Sith Order Gar'rosh Derthag


dark side aficionado
SWRP Writer
Apr 7, 2015
Reaction score



--- Orsimer Prime
--- 22


--- Species
--- Height
--- Mass
--- Eye Color
--- Hair Color
--- Complexion
--- Force Sensitivity

--- Orcolan
--- 210 cm
--- 85 kg
--- Gold, black sclera
--- Black
--- Green
--- Positive


--- Faction
--- Organizations

--- Sith Empire
--- N/A

"When your hand is empty, your only option is to armor up!"

- Orcish saying

Gar'rosh Derthag (/gah-roh-sh-dehr-thah-g/), also known as Gar was an orc Sith Champion, hunter, and warrior from the planet Orsimer Prime. Born into a Northern tribe, he was raised in the tundras, where wild beasts roamed freely, hardened by the elements. He was the only son of the village's warchief, and the burden of expectations was placed upon his shoulders from his birth, and his life revolved around strength. The tribe was composed mostly of hunters and warriors, tough and bloodthirsty, and his Force sensitivity was spotted quickly by one of the Guçlu in his village. His parents rejoiced, as neither of them had been gifted in this way and they'd hope their son would be different. He was trained in the ways of the Force, and unlike the weaker tribes in the South, his taught him to use the Force offensively, to fight enemies to the death and accept no surrender. None in his village even knew about the existence of blaster or lightsabers; instead, they fought using massive broadswords or axes, emphasizing raw strength in every aspect of combat.

For his rite of passage at 16, he was taken along for a raid on a rival village, and Gar'rosh fought brutally side by side with the men he had grown up around. His trial was simple but challenging--he was to fight one on one with the village warchief, a hulking behemoth of a man who was renowned in their region for his cruelty and martial prowess. Armed with a broadsword and leather armor, Gar'rosh took down the older orc in a bloody duel that lasted little over an hour. At the end, covered in grime and gore, he embedded the tip of his sword into his opponent's head at last, and returned home a hero on the shoulders of his compatriots.

The tribe never received visitors, as off-worlders never had reason to venture so far North into the dangerous wastes, so Gar'rosh had never seen a non-orc in his entire life until a pirate ship crash-landed in the fields on the outskirts of the village. Awestruck by the different species and complex technology, Gar'rosh regarded them with curiosity but kept his distance, hostile to outsiders as many orcs were. Their warchief--his father--chose to spare them with the promise that they would repair their craft and leave, giving them a week.

Three days had not passed when their village was struck by a brutal raid from three other tribes at the same time, and the chaos that ensued lead to a battle that lasted an entire day. The aftermath saw most of his tribe wiped out, his father executed in the square, and the village burned down, but Gar'rosh, wounded and traumatized, managed to escape, turning to the only ones that could help him--the pirates. Though hesitant at first, he agreed to join them on the condition that they would take him off-world, and he left the atmosphere of Orsimer Prime for the first time at the age of 17. His raw strength and iron will was revered by the rest of the crew, who held him in high regard and taught him things about the Galaxy. He learned to wield a blaster, to pilot a ship, to raid convoys and deceive law enforcement.

He was with the crew for two years before they made a fatal mistake by trying to raid the ship of a Sith. The only one who survived, again, was Gar'rosh, only because the Sith sensed his use of the Force in combat and noted his already-burgeoning corruption--he was the perfect apprentice. Except Gar'rosh did not want to be anyone's apprentice, and he wanted to answer to no one. He resisted from the day he was taken against his will and until the day several months later that he was at last overcome by rage and slaughtered his "master." Feeling no shame, he burned the corpse on a remote world in the Outer Rim and left it there, then wandered the Galaxy for a few months before he realized that, despite his unpleasant experiences with his master, he felt more at home among the ranks of the Sith than anywhere in the Galaxy save for Orsimer Prime.

A P P E A R A N C E & P E R S O N A L I T Y
With skin green as the water in the swamps of Dagobah and eyes like the lava rivers of Mustafar, Gar'rosh certainly looks like the part of an orc that strayed too far down the path into darkness. Whereas most orcs would be opposed to offensive uses of the Force, he has no such reservations, having been raised in a tribe of exceptionally dedicated warriors who were never afraid to play dirty. Though on Orsimer Prime this meant he was viewed as dishonorable, the rest of the Galaxy does not care, and he's content with that.

His village was hated by their neighbors due to their brutality and success in pushing their will onto others. This, in turn, made him a harsh person who does not care about the opinion of others, does not like being told what to do, and would rather die than bend the knee in front of a foe. Though his travels through the Galaxy have somewhat softened his aversion to non-orcs, he still retains the core aspects of his identity as an orc, which makes him fit into the Sith ranks perfectly.

Headstrong and independent, Gar'rosh is a lone wolf who is a perfect example of the average orc. Always willing to get blood on his blade and never flinching in the face of conflict, he pushes through where others are too weak to continue. Not squeamish in the least, he takes great pleasure in mutilating his enemies and pours his emotions into the way he fights, channeling his rage which, coupled with his raw strength, turns him into a hulking brute capable of tearing limbs apart with his bare hands.

He takes great pride in his martial prowess and cares for his weapons, body, and mind above all, dedicating his time to improving them because it is his belief that it is the formula for becoming a better warrior. He dedicates himself to the never-ending search for power, his deepest desire being becoming an unstoppable being who can enforce his will onto others as he sees fit.

🢛 Enemy/Dislikes | 🢜 Neutral | 🢙 Ally |

🢙 Character Name -- Description.​

🢜 Character Name -- Description.​

🢛 Character Name -- Description.​


-- 'Ship name,' Ship class ship type

-- TBD

-- Red lightsaber
-- Orcish broadsword (functionally identical to vibroswords in PvP)

--Gar'rosh's armor

-- Datapad
-- Personav


1. Thread Title - in progress - Thread description.


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