
Serie Fond

SWRP Writer
Mar 23, 2018
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Serie walked with Oskar to the largest tree she had ever seen in her entire life. They were on Dantooine for a nice getaway from everything happening in the galaxy. Their last few dates had gone very well and she always enjoyed her time with him, no matter what the occasion. He was a true gentleman, and she had come to like that more and more about him the more time she spent with the Sith. The majority of which seemed to think they owned the entire galaxy. She might have been a dsrksider like them, but there was the similarities began and ended.

She took a moment to pull the hood over her eyes a bit more to protect them from the suns rays, and looked over to oskar as they walked along together. I'm not going to lie, you really do know the best spots Oskar. I absolutely love the scenery here. And ibacnt wait to see it from up there. She told him pleasantly as she pointed towards the top of the massive tree. By the time they made it up there she figured the sun would be going down and it would make for quite the lovely way to spend the night.

@Richie B.

Oskar Atia

SWRP Writer
Apr 15, 2018
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Oskar wasn't quiet sure how he got lost, Dantooine wasn't that big of a place but he was doing his best to play it off as he knew what was happening. Just say he is letting the Force lead him and generally anyone would trust a Jedi being a guide. Sure he swore he saw the same rock getting to this tree 3 different times but thankfully it seemed Serie hadn't notice. Cause that would have been embarrassing. Getting up to a branch and taking a moment to rest, the Jedi knew better to wear his Jedi robes rather then his suit.

Keeping his hood down Oskar looked around to see the sea of grass. It was kind of calming to see how the wind moved the grass back and forth. Watching Serie enjoying this was kind of surprising a bit, but so far Oskar has already learned she wasn't like most dark siders. Honestly he never met one this kind or calm, maybe it was because he got to know her outside of the battle field. But having fought a few other Exiles now, and all of them where either crazy or cruel. Burning down buildings or straight up murdering people for no reason.

"Aww I just ask some Jedi nice calming spots to visit. As for going all the way to the top, that would be sweet. But I really enjoy just watching the scenery from here." Oskar knew she wanted to keep on going but the Jedi just looked out from this spot out and wondered what life would had been like without a war.

"So you're alright spending a night with a Jedi?" Oskar knew it would get cold once the sun got down but thankfully the robes and cloak should keep at least the Jedi warm.


Serie Fond

SWRP Writer
Mar 23, 2018
Reaction score
Serie smiled at the Jedi as he asked if she was alright spending the night with him. The truth was thatbthere was probably no,one else in the galaxy that she felt safer with than him. Maybe she knew stronger force users and Sith. That wasn't what made her feel safe. Oskar was a true gentleman, and his honest nature, gentle kind hearted words, really did touch a cord with her.

As long as you're that Jedi, I couldn't be any more alright. She said with a gentle smile, grasping his arm just a little bit tighter as she leaned against him slightly. She had never before felt as relaxed and soothed as she did when she was was with him. She did her best again to suppress her yellow eyes from her immersion in the dark side and bring out the deep blue that was her natural eye color. It took quite a bit if will power but she was slowly getting there. She looked at him with big eyes and tried to get him to notice that she was actually getting her natural eye color back.
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Oskar Atia

SWRP Writer
Apr 15, 2018
Reaction score
Oskar hadn’t notice her eyes or their change, as he still looked out into the view that they had the Jedi would face the Sith that he brought to Dantooine. That was when he notice the eye color change, it made him smile more so then usual and without him being able to control it. Even if it wasn’t much just the imagine of her trying to push off the dark side was heart warming to him. It did make Oskar believe what he was doing was right, even if most of the Jedi would disagree he couldn’t see why this wasn’t acceptable to help get the Sith to return.

Yet feeling slightly brave the Jedi figured he might ask a simple question. Which might change things depending on what she says.

“So the world gets cold at night. What’s our plan for staying warm? I can’t imagine starting a fire on a tree would be smart.” Oskar knew the implications but the Jedi seriously was concerned on the sleeping arrangement.

Hopefully she doesn’t ask any questions on whether Oskar had ever spent the night with a girl. Cause that would be embarrassing and since he isn’t a liar he would have to give a pretty sad answer. But even with his training and teachers explaining why he should separate himself from emotion, he was slightly hoping to be in the same branch as Serie. Would be both comfortable and smart for keeping warm till the morning. But regardless of the answer Oskar was curious about something and wanted to ask.

“So besides being a Sith, that’s how it’s pronounce right, what would you want to do?” It’s a weird question but it would let Oskar know what sort of person she was, and what she might want him to think she was like.
