Hear No Evil


SWRP Writer
Sep 7, 2010
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The beast is bigger than you, but you do not fear it. Its ever-sharp claws glint in the fading light of your civilization, its large ears twitching as they listen for other danger. It does not pounce, but waits, waits for your guard to fall, your strained system to collapse. But does not hear your fellow warriors as they approach on the overhang above it, spears poised.

The Hutt war machine is powerful, and it is no doubt capable of destroying the Republic in an all-out battle. But, the Hutts are getting careless; they are letting the peace-time expansionism take them to new systems in their greed-fueled search for money and power. As they spread, they grow increasingly reliant on two things - manpower, and communication.

It is here we will strike. As any experienced hunter knows, silence will put even the biggest of foes into disarray as it whirls around, paranoid eyes checking every corner in fear. But despite the frenzied looks, it cannot hear the tolling of its death bell.

The Hutt Intelligence Network, or HIT, is daisy-chained throughout their sectors in a dual-action manner. They have a constantly-flowing river of reports flowing across this network, ranging from enemy troop movements to inventory lists to sensitive mission dossiers. This keeps their front-line forces up-to-date while the generals hang back and earn their keep from safety.

The first phase of their network relies on communications centers. These manned stations are often hidden amongst asteroid belts and nebulae, taking advantage of the natural protection while keeping tabs on the surrounding systems to assure their safety. These posts rely on an advanced system of forwarding antennae to maintain a clear connection to the rest of the HIT. Spy reports indicate that the comms centers will often seed the system with independent comms relays - relays that are too small to detect individually, but, working in unison, are able to transmit information across systems and to other comms centers.

Since we're still technically not at war, Republic Commandos will be going in under the guise of mercenaries and pirate raiders, with all official insignia stripped. Strike teams will hit the listening posts and communications center of the Malastare system - indicated by our reports to be one of the heaviest bearers of Hutt intelligence chatter - simultaneously, replacing all outgoing transmissions with a pre-selected false feed and retaining the stations for future use to confuse Hutt intelligence handlers.

Team ATRONACH - you will be taking a stripped-down pirate vessel into the Malastare Nebula C, a gas cloud that covers most of the southern portion of the system. Amongst it lie extensive chains of asteroids. At the densest point of the nebula floats a large communications center - one of the arterial centers for the Mid Rim - which was recently exposed through monitoring of chatter and spy reports. The ears of the enemy.

They do not know you're coming. You'll have to rely on dashing between nearby asteroids and general electronics interference to get in close without being targeted by their defensive systems.

Once on board, you will disable broadcasting power, then subdue all opposing forces. There will be two squads in this mission.

You will be acting in unison with team DAEDROTH, who will be striking the other component of the Intelligence Network - the actual data-harvesting corvettes, which are sprinkled throughout the system.


SWRP Writer
Sep 7, 2010
Reaction score
Alright, so who's with my squad?

You, Snuff and Saint. You've got two squads of men (define their sizes as you wish - generally, a squad is 8-12). You're supposed to be infiltrating under the cover of a mechanical malfunction/sabotage (say, a generator fire - but what it is is up to you). We'll be joining you after our deed is done.