

SWRP Writer
Jul 3, 2017
Reaction score
Name: Garnamira

Faction: Independent

Species: Gand

Age: 29

Gender: None

Force Sensitive: No

Appearance: Standing at about 1.5 metres high, Garnamira hardly cuts a threatening silhouette, even with their stocky limbs and body. Their grey chitin is hidden beneath layers of grey shapeless robes, giving them the appearance of a mobile pile of dirty laundry with a tank of ammonia gas on it. Their large compound eyes appear expressionless and their beaked mouth is covered by a breathing mask. To help deal with the ever-present ammoniac tang around then, they wear a necklace of air-fresheners picked up from starport service stations from across their travels, swapping out those which have lost their scent along the way.

Biography: Garnamira has lost two siblings and a father to a quest that has beset their family for generations. Out there in the nameless black is a target, a quarry that calls to them from across the unspeakable distances of open space. Their family is simply dragged after it into a hopeless pursuit. Garnamira knows whatever it is must be dangerous, and that a weapon to bring it down must be equally great, yet the chase and the kill are expensive ventures and must be paid in full. Thus, Garna has held a series of jobs in a variety of more-or-less legal ventures throughout their life to cover the immense expenses of tracking their unknown and unknowable foe.

The last of these was on an orbital station around Brentaal IV as security for a smuggling ring where events unfortunately overtook them, and the Sith descended to take the station. With a choice between death at the hands of the Sith and an uneasy alliance with resistance elements, Garna was forced into a fight to the death with Imperial Legion personnel and a handful of lightsabre-wielders in the service ducts and crawlspaces of Brentaal Orbital. Bedecked with bandoliers of thermal detonators and carrying tanks of ammonia gas and high-energy flammable fuel, Garna was a threat to everyone around them, and earned a reputation as much for their unnerving calm as their ability to hunt and kill Legionaries as they assaulted the station.

The defence was so spirited that the Legion opted instead to simply blow the station out of orbit with naval guns. Garna barely escaped with their life, and had to make a run for less well-guarded sections of space to lie low, guard their funds, and earn themself a living, counting the days and pennies until they can embark on their great undertaking.

Personality: Garnamira is calm and softly-spoken, rarely raising their voice unnecessarily. They can be a little over-elaborate in their language and tone, but by and large they do their best to fit in. They are aware of the difficulty gand have being understood by the majority of humanoids, and seeks to ease the cultural and physical clashes as best they can. That being said, Garna also has a keen eye for when they are being treated as lesser, particularly when it comes to atmosphere preferences. They maintain they have as much a right to respect and fresh air as any other sentient, and although they claim to never start fights, they have a way of ending up in fights with those they feel disagree with them too strenuously or too impolitely.

Skills and Attributes: Gand are rarely listed among the great warriors of the galaxy, and Garnamira is no exception, since they lack the physical strength, height, reach, and swiftness for fistfighting or melees. Garna's small stature does make them a good candidate for stealth, even if they tend to overload themselves with weaponry. They particularly excel at fighting in close quarters, using their shortness and indiscriminate weapons to great effect. As the child of hunters, Garnamira can track with a decent degree of accuracy through urban and rural environments, although they would be the first to admit they are hardly the finest.

Gear: 1 two-handed flamethrower and a tank of pressurised fuel. Limited range, wide spread.

1 blaster pistol and 2 spare magazines

A breathing mask, one main tank of ammonia (48 hours) and one back-up tank (12 hours), both refillable.

A belt of 8 thermal detonators

A necklace of various air-fresheners, as well as sticks and cones of various incenses.

A credit-chip containing approximately 1,000,000 credits in a locked savings account. Money can be deposited but never withdrawn.

Robe and heavy boots.

Dark child

You- The Forty Six & 2
SWRP Writer
May 31, 2016
Reaction score
I love the air freshener bit. Smelling good is imperative when you're hunting sentient life forms. ;)

The only things I think you should add to on the profile are Garnamira's weapons.
Select a pistol that best suits them from the Tech Compendium, then submit the flamethrower to the tech boards since I don't see any currently approved flamethrowers but read this first.

We don't limit the amount of grenades or credits a character can carry to my knowledge but both seem a tad high. You don't have to change that though.

While browsing the compendium you may also want to find Garnamira a set of armor that they can wear beneath their robes for extra protection but again it is not necessary.