Halc Griemer


Old War Dog
SWRP Writer
Nov 6, 2017
Reaction score
Name:Halc Griemer
Height:3' 9"
Weight:50 lbs
Birth place:Aleen


Short in nature with few pieces of clothing. His blue gray skin is marred by scars from the time he was held captive by a Dark Jedi Healer. Some times grungy from living on the streets, but this hides that often feeling of others sensing his true thoughts. With a constant lopsided grin you can never tell whether he is happy or up to some mischief.


A happy go lucky kind of fellow in his youth, but since the loss of his master, his capture, and medical torture he has gone insane. Often found in public squares performing past exploits using his telekinetic power to maneuver toys and giving them special effects. Unjedi-like he enjoys children and smaller people. He gets upset if he has to look up to people for to long. Shiny things capture his attention and make him loose his train of thought. So most of the time he when not entertaining children he is chasing females because of the jewelry they wear. His eating habits are a bit lacking. He prefers the condiments over the food, smothering the food with any and all. When in a fight he is unpredictable. His high intelligence and speed is often affected by his insane moments. With the fits he has Illusions made real by his force powers of telepathic and telekinetic abilities.

Profession: Exile

Skills:Scout, Cook, Entertainer

Previous Faction:Jedi

Mastery Level:Exile(apprentice)

Lightsaber: N/A

Practiced Lightsaber forms:

Shii-Cho 5

Force-Sensitive Abilities or practices:

Specialized Skills:

Force fear



Physical Strength:4
Intelligence: 6
Speed: 8
Leadership: 0

Unarmed: 1
Melee Weapons:5
Ranged Weapons:2

Force Attunement:0



Age: Birth to 5 yrs

Halc was born to Elim and Nora Griemer. The event was a marvelous and wonderful birth for they were on their third family trip through the inner ringed planets to the expansion regions of space. The whole family was there Elim's parents and Nora's as well. His two brothers and sister were not so happy for he kept them up most nights crying and wailed when ever they made planet side to some backwater planet.

Though this was often followed by them narrowly being attacked or hurt in an animal or natural disaster. He parents thought this strange but had no time to think for they would be once again on the move to the next location. Most of the planets no one ever heard of or ever been to. Danger or not they plodded on as true Aleens. For three years they traveled the galaxy ending up in orbit of Shili. They spent near a year planet side by this time Halc was starting to talk well a first for the family. Halc was being taught to speak an read by his mother's parents. His father's parents taught him math and history of the cultures that they were traveling to. When the turu-grass started to bloom in the mid-fall and the herbivores had their young tragedy struck the families.

While out on the savanna watching the turu-grass grazers, a mob of rancor with young charged the grazers and his family. Where was Halc? He once again was to frightened to come out of the little shuttle they had rented for the week. He was locked inside while his family was a mile away. Why had they left him? His mother did not want to drag about with him, so frightened as he was, the forty some odd time before. His father who was some-what forward thinking knew his son would be safe locked in the shuttle.

The rancor attacked the grazers and herded his family together so that their young could have their first kill. A scout party found the shuttle two days later when the Griemers did not show with the shuttle. Inside they found Halc alone and frightened to come out until a Jedi female persuaded him that no monsters were going to eat him. She had been near to halt the ravaging rancors from devistating a near by village. He cringed and cried out. All wondered why until they heard the distant cry of the mob of rancor. The Jedi turned and searched for the rancor mob and found that they were coming back. This little one felt them turn to come back this way. She felt the force with-in him. Low as it was he had great potential. She told them to gather what they could for they were leaving. She told Halc that she, Millyann Fieldy, would protect him till he was safe.

Two months past by as they sent messages for others of Halc's family, but received no reply. While they waited Halc wanted to know about the feeling he had when near her. Millyann told him that it was the force it was in every thing and bound every thing. She was surprised when he said he understood. He told her it must be the energy of all things living and dead. She knew he would be safer at a youngling safe house that on Shili and besides he was now the responsibility of the Jedi. The authorities of Shili knew where he would be if any came looking for him.

A New Life

Age: 6-15

She asked him questions about the loss of his family and what he has seen while he was with them. He answered her like as if they asked a travel droid, precise and direct. When she asked how he felt could not answer. He truly did not know how he was to feel. Of course he was lonely and missed them but the feeling he was getting from them he felt as if he was home.

His simple mindedness was a plus and a negative. Millyann spoke to another Jedi that she would like to watch over him and train him. The other Jedi looked at her. One saw the path that she might take one of a Exile, ever since she had lost her own master she was never the same. Agreeing to the proposal they also told her to watch herself as well, for decisions were their's to make not her's.

So for the next five years deep in the lower levels of Coruscant Halc worked and studied taking the hunger for knowledge, that his grandparents instilled in him, he grew strong in the force. He never had to ask MIllyann if she would repeat what was just said or how to did that. For when ever he wanted he had recorded very thing on his vacation holo-recorder and played it back at a later time. So thus his progress was faster than most. Telepathic and Kinetic power was easy for him for he was more open to new ideas and could feel the force early on.

The sword training though was a bit rough. His short arms made for easy strikes by bigger and stronger opponents. That was the way it was until he found out about Ataru. Millyann would teach him Ataru for a shortened training at a young age. He applied quietly what he saw into his Shii-Cho and found the basics needed to be moving toward Ataru.

By the end of his third year at the he was well on his way to having Shii-Cho down. Quietly he started Ataru. Though Millyann directed him in many other areas of his basics as well but it was Ataru that he excelled in. With in the year he was well on his way, devoting massive amounts of time to Shii-Cho and Ataru. Often he would be found passed out from exhaustion from training so hard. Millyann was impressed as to his advancement but told him to pace himself, yet he knew he could not. Like all Aleen his life would come to and end quicker than most.

One's of the Jedi order wanted to talk to Millyann because she had started to not just watch but helped him but started to grow attached to him. When the two were called they solemnly walked in the chamber and heard what the masters had to say. They said if they were to persist in this conduct then they would be no longer members of The Order. I time Millyann and Halc left the safe house area and disappeared leaving the Jedi order to be exiles.



Leaving Coruscant for Nar Shadda was a great change for both of them. Millyann and Halc had to not just blend in but completely hide in the depths of the planet. The place was nearly nothing but shadow and pockets of vast darkness. Yet here is where their life changed in the way of having a normal life.

In the depths they trained and worked. Worked? It was not the work of a 9 to 5 job. They fought of thugs and creatures that would do harm to the locals. The locals in turn would give them food and some times money. Halc had many opportunities to test his force abilities, pushing, pulling, persuasion, and to use his force sense. He did not have his training saber with him but Millyann constructed a stun saber for him to train and use while they were in the depths. Often than not this too was often useless because of not having the proper parts. So Millyann got help from locals to help train Halc in the Melee arts. All the while they were down in the depths Halc trained with wooden or blunted swords. Small pipes came in handy for Halc as well when he was in a pinch for a weapon.

They continued on this way for three years defending the weak and upholding justice in the depths. Millyann did not know how long they could stay down there. She hoped she could give Halc a better way to be trained. He was indeed getting stronger in Melee combat putting down four to five opponents at a time, still Halc was going to need more than training in the depths. Until a stranger from above happened to come down into the depths to find them. For he had heard of their good works. He was a local merchant who was in need of help when protecting his goods as they were being shipped. This was and opportunity neither could pass up.

Halc's fourteenth year was by far the most enjoyable since his parents died. He was once again traveling the galaxy seeing sights that few dared see or experience. The most exciting was the attacks by pirates. The attacks not only happened in space but many times they came while planet side. This was when Halc learned to become a true scout.

He had done some thing similar while at Nar Shadda but nothing like the wide openness of the plains and the choking denseness of the jungles. He found it some what enjoyable though many time Millyann warned him about not controlling his emotions. She also told him to meditate more so that his mind will be more focused for which will give him better control over the force.

On a few of the planet drops they found time to search out areas of concentrated force for Halc to test himself with-in. The first few times Halc found himself having to battle other things. Until he finally had to fight a Dark Jedi with four arms, two of which were mechanical. When he won he knew the way the battle went that he was straying from the way of light. Strong emotions and his focus failed him. When going over to the force induced vision of the Dark Jedi he found it looked some what like him but not. That is when he heard an evil cackle with-in the force and saw the shadowed figure of a Mon Calamari. The figure came closer to Halc. Halc tried to break free of the force vision but found that he had left it long ago. He was now held with in a Force Illusion. Where was his teacher? Where was Millyann? He did not know.

Loss and Capture

Age: 16-30

Dr. Eikbar, a famously deranged Dark exile Mon Calamari Healer was quiet known for his cruel treatment of POW's. He experimented on many beings especially other force users. Messing with their mind by cutting into it or using the force to alter memories and behavior of the victims. Now Halc was in his hidden lab not knowing what was going to happen next.

Halc tried to search for Millyann but could not find her. Force bubble voids prevented him from searching very far from his cell. Time for Halc was none existent. He did not know what hour or even day it was just that he had four walls around him and bugs ,that were beetle like, that ate at him constantly. He tried a force bubble to ward them off but they waited until he was very tired and the field fell and attacked in greater numbers. Days or weeks this went on. The only relief he got was when Eikbar came for him then he was in a much different and greater pain.

Time pasted and Halc started to see him self slipping mentally. Eikbar did as well and wanted him to break. So on one occasion he took Halc to his trophy room where he held his past experiment. Tired and exhausted by the endless days of torcher Halc was barely able to keep awake. Dr. Eikbar forced Halc's eyes open to see his most prized work. Halc's stomach retched as he saw Millyann. She was gilled and gutted like a boned fish floating in a preserving fluid. Halc turned to flee and Eikbar cackled after him knowing Halc was breaking.

To put her out of his mind and to give his being purpose he focused on the saber skills he had learned. Shii-Cho was nearly complete when he was captured now he had the time to devote to it and mastering it. He continued on remembering and practicing the other forms. His having no saber was a problem he tried using a spoon as his hilt and imagined his blade until he could see it clearly with in his mind, but it never really was the same. All that he could do was bounce off the walls and spin in such that a blur he became, but still slowly he was loosing his mind.

For the next few years Halc came and went with moments of sanity. During those times he would meditate and practice his skills. As for the rest of the time madness consumed him. Guards would hear him screaming non-sense and wildly flailing in the force. Once when going between a sane and insane moment Halc started screaming while mad and when sanity hit him he found a force ability he did not know about and that was force scream.

So like him he practiced force scream during sane moments, but often then not he used it when mad as well. The guards could not handle this ability and asked Eikbar to silence him, what they did not know was the endless force screams was working on the good doctor for now he to was mad as a hatter. So he solved the problem like any mad doctor, he lobotomized the solders. Now they never complained about the screaming ever again.

Times when Eikbar was working on Halc, Halc would put his mind into a different place. He would imagine himself on faraway planets away from the pain, but his screams still came threw. This caused many problems for Eikbar and the guards.

Halc went through many things. He saw himself dark, twisted evil, but the insanity of his mind made the choosing which path impossible. On Halc's thirtieth year of life he was still prisoner of Eikbar's labs. Halc had not seen the Doc. in many sleeping cycles. He did not know that the Dark Jedi was dead, killed by his own hands. Unable to stand the force screaming he took a power drill to his left temple. With none that had brains to figure this out this went on as normal.

Halc wandered the hallways after a guard, who was bringing Halc's food to him, opened his cell door. He searched for food and sough out things that interested him this all the while being totally insane. On one day of searching Halc came upon Eikbar's quarters. Inside Halc felt as if he was inside of a haunted house. Evil poured out of everything. Halc search the room in spite of this feeling for he could feel power and righteousness located some where in this room. A hour of searching yielded a case with many strange items to Halc's eyes. These were various weapons taken from the victims he had killed. To Halc there was a item with a glow that was warm and bright, it was Millyann's lightsaber. Halc smashed the glass of the case and took his former masters saber. Though he did not know who's it truly was at the time.

At long last a group of pirates found the labs and raided and plundered it of all the most valuable thing worth taking. When they left they did not notice they were one person heavier. Halc while in a mad moment was walking, about after freeing himself during a sane time period, he wandered the halls avoiding the pirates who to him looked like very large beetles that he had contended with many years ago. Through force fear Halc walked right on board and found a quiet cabinet in the mess hall and went to sleep there. There he stayed covering himself with a card board box. It was not until the pirate landed did they notice a Aleena leaving their landing port.

Wondering Mad

Age: 31-35

The five years Halc spent being free of Eikbar's torture was calming to Halc's soul and mind. Though he still looked for his long dead master Millyann he still searched. To his eyes the calmest places were likened to peaceful meadows. The busy crowded streets and by-ways were rapids some dangerous others minor hick ups in the flow of water.

Peace and danger he could feel and he flowed with them finding the best pathways to move through and rest at. Children he found to be the most peaceful and when he entertained them the peace of the force would grow in strength. Having to deal with grown ups though he did not like much. One the presence would darken from time to time. Second it gave him such a pain in the neck from looking up at them for any length of time.

Some at first did not know how to deal with him. Once they came to a conclusion he would be gone and later found on an entirely different planet. How he got there many did not know. Only a very few saw a dirty Aleen stuff himself into a piece of luggage as they were boarding their ship and never saw him afterward. Thus is how Halc got around traveling in other beings luggage. Once in a great while he had long periods of sane moments this was because the force needed his way of doing things to solve a local problem. When the problem was solved his insanity would return and he would have to be ushered away from normal people.

When Halc turned thirty five the council once again tried to find Halc and Millyann. Millyann's corpus was the first to be found. They gave her a proper funeral. When the other Jedi had passed by the coffin a dirty dingy aleen slowly came up to the coffin. He wept long and hard. The council member saw him and new it was Halc they were going to have him taken in to be cared for when Halc unleashed a force scream dropping most to the floor. He bolted from the hall and out of the temple Shrieking nonsense. Later they found him in a youngling training room giving one of his shows of when Millyann and him was deep with-in the bottom layers of Coruscant. They Ooo-ed and yaww-ed over the story told with Telekinetic ability and mechanical toys. One council member approached him and ask him how he was doing. With an overly cheerful attitude he said he was OK but the Master felt the fading sadness and saw a single tear run down his check. That was the last time the council searched for Halc and the last time he was seen at the temple. Many though would often find a solemn Aleen at a famous port giving a performance to young one who were often waiting to board their ship to leave. Never did they seem him for any length of time on any one planet.

RP Sample:

PB & J

On a sunny afternoon on Tatoonie Halc gleefully played in the sand as a five or six year old would. He had never seen such a place as this. He turned to a passing jawa and asked where the ocean was for all this sand there had to be an ocean. The jawa just burbbled and when on Halc did not know what he had it had said.

Picking up a hand full of sand he said....

So dry.... so dry..... this sandwich needs dressing. Oooh.... flaverless snot! I need a drink.

Halc got up and look around. All he could see was dry walls of flame. He did not move until he saw a block of ice in the distance. The block of ice was the local cantina. He made his way over to the cantina for a drink. Sanity started to creep up on him and he saw a young female being about to be attacked. So at the moment she turned Halc force screamed and the robber stubbled and ran the other direction. The young woman turned back to see the aleen with sparkles in his eyes. She thought him strange for when ever she moved he moved. Many thought she had lost one problem for another. What they did not know was he was attracted to the shiny credit chip in her hands.

She finally noticed that his eyes followed the chip. She was not disheartened for it was a very small amount. She gat it to him and he looked up at her and smiled and ran off to the cantina. She shook he head and walked on. Word spread to the cantina about the aleen but it was just slow enough that Halc had time to order a drink of water and downed it before the news came to the cantina. When the bartender look for the aleen he could not be found. The cantina did seem to be darker than normal. The bar keep just put it off to old eyes. Little did they know that Halc was resting in a cabinet at the bar keeps feet, where he drank his fill and ate what he wanted until the next ship left Tatoonie.
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Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score

This is a good start, I suggest though reading up on the timeline here and then the Jedi and Exile write ups. They contain more information about what has been happening with the factions during your character's time with the Order and when he joins the Exiles. Mostly what I am concerned about is his training, the Order dissolved the padawan rank, so gaining a formal training as we see like in the Clone Wars is not really plausible for this time period.

Other minor edits you will make is to fix his rank to reflect the Exile equivalent of Exile (Apprentice), the lightsaber color needs to be one or the other, you can't have both there and lastly Aleena isn't an approve species, but I will approve it. So in the future make sure you check to make sure something is approved.

When you make these edits, please tag me for review.


Old War Dog
SWRP Writer
Nov 6, 2017
Reaction score
Reworked the training time era for a more one on one training. They did not join any group but left on their own and was grabbed. Changed planet for Exile time to Nar Shadda.



Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score