Armor Graves' Garb


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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Graves' Garb
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Serene Graves occasionally has the need to wear a helmet and armor. As a Sith, combat is not alien to Serene and as such she wears a degree of protection when she deems it appropriate. Serene sometimes incorporates life support functions into her suit when visiting hazardous places. Both of her forearms are protected by phrik lined gauntlets while the rest of her armor is made up of armorweave and duraplast.

Legal. There is nothing illegal about this suit of armor other than a potential evil doer is wearing it.

A personal Sith armor design associated with Serene Graves.

Restricted Tech
It's customized armor associated with a particular individual lore-wise but other than that it isn't really restricted.

Type and Coverage
Type: Light Armor

Coverage: (Coverage regions for Light armor is 1-3 regions, Medium is 4-5, Heavy is 6-7)

  • Head: Front and back of the head and neck.
  • Torso: Chest and abdomen .
  • Lower Arms: Hands, wrists and forearms. (LS resistant)


Function 1: Armorweave (throughout)
  • Most often in the form of a heavy cape, skirt, or underlay beneath armor, armor weave provides some protection against the penetrating effects of shrapnel from explosives and other unpowered high velocity impacts, with only a small amount of bleed through damage (bruising or very minor wounds). It offers no protection against kinetic impact or energy, vibroweapons, or similar "powered" weapons. Having more than one accessory (example: Cape + underweave) provides no additional effect.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes
Function 2: Filter (helmet)
  • Filters are attachments to a helmet, or function as part of a mask, or is the mask itself, that filter out environmental contaminants such as smoke or most toxins. They are susceptible to caustic substances and damage.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes
Function 3: Utility Heads Up Display (helmet)
  • Reads atmosphere composition and detects toxins, has also 4x magnifier, rangefinder and compass.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes
Function 4: Rebreather (helmet)
  • Rebreathers allow for a person to survive underwater or in space for brief amounts of time by scrubbing CO2 from their exhaled breath. Generally this lasts for 3-4 posts, but heavy exertion can shorten that time.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes
Function 5: Computer spike (left wrist)
  • Computer spikes are used to forcibly decrypt or unlock computer terminals. Most civilian systems can be cracked in one posting round, while most military or hardened systems take two or more.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes

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