Gerruf Kupp'ifray


SWRP Writer
Oct 16, 2015
Reaction score

Gerruf Kupp'ifray


► 25
► 5' 1"
► 126 lbs
► Green
► Light Brown with darker patches
► Bothawui
► XY
► GA
► Jedi Padawan
► Yup
Gerruf was born into the small Ifray clan, a group that had the long standing tradition of working on the wrong side of the law. At first this mattered nothing, Gerruf undergoing a normal childhood upon his home planet. He was an average child that preformed well enough in his schoolings and other activities. As time passed and he grew however, the young Bothan soon joined his clan in their operations in the galaxy. His clan taught him the art of smuggling, sabotage, and splicing, and he was soon piloting speeders as a get away driver. That was how he spent several years, gradually moving up in the world of crime and con.

Unfortunately, it was only a matter of time before things went wrong. One of the senior clan members picked the wrong smuggling job to attempt, and brought the Old Empire down upon them. A brief act of rebellion resulted in a firefight that purged almost all of Gerruf's companions, and the few survivors including himself were pressed into slavery. Gerrful escaped this fate only by sheer luck, a rebel force attacking his Sith captors and offering the chance he needed to slip away. Without a ship, clan, or even safe passage back home, Gerrful was lost. He got by with confidence games and the odd job here and there, but was essentially just wandering across the galaxy. Even upon returning home there was no respite, his clan almost nonexistent by then.

Eventually however, he ran into a spot of luck, encountering a rebel cell whilst acting as a slicer for hire. He did a good job that time, even making a friend or two and telling his story. Before he knew it, they were offering to join them. No other prospects, or means to advance himself, Gerruf accepted the offer. Luck, or the force rather, continued to favor him though. Only a short year or so after beginning to work with them, they let it be known they were looking for potential Jedi recruits. Drawn by the potential for power and influence, Gerruf dared to apply and to his amazement, it was discovered he was a force sensitive. So began his training as a Jedi with the Grand Alliance. He learned quick under the senior Jedi, devoting himself fully to the opportunity before him. It didn't take long before he earned the title and skill of Jedi Padawan.

Gerruf is an enigma to many of the other rebels. He cares about the Galactic Alliance, truly he does. He doesn't like the Sith either, partly due to his past experiences with them. However, his initial reasons for joining were mostly self serving. Even now, as he makes friends and communes with the force this sticks with him partly. His soul still irks for self advancement, craving power and influence like any good Bothan. It is fairly often he finds himself choosing the morally dubious path, if doing so benefits him in some way. Because of this, and his own past and instilled values, Gerrful is extremely distrusting of others and their motives. In first, second, and third meetings he comes off as extremely cold and standoffish. Only after repeated happy encounters does he finally begin to loosen up around someone.

Despite all this however, Gerruf's ultimate intentions are usually good. He certainly doesn't enjoy fighting or hurting others and would much prefer a galaxy where he and others could be free from tyranny. It is greatly uncomfortable for him too, to watch others suffer unnecessarily. He truly desires to become a good Jedi, not just a powerful one. His sometimes questionable intentions are also tempered by a very calm and rational mindset and near unlimited patience. Outside of the alliance, Gerruf enjoys gambling and other games of chance. Dice in particular has become a favored preference of his since his Jedi training. He also enjoys tinkering with ships and droids as well, including the occasional slicing practice on unsuspecting credit sources.


2x Lightsabers-Green

1x RX/4 Starfighter
Ranger Scout Armor-No functions
2x R5 Pistols-2 Reloads.
1x NEWDA-Right arm/sleeve equipped with one lightsaber
Port Scanner


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