Ask High Stakes

Gentis Freem


Character Profile
Jan 16, 2023
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It was not like Gentis to be nervous, but try as he might, swanning around the undercity toward a Pazaak Den, affectionately known as the 'Death Trap', had his pulse racing. 'Death Trap' was a known haunt of the Red Claw, a much-feared swoop gang, and to get in, you had to walk past some of their members, swoops idling, pistols and other brutal-looking weapons at their side. Gentis had opted for the projection of confidence as the best defence; he swaggered down the road, Mak'za and Leepo walking behind him. The Twi'lek and the Rodian had recently come into his employ, and he hoped they would be worth it at one hundred credits, plus bonus, a day.

Mak'za was a poet with a blaster, and a pair DL-44s hung at his hips. He chewed the end of stim, a looked generally mean - the light shining from the Pazaak Dens sign adding a degree of lustre to his green-hewed skin. Leepo, on the other hand, was known in the pits of Taris for his nearly surgical application of the Vibro blade, one of which dangled at his side, the Rodians suckered fingers plopping along its hilt. Gentis hoped they would be enough to strike fear into the enemies of the Gotra, but just to be sure, he'd come with his blaster, a combat suit underneath his white and green tunic.

"Freem." he came to a halt in front of a gathering of Weequay members of the gang who blocked the entrance to the Pazaak Den. "Debis qa gan fic fiyet circaa vrima. Va'ni la'ak Klatoonian?" Gentis had to bight back a gulp of concern - it was important not to give ground. He stared the Weequay down, his time in the fighting pits reminding him that you didn't flinch when face-to-face with a sparring partner.

"Buy me dinner first, sweetie." he smirked, hearing Mak'za and Leepos hands tighten on their weapons, his own hands crossed across his chest, to make him appear broader. "Freem Gotra? You can buy your own dinner, with all the creds your pulling in." the gangster replied, causing Gentis to relax a little "Credits we'd just love to take off you, at the tables. You with anyone?"

Gentis heard his goons release their weapons a tad, as the gangster took a step away from their boss. "You know me, never alone. Got a business partner coming along, human - slight, brown hair. Leepo, the Rodian showed them a picture "No names. Understood?" the Gangster nodded, as Gentis graced his hand with a handful of credits, and finally, walked into the den.

Levik Karn


Character Profile
Jan 15, 2023
Reaction score
Levik was late. His unexpected tour to benefit the Empire during the 'Expulsion week' had brought him to Korriban and Rattatak. He had managed to swipe some items to further his business with the Freem Gotra, which in turn had left him with quite the fortune of illicit cash he couldn't exactly explain to the ISB-operator that would check his account balance. It was time to use said credits to ensure a more long-term illicit income that he wouldn't have to hide in that small compartment above his shower. Preferably he had too many credits to be able to hide there, too..

Tonight was the first time in a long time that Levik's jacket did not hide his Imperial uniform. Simply because, for the first time in ages, he wasn't wearing it. Instead he wore the typical clothing of a Tarisian middle-class man, with a blaster hidden underneath his belt and a scented cigarette dangling from his lips.

As he arrived at the Pazaak Den the weequays made no attempt to talk to him like they did with other potential customers and as Levik started with a short "They're expecting me," the weequays merely nodded and let him pass. It was very unlikely anyone there could recognize a simple Imperial Lieutenant, but whenever someone was let into a Pazaak Den in such a fashion they knew they had to forget a face fast and never ask again. Regardless, Levik was sure to hand the lead-guard, a weequay who had most likely already received some credits for not asking questions, another handful of credits for good measure. Could never be too sure.

Once inside the smoke and darkness of the pazaak den hit him with a strange sense of familiarity and security. This wasn't a place where people asked questions. This was a place where you played Pazaak, drank, smoked and unsuccesfully hit on the waitress. It didn't take long for him to spot Gentis at a private booth, "The perfect place to celebrate our success," Levik grinned as he sat down in front of the Klatoonian.


Gentis Freem


Character Profile
Jan 16, 2023
Reaction score
He didn't have to wait long for Levik to arrive. The man was nothing if not punctual. ”And what a glut of success we have to toast as well.” he raised his glass, as a flute of Tarisians finest was poured for Levik. The bright purple liquid bubbled slightly, a finer form of champagne could nare be found this distance from the core. Gentis was feeling good today - a clean score under his belt, which had seen his influence expand, and kept his allies in the bureau happy as well.

By taking out a rival gang, he had managed to effectively make the others subservient to his whims. Already he was making moves to weaken their leadership, and phase in his own supporters to finish to transition. Levik had benefited as well, not only in the material sense but also through the boost to his own reputation as an effective operator of the Empire.

”You and me,” he clinked his glass against Leviks ”We’re goin’ places Levik, I can feel it.” he added, a smile plastered across his face. ”Credits, and power - what’s not to like! But we need to be on guard, there are others who might want to make a move on us now, slap us back down a rung.” he added, his mind already racing as to potential threats that could emerge now that his boys had stepped up to the plate.

Locking his gaze on the Imperial, he asked ”How’d the fix go down with your boss?” he asked, eager to understand how the ISB had rewarded Levik for his work.

Levik Karn


Character Profile
Jan 15, 2023
Reaction score
The purple champagne went down surprisingly well as Gentis' words caused the Imperial to grin and lounge back, "Commander Venn is being disciplined back on Raxus." He hadn't exactly been sleeping on the job, but how was it possible that the lieutenant he marked as 'worst of the bunch' had not only participated with distinction offplanet in the Expulsion Week, but had now prevented the escape of Force-sensitive Sith symphatizers while he, Commander Venn, had missed the ball? The new regime on Raxus would rediscipline and maybe even reassign him, which begged the question who would replace him here on Taris.. in the role of Commander?

"We did good, Gentis," he took another sip of his champagne and set the glass down to take a puff from the scented cigarette instead. "I have less oversight and with the spaceport district in our control we can recommission old imperial tech more easily to the underworld markets." There was one downside at the passing of time, however, and it was an obvious one, "But the Kyber credits will dry up. The so-called bled ones are becoming extremely rare and Imperial Command has formed something they call the Imperial Knights division," the subtone with which he articulated that last part would show to Gentis that despite Levik's corruption and eagerness to cheat the Empire out of stuff he could make a profit off of, the human was still very much an Imperial. One that despised Force users.

"These knights are basically Sith, but forced to wear the uniform and follow Imperial orders," that, at least, was better than them running around forming their own little kingdoms to increase some sort of personal powerbase. "They'll be trouble, mark my words, but if I don't mess up the reports they shouldn't have a reason to ever come to Taris." which, although subtle, was more motivation for Gentis Freem and the Freem Gotra to keep him around. No one wanted a group of Force users, not in the least former Sith, running around your planet.

Levik crushed the cigarette on the table and emptied his glass of purple champagne with a chuckle, "Worries for tomorrow, Gentis. Let's get wasted and burn some credits on pazaak."


Gentis Freem


Character Profile
Jan 16, 2023
Reaction score
Truth be told, Gentis had never heard of the 'Imperial Knights'. They sounded like some cheap comic book series, and he wondered if Levik had already been drinking before he'd got here. He smiled, nodding along as Levik talked about them, pretending to care as the ISB Officer wrapped up and suggested they got drunk and play Pazaak.

That sounded a lot more realistic.

Of course, there was the slight issue that his supply of Kyber might be running dry soon. But, Gentis was (as ever) one step ahead, and had already ensured the docks could act as a supply lane to bring in, and take out, a broader range of smuggled goods. It wasn't enough to make him some sort of King Pin, but it certainly meant he could afford to walk with a little more swagger.

"You know Levik, there's something else I wanted to discuss." he moved on, wanting to get to the next bit of this dejarik move "You're doing well, going up the Imperial ladder in no time I bet. But you need to be able to live a little you know? Now, I ain't saying the Imperials don't pay great, but - well, you don't want to be slumming it in some Imperial accommodation when you're Supervisor Levik do you?" he smiled, refilling the man's glass, as a droid set their table for a game of Pazaak.

"Look, I've got a friend -" he lied, Gentis didn't have friends "- he owns this joint. Well, he used to." he smirk crept into his smile "Since his brother's gang got taken out by the ISB, he's found himself a bit short on creds, so I, a community-spirited sort of chap, helped him out." he took a swig from his flute.

"If you could play a mean hand today, he'd be unable to pay that debt back - and you could take this place, and its considerable income for yourself." he added, clicking his fingers as sending his man off to invite the 'owner' over to play. As he walked over, Gentis looked up at Levik, waiting for his reply. Gently, the ropes tying the two men's fates, and business, together, could just be about to tighten.