Game Changer (DOTR prequel thread)


Mandalorian AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 28, 2015
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This thread precedes the start of DOTR by aproximately 2 months.
Outskirts of Juranno, Alderaan. Twilight.


Gods this was an expensive trip.

Two days of moorage had run her nearly 900 credits. She couldn't afford a third. But, that was only a fraction of why Diva needed to wrap this up tonight.

Filland Galrus has been a lobbyist, an "antiques" dealer, 4 different types of consultant, and an inssurance broker; all of which made liberal use of his single bankable skill: fraud. He lived bigger than anyone had a right too, but Diva knew the type. Nothing more than a grimy carnival barker. Unfortunately, that didn't make him any easier to catch.

Galrus had stolent alot of people's money over the years, but Zantu the Hutt wasn't just people. The bounty could buy a small fleet of luxury speeders, and it made Diva dizzy just thinking about it. She needed the money sure, but for her, an aquisition like this held far greater rewards. This was a guild bounty. It was fresh of the presses, and very high profile. Diva had begged her frequent employer Davik Lorso to give her the inside track. She'd run into guild hunters before, and they'd shrugged her off. She assumed this was because they were smalltimers, she was too good, and they didn't want the competition. Didn't matter anymore, this was her chance to be SEEN.

Davik had known Filland well, and filled Diva in on his little moutnain retreat here on Alderaan. She had spent the last 24 hours assesing the situation and had turned up the following:
  • He had a team of 6 private, armed and armored security gaurds.
  • His residence had quadrouple that, plus legal protetion
  • He carried his own dorky little gold etched hold-out blaster.
  • He was overweight.
  • He smoked often, and had terrible tast in t'bacc by Diva's standards
  • He was meeting a broker tonight at the brokers leased condo
  • The broker's condo has access to a public courtyard overlooking the cliffs at the edge of the city.

Diva Tumi now sat on a bench with a clear view of the broker's back door. Two gaurds; one bothan, one trandoshan, were already stationed there, and Filland had just gone inside. She had done an excellent job of creating the appearance of a metropolitan woman enjoying her book at dusk. It had taken her two hours that morning to get her hair down, but down it was, in a modest pomp with braids along the side. All of this was disguised with a her favorite scarf shrouding her with mysterious flair. Her brightly patterned poncho did most of the work, conceiling her armored vest and it's accoutrements as long as she remained seated, as well as her two blasters, and the carbine resting in her lap. A rented speeder was parked just in the street. Diva had spent her last dime to be as prepared as possible for this. It was her last, best hope. She would not, could not fail.

Facing the view so as to avoid suspicion, she watched the building from a mirror in the book she was pretending to read. The same type of mirror she used to shoot targets when she was 12. Tonight would make a fine encore. A thin bluish smoke drifted off the skinny little cigera she had bought locally. It was too sweet for her, with a bitter odor, but Diva was barely paying attention. It was strictly cover for now, and she would smoke whatever she damn well pleased once that fat greasy paycheck was locked aboard Banshee.

Everything seemed under control, so why was she still so anxious? She had laid this out as well as anything she ever had, or possibly could with her means. So what had her skin crawling?

The one thing she couldn't control. By now the guild had gotten the bounty, and it would no doubt be high priority with that price tag. Now her plan was underway, She had to acknowledge looking over her shoulder the whole time. This was why she needed to grab and go. Diva knew if she could get a tip-off then the Guild certianly had, and someone being on their way to Juranno was Diva's best case scenario. The top brass of the Bount Hunter's Guild did not have a reputation for sharing...
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When Filland next came out of the building, he was accompanied by the broker and a woman next to him. This woman was adorned in a tight-fitting dress with high heels, a polished woman with long, blond curls. The edges of her shoulders revealed tidbits of tattoos, but it was impossible to tell how far down they went.

“It really is a pleasure doing business with you. I believe with your endorsement, we can really make a difference.”

Filland was addressing the woman, who in turn was laughing an airy laugh. Filland was smitten, grinning from ear to ear at this woman who towered over him in heels. The woman’s icy blue eyes were steel, a contrast to the smile on her face. Filland and the others did not notice, the broker guffawing and awkwardly attempting to place his hand around her slim waist.

“I told you, Filly, she’s a shark!”

“We’ll catch up again, I have a dinner to get to. I’m flying out tonight!”

The woman smiled and nodded, the group saying their goodbyes. As everyone went their separate ways, the woman walked away from the gathering. It was too risky for Diva to act on anything just yet. For a long moment, nothing happened.

Out of the blue, the woman slid down to sit next to Diva. Without a word, the woman pulled out a cigarra as well, this one much tastier than whatever junk the girl was smoking. For a moment, she said nothing, no doubt making Diva sweat bullets at this point. The woman crossed one leg over the other, gazing in the same direction the younger girl was.

“Your book is upside down.”

She still did not look at the girl.

“Filland has a mistress. He intends to pay her a visit tonight before he flies out to ‘do business’ with my associates. Before that I intend to slice into the information he gave me to route my financial endorsement to him and get access to all of his illicitly obtained assets. Before I do any of that, you will be paying him a visit at this location.”

She handed the girl an envelope.

“The number of personal guards will be down to two, simply because he wants less people to know about this affair. I trust you will make full use of this information.”

The woman rose to stand, handing the girl her pack of cigarra to replace what she had. There was the ghost of a smile upon the woman’s lips.

“I will be watching.”


Mandalorian AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 28, 2015
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It was happening. As the condo doors opened, the barrel of a blaster carbine slid cautiously up her side. She tilted the 'book' slightly to get a clearer view. All six gaurds acounted for. Two split off and went ahead, pressumably to retrieve Filland's speeder. The rest of the entourage was grouped perfectly: 4 gaurds, Filland, and...who was that?

Another associate. Wasn't important. Wrong place, wrong time, that woman would get over it. Nice ink though.

Finger on the trigger. Three of those gaurds could be stunned in two bursts of she played it right . Just shift the targeting mirror a little more... Wait, where did that woman go?

Diva caught a glimpse of steely blue eyes in her mirror. She was no longer alone.

This couldn't be happening. Each second was a knife twisting into her side. It took everything to keep her eyes on that book, to stay focused. She tilted the mirror again, just a little, to get a better view of...

"Your book is upside down"

It was. Her cheeks began to glow violet with shattered pride. She was being mocked, and she knew by whom. Diva had been collecting every shred of intel she could on the Bounty Hunters' Guild for years now. Scraps really, but she had learned a little about some of the women in charge. The women not much older than Diva who defined their profesion. The women she looked up too. This woman sitting next to her. Well, they say never meet your heroes.

A few years ago Diva would have have gotten herself killed by now for certain. Now, she realeased her grip on the carbine, and listened. There was no other choice. Besides, this could be a dream come true; but why did it feel like she was being used? Worse though, she was humiliated. These men could have realistically been handled with much more Frace, but instead Diva was sitting here armed to her teeth and prepared to mow them all down like a common mob thug. Not the way she would have chosen to present herself to this woman.

The pack of cigarra's felt like a slap in the face. Diva didn't flinch, she didn't scream, she nodded. 2 minutes after the woman left her, she stood, and quietly returned to her speeder.

The drive to her new rendevouz was characterized by a constant stream of explatives. She furiously tore the scarf from her head and added it to a messy heap in her passenger seat, which included her poncho, and carbine,. Without thinking she lit one of the woman's cigarra's. They were delicious, with a slight after taste of shame. Still, Diva wouldn't dare throw it away. A fitting metaphor. The last few moments of their meeting replayed in her head:

"...access to all of his illicitly obtained assets."

Good. Great..then it shouldn't be a problem for Diva to take a cut. Velvety smoke shot from her nostrils in a huff.

"I'll be watching"

She paused. That woman's smug expression haunted her, but it made sense. She didn't have Diva's problems, and she obviously couldn't care less about them. That was something Diva understood. Empathy was not in this job description. Fine.

The address she was given took her somewhere unexpected. Rows of relatively modest town houses formed a small neighborhood on the 30th floor of a middle income industrial tower. There was ample parking, and she found a public landing pad around the corner. Her leather jacket was swapped for her armored vest, which suddenly felt a little too mercenary. Grabbing her jacket from the back seat, a bottle of Alderaanian wine underneath was revealed. It was supposed to be for celebrating her big score, but now that the terms had changed she thought it might buy some good will with the desperate housewife she imagined waiting inside for "Filly". Filland obviosuly hadn't arrived yet, but if someone was planning on sleeping with Filland 'the Walrus' Galrus...she'd need it.

She rang the buzzer, bottle of wine prominantly displayed in front of the camera, and left hand resting easily on a blaster. Diva a plastered a charming smile on her face, and enjoyed one last defiant thought:

Alright Talia...Watch this.

The door hissed open much faster than expected, and the mistress on the other side was just as surprising. It was the Bothan. The Bothan, and the barrel of his silienced FF-9 blaster, pointing right at Diva's chest.

She didn't wait to say hello. Her right thrust the bottle through her chest line to clear the pistol. Her torso twisted into the move and, with the combined effort, barely evaded the bolt of plasma that seared her jacket's loose zipper before vanishing into the distance. He went for the grapple and clapped his left hand on the back of her neck. Diva had one opening and she took it. Her right arm, now squared infront of him, snapped up and out, leading with her elbow. It sank deep into his hairy throat. While momentum was still on her side she drove forward until past the door's threshold. Finally letting pressure off the man's windpipe she threw her right shoulder back against the control panel, and the door hissed close behind them.

Severely stunned, the Bothan was no pushover. Even gasping for air, he made an attempt to raise his pistol again. Admittedly, the bottle of wine was a reproduction, but this time its easily held his arm at bay long enough for Diva to roll her left blaster free and plant a stun shot point blank into his thigh. The thud of his mangy skull on the floor was...deeply satisfying.

Eyes up. This room was clear. She tossed the bottle safely onto a couch and pryed the FF-9 from the Bothan's limp fingers, switching it to stun. That Jerk. How Diva wished she didn't have to play nice, but she was being watched. Both pistols in hand, she methodically searched what turned out to be a three bedroom home. Clear. Extremely clear. There were only basic furnishings, and little deccor. It was nothing but a dummy holding, leased exclusively for these illicit meetings. The Bothan was there to make sure the coast was clear before participating parties arrived. Not an unusual set-up, and one that Diva cerianly should have anticipated.

How much more had her benifactor withheld? Surely Talia knew what Diva was walking into. Being a pawn did not sit well with her. She stashed the hairy bruiser in a corner, and gave him one more shot in the arm for good measure. All she could do now was wait. Wait, and have a glass of wine.

For all her suspicion, everything else went smoothly. Next on the scene was the mistress; she was....cute. Certianly not a housewife. Diva poured her a glass of wine and promised a generous pay-off would be provided by a lovely dark haried woman with blue eyes and a marvelous tattoo. Not surprisingly, the mistress was much more interested in money than she was in Filland. When he finally showed, she was waiting on the couch and lured him in. Once the door closed, Diva slunk out of the kitchen and put gaurd #2 asleep next to his buddy. To his credit, Filland mustered the guts to pull his ludicrous little piece, which Diva shot out of his hand while halfway through a sip of wine.

The question what? This was as far as her instructions went. After searching him for weapons or communicators, she parked Galrus on the couch, under the auspice of "waiting for their ride." Much to her disgust he began to weep for mercy. A little too naturally, his lady friend cradeled his head against her bossom and comforted him with motherly cooing.

Three minutes. Diva thought to herself. Three minutes Talia, and this tag is mine.
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There was a slow clap coming from one of the spare bedrooms, one that Diva hadn’t bothered to check. The figure stepped out from within the shadows, and it was once again the woman Diva had seen earlier. Talia had a smile on her face, two more men subdued at the doorway of the bedroom. If she hadn’t been there, Diva would have been killed right away.

Talia was still adorned in the tight-fitting cocktail dress, gingerly stepping over the bodyguards in her high heels. The woman walked out onto the living room, eyeing the mistress that looked a little too happy to see the descriptions that matched what Diva had mentioned. Talia could see the dollar signs in her eyes.


Talia brought up a cigarra, closing her eyes as she lit it. Filly went on a rant about betrayal and how he had made business dealings with her. Talia simply rolled her eyes, walking over to grab a vase. She offered the mistress a smile, one she returned, right before whacking her upside the head with the vase. It was specifically aimed, enough to knock her unconscious with one swing. Filly squeaked and actually pissed himself, the moisture growing in the seat of his pants as he openly sobbed.

“You will both pay for this..I swear it..I don’t know who I am!”

Snot began to run down his face. Talia focused on Diva.

“Good work. We’ll have to talk about what led you into this line of work. For now, tie him up. We have exactly 10 minutes to deliver him to law enforcement.”

She jutted her head towards the mistress.

“As for her, I’m not paying her a dime. No one will believe her. Got a full stash of incriminating evidence of her sucking Filly’s dick in his free time. Even Filly’s lawyer will be happy to dump this.”

She offered Diva a grin.

“I’ll let you take this one.”

@Diva Tumi


Mandalorian AFL
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Dec 28, 2015
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"What a saint..."

Diva lowered her blaster. It was embarrassing enough to have been caught offgaurd again by this woman, but to keep a gun on her would be downright stupid. If Talia had wanted Diva dead she could have done it six times by now, which begged the question: What was her game? Talia certianly seemed to enjoy toying with her, which did not sit well. Still, Diva had been unable to mask her snickering as the vase met the mistress with a delicious, metallic twang. There was not an ounce of concern to be shown for that woman, and the crude style of the move was certianly something worth appreciation.

She held Talia's gaze with her own fire eyed glare, and reached under her jacket to pluck the stun cuffs from her belt. With a gentled toss they bounced off Filland's forehead and into his soggy lap. He attempted a final objection-

I...I.. can pay you both... I'll double what you're....

"You're wanted alive tubb-o....but not alive and with both it?"

Head hung low, Filand Galrus calmly locked himself up.

Meanwhile, Diva poured herelf another swallow of wine and corked the bottle. The heavy blaster in her left hand finally slid back into it's home against her thigh, accompanied by an exhasperated sigh from it's owner, and was exchanged for the stun cuff's trigger from her pocket. She waggled it in the direction of the front door, and the thoroughly defeated Filand obediently rose, and waddled over.

The shallow glass of wine was put down quickly, and the bottle tucked under her right arm.

Diva's options were slim, but judging by Talia's language this situation at least seemed to be tilting towards the desirable. Besides that, picking a fight with this woman, a leader of the Bounty Hunter's Guild, was not conduscive to her survival. As much as Diva coudn't stand being in a corner, swallowing her pride in the face of certian death was a lesson she had learned long ago. The suspicion began to fade from her eyes, but her voice still held more than a little tension as she prodded her benefactor, hoping to elicit a little more information about their standing.

"Alright, Ms. Thang... I know, that you know, that I don't have the luxury of collecting through third party delivery...yet; but if we must go to the authorites... whose driving?"

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Talia simply laughed at the display, the younger woman obviously uncomfortable at the situation. Talia herself was not much older than her, and yet she carried herself with the poise of a veteran that had seen a few too many battles. Scars and old wounds dotted her arms and shoulders, though a lot of it was covered by tattoos.

Talia observed Diva drinking more of the wine, eliciting a grin from her. The girl knew how to prepare for a job, and it was slightly better than entire boxes of cigarras like Talia’s habit was. As the woman addressed her, Talia glanced over at the beach ball that was Filly.

“Miss, when I said I’ll let you take this one, I meant it. That means you order a fork lift here and haul his ass if you have to. I have nothing to do with this. You get the cash. After you’re done, meet me at that seedy bar on Skyline st. Er… The Rusty Cage I think it’s called.”

Talia looked her up and down, cigarra hanging at the corner of her lips.

“You’ll fit right in. I’ll meet you there. And remember, time’s tickin’ to get Chunky to the law.”

Without another word, she opened the window nearest to her, gracefully swinging her legs over the ledge like it was the most normal thing ever. Flashing Diva a charming smile, she dropped out of sight. There was no telling what sort of oddities would come with knowing this Talia character, and Diva would be finding out just how strange it got.


If Diva showed up without a hitch, she would come across what could only be described as scummy. The bar was located underground, and Diva would have to work her charisma to get in through the door. The bass thumped loudly, and the lighting was dark with lots of black lighting. The floor lit up with substances Diva wouldn’t want to know about.

There were aliens and humans from the scummiest pits of the galaxy there. At the center was a big stage with nude and half nude dancers. There was a Hutt in the corner, exchanging spice for credits. Essentially, it was impossible to be here without some sort of connection to the criminal world.

And yet, a bounty hunter was among its midst. Talia was seated close to the stage on one of the lounge seats. There was a hookah next to her and she inhaled from the pipe, blowing thick rings of smoke. She was not wearing disguise now, her black hair short and spiked. She wore a tank top and tight fitted pants with boots. She wasn’t one for donning her armor at all times.

Talia would silently wait for her guest to arrive. In the meantime, she enjoyed the views before her. She didn’t judge, enjoying the swaying dances of any human or alien that moved with grace whether it be male or female. As usual, she had her weapons concealed on her, but people would be damned if they could spot her with anything.

@Diva Tumi


Mandalorian AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 28, 2015
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"With pleasure. "

After a couple clicks on the stun button, a mopey Galrus finally quit stalling and piled into the back of Diva's speeder. She had to sacrifice her poncho underneath him so his cowardice didn't cost her the rental desposit, yet somehow her spirits remained high. Once Galrus was unloaded, Diva made a private call to Zantu's people to confirm the details of payment. Much to her surprise and delight, Talia had been true to her word, and the drop-off was approved. A pause was needed to absorb her unexpected circumstances.

Diva sat on the hood of her rented speeder and burned through two of Talia's fancy cigarra's before she could move. Damn, they were good smokes. First of all, Diva suddenly had money again. A LOT of money. That realization alone was very difficult to clear out of her mind, but neccessary to make space for much more pressing matters. Talia was for real. For really real. Which meant Diva was potentially on her way to a life changing business meeting. Third, Talia had a lot of advantages on Diva, but she had just given up one. The Rusty Chain. Talia didn't give her enough credit, probably thought she was just a child star with a nasty rebelous phase. Well alright then, time to talk.


The grim looking zabrak who watched the door at The Rusty Chain lit up like an akward teenager as Diva sashayed into the filthy cantina. A similar enthusiastic greeting was echoed among nearby staff, including the bartender who immediately started assembling some ingredients. She had changed into a pair of tight flight pants, and her favorite sleevless green turtleneck sweater with a visible gash on one side and not quite long enough to fully cover her midriff when she stretched. Overtop was a long, grey/black tailor fit overcoat, also sleeveless, and a few decorative hipscarves. Between the two of them they had her blasters and knives well disguised. The countless scars covering her arms were on full display, save for her left hand and forearm, where a single black glove with padded knuckles covered all but her metallic fingertips. Her pomp had been teased up, way up, and she was positively briming with confidence. She smirked wickedly at everyone she passed.

You gonna play a little something for us tonight Diva?

Yeah, come on Diva...This band ain't worth a bantha pile...

"Maybe later, Tulic, I'm meeting a friend."

Diva leaned against the bar and lit another of Talia's cigarra's pretending to absentmindedly scan the bar for her date. A more genuine moment was shared when she blew a kiss to one of the Twi'lek dancers who was waving to her from the stage. Nalu and Diva had been friends for a very long time, and Diva had heard she might be around. She was maybe the only person in the galaxy Diva would actually gush to about this meeting if it went well. A fizzy yellow cocktail was placed infront of her, and Diva payed with a smile and tipped with a wink, which seemed more than enough for the Toydarian who delivered it.

Finally, with an exageratted expression of shock Diva "noticed" Talia, and pointed obnoxiously. She made quite a show of being excited and ditzy as she approached a woman she had once imagined as a mentor, but dropped the act immediately upon arrival. A quick sip from her drink before she set it down, the strength would become immediately apparent from it's overwhelming bouquet. The chair next to Talia was spun so the back was facing front, and long sturdy Theeling leg went well out of its way to stretch up and over it with the flair of a burlesque dancer. Diva was feeling better every second, and no longer felt the need to hide it from the woman beside her, not here anyway, on her turf. As she straddled the seat, her head cocked coquetishly to the side, she shot a slow steady stream of smoke through her nostils. Her expression was dripping with facetious glee and phony awe.

"Oh gee wiz, I bet you just might be right. I do feel right at home here. So....."

Diva dropped the game once and for all. It was a pleasantly petty satisfaction to have this minor victory over her much posher companion, but the act was starting to give her a toothache. She cleansed her palet with another long drag, and a splash of that potent drink.

" wanna talk? Alright, but I get one question. Am I gonna get to thank you tonight, or are you just taking me for a spin like the last half a dozen assholes from the Guild? Cause I'm loosing patience with that, and in this particular case Talia..." Diva brought her stern orange eyes in line with Talia's to make it clear she wasn't screwing around, and insist the thin compliment was not taken lightly ".. I admit I'd be more than a little dissapointed "

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Talia had to stifle a grin that threatened to make an appearance as she observed Diva’s antics. There was something almost fascinating about this woman, something she couldn’t place a finger on. She had picked up on her presence the moment she entered, observing the various stages of personality and layers that made their appearances. She commanded a presence here, a complete opposite of the almost nervously shy girl she had met hours ago.

Talia inhaled the mint and apple flavored hookah, blowing out a thick cloud of smoke as Diva swiveled around a chair, not missing the burlesque flair. It caught her attention more than she would have expected, though nothing but her blue eyes would betray this. As Diva sat down, she finally allowed the grin to crack.

“Thank me? However would you want to thank me?”

She would let the woman answer, holding her almost golden gaze with her own steely ones. Talia pondered on Diva’s latter half of the question.

“Take you for a spin? I’m insulted. If I recall correctly, I made you a whole lot richer. You certainly won’t have to live in that shabby piece of shit studio anymore. You know, the one where the lock doesn’t open unless you jiggle the keys just the right way? The one where that bitch Mrs. Keeves always complains about your appearance and thinks you should get a job?”

Talia chuckled as she smoked more of the hookah, passing the pipe to Diva while unceremoniously taking a sip from her fizzy cocktail. She whistled at the immediate effect, focusing back on Diva.

“I like your work. We’ve had eyes on you for some time. You are overly cocky at times, but that can be fixed. Key thing is your ability to get in with criminal circles. That’s always essential for our line of work. But once you start this, it becomes a lifestyle. There are ethics and codes involved. But..”

She winked.

“Only in Republic space. Everywhere else you do whatever the kriff you want. My question to you is this.. why do you want this? And what do you want to learn? I’m probably the least moral person within the guild by the way..”

@Diva Tumi


Mandalorian AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 28, 2015
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Yeah? well.... Thanks then...

Diva couldn't quite look Talia in the eye when she said it, but the release was palatable. This was real. The first real thing she had dreamed for herself as a free woman was suddenly here, with open arms. She couldn't look at Talia because for the first time since she had freed herself at the edge of a knife, the wild purple beast of survival born that day felt tears pressing against the back of her sun colored eyes. The hookah and the last of her cigarra helped hold the dam, and her sigh was long, deep, and filled with a mixture of colored smoke. Near the end Diva tapered it off, and created a finale of linked rings, firing a dart through it from her pierced nostril. Normally she might turn to absorb the reaction of her audience, but this festive little display was not done for Talia's benefit, but all her own. Her smile was wide.

You're intel is dated though...I haven't lived there for almost a year now since I got my ship. I just kept my keys so I could use it every so often a place to ....bring people..

Diva punctuated that accidental admission by sprinkling the dancers on stage with a few of her new found credits.

And there is a difference between cocky and knowing what your good at. Not that I'm not cocky...

She shrugged and that smile grew wicked and mischeveous. Diva couldn't help but share it with Talia. The animal in her was still there, warning her this was too good to be true, but Diva herself was surprised how easy it was to ignore that suspicion in this moment, with this woman of all people. It was a rare gift to hear her speak so easily of her famous past, even if she was self aggrandizing.

...But you try being one of the best gun slingers in the galaxy, while spinning upside down from silk ribbon, all by the age of 12, thousands cheering you on, and tell me you wouldn't get a little full of yourself.

Biting her lower lip a bit, she stifled an embarassingly gleeful giggle as Talia tasted her drink; more than a little pleased she had managed to pay the woman back for her good taste in t'bacc.

At that moment a male Aqualish, on what he considered a triumphant return from stage side, made a grotesuque sound somewhere between a gurggle and a purr,and reached tenderly for Diva's hair and Talia's shoulder as if the woman were two puppies. A gloved metal talon shot straight out, and her palm met the center of his chest, sending him backwards. In an instant she was an animal again, like a proud ape, her voice leaving no room for debate.


The stare down between them lasted a less than safe duration, but finally the drunk, ass-faced creature turned and grumbled his way back to a group of snickering spacers, all equally intoxicated. Diva sat up and arched her back, an attemp to work the bristling out of her spine, and slumped back over the front of her reversed chair, hugging it in a cozy fashion. She rolled the encounter out through her eyes and returned to the conversation at hand.

anyway... what do I want?

There was a brief pause of the nature that implied a much, much longer one; but the answer came so freely it seemed to catch her off gaurd.

A life. MY life....a life for myself I mean. One that I make, with my skills. One worthy of respect. NOT fame.. respect

The last bit was crisp and sudden, as the distinction between the two ideas crystalized. A distinction she had been trying to make for a long time, but couldn't until she had been asked the question. Inspite of herself she was talking directly to Talia again, and with uncharacteristic delight, as if reslishing the materialism that was about to escape.

I want to keep tricking out Matador [her ship], own a penthouse on two..three planets, a swoop, a G-900 Marksman rifle...KRIFF could you imagine what I could do with one of those?

A grunt of pleasure accompanied that final thought, and she took a break for another sip of her drink and a pull off the hookah. Considering the strength of that cocktail, the size of Diva's "sips" was...noteworthy. The next question required more thought, and she repeated it to herself as if stirring a pot of soup. The possibilites seemed to slowly unfold as she stirred, for the first time daring to imagine what opportunities the Bount Hunter's Guild, no longer so far away, could make available to her. I learn...?

The biggest grin yet split her cheeks and she leaned in close. Despite the smile her eyes and her tone belied a deathly seriousness


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Talia herself couldn’t hold back a smile as Diva corrected her on her intel. The girl had covered herself well, and it confirmed the suspicion that she could be useful. She leaned back in her seat, puffing on the hookah and amusedly watching the tricks Diva pulled with the smoke. Bring people, huh? Talia imagined the girl had a rather vibrant lifestyle, and she wondered how much of her acting out was to suppress her past. As she openly bragged about her accomplishments, Talia couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Well with all those tricks and being able one of the best gunslingers in the galaxy, why would you need any help in anything?”

Talia glanced up as the scummy aqualish made grabby hands, reaching for her shoulder. She kept her cool, almost daring the thing to actually touch her. Before she had to do anything, Diva lashed out, forcefully pushing him back. Talia grinned and took another sip of Diva’s drink before setting it down. She quietly observed the stand off, the man dejectedly wandering back. Talia glanced back at Diva.

“What’s preventing you from living your own life if you’re such a big deal?”

She looked into Diva’s eyes, studying her as she spoke. The childish dreams were amusing, and they only managed to elicit smiles from Talia. The bounty hunter rolled her eyes, ordering herself a stiff drink instead of finishing off Diva’s.

“You can do all that doing odd jobs here and there or assassinating people. You know that. I think what you want is structure and discipline. Even if that sounds like a load of horseshit right now.”

Talia threw back more of her drink.

“I can’t teach you everything. But I can teach you how to thrive. I can teach you how get out of sticky situations easier. I can teach you how to be more resourceful, because you are terrible in terms of gathering intel. You won’t get anywhere without slicing abilities. It’s a lifestyle change. You will have people relying on you. You will have to represent a community. It’s a lot of responsibility. If you’re too hung up on getting bent over by the nearest hottie or doing bullshit jobs that get you into trouble on the side, you’ll never last. So clean up your act.”

Talia knew the words would sting, and she had already prepared mentally for some smart ass answer from Diva. She took the time to inhale from the hookah, eyes closed for a moment before blowing the smoke out of her nose.

“I hear you’re quite the musician, though. You plan on taking the stage tonight? I heard a few people talking about you when I arrived.”

@Diva Tumi


Mandalorian AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 28, 2015
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Diva seethed through most of Talia's assesment. Seethed, but listened. She bristlened instinctively to being talked down to, but she had matured at least this much over the years had begun to understand when biting her tongue and opening her ears was the better choice. Besides that, each word Talia spoke built so upon the last so that Diva could barely keep up with the catharsis. Talia was direct and honest, which, if she could temper her defenses, was a quick way to Diva's respect. Furthermore, Talia was right. Mostly anyhow. There was that bit about "getting bent over", during wich Diva's grip on the back of her chair caused it to splinter slightly in two seperate places. "She doesn't know. she doesn't know. It's fine. Let her think what she wants, its none of her business." This wasn't the first time she had needed to repeat those thoughts to prevent violence, and thankfully, present company had made it easier than most. Plus a little of that previous glee had broke through when Talia mentioned splicing.

Once everything was processed though, something new stood out to her. This woman had never really been apart of the seedy black soul of the galaxy. She was a transplant, and not unwelcome, but she didn't quite understand some of the things that were now as much a part of the Theelin as her own hands. Her look by the end was quizical, certianly not what Talia may have anticipated, but before she could respond, the request to play came. That was utterly unexpected, and illicited a dry scoff.

Not tonight. If you're good at something, don't do it for free.

There was a little more edge in that remark than Diva intended, but she stuck by it. Her posture naturally rose, a hint of defiance creeping in. The healthy child in her had shoved it's way to the surface early on, but now the woman who had kept her alive for so long quietly reclaimed control. Diva nodded softly to Talia, in appreciation for her candor, and acknowledgement of the reality she spoke. That was all for a few moments. Diva calmly sipped the last of her drink, and partook of the hookah, all the while staring at Talia unabashed in relative silience.

What's to prevent me?... She considered the question without relish or bitterness.

Let me rephrase my answer. This world... She gesture to their apt suroundings ... is the life-blood of our trade, yeah? But living in it is something else. Debt is a constant. The scum sacks you and I work for keep it that way. I may have a chip on my shoulder, but I'm not an idiot. Sure, I have made my life in a way, but my choices are... limited. My career is ultimately in their hands. What do I want? I want them to need me, instead of me needing them....

Diva smirked a little and took a moment to waggle her empty glass at the bartender, who took the hint. She leaned in and brought her voice down to a whisper.

...and if I was free to take contracts against their slimy heads, I wouldn't mind that either.

Leaning back again, her tone bounced into a more relaxed register, and she started building momentum.... Furthermore, I never said I'm a "big deal", not that I want to argue, but I said I know what I'm good at. I also know what I suck at without your reminding me, thank you very much. Sithspit, If you can teach me to splice and use a sword, I'll give you my original Batwi Anoor print.

Her decorum was slipping a bit

And another thing, I didn't get good at what I do by sitting on my ass, I know something about discipline, I do prefer it, and I'm willing to bet you have some clue how I grew up: So yeah, I 'm ready to "clean up my act"

aaaand, there it went.

.... and Intel? psshh...for all the fun facts you you know about my life, you don't know shad about me... But yeah, I would love to have your resources so I can get better at collecting intel too....Kriff...

She took a another break, just in time to receive her fresh bubling yellow beverage dropped off by Tulic, the grinning zabrak who worked the door, who was on his way outside, apparently to investagate some commotion. Strangely, she set it down without taking a sip, suddenly looking at Talia as though she had a vulgar drawing on her face. Diva had almost forgot who she was talking to for a second. Aside from being cause to breath a little, this also caused her to realize who she was talking to A good looking woman who had to be near Diva's age, with good taste and enjoyed seedy bars, at least on a lark, doesn't identify as moral, and enjoyed watching most of the oversexed dancers. Not a lot, but almost completely unaware of the obvious tactic in her reversal, almost, Diva couldn't help but persue this new train of thought.

How old are you you anyway? You can't be much older than me if you are... what? 27? 28? And I mean, obviosuly Talia's a fake name, who cares, and I know you've gotta be a mando, but what's your deal with the guild? When and why did you join? How'd you get on the council so damn fast?

She had been earnest so far, but then there was a look of heroic conflict on Diva's face. Her eyes took a long walk up and down Talia, and unfortunately, her worser nature won. A devious little sneer of a grin took shape, and now there was no doubt her next words were vindictive.

or maybe you just "bent over" until you got lucky...
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May 3, 2010
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As Diva spoke, Talia ordered herself a drink, actually the same that she had been having. She had stolen enough of Diva’s to know she liked it. She could tell Diva was getting angry, and did her damnest to keep her composure. It was refreshing to see the woman’s true side, cutting through the thick layers of superficial frivolity. She had to wear masks all her life, and that was something Talia could relate to.

Talia calmly sipped from her drink, occasionally drawing in from the hookah as the girl went on. As she finally paused and turned the questions on her, Talia had to smile. The little jab at the end made her smile even more.

“Talia is a name that defines who I am now. My past is only stepping stones to who I am today..”

She gazed off at the dancers for a moment. She was lost in the sensual motions, the hypnotizing ways their hips moved, the mesmerizing curves almost impossible to draw her sight from. It wasn’t the question that hung, it was the word Mando. It was one she hadn’t heard in reference to herself in a while. It was a part of her identity she had almost forgotten. As she thought, her fingers absentmindedly fiddled with a bracelet on her left wrist. It had been something she had gotten as a gift, having exchanged it for one she had made. It was a happier time then, a carefree time when it was her and this boy she didn’t understand her feelings for. Her mind took her back to Mandalore, when the days consisted of going on hunts and spending time with someone she didn’t know she wouldn’t see again. Talia sighed deeply, looking back at Diva and withdrawing her hand from the bracelet.

“I’m not much older than you. I was in military service for a number of years before the Guild found use for my set of skills. From there I proved to be proficient at my job in not only collecting bounties and managing our relationship with the Senate, but also acting as a corporate liaison. I shoulder a lot of responsibilities at once…goes to show simply being the best at one thing doesn’t go far.”

Talia chuckled to herself.

“I screwed my fair share for shits and giggles, but I didn’t screw to get to where I am. I don’t think I could look myself in the mirror if I did. Why, did I touch a nerve with that question?”

She tilted her head in curiosity. She hadn’t missed Diva eyeing her. There was an odd chemistry there, and she could tell it contained a mixture of rage and pure wonder. Talia finished half her glass.

“I’ll give you one job to complete entirely on your own. You do this and you’re in. This man is a high profile crime lord. You won’t be operating within Republic space, so you won’t have any safety nets. Filly was small fry compared to this. This will involve you gathering intel, tracking, finding a smart way past the guards and obstacles without violence. It will draw upon discretion. You’re not getting any help on this one. You fuck up, you’ll most likely die. What say you?”

@Diva Tumi
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Mandalorian AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 28, 2015
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“Talia is a name that defines who I am now. My past is only stepping stones to who I am today..”

Diva liked that. She liked it a great deal. It made her consider her own inescapable identity as a famous young theelin. Now 8 years removed, it was not uncommon for someone to recognize a tall purple woman who they once saw onstage. She shared the moment of reflection with Talia, offered a nod, and watched her dear friend Nalu wrap herself around a pole and slip slowly towards the stage, her careful turns ensuring that every bit of her figure took it's turn in the dim red spotlight. Another wink and a small wave passed between the two, which was unfortunately noticed by the aqualish and his mates, who began grumbling amonst themselves. Diva turned away and caught Talia toying with a bracelet. Her curosity was peaked, but Diva was begining to see this women as less of advarsary by the second, and she could respect anything, it was keeping the past where it belonged. Once she volunteered her sexual history, Diva was thrown for an absolute loop. A knowing snort of laughter was her first response, but then Talia prodded her on, and inspite of herself Diva responded with a nonchalance that she rarely applied to this topic, aided by a few smoke rings for effect.

You know I was a slave right?... Suffice to say I don't confuse business and pleasure.

Speaking of, the job offer fell on eager ears. Diva, took a polite moment to consider it over her drink and smoke, but it was uneeded. Both women knew what Diva Tumi's answer would be, had to be to that question, so she didn't dote on it for long. She also couldn't help letting a hint of flirtation bleed into the wry smile and hungry eyes that belied her response.

One question Talia... Dead or Alive?
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May 3, 2010
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Talia finished her glass, setting it down and smiling at Diva’s words.

“Yes I know you were a slave. And I don’t give a flying fuck. Why? Because you can use that experience to strengthen who you are today or see it as an excuse to pussyfoot around and be damaged goods.”

She liked the girl’s determination. Talia could tell she would do her damnedest to get the job done. Talia blew smaller smoke rings through Diva’s big ones.

“We need him alive. He’s worth considerably more alive and undamaged.”

As she finished speaking, the aqualish and his buddies strolled over once more. This time, the grotesque looking male wasn’t as touchy. He awkwardly laughed and came to sit close to them.

“Mind if we join you?”

He was accompanied by two rodian, both with drinks in their hands. The aqualish snapped his fingers and had an entire tray of drinks brought over. Talia simply raised an eyebrow at the nonchalance attitude the men took towards their intrusion. The aqualish kept glancing from Talia to Diva and over to Nalu. He had the greediest look on his face, turning to Diva first.

“So, you’re somewhat of a celebrity here. Me and my boys will pay you big bucks if you hop on there and give us a performance. Oh and uh…wouldn’t hurt to meet your dancer friend over there, eh?”

The men laughed among themselves, one of the rodian moving dangerously close to sit next to Talia. The bounty hunter found this overwhelmingly amusing, continuing to draw from the hookah pipe. This party was getting crashed fast.


Mandalorian AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 28, 2015
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Diva's jaw dropped in shock, but the corners were still pulling toward her little horns. Her breath swelled in her chest and she gripped the chair with her thighs. Talia was uncompromisingly brutal, and Diva found it extremely...stimulating. She loathed pity, and Talia had none. Wonderful. Her head lulled to the side as Talia went on, and her whole body flinched in a tiny tantrum on the word "undamaged". Still, her pout was laced with a smille too. Diva raised a glass to signify her acceptance of Talia's terms, but nearly choked when rancid stench of rodian cologne took over their corner of the room. Diva exchanged a long look with Talia, searching for a lead to follow, as they both surely knew Diva's instinct involved knives. Talia's amusement was enough, and Diva starred the Aqualish straight in the bulging eyes.

1000 credits

The men laughed. Diva leaned ove the top of her chair and bent at the hip, perching her chest neatly on top of the backrest. Her eyelashes fluttered and she bit her lower lip gently.

1000 credits...and me and all the girls, promise you bad boys the best show you've ever scene...

That was all it took, the men immediately began piling chips on the table. They whistled over to a few of the others they had been with, who abandoned their efforts at picking a fight with a bulging sullen Chiss at the bar to join at the stage, and pitch in. Diva winked at Talia the way a child grins just before they smash something valuable, and walked off to the corner of the stage, motioning to Nalu. She whispered in the Twi'lek's ear, eliciting a grin, followed by a horrible scowl, and eye-roll, a laugh, a smirk, and finally a nod. Before parting, the two women looked over to the men, and each ran a hand slowly down the others body, Nalu kissing Diva lightly on the tip of her horns. They went willd and someone even threw an extra chip on the pile. A large, hovering half circle key-synth was brought out on stage. Diva stepped on stage, swung twice around a pole and twirled once into place behind it. The whole bar lit up. Another dancer calmly came by and scooped the credits into a small velvet bag and walked off, while Nal brought out her own mic stand for back up vocals, and the rest of the dancers lined up behind them. Half the patrons swarmed the stage and Talia would have been forced to her feet to keep her place. Diva adjusted her mic, and stretched her arms high above her head, intentionally revealing a great deal of her midriff as her sweater crept up. Hoots and hollars followed. No introduction was needed, and as soon a there was an opening, Diva leaned forward.

Hey there you good for nothing, lousey group of slime licking space vermin...

HUGE applause. Diva was positively hypnotizing on-stage. The room was completely in the palm of her hand, and she seemed to care less, which only drew them in further. Talia might recognize that grace as the same she had earlier that day whenever a gun was in her hand.

I've had a loooooong day...

applause of agreement.

but I found out a few minutes ago that there a light at the end of my tunnel...


and thanks to a certian special someone...

Diva playfully threw that comment at Talia, and like good sheep, the attention of the room followed, all hooting at her with envy.

I think I'm ready to go... and.... get it..

Huge applause, and the music started.

The dancer's danced, the people danced. The few able to remain seated were still gyrating wildly with the beat... all except that chiss at the end of the bar. Cedits flooded the stage. Sex was thick in the air.

Diva had undoubetdly planned some horrible fate for the solicitous aqualish and his Rodian chums, but fate beat her to the punch. As the song neared it's end, Diva watched a very familiar, and very upset Both use tulic the bouncer's unconcious body to open the front door, flanked by the five other members of Filand's former security team. It was clear by the way they looked at Diva that they were not here for the show. The crowd was much too loud for anyone to hear it. Diva gave Talia a look of warning mid verse, than turned to their would-be gentlmen callers and beconed them onstage. The stormed the stage like animals.

As the song ended Diva rocked back invitingly and grasped the pole behind her. As soon as the Aqualish and oneof the rodians had gotten close enough, Diva hoisted herself up and both legs snapped outward. The powerful pads of a theelin's foot, attached to the devestatingly strong legs of an acrobat cracked each of them on the chin and sent them flying back into the crowd. Diva used the momentum of her legs swinging back down to propeller her once around the pole then released, flying high over the crowd to her left, who parted in confusion. She landed in a roll and popped easily back up to her feet, both blasters already drawn. The gaurds however, had also drawn theirs.

Thank you and goodnight everyone!

All hell broke loose.


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Talia couldn’t help but grin as Diva rose to the occasion, gracefully making her way towards the stage. She didn’t miss the encounter between her and Nalu, the two women moving sensually and hypnotically. It was a blast to her senses, and she caught herself openly staring just as any of the men there. The realization made her chuckle to herself, watching Diva get on stage. The woman was a natural, commanding the crowd with her very presence. The unsure, shy girl that wasn’t too confident in her abilities as a bounty hunter was gone. It was replaced with a fierce queen that ruled over a sea of plebeians.

Talia was impressed, sticking a cigarra into her mouth and letting it hang at the corner of her lips. She tilted her chair back till it balanced on the back two legs, her boots up on the table in front of her. Thankfully a few short folks in front of her allowed her to spot Diva despite the enormous crowd in front of the stage.

When the crowd turned to look at her, Talia couldn’t help but chuckle. She was shadowed by the dim lighting, a few bangs falling on her angular features. A thin trail of smoke rose from her cigarra, light highlighting the scars and tattoos and the looks of jealousy became looks of understanding. This wasn’t some floozy, it was the ice to Diva’s fire.

When Diva began to sing, Talia almost dropped the cigarra from her lips. It was a honeyed voice that crept in like sweet poison, immobilizing slowly from the inside. The way Diva moved as she sang, the passion that exuded from her, it all erupted into various ideas within Talia’s mind. Ideas that surprised even her. Talia was not rash by nature, and yet she couldn’t look away from this jezebel, this vixen that pulled the strings to all the puppets before her. Talia herself was tugged, and the music was intoxicating.

She was taken out of her reverie when the look of warning came from Diva. Talia began to reach for her knives just as the stage was stormed. She missed Diva kicking the aqualish and his rodian buddy. Talia popped her chair back with her weight, effortlessly rolling backwards off it as blasters began to go off. Landing on her feet, she managed to fling a knife into the neck of one of Filand’s security men. She barely had time to anything more, bottles and bodies flying everywhere.


Talia ducked to miss an incoming bottle hurtling through the air, which then knocked out the patron behind her. The dancers were surprisingly resilient, and Talia watched a twi’lek deck a man in the face that found this the opportune moment to cop a feel. The bounty hunter didn’t have the luxury of enjoying the show, attempting to make a quick break for the exit. Unfortunately, she didn’t know the joint inside out like Diva and only knew about the front door. That was a dead end, with more of Filand’s men piling in angrily.

Talia searched the crowds for Diva, darting back towards the side of the stage. However, on the way, she paused to snatch the glass of the fizzy drink. She wasn’t about to waste a drop of perfectly good alcohol. Dodging glasses, incoming patrons and all sorts of punches and kicks, Talia took sips of her drink, dancing and twirling around anyone in her way. She found an opportunity to fling another knife, this one piercing the man in the arm instead of his heart. Appalled at her horrendous aim (it had to be the hookah/alcohol combo), she ducked as he fired off a blaster. She desperately needed to find Diva. Now.


Mandalorian AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 28, 2015
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Diva Tumi was riding a special kind of high. The adreneline of performance, of soulful, sensual R&B was shoved aside for the life or death stakes of blaster fire and screams. Her eyes were positively on fire.

Meanwhile, furniture was being upended left and right as patrons trambled each other to get clear of the thugs who had sealed of the entrance. Diva was no stranger to riots, and she shouldered and elbowed her way through the crowd like an angry rancor. She saw one of the gaurds drop, but couldn't see from what through the crowd. A few more "outa-my-ways" later and she had made it far enough to see a knife zip past and take another guy in the arm. It had to be Talia. Shit, she handles knives? Diva stole a split-second to swoon as all the men were distracted by the sudden threat of flying steel. Once firing resumed she got her head back in the game and made a move. The collective mob of butt-hurt security agents had I.D..'ed Talia and they weren't about to take another loss.

Breaking into a sprint, her blasters stretched out in front of her. She cut the angle between the men and her "special someone" and the first shot came from the heavy blaster in her left. Diva put it exactly where she wanted. The gaurds were stunned inspite of themselves as a glowing red bolt appeared to actually enter their Bothan captain's right nostril before he could pinch his shot off at Talia. He fell in a greusome heap, and Diva had their attention. She had already moved on to phase two, and kicked a chair high into the trandoshian's chest as she passed him. Hardly enough force to hurt, but with a knife already in one arm, it effectively sundered him for a few seconds. That left three of the first wave left to fire, and fire they did. She read their aim...all high, shooting for her chest, as they should.

Most of the brawling and the fleeing patrons had since given them a wide birth, but Diva tailed behind a few as a hail of shots rang out. One of them took a hit and she paid it no nevermind, Tallia was a few paces ahead now. Emerging from the throng once more, Diva dove low.


Two blaster shots flew over her head as she twisted toward the ground. She took a bead on another man's knee cap with her right, but her trigger was a little delayed. Aaaaah, kriff she might be a lttle buzzed. As she skidded off the ground her shot pulled up, and much to her renewed delight, bounced right into his groin. Before she could savor the happy accident, she collided with the back of Talia's legs. Talia would likely collapse right into Diva's lap as the two cascaded behind the overturned table she had been aiming for. No sooner did they hit cover than a barage of blaster fire could be heard sizzling againt the other side. Diva, however, was positively glowing. She looked at Talia with a maniacal grin, and enormous eyes.

See? This is exactly why I didn't want to play tonight!

Her long, fearless laugh terrified the already cowering patrons behind other nearby furniture, and in fact the whole room seemed to still for just a moment as the unexpected sound of rapturous laughter split the air. Not to be caught off-gaurd, Diva set her pistols at the ready on either side of them, and made a quick assesment of where they were in the bar.

Oook... Stage door?

As it turned out, there were a few other patrons who had smuggled in small arms and they had decided that the men at the door were the clear antagonists. Diva saw Nalu peering from behind a curtian on stage, holding...a pulse rifle?

Bless that beautiful woman. Yeah, stage door.
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Hakan Bolandras

SWRP Writer
Feb 15, 2016
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The commotion could be heard through the side door, a place where the prize fighters went to earn their keep. A back alley brawl, put on by an establishment as fine as this drew only the seediest of crowds...To Hakan though, it was credits, regardless. The room was closed off, the only exit in or out was unfortunately close to the entrance where the security team found their way in. Hakan was the first to stick his head out to assess the situation, to one unfortunate souls bad fortune. As Hakan stuck his head out the man who bore the uniform of the team turned his rifle on Hakan, surprised by the emergence of this rough, imposing looking man. Hakan quickly reached through the doorway, grasping at the rifle, ripping it from the man's grasp and then swiftly punching the man square in the face, with his own rifle.

Hakan stepped through the door as the man landed on his ass, blood pouring from an open gash in his face as he struggled for what seemed to be a knife. One stride was all it took for Hakan to step through, raise the rifle and place the muzzled end square into the mouth of the man who was now sitting up, knife in hand.


The man let out a muffled, surprised sound; which could be best described as his last words seeing as Hakan did what Hakan does best. Kill. Without a thought he pulled the trigger, the blaster went off within the man's mouth, atomizing his head nearly completely and sending the rest spraying all over the back and side of his hapless comrades who were too focused on Diva to notice the imposing Gladiator exit out of the side door...Well, they didn't notice him until he spread their comrade all over themselves and the patrons of the bar. Without skipping a beat Hakan moved forward, dropping the rifle from his right hand, balling his gauntleted fist up and then connecting with the next closest guard, who was at this point just turning to face Hakan. The guards face all but exploded on impact with the brutish man's fist, and it didn't stop there. Hakan kept moving, picking up momentum and leaving the man behind as his head hit the floor with a resounding crack. He pushed his way through patrons in an attempt to make it to the stage, where the nearest exit was, but noticed something that stopped him short.

The outfits the guards wore, they were very similar to those of a man's detail who at one point dabbled in slavery, or at least higher class slavery. He recognized it from his days as a slave and pit fighter. Hakan stopped for a moment, short of the stage; racking his mind trying to figure it out. When, from left field he felt the cold steel of a baton cross his face. One of the Guards took it upon himself try to get back at Hakan for his two comrades, a mistake as grave as it was stupid. Hakan reeled from the blow, clutching his face; which held quite a mark on it and spit upon the ground. Blood dripped from between his lips as he formed a haphazard smile, gathering himself and chuckling slightly at the Guard who was ready to strike out again.

"I remember you now! This isn't the first time you've struck me with a baton friend...Remember Trandosha? Your master tried to have me killed after beating his champion...Were you the one sent to kill me? Or no...It was your friend...I'm still picking pieces of his skull out of my boot."

Hakan spoke in a low, taunting tone to the man. A smile slowly spread across his face as he stood up straight, cracking his neck violently and pushing his raven black hair behind his ears. He stood, waiting for the Guard to react...Which he did. The guard sneered at Hakan, relaxing a little before pulling out another baton from his belt and extending it. He shrugged his shoulders, speaking to Hakan:

"I don't need to answer to you slave, but I guess now's as good a chance as ever to kill you."

The Guard lunged forward, using his right hand to swing the baton over his head and down towards Hakan's. Hakan seized the opportunity, stepping into the man as he made the large movement and raised his own left arm up, using a sweeping type block to deflect the man's hand down his forearm. As he did so he closed the pocket in his left arm driving his elbow in, trapping the man's right hand and subsequently, his baton between his arms and chest. The guard tried to swing the baton in his left hand, but the result ended in the same. Hakan, with control of the man's hands started delivering blow after blow, utilizing his own head as the weapon to bash the guards nose in. As quickly as it had started, it ended. The guard was a quivering mess, his entire face nearly caved from Hakan delivering brutal blow after blow. Hakan let the guard go, and he stumbled backwards, falling to his knee's. Hakan roughly grabbed the man by his scruffy hair and yanked back, making him look up and into Hakan's eyes. The blood from both Hakan and the guard mingled together, pooling and dripping into the guards face as Hakan stared at him from above. Then it came, the fatality. Hakan began to rain punches down upon the man's face. His durasteel gauntlets cut and collapsed into the man's face, rendering it nearly unrecognizable after a few well placed blows. Hakan than delivered a vicious knee to the chin before letting the man fall to his back, alive but barely. A harsh gurgling emanated from what was left of his face, blood spurted from the open wounds and Hakan stood above him, slowly placing his boot upon the side of the mans head.

"You're right...But I'm no slave."

With that he crushed the mans skull. The sound of the popping bone and compressing flesh echoed in the bar, one patron threw up who was in near proximity, and by this point more members of the security team started to take note of Hakan, surrounding him slowly in an attempt to corral him down. Hakan smiled, lifting his boot from the man's facial cavity and raised his fists, knowing he was outnumbered, outgunned and surrounded.

"Well, at least it's a fair fight now."


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May 3, 2010
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As Diva told her to duck, Talia did just that, lowering into a crouch. She barely had time to process what happened before Diva collided against her. Talia was knocked off her feet, and onto Diva’s lap. She was about to protest when she realized they were now in cover. Talia scowled to herself.

“That damn drink did me in. I’m not this off usually.”

She grinned at Diva’s words, blasters going off in the back.

“I wouldn’t have missed that performance for the world.”

Talia’s fingers fiddled quickly, gathering other knives and preparing for combat. She knew more men had gathered inside and were in their way. Talia nodded at Diva’s exit suggestion, slowly rising up to assess the situation. They had no choice but to face a new throng of men that had gathered near the stage, looking around aimlessly. Talia sighed to herself, deciding that it was time to get her shit together.

“Cover me.”

With that, Talia ran directly into the group of men to close distance. They were taken by surprise too quickly to aim anything. Talia slammed a knife into the chest of man on her left, using that momentum to press down and launch her body up and slam her foot into the nose of the man in front of her. The kick was a half circle, and she regained her footing, drawing the knife she had stabbed the left side man with back and launching it at another man that was making a beeline for her.

As a guard went for a punch, Talia caught it, twisting the man’s arm and quickly snatching the blaster he held. She shot someone in point blank range, spinning around to use the man she held the punch of as a meat shield. The woman moved like an acrobat, twisting, jumping, spinning, kicking. The group of men that circled her began to fall like flies around her. Her movements were suddenly more graceful, practiced and connected as if those of a dancer’s. Diva herself would find odd similarities between her movements and a performer’s on stage. Talia was someone else at that moment, in a different plane of existence altogether.

As a man aimed a blaster at her, she was quick to grab that arm and point it at his ally just as he pulled the trigger. Talia twisted and cracked that same arm, shoving the man into yet another guard. The woman whirled around right in time to send a knife whizzing dead center in the middle of a man’s chest. As he began to fall backwards, Talia rushed at him, unceremoniously slamming her feet upon his body and walking up the front of his torso. The end of this disgraceful maneuver was a flip in the air to land her in a crouch atop the stage. She had the knife back in her hand from the body she pierced, running directly towards Nalu.

Talia did not look back until she could once again see the city lights outside and the thumping of bass became more dull. The bounty hunter skidded to a halt in a dark alley, glancing back to look at Diva, a grin on her face.

“Well shit. That could have gone more smoothly.”


Mandalorian AFL
SWRP Writer
Dec 28, 2015
Reaction score
The memory Diva had of this woman from only a few hours ago, now felt like centuries ago. This woman was... well...

Cover you? N.E.Time....

Diva popped up behind Talia and ended up doing alot more gawking than covering. Oooh she could move. A little tense here and there, and some of her form wasn't quite effecient, but only someone like Diva could possibly notice such things, and that was all besides the point: Talia had grace. While she cleared the path, Diva methodically picked off the men behind them, ducking a blaster bolt or two and keeping the rest off of Talia, but this kind of shooting was kid stuff. To any observer, she wasn't even looking at her targets. The only thing she looked at other than Talia was the beserk looking Chiss who had decided to be a hero, and was succeeding truth be told. Diva tossed him a wink before returning to her intended company for the evening. Feeling inspired she deftley leapt high and pranced on the heads of Talia's victims as they fell, keeping close on her escorts heels.

As they fell into the fresh night air of Alderaan's mountain city, Nalu planted a quick grining kiss on Diva's cheek and turned back.

The new song is good Tumi... keep working on it, and you? Your Guild has no idea how smart an investment it's making

Nalu! Don't.

What? now if you'll excuse me, I kind of like this job...

With that, Nalu cocked the pulse rifle and ducked back inside. Diva started walking down the alley, throwing Talia a coy look as she holstered a blaster with a little juggling move, then tossed a cigarra into her mouth with similar flair...

You know Talia, you should try silk work, it would really work-out that light tension in your thighs....

Diva's sultry little taunt was cut short, as she suddenly turned her head to the side, and raised the blaster to her lips, quickly firing it off at the tip of her cigarra. A few meters behind Talia something heavy hit the street, and his blaster rifle clanged down the fire escape behind him. Diva took a puff of her now-lit smoke, and continued down the street as if muffled screams weren't still coming from the building behind them, humming the tune to her song as she went.. ship's nearby....and, about that job....