~Guidance is what they deserve~


Local Insomniac
SWRP Writer
Sep 4, 2009
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Jade found herself lying down on a rather extravagent rug in which she had bought from the market earlier in the day. She looked up into the stary night skies, admiring it's rather calm beauty which was a stark contrast to Tatooine in most fashions. Still, she managed to keep her eyes from closing for the night.

Perhaps it was for the fear of her visions returning, but Jade liked to think it was mostly due to the fact she was awaiting her new padawans. They were a lovely couple that would have to work in conjuction with eachother if they wanted to pass through Jade's trials.

"I wonder where they are with those stones I told them to gather. Oh, I hope they didn't forget the sticks too."

Did she really send her padawans on that much of a mundane task? Why of course she did, that was how Jade was. She loved pulling rank whenever she could, made life easier and less of a hassle. Not to mention that her rug was rather cumfy.


Emperor of the Moon
SWRP Writer
Dec 9, 2010
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Slipping through his arm the stick fell nearly hitting the ground before it was stopped by an unseen force. Hal groaned in frustration. He didn't know why he didn't bring some sort of bag before he left. He was probably still flustered from returning to his home planet after so long. It was still as he remembered, hot as hell and still home to the scum of the universe. Not much else was interesting about the endless waste called Tatooine.

I'm off to a good star--

Chaos ensued as one of the rocks slipped through the hole the stick had created and everything came tumbling to the ground. Hal yelped out in pain as one of the rocks smashed into his foot. The stick he stopped fell with his concentration and Hal was on the floor rubbing his foot not far from where his Master sat.

A real good start...


SWRP Writer
Sep 6, 2009
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Nyroc gazed up as she held her bundle of sticks in her avian hands her pockets weighed down by medium sized rocks, admiring the starry skies. The celestial lights seemed perfect here, no clouds to speak of tonight, and they were certainly spectacular for anyone who hadn't visited the world before. They almost made you forget about the other, more irritable traits of the world.

Like the sand, for example. The gritty substance had, even without wind, managed scratch and itch everywhere the light could—or couldn't—reach. Putting the sticks down for a second, she ruffled her arm and head feathers disdainfully, but no matter which way she shook, she was still unable to rid herself of the tiny, scratchy rocks.

This made no sense, she thought, picking up her neat bundle again. Life was perfect back on the homeworld, but Dad decides to send me off here. I don't see any learning involved here; in fact, all I see is some snooty old woman taking advantage of her superiority and giving her students all the work to do!

Nyroc sniffed, frustrated, and continued. It wasnt fair. It had been perfect, but now she was living with these strange monks. She hadn't even landed on a Jedi planet before she was picked up, and sent to learn under her new master—what, did they think she would behave as a Kath hound?—hadn't even heard of them except for brief references during all her years of the academy for what? To pick up sticks in the middle of the desert? Never mind that it was indeed a desert, meaning all coarse, irritating sand and little vegetation...

Nyroc blinked rapidly as she hushed her mental rage. What she had heard gave her slight chills. For one, they said these Jedi had earned their place by using special powers. In some cases, even, it had been said they could read minds. And with those legendary light sword things, they could cut anything, making them almost unstoppable!

And then of course, there were ones who turned bad. They supposedly could kill with a touch of the mind...Nyroc shuddered, and continued back torwards their camp with a slightly increased pace. She didn't know why she was brought here, but she didn't want to fail her master.

That would be inconceivable.