enhance or tarnish a reputation. But Blec wasn't concerned; his record with complex cases was impeccable, and all his patients had been satisfied thus far. @Darth Arcanos

He felt genuinely happy for Newton and the growth of his company, recognizing its potential benefits for the galaxy. When asked about his own future business plans, Blec hesitated, admitting, "To be honest, I have some ideas, but I'm not sure if they're suitable for the market" Settling into a seat next to Newton, he ordered a glass of water and watched as Ms. Thorne and Azar Kreesh gracefully twirled on the dance floor, reminiscent of swans gliding across a lake. @Newton @Jayna Thorne @Darth Arcanos

@Sreeya @Altaris @The Good Doctor
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Vossari Kressh

Sith Order
Sith Master

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Fine Dining Set
Sep 26, 2023
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The glitz, the glamor, the excitement of a senatorial party. It was a level of class a street urchin like Vossari Khaldun was completely unused to. He was a fish out of water, but still he would flourish. There were a number of reasons for Vossari to be here - aide and partner to the King of Korriban being chief of them, but he carried his own credentials as a 'researcher' from the Umbaran academy and an investor into Saleucami and the Subtorrel Mining Company that slowly, but surely, brought him around seedy politicos.

This event was his first foray into the deep end, though. But he couldn't say he wasn't excited, even playing dress up for this evening out made the excursion worth it. In the end, he decided on a sleek, black suit that slimmed at his waste and broadened at his feet and shoulders, silky edges accentuating to the broad shoulders of the otherwise lean Wrean.

The heels of his leather shoes tapped as he strode into the afterparty of the economic summit, eyes alight from a truly interesting day of policy talk. The Corporate Sector had slowly, but surely, grown in the wake of galactic chaos. It went from just a trade coalition of corporations to to a true galactic power, and rumors edged in that their military was steadily expanding. Vossari walked into the group with ease.

"Mr. Arden (@The Good Doctor)? Your seminar on sentient/droid relations throughout history was riveting." Vossari didn't know the first thing about computers or robotics, but Arden was someone was an unnaturally commanding intellect on the topic. Voss used technology, but to be able to truly understand it was a miracle. "I'm Professor Khaldun, from the academy of Umbara." He didn't recognize the rest of the crowd, but he tipped a champagne glass towards them after his introduction (@JoeWing) (@Nor'baal).

And he saw as his lover (@Sreeya) gracefully swept the lovely Jayna Thorne (@Altaris) across the dance floor. He wouldn't interrupt them just yet, but beneath his corset, Azar's dragon tattoo would feel a familiar tingle. Vossari had arrived.

Voren Dhur

Hyperlane Herald Editor

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Jul 1, 2021
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Well that's quite something.

Voren smirked and made sure to capture the dancers on his recorder.

It would make quite the story for their gossip pages - he ensured the feed was running directly to their reporter.

"I thought the Moffs had taken the reigns on Raxus these days?" Voren replied to the CEO, Newton. "Empire unable to perform his duties I think they claimed." he postulated, keen to keep the discussion going. "Must be a concern, for sure, for a man of your means?" he enquired, wondering if the intergalactic businessman had any more insights into the goings on of the Imperial upper echelons.

Maybe there was a new Emperor?

If there was the Herald had not been informed.

He needed more contacts in Imperial space if that was the case!

Trodai Narat-iv-Adas

Sith Order

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Sep 3, 2023
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Trodai had been debating if he should even attend the gala, despite having been sent a invitation due to his association with the mining operations on Gorse. In the end he determined it would be in his interests, even despite his current condition to attend and make a rare showing of the mysterious shadow CEO and benefactor of the Gorse Mining Corporation Ltd. A company he owned and had made profitable.

Besides it would be a opportunity to find new investors and potential investments. He was always on the lookout for new projects to aid his endeavours. He arranged it so that his current condition was explained as a rare ailment, one that was non-contagious that he was currently dealing with and researching a cure for. Hence his lack of public appearances until now. Yet little did he know the surprise awaiting him when he did attend.

He elected to appear well dressed. Even despite how he looked, he knew how to keep up appearances, to look smart and sharp. To look like the royalty he was. He entered with a dark blue and gold ensemble suit. Looking the businessman he portrayed. As he entered, he went to grab a champagne, looking about as many mingled. And then he saw him. He saw his king. Saw Azar, dancing around enjoying himself. This was not what he had expected when he accepted the invite.

It brought up all kinds of emotions.

Was Azar still disappointed with him? Would he even notice he was here? If he did what would he say? How would he react to seeing him like he was. He knew there would be only one way to find out and part of him, the part that loved Azar hoped he would see him and they would speak to each other. Even if it wasn't about what happened, he would cherish every chance he got. To see him again was enough.

Looking around briefly he spotted Vossari.

It elicited a smidgen of jealousy, how he was able to see Azar currently more than he was able. Yet he respected the Wrean, and all he had done to help his people. He also saw a few other important faces from the news. Seeing Azar dance brought back memories of better times, when they had danced and first interacted properly. How he had been enthralled and been captivated by what seemed the untouchable. It brought a brief smile. He kept a wary eye on the reporter, he didn't like the press much.

Then he saw someone that could be helpful to his current condition. A doctor of some sort he had read on the news, renowned and a expert in his field. He wasn't about to let the opportunity to go to waste. And so he approached the Cerean, bowing his head as he did and spoke.

"Greetings, Dr. Croncu is it? Your reputation precedes you, I am glad to meet a man of your esteem. Trodai Narat iv-Adas of GMC Ltd. That is Gorse Mining Corporation Ltd, but I prefer the shorthand version. A pleasure to meet you. I hear your the man to talk to about...unique problems and solutions to them in the medical field."

@Sreeya @Fine Dining Set @JoeWing @The Good Doctor @Altaris @Nor'baal @Fantasy Liver

M.D. Blec Croncu

Famous Neurosurgeon

Character Profile
Sep 30, 2023
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"Hello," Blec greeted Vossari Khaldun briefly, his attention quickly shifting to the man adorned in black and gold.

Blec felt a mix of surprise and gratification as the man mentioned his widespread reputation. It was reassuring to know that his services were recognized almost galaxy-wide.

"Well, I'm capable of many things, but I can't do everything. How may I assist you?" he inquired, his interest piqued. As he spoke, he keenly observed the man's body language, looking for clues that might hint at the nature of his request or concern.

@Akheron @Fine Dining Set

Trodai Narat-iv-Adas

Sith Order

Character Profile
Sep 3, 2023
Reaction score
Trodai listened to the doctor, understanding. He knew not every problem had a solution, and his was a very unique problem that would pose a unusual attempt to reverse the affects of a technique by the Force. Yet he knew if anyone had an idea or the slightest chance of accomplishing it. It was him.

And so he spoke, nodding in understanding as he took a sip of his drink and addressed the concern.

"I understand, mine is a unique problem. As you can see my problem is evident, I was hoping as the foremost expert you may have come across similar cases and might be able to help rejuvenate me. For I wasn't always this husk you see before you. It is a recent thing. I was hoping you could help or at least direct me to those who can. You see I was drained via the Force, and this is the result. I have been trying to find a remedy without success so far. You could say I am open to suggestions."

He was curious what suggestions might be made and if he even could help. He doubted it, techniques by the Force were seldom easily fixed but it was worth a shot.


Jayna Thorne


Character Profile
Nov 29, 2022
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“Perhaps,” Jayna said smoothly, keeping her silvery eyes fixated upon Azar’s golden gaze. "If you can keep up, Your Majesty." Her fingers lightly coiled around his own, taking a few steps backwards as the Pureblood guided them to the floor. The music already began to resound through her fluted ears, beautiful to behold. The sensitive hearing of her species gave the former Heiress a deeper appreciation for such works of art.

With practiced grace, Jayna began to move in sync with Azar - each sway and turn sending them gliding across the dancefloor. One of her hands rested gently against the Pureblood’s back, while the other clasped his own lightly - raising them together to swirl underneath. The former Heiress was perfectly comfortable allowing him to take the lead. Her hips swayed and moved effortlessly, spinning and dipping low to the dancefloor at every indication from the Pureblood Monarch - each rotation whipping the wavy locks of black hair behind her.

Despite her frosty and deadpan nature, there was no mistaking the sparkle that danced behind those silver eyes and the smile that pulled at her lips. There was no mystery that Jayna loved every moment on the dancefloor, as natural as breathing. Her mind wandered back to those first clumsy lessons with Emryc, a lifetime ago, when she was barely old enough to reach his hands. Memories of how many times she’d captured her parents through the cracked door of Jaikus’ solar, dancing alone across the polished, marble floors.

It was a glimpse of something they’d loved since their first moments together on Serenno, that had persisted throughout the years, and that Jayna had grown to adore in her own right.

Weightlessly, Jayna tugged Azar close to her own body - spinning them together until they reached the edge of the dancefloor. Slipping her hand down the Pureblood’s back, Jayna dipped Azar low to the ground, taking the lead for the first time in their dance. As he hovered close to the ground, he might just catch a glimpse of Trodai for the very first time.

Jayna allowed Azar to linger there for a few seconds before tugging him back upwards with a snap - their faces lingering mere inches away from one another. With long, graceful steps, Jayna moved Azar backwards to circle the room counter-clockwise, raising her hands to spin and twirl him in return.

As one might expect, the Thorne had little to say during their dance - focused entirely on the sway and movement of their bodies. Even still, her silver eyes never left Azar’s own, fixated onto those goldens at the expense of everything else in the room.