History of the Republic

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Brandon Rhea

Shadow in the Starlight
Nov 27, 2005
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A History of Freedom


The Galactic Republic. Our proud government is the shining jewel of the galaxy, encompassing more galactic regions and billions more free people than any other government in the history of this galaxy. This report, commissioned by the now-late Supreme Chancellor Relana Isolde Tanoor before her tragic assassination during the Alsakan Crisis, highlights the history of our shining beacon of hope and prosperity. We have had many good days, but if anyone tells you that these were the Republic’s best then they are looking the wrong way.

Our great government was born out of the Unification Wars approximately twelve thousand years ago, at the end of which was the signing of the Galactic Constitution on Coruscant. During this time, we also saw the discovery of the hyperdrive, which allowed Coruscant to become the capital of the Republic remain that way mostly ever since. We owe a great deal of this to the founding planets of the Republic, which include, but are not limited to, Coruscant, Corellia, Duro, Kuat, Alderaan, Chandrilla, and even the now-despised Alsakans.

Not long after the founding of the government, our explorers mapped the Perlemian Trade Route, which allowed Coruscant to be linked to Ossus. This brought the Jedi Order, a noble order of Force users who defended the rights and freedoms of all sentient beings, into the Republic, allowing them to help us when necessary. At first, the government wanted a slow expansion into the galaxy, despite the large-scale promotion of hyperspace exploration. Still, many worlds did, eventually, join the Republic against our government’s wishes, mostly due to wanting protection against the far-away Hutt Empire. The Hutts never showed any interest in expanding anywhere near Republic territory, but the fear was still there.

Over the next thousand years, our people also explored the Corellian Run, linking Coruscant to Corellia and beyond. The Republic continued to expand galactic-eastward, exploring into and settling what is now the Colonies. Around this same time, we found ourselves embroiled in our first war, this one against the Honorable Union of Desevro & Tion. The war traveled up and down the Perlemian Trade Route, and the respective capitals of Coruscant and Desevro both received a great deal of damage due to the conflict. The Republic was able to win the war after sending agents into the Hutt Empire to stir up trouble, making it look as if it was the actions of the Hutts. This strengthened the animosity between the Hutts and the Tionese, allowing us to exploit the situation and defeat the Honorable Union. Over the next hundred years, most of the Tion Cluster, save for Desevro, swore allegiance to the Republic.

We experienced a peace for the next four centuries, and peace continued on after that in a time of expansion known as the Great Manifest Period. The Republic continued to expand across the galaxy into the Inner Rim and the Expansion Region. Most of the galaxy, however, was still unknown, except for outposts like Ord Mantell and Malastare. Seven thousand years after the war with the Tion Cluster, the Republic was faced with the first threat from the Alsakan Union, which attempted to take control of the Republic from Coruscant. This resulted in a number of conflicts with the Alsakans, most recently the one of only two decades ago.

A little over twenty-five hundred years ago, Coruscant was bombarded by Star Dragons due to a first contact gone terribly wrong. This tense time became known as the Duinuogwuin Conflict, but it was peacefully resolved by Supreme Chancellor Fillorean and the Star Dragon philosopher Borz’Math’oh. Together, they founded the University of Coruscant as a sign of peace and enlightenment.

Only twenty years ago, the worst of all the Alsakan Crises began with the invasion and subsequent capturing of Coruscant by the Alsakan Union. Following the assassination of the Alsakan Vicar Laharra, supposedly at the hands of the rogue Jedi Master Banik Kelrada, the Alsakan Union fell under military control, which led to the disastrous three-front battles on Ruan, Bessimir, and Metallos. After this, the Alsakans lost control of Coruscant, and, while the Alsakan Union was believed to be behind a large-scale bombing against the Republic, the Alsakans were unable to recover from their losses during the final battles. A cease fire was put into place following the three-front battles, but it ultimately ended and the war continued. The final battle itself came shortly thereafter over the skies of Alsakan, and it was clearly one of our darker hours, despite the victory.

During the Battle of Alsakan, our fleet emerged from hyperspace and encountered a weakened Alsakan fleet. The Alsakan fleet was crushed, with only a handful of vessels surviving. We believed this to be the end of the battle, but the fanatical Alsakan military had other plans. As millions were fleeing the orbiting world of Xenvaer, where all Alsakans lived as opposed to the surface of the planet, the few zealots left in the military collapsed Xenvaer’s integrity, causing it to fall from orbit in the hopes of destroying the Republic fleet with it. Numerous Republic vessels were, unfortunately, brought down due to the gravitational effects, but most of our forces survived.

The destruction of Xenvaer and the resulting cataclysmic destruction of the holy natural land of Alsakan’s surface proved to be a much needed turning point for the survivors of the repressed Alsakan people. The actions of their military caused them to see that not only was the military fanatical, but also their government itself. Most came to believe that the goddess Shalharra did not exist, and while many were assimilated into the Republic because of this, others were still angry at our government and still believed in the old ways. Sects such as the Alsakan Restoration Movement have cropped up, but they have yet to be seen as a credible threat due to their small size. Nevertheless, they do feel obligated to restore what we supposedly destroyed.

After the war finally ended and the surviving Alsakan leaders signed an unconditional surrender, our Republic and many of our still-active and living citizens broke out into joy at the peace they so desired. Supreme Chancellor Thierry Darkrose served out a four year term in office before stepping aside, after which time the Senator of Alderaan, Alcor Bac, was elected and served two four year terms. During this time, the Chancellor launched initiatives to begin further colonization and exploration of the galaxy, using countless hyperspace routes that had been mapped but unexplored over the years to move into the Mid Rim of the galaxy. It became a military project, and the military brought our knowledge up to the edge of the Mid Rim, and while some planets did become part of the Republic others did not. We brought them in quickly, as we feared that the Alsakan Restoration Movement might attempt to make some sort of an attack against the Republic or even Coruscant.

The exploration, however, had its drawbacks. Due to the Republic moving perilously close to the border of the Outer Rim, it began to worry the Hutt Empire. The Hutts, a species of large hermaphroditic slugs, called on the Republic to leave the planets close to the border of the Outer Rim, but the Republic refused as we had no intention to actually move into the Outer Rim Territories. The Hutts saw this as an act of aggression, but the Republic agreed to send diplomats to Nal Hutta, the Hutt homeworld, to discuss the situation. The star charts provided by the Hutts for the journey opened up travel to the Outer Rim, although it was dangerous due to the escalating situation with the Hutts.

When the diplomats arrived on Nal Hutta, they were greeted with indifference, as the Hutts believed that the Republic was being far too cavalier about the situation. The situation was not able to be resolved, leading to tense relations between the two galactic bodies. Each side feared war, as the Hutts believed the Republic would encroach upon their territory with a sense of manifest destiny while the Republic believed that the Hutts would grow aggressive and attempt to expand their empire for power and wealth.

Around this same time, Chancellor Bac’s term in office ended with low approval ratings due to the declining situation with the Hutt Empire. The next Chancellor, however, saw things become far worse. Once Etesutr Hapor, a male Human from Corellia, was elected, he decided to move further in colonizing Mid Rim worlds with Republic outposts and settlements. This greatly angered the Hutts, who believed it was further proof that we were attempting to move into their territory. After Hapor’s fifth year in office, he resigned, becoming one of the few to ever do so, and paved the way for Homer Anthony Salandra to be elected four years ago.

By his third year as Chancellor, it was clear to Salandra that Hapor’s decision to move further into the Mid Rim, despite the tension it was causing with the Hutts, was a blunder. The Hutts convinced themselves that the further expansion was proof of an imminent invasion, though we had no plans to invade Hutt space. We were content with the sphere of influence we were creating within the Mid Rim. We had no intention of doing anything other than letting the Hutts control the Outer Rim Territories.

Nevertheless, it fell upon Chancellor Salandra to rectify the errors of Chancellor Hapor. Hoping to end the political standoff between the two governments once and for all, Chancellor Salandra proposed a meeting on Iridonia, a neutral world in the Mid Rim, between himself and Gorrbag, the Hutt leader, one year ago to discuss the issues each side had. The Hutt Council agreed to the proposed meeting, an agreement that was a diplomatic victory for the relatively untested Chancellor in and of itself.

Once the meeting began, it seemed to be moving along relatively smoothly. There was no overt animosity between the two leaders, and they were airing their points in a respectful manner, which was surprising to us considering how we have always viewed the Hutt species. During the meeting, however, two small fleets, one Republic and one Hutt, hovered in orbit, and each side was itching to blow a hole in the other but restrained themselves from doing so. Somehow, though, each side was fired upon at the same time, but we have no idea who fired the first shots or why. It could have been an impulsive gunner on both or either side, but we have no idea who it was.

What we do know is that a battle broke out immediately. As it did, the talks on the surface abruptly ended, with each leader’s security personnel dragging them away to safety as the few troops either side had on the surface began to fire on one another. Chancellor Salandra and Gorrbag both escaped successfully; neither side was stupid enough to fire on heads of state. Their respective crafts made the jump into hyperspace as quickly as possible, taking them away from the immediate vicinity.

The leaders may have left, but the battle still raged on. The upper hand changed sides multiple times, but we took more hits than we could handle. The Hutts were far more aggressive than we thought they would be, resulting in the loss of a number of our ships and even more men, both in space and on the surface. Once the survivors from the surface made it back to the fleet, we did the unthinkable. We did something no Republic leaders ever want to do.

We ordered a retreat. It was done to prevent further casualties, as the causality reports we received during the battle were heartbreaking. Twelve Republic army soldiers and sixteen soldiers working for the Hutts were killed. We lost eleven starfighters, two pilots in each, and one capital ship, while the Hutts lost only four fighters with one pilot in each and no capital ships. Three hundred brave men and women died when the capital ship Hope was destroyed. Our own hope for peace died with it, an irony that the people of the Republic quickly picked up on.

The skirmish became the first battle of the First Hutt War, though we hoped it would not have. Chancellor Salandra, at first, did not want to fight a war, but it was the Hutts who moved into the Mid Rim and started inching closer and closer to our territory, declaring their intent to assert economic dominance throughout the galaxy. That was the point of no return for us, and with their declaration of war against us we knew we only had one choice: we would take the war to them, and we would be victorious.

The war continued under Chancellor Hisako Hoshiko until it ended on the final day of 12,978 BBY. Someday, the war, beginning with the battle at Iridonia, will be remembered forever as the event that solidified the tense relations between the Republic and the Hutts which would last for thousands upon thousands of years.

The Present: 12,973 BBY
It has been over four years since the war ended. We have repaired our government and our military, and we are ready to face the forces of the Hutt Empire again. Now begins a new war, the Second Hutt War, one that will prove to be far more dangerous and destructive than the first.
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