Haro's thread of things


Zen the kriff out
SWRP Writer
Jul 24, 2015
Reaction score
Came back just in time for the next timeline. Aww yiss. Open to ideas/plots/whatever, though I don't know if I'm going Sith/Jedi yet.
Characters will obviously be (at least partially) rewritten, they're here just for the template/to not be forgotten. I'm planning on having 2, a Sith/Jedi and an Indie.

Sorry for everyone I left hanging when leaving, but life really got in the way, and then I completely forgot about this.

1. Misaki Sagara, Sith.
2. Orus Quo, The Fulcrum.
3. Angus, Indie. (?)
Last edited:


Zen the kriff out
SWRP Writer
Jul 24, 2015
Reaction score

Misaki Sagara

NAME: Misaki Sagara.
ALIAS: Misa.
FACTION: Lords of the Sith.
RANK: Sith.

SEX: Female.
AGE: 23 years old.
SPECIES: Human(Yu).
HEIGHT: 174 cm.
WEIGHT: 59 kg.


Personality and Appearance
Charming and graceful, Misaki could be mistakenly described as the embodiment of the beauty and elegance of the Yu people, attesting to the traditionally proud mannerism seen as ideal for the ones of noble birth. Quite the sight, the young Sith was gifted astonishing beauty, uncommon even among the typically attractive women of her lineage, her dark hair clashing against a soft, paler skin, gentle features enhanced by the attire, carefully chosen and of utmost quality, combined with cosmetics. A great deal of detail goes into her makeup and garments, with special attention to the hair, usually replete with those. But looks are not all that important on their own, and Misaki, coming from one of the many noble clans, has received training on and still retains the maybe overly-courteous ways of the higher castes, respectful and polite whenever required, her movements gracious and elegant, yet still concise and confident, as if thought of beforehand.

Contrary to the tradition of honor and morality strongly present in most parts of Zhenxing since times long gone, the Sagara woman is deceitful, some of her more considerate, thoughtful moments being almost a mask over what years of training as an operative to her clan taught her. A time of conflict and instability, it was only natural for the warring clans to evolve, to adopt tactics seen as corrupt and unworthy by some, as trickery, espionage and assassination, and it was to this unforgiving and competitive world Misaki was brought, bearing the name Sagara, one of the clans most well-adjusted to this new type of shadowy conflict. The girl served since early, using and seeing the Force as a tool, something giving her and edge, with duty to one's house always in mind, at first proud of her position as an asset in their many plots.

While that pride to be called a Sagara still stands, during her life, Misaki shifted from altruism to borderline egocentrism, wise to the nature of the political game she took part of. But her past blindly dutiful ways did indeed take a toll, as her intense training and a plethora of amoral operations, which more often than not included death, messed with the girl's head, molding a landscape as unstable as Zhenxing's clans.

Innocence long gone, behind her elegant and collected mask is an overly emotional face. Manipulative and ambitious, rage is a common symptom after something does not go her way, but her pride still stands strong against displaying those more aggressive emotions for all to see. However, that tends to change based on the situation, as she values respect for power above all else, well, towards her own power, anyways, and does not hesitate to put someone she finds inferior in their place. That is most definitely not to say she enjoys senseless bloodshed, or even direct combat and gratuitous violence, for that matter, and most of these reprehension tend to stay in the verbal zone.

Growing as the second daughter, fourth child, dreams of attaining power withing the Sagara clan were never there to begin with, but with the death of her two brothers, it became clear she should be named heir, not her sister, but tradition prevailed over what was, in her opinion, the logical choice. Misaki's envious nature showed for the first time, going hand-in-hand with her vindictive tendencies after the actions her sister took, destroying her last strong familial bonds, bonds she held in great esteem.

Although some of her cold, maybe even ruthless characteristics tend to take the spotlight when shown, the key word would be instability. Her outside, save for the rare occasions she truly snaps into fits of rage, is usually disconnected from true feelings, a skill quickly acquired when dealing with enigmatic, unreadable courtiers, which ends up adding a layer of mystery of her own, a layer that even her get lost in at times.

Cynical and untrusting to the root, her time working with spies and other two-faced courtiers, sometimes plotting against their own clans, also left deep marks, as she learned few are worthy of trust, furthering even more her insensitivity towards others. It is also a key point impeding most, if not all, personal relations, as that hardship to trust on someone else, reflex not only of her operations, but also from actions took by her own family, also means closure towards the outside. There were few people that Misaki was ever truly open with, and none of those are still alive.

Loneliness is a giant aspect of Misaki's existence. There is no one left to share her life with, trustingly share her interests, thoughts and dreams, share her sensitive side, one suppressed for the greater part of her time in the universe. Aggravating the issue, along with the obvious lack of trust, is the disconnection she had with that side, and how she would much rather show aggression than passion, however plentiful the latter may be, after all, she knows the outcome aggressive behavior has, she can stay in full control of the situation, while the same can obviously not be said for other.

Character Alignment: Lawful Evil
A lawful evil villain methodically takes what he wants within the limits of his code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts. He cares about tradition, loyalty, and order but not about freedom, dignity, or life. He plays by the rules but without mercy or compassion. He is comfortable in a hierarchy and would like to rule, but is willing to serve. He condemns others not according to their actions but according to race, religion, homeland, or social rank. He is loath to break laws or promises.

This reluctance comes partly from his nature and partly because he depends on order to protect himself from those who oppose him on moral grounds. Some lawful evil villains have particular taboos, such as not killing in cold blood (but having underlings do it) or not letting children come to harm (if it can be helped). They imagine that these compunctions put them above unprincipled villains.​

Personality Type: ISTJ
Their defining characteristics of integrity, practical logic and tireless dedication to duty make ISTJs a vital core to many families, as well as organizations that uphold traditions, rules and standards, such as law offices, regulatory bodies and military. People with the ISTJ personality type enjoy taking responsibility for their actions, and take pride in the work they do – when working towards a goal, ISTJs hold back none of their time and energy completing each relevant task with accuracy and patience.

ISTJs don't make many assumptions, preferring instead to analyze their surroundings, check their facts and arrive at practical courses of action. ISTJ personalities are no-nonsense, and when they've made a decision, they will relay the facts necessary to achieve their goal, expecting others to grasp the situation immediately and take action. ISTJs have little tolerance for indecisiveness, but lose patience even more quickly if their chosen course is challenged with impractical theories, especially if they ignore key details – if challenges becomes time-consuming debates, ISTJs can become noticeably angry as deadlines tick nearer.​

Four-Temperaments: Melancholic
The melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted and thoughtful. Melancholic people often were perceived as very (or overly) pondering and considerate, getting rather worried when they could not be on time for events. They are also highly emotional, meaning it is easy for them to get offended or insulted. Melancholics can be highly creative in activities such as poetry and art - and can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. Often they are perfectionists. They are self-reliant and independent; one negative part of being a melancholic is that they can get so involved in what they are doing they forget to think of others.

Melancholies may be calm and quiet on the surface but they are often angry and resentful. They tend to keep those feelings to themselves until they build up and eventually the anger explodes.​




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sit amet venenatis orci, ac finibus nisi. Aliquam facilisis suscipit nulla, a eleifend felis tempus ut. Sed ultrices, purus ac rutrum imperdiet, tortor neque bibendum felis, id tincidunt magna ante ac tortor. Nullam tristique nisl ut nunc imperdiet blandit. Etiam felis ante, rhoncus in suscipit quis, euismod in arcu. In vulputate quam ut augue finibus porta. Donec in pulvinar erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur mattis nulla vel augue sagittis, quis blandit purus ullamcorper. Phasellus at metus vitae velit ornare rutrum. Vivamus dui nisi, fermentum quis dui et, sodales sagittis mi.

Cras elementum massa ut imperdiet aliquam. Mauris lacinia auctor sem vel consequat. Sed turpis ligula, vestibulum eu lacinia vel, mattis a purus. Duis iaculis fringilla faucibus. Aenean sed velit justo. Ut at posuere magna, a euismod velit. Ut tincidunt enim nunc, eu auctor quam mollis sed. Cras varius, sem tempor iaculis euismod, augue elit pellentesque dui, ut dapibus tellus ligula auctor felis. Morbi non venenatis sapien. Donec facilisis velit purus, eu rutrum nisl bibendum in. In lacinia tellus sed orci tempor, ut vestibulum neque mattis. Nulla sit amet est eros.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec laoreet enim ut volutpat fringilla. Curabitur nunc lacus, sagittis quis auctor sed, accumsan a massa. Maecenas vitae aliquet magna. Donec quis elementum turpis, quis sagittis tortor. Quisque semper, quam et hendrerit eleifend, diam lorem accumsan ante, eget euismod metus orci non ligula. Pellentesque imperdiet lorem id erat pharetra commodo. Nam condimentum lorem a nisi semper, sed tempus augue consequat. Vivamus ut quam augue.

Etiam enim tortor, faucibus in fringilla id, bibendum vitae massa. Praesent congue nisi a velit ultrices, nec sollicitudin quam maximus. Integer a ultrices ligula, sit amet pulvinar urna. Praesent eu elit a leo viverra tincidunt. Morbi facilisis eget dui non feugiat. Vestibulum justo ex, posuere a dignissim non, interdum ut leo. Pellentesque ac mi non felis sodales tincidunt. Nulla ut purus pellentesque, vehicula erat eu, gravida nunc. Proin sit amet accumsan massa. Suspendisse efficitur rutrum pulvinar. Maecenas quis turpis massa. Etiam sollicitudin porta odio at consequat. Nullam non rutrum tellus. Aenean convallis enim a lacus porta fringilla.

Donec id lorem sit amet arcu laoreet hendrerit. Donec dapibus odio nec neque congue consectetur. Cras semper sodales sodales. Pellentesque nec dolor id neque sagittis sodales non sed nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer in dolor ut ligula interdum laoreet. Maecenas scelerisque justo quis leo laoreet, auctor faucibus arcu sodales. Proin efficitur tortor ac ultrices semper. Praesent vitae arcu vitae ante dignissim ultricies. Donec eget lorem interdum, commodo erat vel, pellentesque lectus. Maecenas aliquet mollis dolor in gravida. Mauris tempus et dolor sit amet sagittis. Fusce id vehicula lorem. Suspendisse eget faucibus quam. Nullam convallis sem a neque iaculis dapibus. Nullam faucibus est eu aliquet bibendum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sit amet venenatis orci, ac finibus nisi. Aliquam facilisis suscipit nulla, a eleifend felis tempus ut. Sed ultrices, purus ac rutrum imperdiet, tortor neque bibendum felis, id tincidunt magna ante ac tortor. Nullam tristique nisl ut nunc imperdiet blandit. Etiam felis ante, rhoncus in suscipit quis, euismod in arcu. In vulputate quam ut augue finibus porta. Donec in pulvinar erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur mattis nulla vel augue sagittis, quis blandit purus ullamcorper. Phasellus at metus vitae velit ornare rutrum. Vivamus dui nisi, fermentum quis dui et, sodales sagittis mi.

Cras elementum massa ut imperdiet aliquam. Mauris lacinia auctor sem vel consequat. Sed turpis ligula, vestibulum eu lacinia vel, mattis a purus. Duis iaculis fringilla faucibus. Aenean sed velit justo. Ut at posuere magna, a euismod velit. Ut tincidunt enim nunc, eu auctor quam mollis sed. Cras varius, sem tempor iaculis euismod, augue elit pellentesque dui, ut dapibus tellus ligula auctor felis. Morbi non venenatis sapien. Donec facilisis velit purus, eu rutrum nisl bibendum in. In lacinia tellus sed orci tempor, ut vestibulum neque mattis. Nulla sit amet est eros.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec laoreet enim ut volutpat fringilla. Curabitur nunc lacus, sagittis quis auctor sed, accumsan a massa. Maecenas vitae aliquet magna. Donec quis elementum turpis, quis sagittis tortor. Quisque semper, quam et hendrerit eleifend, diam lorem accumsan ante, eget euismod metus orci non ligula. Pellentesque imperdiet lorem id erat pharetra commodo. Nam condimentum lorem a nisi semper, sed tempus augue consequat. Vivamus ut quam augue.

Etiam enim tortor, faucibus in fringilla id, bibendum vitae massa. Praesent congue nisi a velit ultrices, nec sollicitudin quam maximus. Integer a ultrices ligula, sit amet pulvinar urna. Praesent eu elit a leo viverra tincidunt. Morbi facilisis eget dui non feugiat. Vestibulum justo ex, posuere a dignissim non, interdum ut leo. Pellentesque ac mi non felis sodales tincidunt. Nulla ut purus pellentesque, vehicula erat eu, gravida nunc. Proin sit amet accumsan massa. Suspendisse efficitur rutrum pulvinar. Maecenas quis turpis massa. Etiam sollicitudin porta odio at consequat. Nullam non rutrum tellus. Aenean convallis enim a lacus porta fringilla.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sit amet venenatis orci, ac finibus nisi. Aliquam facilisis suscipit nulla, a eleifend felis tempus ut. Sed ultrices, purus ac rutrum imperdiet, tortor neque bibendum felis, id tincidunt magna ante ac tortor. Nullam tristique nisl ut nunc imperdiet blandit. Etiam felis ante, rhoncus in suscipit quis, euismod in arcu. In vulputate quam ut augue finibus porta. Donec in pulvinar erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur mattis nulla vel augue sagittis, quis blandit purus ullamcorper. Phasellus at metus vitae velit ornare rutrum. Vivamus dui nisi, fermentum quis dui et, sodales sagittis mi.

Cras elementum massa ut imperdiet aliquam. Mauris lacinia auctor sem vel consequat. Sed turpis ligula, vestibulum eu lacinia vel, mattis a purus. Duis iaculis fringilla faucibus. Aenean sed velit justo. Ut at posuere magna, a euismod velit. Ut tincidunt enim nunc, eu auctor quam mollis sed. Cras varius, sem tempor iaculis euismod, augue elit pellentesque dui, ut dapibus tellus ligula auctor felis. Morbi non venenatis sapien. Donec facilisis velit purus, eu rutrum nisl bibendum in. In lacinia tellus sed orci tempor, ut vestibulum neque mattis. Nulla sit amet est eros.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec laoreet enim ut volutpat fringilla. Curabitur nunc lacus, sagittis quis auctor sed, accumsan a massa. Maecenas vitae aliquet magna. Donec quis elementum turpis, quis sagittis tortor. Quisque semper, quam et hendrerit eleifend, diam lorem accumsan ante, eget euismod metus orci non ligula. Pellentesque imperdiet lorem id erat pharetra commodo. Nam condimentum lorem a nisi semper, sed tempus augue consequat. Vivamus ut quam augue.

Etiam enim tortor, faucibus in fringilla id, bibendum vitae massa. Praesent congue nisi a velit ultrices, nec sollicitudin quam maximus. Integer a ultrices ligula, sit amet pulvinar urna. Praesent eu elit a leo viverra tincidunt. Morbi facilisis eget dui non feugiat. Vestibulum justo ex, posuere a dignissim non, interdum ut leo. Pellentesque ac mi non felis sodales tincidunt. Nulla ut purus pellentesque, vehicula erat eu, gravida nunc. Proin sit amet accumsan massa. Suspendisse efficitur rutrum pulvinar. Maecenas quis turpis massa. Etiam sollicitudin porta odio at consequat. Nullam non rutrum tellus. Aenean convallis enim a lacus porta fringilla.

Last edited:


Zen the kriff out
SWRP Writer
Jul 24, 2015
Reaction score

Orus Quo

NAME: Orus Quo.
ALIAS: None.
FACTION: The Fulcrum.
RANK: Venator.

SEX: Male.
AGE: 18 years old.

A collected, well-mannered individual, Orus has always been diligent, persistent to his tasks and assignments, sometimes to greater extents than needed, turning that positive tenacity into stubbornness. His strong-willed nature at times means clashes with his closer superiors, as he usually stands by what he believes is right. But that is not to say he does not appreciate or respect authority or experience, the Kel Dor just carefully chooses who deserves that respect. However, introverted as he is, confrontation is not seen by Orus as ideal, and more often than not results in him getting silently offended.

A questioner, he is not afraid to incessantly ask for answers and point issues out for his closer associates, with a fear to fail more than anything else. These questions, coupled with an active mind, means he thinks - and questions - a lot about the Force and the Jedi teachings, to the point of a growing curiosity regarding the other side of it.

Caution is another perfect word to describe the Padawan. He likes to fancy himself a thinker, and indeed is commonly seen in deep thought when an issue is at hand, but he still lacks the wisdom or patience to stay in that state for long, and generally jumps to his first decision and sticks to it. In conversation, a filter is almost always in place, and Orus hardly ever opens up emotionally to someone, however sentimental, and he greatly is, he may be.

That lack of openness means his thoughts are usually directed to himself, not in an egotistical form, but in one of self-criticism. Insecure and somewhat of a perfectionist, the Kel Dor is harsh when judging his own decisions, abilities and most important, his failures. A judge of his own mistakes, he is consistently regretful, wishing he could go back to fix his own mistakes, and constantly faults himself for problems, but, being emotionally closed as he is means these problems and unpleasant thoughts get to stay and pile on inside his still youthful mind.

Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those different from himself suffer). A chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random. He is not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it.

A chaotic neutral character will keep his word if it serves his interests. He may attack an unarmed foe if he feels it necessary. He will not kill, but may harm an innocent. He may use torture to extract information, but never for pleasure. He may kill for pleasure, but is not likely to do so. A chaotic neutral character may use poison. He may help those in need and he prefers to work alone, as he values his freedom. He does not respond well to higher authority, is distrustful of organizations, and will disregard the law in pursuing his self-interest. He may betray a family member, comrade, or friend, but only in the most dire of situations.​

Personality Type: INTJ
INTJs live in the world of ideas and strategic planning. They value intelligence, knowledge, and competence, and typically have high standards in these regards, which they continuously strive to fulfill. To a somewhat lesser extent, they have similar expectations of others.

With Introverted Intuition dominating their personality, INTJs focus their energy on observing the world, and generating ideas and possibilities. Their mind constantly gathers information and makes associations about it. They are tremendously insightful and usually are very quick to understand new ideas. However, their primary interest is not understanding a concept, but rather applying that concept in a useful way. Unlike the INTP, they do not follow an idea as far as they possibly can, seeking only to understand it fully. INTJs are driven to come to conclusions about ideas. Their need for closure and organization usually requires that they take some action.

With a natural thirst for knowledge that shows itself early in life, INTJs are often given the title of “bookworm” as children. While this may be intended as an insult by their peers, they more than likely identify with it and are even proud of it, greatly enjoying their broad and deep body of knowledge. INTJs enjoy sharing what they know as well, confident in their mastery of their chosen subjects, but owing to their Intuitive (N) and Judging (J) traits, they prefer to design and execute a brilliant plan within their field rather than share opinions on “uninteresting” distractions like gossip.​

Four-Temperaments: Melancholic
The melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted and thoughtful. Melancholic people often were perceived as very (or overly) pondering and considerate, getting rather worried when they could not be on time for events. They are also highly emotional, meaning it is easy for them to get offended or insulted. Melancholics can be highly creative in activities such as poetry and art - and can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. Often they are perfectionists. They are self-reliant and independent; one negative part of being a melancholic is that they can get so involved in what they are doing they forget to think of others.

Melancholies may be calm and quiet on the surface but they are often angry and resentful. They tend to keep those feelings to themselves until they build up and eventually the anger explodes.​


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sit amet venenatis orci, ac finibus nisi. Aliquam facilisis suscipit nulla, a eleifend felis tempus ut. Sed ultrices, purus ac rutrum imperdiet, tortor neque bibendum felis, id tincidunt magna ante ac tortor. Nullam tristique nisl ut nunc imperdiet blandit. Etiam felis ante, rhoncus in suscipit quis, euismod in arcu. In vulputate quam ut augue finibus porta. Donec in pulvinar erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur mattis nulla vel augue sagittis, quis blandit purus ullamcorper. Phasellus at metus vitae velit ornare rutrum. Vivamus dui nisi, fermentum quis dui et, sodales sagittis mi.

Cras elementum massa ut imperdiet aliquam. Mauris lacinia auctor sem vel consequat. Sed turpis ligula, vestibulum eu lacinia vel, mattis a purus. Duis iaculis fringilla faucibus. Aenean sed velit justo. Ut at posuere magna, a euismod velit. Ut tincidunt enim nunc, eu auctor quam mollis sed. Cras varius, sem tempor iaculis euismod, augue elit pellentesque dui, ut dapibus tellus ligula auctor felis. Morbi non venenatis sapien. Donec facilisis velit purus, eu rutrum nisl bibendum in. In lacinia tellus sed orci tempor, ut vestibulum neque mattis. Nulla sit amet est eros.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec laoreet enim ut volutpat fringilla. Curabitur nunc lacus, sagittis quis auctor sed, accumsan a massa. Maecenas vitae aliquet magna. Donec quis elementum turpis, quis sagittis tortor. Quisque semper, quam et hendrerit eleifend, diam lorem accumsan ante, eget euismod metus orci non ligula. Pellentesque imperdiet lorem id erat pharetra commodo. Nam condimentum lorem a nisi semper, sed tempus augue consequat. Vivamus ut quam augue.

Etiam enim tortor, faucibus in fringilla id, bibendum vitae massa. Praesent congue nisi a velit ultrices, nec sollicitudin quam maximus. Integer a ultrices ligula, sit amet pulvinar urna. Praesent eu elit a leo viverra tincidunt. Morbi facilisis eget dui non feugiat. Vestibulum justo ex, posuere a dignissim non, interdum ut leo. Pellentesque ac mi non felis sodales tincidunt. Nulla ut purus pellentesque, vehicula erat eu, gravida nunc. Proin sit amet accumsan massa. Suspendisse efficitur rutrum pulvinar. Maecenas quis turpis massa. Etiam sollicitudin porta odio at consequat. Nullam non rutrum tellus. Aenean convallis enim a lacus porta fringilla.

Donec id lorem sit amet arcu laoreet hendrerit. Donec dapibus odio nec neque congue consectetur. Cras semper sodales sodales. Pellentesque nec dolor id neque sagittis sodales non sed nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer in dolor ut ligula interdum laoreet. Maecenas scelerisque justo quis leo laoreet, auctor faucibus arcu sodales. Proin efficitur tortor ac ultrices semper. Praesent vitae arcu vitae ante dignissim ultricies. Donec eget lorem interdum, commodo erat vel, pellentesque lectus. Maecenas aliquet mollis dolor in gravida. Mauris tempus et dolor sit amet sagittis. Fusce id vehicula lorem. Suspendisse eget faucibus quam. Nullam convallis sem a neque iaculis dapibus. Nullam faucibus est eu aliquet bibendum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sit amet venenatis orci, ac finibus nisi. Aliquam facilisis suscipit nulla, a eleifend felis tempus ut. Sed ultrices, purus ac rutrum imperdiet, tortor neque bibendum felis, id tincidunt magna ante ac tortor. Nullam tristique nisl ut nunc imperdiet blandit. Etiam felis ante, rhoncus in suscipit quis, euismod in arcu. In vulputate quam ut augue finibus porta. Donec in pulvinar erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur mattis nulla vel augue sagittis, quis blandit purus ullamcorper. Phasellus at metus vitae velit ornare rutrum. Vivamus dui nisi, fermentum quis dui et, sodales sagittis mi.

Cras elementum massa ut imperdiet aliquam. Mauris lacinia auctor sem vel consequat. Sed turpis ligula, vestibulum eu lacinia vel, mattis a purus. Duis iaculis fringilla faucibus. Aenean sed velit justo. Ut at posuere magna, a euismod velit. Ut tincidunt enim nunc, eu auctor quam mollis sed. Cras varius, sem tempor iaculis euismod, augue elit pellentesque dui, ut dapibus tellus ligula auctor felis. Morbi non venenatis sapien. Donec facilisis velit purus, eu rutrum nisl bibendum in. In lacinia tellus sed orci tempor, ut vestibulum neque mattis. Nulla sit amet est eros.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec laoreet enim ut volutpat fringilla. Curabitur nunc lacus, sagittis quis auctor sed, accumsan a massa. Maecenas vitae aliquet magna. Donec quis elementum turpis, quis sagittis tortor. Quisque semper, quam et hendrerit eleifend, diam lorem accumsan ante, eget euismod metus orci non ligula. Pellentesque imperdiet lorem id erat pharetra commodo. Nam condimentum lorem a nisi semper, sed tempus augue consequat. Vivamus ut quam augue.

Etiam enim tortor, faucibus in fringilla id, bibendum vitae massa. Praesent congue nisi a velit ultrices, nec sollicitudin quam maximus. Integer a ultrices ligula, sit amet pulvinar urna. Praesent eu elit a leo viverra tincidunt. Morbi facilisis eget dui non feugiat. Vestibulum justo ex, posuere a dignissim non, interdum ut leo. Pellentesque ac mi non felis sodales tincidunt. Nulla ut purus pellentesque, vehicula erat eu, gravida nunc. Proin sit amet accumsan massa. Suspendisse efficitur rutrum pulvinar. Maecenas quis turpis massa. Etiam sollicitudin porta odio at consequat. Nullam non rutrum tellus. Aenean convallis enim a lacus porta fringilla.

Donec id lorem sit amet arcu laoreet hendrerit. Donec dapibus odio nec neque congue consectetur. Cras semper sodales sodales. Pellentesque nec dolor id neque sagittis sodales non sed nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer in dolor ut ligula interdum laoreet. Maecenas scelerisque justo quis leo laoreet, auctor faucibus arcu sodales. Proin efficitur tortor ac ultrices semper. Praesent vitae arcu vitae ante dignissim ultricies. Donec eget lorem interdum, commodo erat vel, pellentesque lectus. Maecenas aliquet mollis dolor in gravida. Mauris tempus et dolor sit amet sagittis. Fusce id vehicula lorem. Suspendisse eget faucibus quam. Nullam convallis sem a neque iaculis dapibus. Nullam faucibus est eu aliquet bibendum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sit amet venenatis orci, ac finibus nisi. Aliquam facilisis suscipit nulla, a eleifend felis tempus ut. Sed ultrices, purus ac rutrum imperdiet, tortor neque bibendum felis, id tincidunt magna ante ac tortor. Nullam tristique nisl ut nunc imperdiet blandit. Etiam felis ante, rhoncus in suscipit quis, euismod in arcu. In vulputate quam ut augue finibus porta. Donec in pulvinar erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur mattis nulla vel augue sagittis, quis blandit purus ullamcorper. Phasellus at metus vitae velit ornare rutrum. Vivamus dui nisi, fermentum quis dui et, sodales sagittis mi.

Cras elementum massa ut imperdiet aliquam. Mauris lacinia auctor sem vel consequat. Sed turpis ligula, vestibulum eu lacinia vel, mattis a purus. Duis iaculis fringilla faucibus. Aenean sed velit justo. Ut at posuere magna, a euismod velit. Ut tincidunt enim nunc, eu auctor quam mollis sed. Cras varius, sem tempor iaculis euismod, augue elit pellentesque dui, ut dapibus tellus ligula auctor felis. Morbi non venenatis sapien. Donec facilisis velit purus, eu rutrum nisl bibendum in. In lacinia tellus sed orci tempor, ut vestibulum neque mattis. Nulla sit amet est eros.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec laoreet enim ut volutpat fringilla. Curabitur nunc lacus, sagittis quis auctor sed, accumsan a massa. Maecenas vitae aliquet magna. Donec quis elementum turpis, quis sagittis tortor. Quisque semper, quam et hendrerit eleifend, diam lorem accumsan ante, eget euismod metus orci non ligula. Pellentesque imperdiet lorem id erat pharetra commodo. Nam condimentum lorem a nisi semper, sed tempus augue consequat. Vivamus ut quam augue.

Etiam enim tortor, faucibus in fringilla id, bibendum vitae massa. Praesent congue nisi a velit ultrices, nec sollicitudin quam maximus. Integer a ultrices ligula, sit amet pulvinar urna. Praesent eu elit a leo viverra tincidunt. Morbi facilisis eget dui non feugiat. Vestibulum justo ex, posuere a dignissim non, interdum ut leo. Pellentesque ac mi non felis sodales tincidunt. Nulla ut purus pellentesque, vehicula erat eu, gravida nunc. Proin sit amet accumsan massa. Suspendisse efficitur rutrum pulvinar. Maecenas quis turpis massa. Etiam sollicitudin porta odio at consequat. Nullam non rutrum tellus. Aenean convallis enim a lacus porta fringilla.

Last edited:


Zen the kriff out
SWRP Writer
Jul 24, 2015
Reaction score
Partially updated Hitomaro's profile. Still pretty unsure about it, so I'd love some feedback.

Richie B.

SWRP Writer
Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
Not sure if you know but the starting rank for the Jedi and sith next timeline will be crusader/knight rank.

Also suggest doing a Jedi, because we always need more Jedi.


Zen the kriff out
SWRP Writer
Jul 24, 2015
Reaction score
Not sure if you know but the starting rank for the Jedi and sith next timeline will be crusader/knight rank.
Yeah, I'm choosing to have him start as an Acolyte.

Don't know about making a Jedi, though.

Richie B.

SWRP Writer
Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
Well just so you also know, you can only have either a Jedi or sith next timeline


Zen the kriff out
SWRP Writer
Jul 24, 2015
Reaction score

Misaki Sagara

NAME: Misaki Sagara.
ALIAS: Misa.
FACTION: Lords of the Sith.

SEX: Female.
AGE: 23 years old.
SPECIES: Human(Yu).


Personality and Appearance
Charming and graceful, Misaki could be mistakenly described as the embodiment of the beauty and elegance of the Yu people, attesting to the traditionally proud mannerism seen as ideal for the ones of noble birth. Quite the sight, the young Sith was gifted astonishing beauty, uncommon even among the typically attractive women of her lineage, her dark hair clashing against a soft, paler skin, gentle features enhanced by the attire, carefully chosen and of utmost quality, combined with cosmetics. A great deal of detail goes into her makeup and garments, with special attention to the hair, usually replete with those. But looks are not all that important on their own, and Misaki, coming from one of the many noble clans, has received training on and still retains the maybe overly-courteous ways of the higher castes, respectful and polite whenever required, her movements gracious and elegant, yet still concise and confident, as if thought of beforehand.

Contrary to the tradition of honor and morality strongly present in most parts of Zhenxing since times long gone, the Sagara woman is deceitful, some of her more considerate, thoughtful moments being almost a mask over what years of training as an operative to her clan taught her. A time of conflict and instability, it was only natural for the warring clans to evolve, to adopt tactics seen as corrupt and unworthy by some, as trickery, espionage and assassination, and it was to this unforgiving and competitive world Misaki was brought, bearing the name Sagara, one of the clans most well-adjusted to this new type of shadowy conflict. The girl served since early, using and seeing the Force as a tool, something giving her and edge, with duty to one's house always in mind, at first proud of her position as an asset in the many plots of her family.

While that pride to be called a Sagara still stands, during her life, Misaki shifted from altruism to borderline egocentrism, wise to the nature of the political game she took part of. But her past blindly dutiful ways did indeed take a toll, as her intense training and a plethora of amoral operations, which more often than not included death, messed with the girl's head, molding a landscape as unstable as Zhenxing's clans.

Innocence long gone, behind her elegant and collected mask is an overly emotional face. Manipulative and ambitious, rage is a common symptom after something does not go her way, but her pride still stands strong against displaying those more aggressive emotions for all to see. However, that tends to change based on the situation, as she values respect for power above all else, well, towards her own power, anyways, and does not hesitate to put someone she finds inferior in their place. That is most definitely not to say she enjoys senseless bloodshed, or even direct combat and gratuitous violence, for that matter, and most of these reprehension tend to stay in the verbal zone.

Growing as the second daughter, fourth child, dreams of attaining power withing the Sagara clan were never there in the beginning, but with the death of her two brothers, it became clear she should be named heir, not her sister, but tradition prevailed over what was, in her opinion, the logical choice. Misaki's envious nature showed for the first time, going hand-in-hand with her vindictive tendencies after the actions her sister took, destroying her last strong familial bonds, bonds she held in great esteem.

Although some of her cold, maybe even ruthless characteristics tend to take the spotlight when shown, the key word would be instability. Her outside, save for the rare occasions she truly snaps into fits of rage, is usually disconnected from true feelings, a skill quickly acquired when dealing with enigmatic, unreadable courtiers, which ends up adding a layer of mystery of her own, a layer that even her get lost in at times.

Cynical and untrusting to the root, her time working with spies and other two-faced courtiers, sometimes plotting against their own clans, also left deep marks, as she learned few are worthy of trust, furthering even more her insensitivity towards others. It is also a key point impeding most, if not all, personal relations, as that hardship to trust on someone else, reflex not only of her operations, but also from actions took by her own family, also means closure towards the outside. There were few people that Misaki was truly open with, and none of those are still alive.

Loneliness is a giant aspect of Misaki's existence. There is no one left to share her life with, trustingly share her interests, thoughts and dreams, share her sensitive side, one suppressed for the greater part of her time in the universe. Aggravating the issue, along with the obvious lack of trust, is the disconnection she had with that side, and how she would much rather show aggression than passion, however plentiful the latter may be, after all, she knows the outcome aggressive behavior has, she can stay in full control of the situation, while the same can obviously not be said for other.

Voice sample.

Character Alignment: Lawful Evil
A lawful evil villain methodically takes what he wants within the limits of his code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts. He cares about tradition, loyalty, and order but not about freedom, dignity, or life. He plays by the rules but without mercy or compassion. He is comfortable in a hierarchy and would like to rule, but is willing to serve. He condemns others not according to their actions but according to race, religion, homeland, or social rank. He is loath to break laws or promises.

This reluctance comes partly from his nature and partly because he depends on order to protect himself from those who oppose him on moral grounds. Some lawful evil villains have particular taboos, such as not killing in cold blood (but having underlings do it) or not letting children come to harm (if it can be helped). They imagine that these compunctions put them above unprincipled villains.​

Personality Type: ISTJ
Their defining characteristics of integrity, practical logic and tireless dedication to duty make ISTJs a vital core to many families, as well as organizations that uphold traditions, rules and standards, such as law offices, regulatory bodies and military. People with the ISTJ personality type enjoy taking responsibility for their actions, and take pride in the work they do – when working towards a goal, ISTJs hold back none of their time and energy completing each relevant task with accuracy and patience.

ISTJs don't make many assumptions, preferring instead to analyze their surroundings, check their facts and arrive at practical courses of action. ISTJ personalities are no-nonsense, and when they've made a decision, they will relay the facts necessary to achieve their goal, expecting others to grasp the situation immediately and take action. ISTJs have little tolerance for indecisiveness, but lose patience even more quickly if their chosen course is challenged with impractical theories, especially if they ignore key details – if challenges becomes time-consuming debates, ISTJs can become noticeably angry as deadlines tick nearer.​

Four-Temperaments: Melancholic
The melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted and thoughtful. Melancholic people often were perceived as very (or overly) pondering and considerate, getting rather worried when they could not be on time for events. They are also highly emotional, meaning it is easy for them to get offended or insulted. Melancholics can be highly creative in activities such as poetry and art - and can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. Often they are perfectionists. They are self-reliant and independent; one negative part of being a melancholic is that they can get so involved in what they are doing they forget to think of others.

Melancholies may be calm and quiet on the surface but they are often angry and resentful. They tend to keep those feelings to themselves until they build up and eventually the anger explodes.​




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sit amet venenatis orci, ac finibus nisi. Aliquam facilisis suscipit nulla, a eleifend felis tempus ut. Sed ultrices, purus ac rutrum imperdiet, tortor neque bibendum felis, id tincidunt magna ante ac tortor. Nullam tristique nisl ut nunc imperdiet blandit. Etiam felis ante, rhoncus in suscipit quis, euismod in arcu. In vulputate quam ut augue finibus porta. Donec in pulvinar erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur mattis nulla vel augue sagittis, quis blandit purus ullamcorper. Phasellus at metus vitae velit ornare rutrum. Vivamus dui nisi, fermentum quis dui et, sodales sagittis mi.

Cras elementum massa ut imperdiet aliquam. Mauris lacinia auctor sem vel consequat. Sed turpis ligula, vestibulum eu lacinia vel, mattis a purus. Duis iaculis fringilla faucibus. Aenean sed velit justo. Ut at posuere magna, a euismod velit. Ut tincidunt enim nunc, eu auctor quam mollis sed. Cras varius, sem tempor iaculis euismod, augue elit pellentesque dui, ut dapibus tellus ligula auctor felis. Morbi non venenatis sapien. Donec facilisis velit purus, eu rutrum nisl bibendum in. In lacinia tellus sed orci tempor, ut vestibulum neque mattis. Nulla sit amet est eros.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec laoreet enim ut volutpat fringilla. Curabitur nunc lacus, sagittis quis auctor sed, accumsan a massa. Maecenas vitae aliquet magna. Donec quis elementum turpis, quis sagittis tortor. Quisque semper, quam et hendrerit eleifend, diam lorem accumsan ante, eget euismod metus orci non ligula. Pellentesque imperdiet lorem id erat pharetra commodo. Nam condimentum lorem a nisi semper, sed tempus augue consequat. Vivamus ut quam augue.

Etiam enim tortor, faucibus in fringilla id, bibendum vitae massa. Praesent congue nisi a velit ultrices, nec sollicitudin quam maximus. Integer a ultrices ligula, sit amet pulvinar urna. Praesent eu elit a leo viverra tincidunt. Morbi facilisis eget dui non feugiat. Vestibulum justo ex, posuere a dignissim non, interdum ut leo. Pellentesque ac mi non felis sodales tincidunt. Nulla ut purus pellentesque, vehicula erat eu, gravida nunc. Proin sit amet accumsan massa. Suspendisse efficitur rutrum pulvinar. Maecenas quis turpis massa. Etiam sollicitudin porta odio at consequat. Nullam non rutrum tellus. Aenean convallis enim a lacus porta fringilla.

Donec id lorem sit amet arcu laoreet hendrerit. Donec dapibus odio nec neque congue consectetur. Cras semper sodales sodales. Pellentesque nec dolor id neque sagittis sodales non sed nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer in dolor ut ligula interdum laoreet. Maecenas scelerisque justo quis leo laoreet, auctor faucibus arcu sodales. Proin efficitur tortor ac ultrices semper. Praesent vitae arcu vitae ante dignissim ultricies. Donec eget lorem interdum, commodo erat vel, pellentesque lectus. Maecenas aliquet mollis dolor in gravida. Mauris tempus et dolor sit amet sagittis. Fusce id vehicula lorem. Suspendisse eget faucibus quam. Nullam convallis sem a neque iaculis dapibus. Nullam faucibus est eu aliquet bibendum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sit amet venenatis orci, ac finibus nisi. Aliquam facilisis suscipit nulla, a eleifend felis tempus ut. Sed ultrices, purus ac rutrum imperdiet, tortor neque bibendum felis, id tincidunt magna ante ac tortor. Nullam tristique nisl ut nunc imperdiet blandit. Etiam felis ante, rhoncus in suscipit quis, euismod in arcu. In vulputate quam ut augue finibus porta. Donec in pulvinar erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur mattis nulla vel augue sagittis, quis blandit purus ullamcorper. Phasellus at metus vitae velit ornare rutrum. Vivamus dui nisi, fermentum quis dui et, sodales sagittis mi.

Cras elementum massa ut imperdiet aliquam. Mauris lacinia auctor sem vel consequat. Sed turpis ligula, vestibulum eu lacinia vel, mattis a purus. Duis iaculis fringilla faucibus. Aenean sed velit justo. Ut at posuere magna, a euismod velit. Ut tincidunt enim nunc, eu auctor quam mollis sed. Cras varius, sem tempor iaculis euismod, augue elit pellentesque dui, ut dapibus tellus ligula auctor felis. Morbi non venenatis sapien. Donec facilisis velit purus, eu rutrum nisl bibendum in. In lacinia tellus sed orci tempor, ut vestibulum neque mattis. Nulla sit amet est eros.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec laoreet enim ut volutpat fringilla. Curabitur nunc lacus, sagittis quis auctor sed, accumsan a massa. Maecenas vitae aliquet magna. Donec quis elementum turpis, quis sagittis tortor. Quisque semper, quam et hendrerit eleifend, diam lorem accumsan ante, eget euismod metus orci non ligula. Pellentesque imperdiet lorem id erat pharetra commodo. Nam condimentum lorem a nisi semper, sed tempus augue consequat. Vivamus ut quam augue.

Etiam enim tortor, faucibus in fringilla id, bibendum vitae massa. Praesent congue nisi a velit ultrices, nec sollicitudin quam maximus. Integer a ultrices ligula, sit amet pulvinar urna. Praesent eu elit a leo viverra tincidunt. Morbi facilisis eget dui non feugiat. Vestibulum justo ex, posuere a dignissim non, interdum ut leo. Pellentesque ac mi non felis sodales tincidunt. Nulla ut purus pellentesque, vehicula erat eu, gravida nunc. Proin sit amet accumsan massa. Suspendisse efficitur rutrum pulvinar. Maecenas quis turpis massa. Etiam sollicitudin porta odio at consequat. Nullam non rutrum tellus. Aenean convallis enim a lacus porta fringilla.

Last edited:


Zen the kriff out
SWRP Writer
Jul 24, 2015
Reaction score
The Fulcrum logo. Original by ~madam-marla, whoever that is.






ゆめ なら たくさん みた
SWRP Writer
Nov 5, 2012
Reaction score
Hitomaro was awesome. I may or may not bring Zhenxing back for DOTR, what do you think? I'll probably update it all if I do, new images and format and all that.


Zen the kriff out
SWRP Writer
Jul 24, 2015
Reaction score


Name: Shili.
Coordinates: L-8.
Hyperlane: None; proximity to the Hydian Way.
Satellites: Six moons.

Climate: Temperate.
Terrain: Savanna plains, rainforest valleys, mountains, seas.
Rotation: 31 hours; 389 days.
Major relevance: ore deposits - almost completely untouched, scattered throughout the extremely dangerous savanna.

Minor relevance: vast wood supply - used locally and exported -, wildlife - local consumption and exported(the most dangerous and exotic fauna), mostly to zoos.​

Inhabitants: Togruta.
Government: Monarchy rules over an aristocratic government and many tribal chiefs.
Technology: Disparity between regions. The capital and most other big cities can be compared to the usual Republic standard, but a huge number of settlements and tribes - mostly those near to the savannas - still remain with little technology.

Intent: Add flavor to the lacking canon, giving Shili a bit more viability both for roleplaying and as a member of the Republic without altering it too much from what we currently know in the Legends. The discovery of ore deposits will change the planet a lot, as it'll hopefully mean the arrival of people, corporations and most importantly, technology, to a still very much primitive world, changing it in the process. Would be interesting to see corporations struggling to maintain control of these deposits against the brutal wildlife and even some Togrutan tribes, possibly unwelcoming to their new neighbors, and how the Togruta culture and stance on galaxy affairs might change because of it.


Cras elementum massa ut imperdiet aliquam. Mauris lacinia auctor sem vel consequat. Sed turpis ligula, vestibulum eu lacinia vel, mattis a purus. Duis iaculis fringilla faucibus. Aenean sed velit justo. Ut at posuere magna, a euismod velit. Ut tincidunt enim nunc, eu auctor quam mollis sed. Cras varius, sem tempor iaculis euismod, augue elit pellentesque dui, ut dapibus tellus ligula auctor felis. Morbi non venenatis sapien. Donec facilisis velit purus, eu rutrum nisl bibendum in. In lacinia tellus sed orci tempor, ut vestibulum neque mattis. Nulla sit amet est eros.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec laoreet enim ut volutpat fringilla. Curabitur nunc lacus, sagittis quis auctor sed, accumsan a massa. Maecenas vitae aliquet magna. Donec quis elementum turpis, quis sagittis tortor. Quisque semper, quam et hendrerit eleifend, diam lorem accumsan ante, eget euismod metus orci non ligula. Pellentesque imperdiet lorem id erat pharetra commodo. Nam condimentum lorem a nisi semper, sed tempus augue consequat. Vivamus ut quam augue.

Etiam enim tortor, faucibus in fringilla id, bibendum vitae massa. Praesent congue nisi a velit ultrices, nec sollicitudin quam maximus. Integer a ultrices ligula, sit amet pulvinar urna. Praesent eu elit a leo viverra tincidunt. Morbi facilisis eget dui non feugiat. Vestibulum justo ex, posuere a dignissim non, interdum ut leo. Pellentesque ac mi non felis sodales tincidunt. Nulla ut purus pellentesque, vehicula erat eu, gravida nunc. Proin sit amet accumsan massa. Suspendisse efficitur rutrum pulvinar. Maecenas quis turpis massa. Etiam sollicitudin porta odio at consequat. Nullam non rutrum tellus. Aenean convallis enim a lacus porta fringilla.

Donec id lorem sit amet arcu laoreet hendrerit. Donec dapibus odio nec neque congue consectetur. Cras semper sodales sodales. Pellentesque nec dolor id neque sagittis sodales non sed nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer in dolor ut ligula interdum laoreet. Maecenas scelerisque justo quis leo laoreet, auctor faucibus arcu sodales. Proin efficitur tortor ac ultrices semper. Praesent vitae arcu vitae ante dignissim ultricies. Donec eget lorem interdum, commodo erat vel, pellentesque lectus. Maecenas aliquet mollis dolor in gravida. Mauris tempus et dolor sit amet sagittis. Fusce id vehicula lorem. Suspendisse eget faucibus quam. Nullam convallis sem a neque iaculis dapibus. Nullam faucibus est eu aliquet bibendum.


Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec laoreet enim ut volutpat fringilla. Curabitur nunc lacus, sagittis quis auctor sed, accumsan a massa. Maecenas vitae aliquet magna. Donec quis elementum turpis, quis sagittis tortor. Quisque semper, quam et hendrerit eleifend, diam lorem accumsan ante, eget euismod metus orci non ligula. Pellentesque imperdiet lorem id erat pharetra commodo. Nam condimentum lorem a nisi semper, sed tempus augue consequat. Vivamus ut quam augue.

Etiam enim tortor, faucibus in fringilla id, bibendum vitae massa. Praesent congue nisi a velit ultrices, nec sollicitudin quam maximus. Integer a ultrices ligula, sit amet pulvinar urna. Praesent eu elit a leo viverra tincidunt. Morbi facilisis eget dui non feugiat. Vestibulum justo ex, posuere a dignissim non, interdum ut leo. Pellentesque ac mi non felis sodales tincidunt. Nulla ut purus pellentesque, vehicula erat eu, gravida nunc. Proin sit amet accumsan massa. Suspendisse efficitur rutrum pulvinar. Maecenas quis turpis massa. Etiam sollicitudin porta odio at consequat. Nullam non rutrum tellus. Aenean convallis enim a lacus porta fringilla.

Donec id lorem sit amet arcu laoreet hendrerit. Donec dapibus odio nec neque congue consectetur. Cras semper sodales sodales. Pellentesque nec dolor id neque sagittis sodales non sed nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer in dolor ut ligula interdum laoreet. Maecenas scelerisque justo quis leo laoreet, auctor faucibus arcu sodales. Proin efficitur tortor ac ultrices semper. Praesent vitae arcu vitae ante dignissim ultricies. Donec eget lorem interdum, commodo erat vel, pellentesque lectus. Maecenas aliquet mollis dolor in gravida. Mauris tempus et dolor sit amet sagittis. Fusce id vehicula lorem. Suspendisse eget faucibus quam. Nullam convallis sem a neque iaculis dapibus. Nullam faucibus est eu aliquet bibendum.

Last edited: