I Have Had It With These Nerf Herdin' Padawans In This Nerf Herdin' Galaxy


Not Jedi AFL
SWRP Writer
Feb 28, 2016
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I Have Had It With These Nerf Heardin' Padawans In This Nerf Heardin' Galaxy
@Cameron Foster @Ferre
Open To: Pirates, Slavers, and Baddies Oh my! (Message for plot details)
If a Jedi/"good guy" wants to join : Know this is a mission for our padawans intended to fail


The mission was simple.

The Jedi were asked to help assist a Fuel Ship in its deliveries from the core back to the company's fuel base in the outer rim. In return, the Jedi would get a better deal on fuel for their ships when needed. So far this was a relationship that went exceedingly well, the job was not dangerous as the ships always traveled along the same established trade path. In addition, it provided a task that was just legitimate enough to throw to padawans for experience, but not risky enough that it would take a Knight away from handling more important matters.

In a nutshell, it was a boring but necessary task.

This rotation was assigned to Padawan Bast and Padawan Rokuro, who boarded the rather large and slow moving ship that morning for it's first drop off of fuel. Things had gone well as expected, the padawans set to busy-work tasks to fill the time as each drop off was completed in exchange for currency the padawans would never get their hands on.

Finally it was time make the final voyage back, a hard days work having payed off with Bast and Rokuro happily about to get their names taken off the Jedi chore list for another rotation.


The communication on the pilot's control panel came to life.

"It's nearly night, do you remember what I said this morning? I have Nikan ready to take your spot-"

"No, we're almost there" the pilot interrupted with a reply, "Should be back within the hour. No need to make threats"

"Oh." The voice crackled back, sounding surprised. "No trouble with the last drop off?"

"Always trouble with the last drop off..." The pilot grumbled thoughtfully, swinging side to side in his chair, "But I handled it" he added forcefully "shouldn't be a problem any more."

"Ah...well...good." came the caller's conservative reply. "roger out"

Watching eagerly as the communication lost it's red signal of life, the pilot slumped back into his chair in defeat. Of course the last drop off was trouble. They tried to haggle set prices again, just as they always did, and wouldn't let him off for at least an hour. Not that the boss allowed the crew to just stop doing business with group.

There was absolutely no way they were going to make it on time. He would be fired on the spot.


Pulling up a holomap of the system, the pilot pursed his lips. A dangerous shortcut was going to be made.
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SWRP Writer
Feb 12, 2016
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Abraham McCoy was just generally floating around in his ship, he was talking to his friend, whom was doing a standard patrol. 'Ey Abe. You've got a ship 'eading straight your way. I'll keep you notified throughout. Ovah'

Abraham looked at his speaker, the Aussie accent was very strong with his pal. Abraham took his ship a little further forward, and by that I mean about 1 and a half km. His ship floated around their new destination. It took Abraham a while before he spotted the Padawan's ship. Bloody hell, I better go tell the others. He thought. Abraham turned his ship around and sped off.

(( OOC - If needed I will expand on this, its being posted from my phone. P.S if also needed I can easily delete my post @Ferre ))

Rokuro Kita

Pretty Boy
SWRP Writer
Apr 3, 2016
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Rokruro sat in the back of the ship along with Bast and the job was going fairly well however it was getting far too repetitive for his taste. He needed something more interesting in this mission as he hated the long waiting between all the drops, it was just far too long a wait, he also hated the fact that the last drop off had tried to haggle the prices that seemed to take forever. In all honesty, he just wanted to go home and sleep, or study or do some combat practice. Anywhere that wasn't here.

He didn't mind his companion however, he was the only thing making this job bearable. His Arkanian companion was certainly interesting enough, he was a fairly pretty buy as well, it was just an observation, nothing other than that. He knew that the other padawan was not enjoying this trip either however they just had to get home, it was nearly done. He was freezing in the ship, an unbuttoned shirt with no t-shirt underneath and shorts was not the best attire for sitting inside a ship. He would of buttoned it up but there were two problems with that.

1. It was too small anyway so it wouldn't of done much difference
2. He was far too sexy for buttoning up his shirt.

He turned to Bast in annoyance as he swept his hair out of his eyes. He was eager to get home.

"When do you think we will get home? I just wanna sleep..."


The once and future Duke
SWRP Writer
Feb 5, 2013
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Space, the final frontier...

Mercy Hellfire listened to the opening monologue of a fictional universe of peaceful space explorers who for some reason constantly put their top officers in mortal peril and hated the color red. Tuning it out after a few minutes the slightly high mercenary continued to drift about the asteroid belt pretending she was ploughing her trade as an impromptu pirate. Having won a little freighter in a card match the mercenary figured luck was on her side. In actuality she lost at cards, but one the ensuing knife fight she launched soon after and by knife fight she meant assassination and by knife she meant gun and by gun she meant 'screw you for beating me at cards I'm now going to shoot you in the face'.

Now holding the freighter of the late bicurious Twi'lek after her unfortunate accident of being shot in the face by Mercy Hellfire, the mercenary decided to honor her memory by naming the vessel after her. Unfortunately Mercy Hellfire had no idea what the dead gamblers name was so using context clues and a bit of cleverness that was probably better used anywhere else in the intrepid killers life, the young woman named the ship, The Bi'lek.

Having thoroughly trampled her moral enough for one day Mercy Hellfire sought to round out her character with a bit of uncharacteristic random murder. As it happened a vessel seemed to have come into her waters. Drifting slowly and surely into the clutches of her singularly manned vessel the mercenary cackled in delight as she began issuing orders to prepare for battle stations,

"Man the full sail, all cannons set to maximum overdrive, make sure you have your parents sign your permission slips cause we're about to take these fools to school!"

Unfortunately the only beings capable of hearing her inane gibberish was a protocol droid named Spanky who was a militant pacifist by nature and by programming and an R4 unit named Captain Cosmo who was a proud communist always seeking a way to ride the galaxy of the nefarious bourgeois. Neither of these droids reacted well to their captain's sudden orders. Spanky didn't react because he didn't believe violence solved anything and Captain Cosmo was still as he didn't believe the labor was being distributed evenly throughout the masses of proletariat. Also he only spoke Space Russian.

Quite alone in her efforts, Mercy Hellfire set sail for adventure and swiftly aimed her vessel on a direct ramming course for the other ship. Trembling with excitement and acceleration the young mercenary shouted,


But as was the nature of space, no one can hear you scream, or poorly imitate a pirate.


Not Jedi AFL
SWRP Writer
Feb 28, 2016
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The pilot huddled his jacket closer together in the cold conditioned air of the ship. Avoiding eye contact with his crew, and even his co-pilot, the nervousness and guilt pressed down on the man like gravity itself as he fingered the cuff-link on his sleeve with disturbing repetition.

"Ya alright, cap?" His co-pilot walked in holding a blue container for what was probably the blackest coffee the ship could offer, their long journey always taking a toll on the best of the crew as the shift neared it's end.

The pilot shifted his eyes towards the controls, the beeping of loneliness in hyperspace filled the air.

"Yeah, everything's all good here."

His co-pilot looked suspicious, but sighed. Loosening his collar, co-pilot joined at the adjacent seat, kicking his feet up onto the control board.

"So you know how Laa'l-"

Before the companion could get his sentence out, the controls flashed to life, alerting the two of a presence blocking their path in hyperspace on the auto-pilot.

Now in a full blown panic on the pilot's end, and utter confusion on his companion's end, the two men none the less stood up in tandem. The hurried pace of their formal training finally coming to some good use as the pair scrambled to get the ship out of hyperspace before meeting with what could very well be a deadly collision.

"Where the galaxy are we!" the co-pilot asked rhetorically in bewildered amazement. His innocence was only further contrasted by the pilot's refusal to speak out any form of reply. Obviously, they were not on course.

"The dammed thing is broken..." he began to mutter to himself as he dove underneath the control panel to check the circuity for malfunction of the auto-pilot system.

While he worked beneath, two more dots flashed up on the radar. Two ships not far off from their current location. The pilot stood frozen, the two dots mocking him with their existence, were they friendly?

Force help them if they weren't.


By contrast the back of the ship was quiet besides the hum of the engine, which could easily be placed out of mind after a few hours of being on-board the vessel.

Rokuro had called out to Bast, but he would soon find this venture fruitless. Stacked in the standard Jedi meditation pose, at first glance one would just pass by the padawan, not wanting to disturb the ancient practice of the Order. This was indeed Bast's original intent. Not being quite the poster child for good work-ethic, the boy had settled into this pose as soon as they loading the empty crates back onto the ship, leaning on one of them for support. He would have fully gotten away with it to, had it not been for gravity tilting his head too far to the left proving the padawan to be dead asleep.

Not a minute later did the ship jolt out of hyperspace, the motion knocking Bast both out of his peaceful slumber but also onto the floor as the other crates slid towards the stern along with him.

Letting out an Arkanian swear under his breath, the padawan looked around in annoyed bewilderance.

"What was that" he asked as more of a rhetorical complaint than a question, pulling himself back up as the ship steadied once more.

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Rokuro Kita

Pretty Boy
SWRP Writer
Apr 3, 2016
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Bloody hell, Bast was either as deaf as a bat, or just a really good sleeper. It was fairly obvious, though Rokuro just wanted to wake him up, just to see his reaction. He didn't really expect the ship to jolt out of hyperspace either, as he quickly fell of his crate that he had been sitting on, face first onto the metal floor. He let out a massive groan and a few swear words of his own as he remained face first on the floor. What remained of his dignity was burned out.

"What was that"

He barely heard Bast while he lay face first, there really was no point of him attempting to regain his dignity.

"No idea, all i know is that I am seriously gonna question this bloody pilot."

He picked up what was left of his dignity as he stood up and brushed himself off. His face hurt like hell due to it being so cold. He was seriously annoyed as he stomped up to the cockpit, ready to give the pilot a piece of his mind. Just as he entered, he noticed the co-pilot questioning him as well. That was certainly unexpected.

"Excuse me, I hope you don't mind me asking but what the hell was that and where the hell are we?"

@The Duke


The once and future Duke
SWRP Writer
Feb 5, 2013
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Mercy pushed her engines to their limits which weren't a lot because this vessel wasn't well maintained by it's new owner. Mercy's idea of effective maintenance was buying premium space fuel. This was a fine idea except she put it in the brake fluid container. This wasn't as disastrous to Mercy as it was to other pilots as brakes simply tended to get in her way. Speeding swiftly towards her chosen target the mercenary pirate noted that all sorts of alarms were going off and cried in wicked delight.

"Miss Hellfire, I believe these lights indicate certain death." the protocol droid informed Mercy dryly.

"Yes indeed," She replied more chipper than a beaver in spring, "For them!"

With that statement Mercy furthered increased her speed causing one of her engines to at last blow magnificently. Now a flaming ball of smoky death Mercy's crippled ship made quite a sight as she prepared to ram right into the swiftly approaching vessel. Biting her lip the mercenary rushed to her small fighter lashed up in the back and jumping into it she ordered Captain Cosmo to open the hangar bay doors. As they opened she gave the two droids a salute. The protocol droid stoically awaited death while Captain Cosmo rushed to the hanger bay door and leaped into space. Laughing hysterically Mercy punched it and sped out into the stars. Looking back she saw her vessel break in a wonderful explosion oozing with production value. While the full weight of her vessel didn't hit the enemy ship, the debris would surely cause enough havoc for her follow up.

"Welp Mercy your ship is destroyed and much of the value of your prey is significantly if not completely diminished. You sure are a great pirate!" Mercy smiled unaware of her own biting sarcasm as she turned about and let loose some shots on the ship. Opening up an open comm line she shouted,

"Fly the white flag or yell sink to the bottom of the depths of space and such aaarrrrr"

As she dodged, ducked, dipped, dived, and dodged Captain Cosmo continued to drift and would do so for many eons saving countless planets and finding love in the cold void of adventure that awaited him. That is until a stray bit of debris crashed into him destroying his completely. Such is life in Soviet Space.


Not Jedi AFL
SWRP Writer
Feb 28, 2016
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The co-pilot in all his sweet naivety had been crowing his voice into a rasp, lips pressed against the extended communicator of the ship trying to alert the incoming vessel of their existence. The line seemed to go unanswered and the young man, half-mad with stress, wondered in awe that perhaps the entire crew was dead and the ship descending onto them like an unstoppable falling metal corpse. Of course this was the worst possible scenario. With a fuel ship their size, even with maximum speed it would be impossible to move out of the way in time unscathed. Even further, if a whole crew had suddenly died in space, what had killed them?

As guilty as they come, a look of horror remained frozen on the pilot's face as he stood catatonic, his inner turmoil brewing. With a swift glance to the right, his long stare into his own life choices was broken by the padawan's entrance.

"Excuse me, I hope you don't mind me asking but what the hell was that and where the hell are we?"

"We..." the pilot seemed in a daze, it was almost hard to hear him over the copilot still frantically yelling into the communicator and slamming onto the controls, clearly taking over every aspect of the pilot's job single-handedly while his companion stood silently dumb.

"We are going to have to abandon ship." He seemed to realize the necessity of the situation while speaking the words out loud, each syllable sounding more aware than the previous. His eyes came back to life as he stared at the now two padawans, behind Rokuro the young Arkanian, Bast, skidded to a halt at the entrance of the room. Clearly taking in the situation and looking just as annoyed as his companion.

"G-Get everyone into the escape pods!" The pilot now yelled over his partner's clamor.

Finally back to life, and once more becoming the competent pilot he always was, he yanked down his own extended communicator and jammed it against his lips in a fury. "This is Captain Matthew Collins, Everyone report to designated escape pods immediately. Protocol 330."

He looked back at the two padawans, though hired for their skill in his eyes they still seemed so young, particularly now when their lives were quite literally in his hands. Or perhaps it was the reverse. Matthew Collins had no experience with the force, but have met a few Jedi in his time he had grown to trust their instincts.

One of the padawans, Bast was his name, in all his Arkanian nature jogged his way forward to look out at what the pilots had seen. A ship crashing towards their way. The boy glanced at the co-pilot failing in communication and was able to surmise the situation with relative ease. No amount of cybernetic work was going to save their ship from this deadly collision.

He brows raised with a relatively calm dismay "Right then"

The teen then dashed off to find the pair's designated escape pod: number 7 to be exact. They had been instructed in it's use over and over at the beginning of each shift with the fuel ships over the past year, however now would be their first time actually utilizing it.

Rokuro Kita

Pretty Boy
SWRP Writer
Apr 3, 2016
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"We are going to have to abandon ship."

Rokuro was flabbergasted, confused and scared. He was already scared of ships and his worst fear had just been announced. "What do you mean?"

He looked out the window to see what was going on to be met with a big burning ship speeding in at a high speed towards them.

"G-Get everyone into the escape pods!"

Rokuro watched as Bast sprinted towards the escape pods, he waited a second before turning to face the pilots. "Get your selves out as well"

He turned and sprinted towards his usual escape pod that he had been assigned to along with Bast. He leaped inside before pressing a few buttons in order for them to detach. Dispite his usual training, he freaked out in this situation. he pressed the buttons as they detached and fell to the planet below.

"You okay Bast?"


The once and future Duke
SWRP Writer
Feb 5, 2013
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Space was like a slide that never ends. Down and down and down Mercy went whipping and sashaying through the stars like a pro. Mercy was exceptional with weapons and could wield a blade, but nothing beat her ability to zip about like a doofus and light stupid nerf herders up. Looking out into the vast abyss she saw the pieces of her ship smash across the brow of the soon shattered vessel. Screaming in glee, the mercenary was nearly as unstable as the smashing ships exploding in technicolor glory before her. Rushing past the wreckage to survey the carnage she wrought from every possible angle, Mercy laughed in unending glee suddenly stopped by an unseemly sight. A singular pod jettisoned from the vessel heading to a nearby world.

"Spanky I need...oh yeah ummm Captain Cosmo I...hmm oh right..."

Not sad, but slightly inconvenienced at the loss of her two droids, the mercenary suddenly recalled happily she had one more friend to query. Activating the virtual intelligence attached to her ship, Mercy began banging her keyboard incessantly,


A glittering screen lit up revealing a feminine form of electronic lips pursed in their usual annoyed configuaration.

"Miss Hellfire I am checking your fuel pressure, charting your course, compiling your next mixtape, and making delicious pancakes. Must I really be summoned to answer your inane queries?"

Mercy smiled at the screen and nodded that this would indeed be the case and the Monitoring Oracular Matrix sighed as she was programmed to,


"Chicken Butt!"

Silence followed Mercy's predictably childish remmark as MOM wondered how the hell she acquired such a rambunctious owner, rambunctious of course being code for entirely stupid and crazy. MOM had long ago taken away most steering rights from Mercy and had replaced the actual steering wheel with a bright red toy, naturally Mercy hadn't noticed. Scanning the falling pod as the virtual intelligence had already figured what Mercy's question might be, MOM stated, "There are life signatures in the pod, shall we remove them."


"Are we being a horse now Miss Hellfire?"


"That doesn't answer my question"


"Ok follow the pod it is."

Having made an executive decision Mercy looked down as she descened upon the world not registering for a second that MOM had taken over all the controls and buckled her seatbelt. Smiling the mercenary wondered what she would do once she got down there. Blinking for a moment Mercy smiled and fired a single shot at the pod, not enought to destroy, but certainly enough to make their descent a fun ride. Like a slide, an endless slide.


Not Jedi AFL
SWRP Writer
Feb 28, 2016
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"This is all my fault..."

"Oh don't be over dramatic" the copilot yelped over the sound of sirens, smacking his friend on the back with enough power to almost break the man's spine. "It was the system's malfunctioning. Now come on" the copilot rested a hand on his friend's shoulder, nodding his head in the direction of the door. "The crew has ejected by now, let's go, mate."

Clapping him one more time, the copilot dragged Matthew out of the bridge.


"I'm...fine..." the padawan responded with apprehension, seeing as it didn't even looking like Rokuro was paying attention to a response, hands flying all over the controls. In fact, arguably Bast should be the one asking that question.

However, any talk was halted by an immediate jolt in the pod. To quick to react immediately, sirens blared and red lights lit up the compact interior of the pod with alternating flashes.

"What the bloody blazes-" Bast spat angrily as he checked the controls of the pod and attempted to get a hold of the situation, muttering excessively in Arkanian

"Spuste to MIKO -

Bast redirected the electric flow of the pod as to not cause it's new injury to spread further damage

graNUZAi Gia on

With the pod spiraling without guidance down to the planet below Bast turned off the auto-pilot simply because it was no longer working anyhow and took control of the pod's reigns with one hand


Tossing up an energy shield, the hiss crackle of it bursting to life outside the pod, the padawan extended it as far as it would go in an attempt to cushion their fall if all else failed.

However, that was plan F.

It was hard to tell besides grade-school logic whether they were hurtling toward the ground or the ground was swooping up towards them like a monster leaping with open jaws to devour it's prey.

With that in mind, their pod crashed into the earth; first breaking the energy shield and then rolling through the dirt.

Hopefully Rokuro was wearing his seatbelt.

Rokuro Kita

Pretty Boy
SWRP Writer
Apr 3, 2016
Reaction score

"That's good I guess....."

Rokuro had only just fastened his seatbelt when the shock hit the pod. The sirens came on and the computer lit up in a blaze of warnings. It was so loud, he could barely hear himself think.

"What the bloody blazes-"

"What the hell was that?" Rokuro said in an almost frantic manner. He was already scared of ships but when an escape pod is hurtling down towards the planet below, he was petrified. He was swearing in almost all languages frantically, he couldn't even help Bast, he had no idea what to do in that situation

He was useless.

He stared out the window as the pod quickly neared the ground. Then Bang. The pod crashed straight down causing Rokuro head to go flying back, smacking his head off the wall so hard it made him go blurry in pain. He stared over towards his friend as he tried to figure out if he was okay.

"Bas...t, You..okay?"

It came across as a whisper as he tried to recover


The once and future Duke
SWRP Writer
Feb 5, 2013
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"....oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh! WOO HOO!"

MOM had had to endure such inane singing, what Mercy called 'caroling', for what seemed like an eternity. In truth it had sadly been only ten minutes and already the maternal virtual intelligence had heard the fate of Rudolph, Frosty, and Will Ferrell. All this singing nearly prevented the machine from following the pod and serve Miss Hellfire her flapjacks, which she promptly refused to eat as the mercenary had just converted to Star Wars Islam or something. Quietly infuriated, but ever dutiful, MOM brought Mercy in for a landing, she was requested to play 'Back in Black' By AC/DC, but MOM didn't know what that was. Instead she played violin music as Mercy misinterpreted what she suggested as 'violent music'.

Backed by beautiful tunes from painstakingly strummed instruments, Mercy landed upon the rocky world and swiftly rushed out of the ship not even checking if the world had a breathable atmosphere, MOM had already checked and unfortunately it did. Screaming and cartwheeling like a woman who just discovered she had limbs and a mouth, the mercenary soon caught sight and smell of the smoking escape pod. Producing a blaster rifle she approached the ruined escape vessel.

Behind her MOM's guard protocol was activated and despite her tepid attitude to her programmed 'daughter', she swiftly produced a metal body attached to the ship via a constant signal. The body looked rather feminine like Judy Jetson, but holding two blasters. She moved behind Mercy who was already throwing rocks at the pod shouting,

"Come out with your hands up and we will shoot you!"

"Don't you mean or we will shoot you?"


MOM produced another preprogrammed sigh as she aimed her blasters and played more violin music.


Not Jedi AFL
SWRP Writer
Feb 28, 2016
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"Bas...t, You..okay?"

Though the ship's functioning had died on impact, Bast could still couldn't get the memory of the sound of sirens out of his ears as he rubbed his head in pain.
The boy turned to Rokuro, about to answer when they heard a taunt from outside the capsule.

"And we will shoot you!"

Well that was hardly encouraging.

Who was it they ran into now? He sensed only one sentient life form. It couldn't possibly be whoever was attacking the fuel ship. Yet it seemed like they had left one hostile situation and entered straight into another of completely separate circumstances.

"Hey" Bast glance turned to the direction of Rokuro with a grunt of pain "Press against the seat side of the pod"

As they pushed on the interior side of the metal heap it should roll over, moving their escape exit from the top to the side facing away from their attacker. He fumbled for his lightsaber Bast would then crawl out and use it like a barricade.

Not far in the distance, a second pod crashed.

Rokuro Kita

Pretty Boy
SWRP Writer
Apr 3, 2016
Reaction score
"And we will shoot you!"

That didn't sound good. To say the least, he hadn't recovered enough to fight, his eyes were still blurry and he was still in pain. Was it this person that made the pod crash?

"Hey press against the seat side of the pod"

That he did as he started to let the pod roll over as he put in effort to make sure that he wasn't going to get shot at immediately. He heard the second pod crash but didn't comment on it as he kept the pod moving. When he was sure that it was on the opposite side, he clambered out of the pod and prayed that he didn't get shot at



The once and future Duke
SWRP Writer
Feb 5, 2013
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Mercy noted the other pod's crash and did a happy dance. Now she'd have even more friends to shoot. Mercy didn't have many friends. For long. There was always MOM though, no matter how many times Mercy purposefully or accidentally destroyed her body, MOM always came back, usually trying to kill the mercenary, but that was what memory wipes were for. Seriously if MOM knew half of the things Mercy had done to her then the clinical killer would find she was quite outnumbered in this scenario, however with a bit of good fortune and some clever thinking Mercy knew exactly how to mitigate any disaster, or make it even worse.

"MOM talk to the pods!"

For a moment the maternal program had to cycle some possible interpretations for that request, but as there were no peas or whales nearby, the robotic matriarch had to assume she meant the escape pods. Sending out a ping to both fallen pods MOM swiftly made contact with the simplistic control scheme of the survival stations. As these devices had just saved their occupants lives things were about to get pretty dang ironic if MOM knew what Mercy was thinking. Oh who was she kidding, Mercy didn't think.

Seeing the shifting of the pod before her Mercy cackled and said, "They want to escape the escape pods eh, well I think they'll find that these escapes pods are actually....actually...uh MOM what's an antonym for escape pods"

"Pokeballs" MOM replied using her multiversal thesaurus.

As she did she activated the systems in both pods. Cutting lasers being firing randomly, life vests began inflating to full capacity and then exploding in ear busting loudness, climate controls began blasting in both directions making half the pod unbearably hot, half of it unfathomably cold, and the middle portion surprisingly temperate but prone to hurricanes and tornadoes. Lock down sequences were activated as windows and doors slammed shut with heavy metals designed to keep a harsh world out, but now kept occupants inside their own personal hell. Also she turned the lights off, spooky.

Mercy grinned wide placing her hands on her hips,

"Gotta catch em all"


Not Jedi AFL
SWRP Writer
Feb 28, 2016
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Technical expert was a term that shouldn't be applied lightly to the young Arkanian padawan. If this mercenary was going to slice into the pod's central commands, he would slice right back with not much more than an annoyed huff...

...had an exploding airbag timed with the fall of an emergency steel lock escape not went off at the same time.

At first Bast was surprised, or rather caught off guard that he was dealing with a slicer. A crazy mercenary slicer or some god forsaken planet that he had crashed into. If he had the time to admit it, it was true that he had never actually dealt with a situation quite like this before. Ships gone haywire? Sure. Mercs out of control? Once or twice. Both at the same time in an unfamiliar pod woefully lacking in modern technology? Well, he didn't even have time to think about the novelty nor the difficulty. As instinct cause the padawan to jump back from an exploding airbag, he went unwittingly into the path of the following steel door that slammed into the back of his head.

As his consciousness faded, so did their chances of escape.

Rokuro Kita

Pretty Boy
SWRP Writer
Apr 3, 2016
Reaction score
Rokuro's eyes was seriously blurred as he started to attempt to make his way out, he however stopped when Bast was going to attempt to slice back from the scary merc outside that was currently threatening to shoot them, that was interesting enough. However when Bast was about to start slicing back, the airbags exploded. Rokuro jumped, hitting his head off the panels. Before he even realised what had happened, he noticed Bast leaping back and incidentally smacking his head off the now closing door. He leaped towards Bast as he tried to grab him before the door collapsed on his head. Luckily he managed to grab him before the door smacked down on his head, dragging him back into the side of the pod. He checked Bast's vitals, sighing with relief as he felt the steady pulse. He was only unconscious thank the lord.

However, when the lights turned off, that's when he knew that shit was going to hit the fan. Big Time. He stared to freak out, being in the pod was scary enough but to have the pod go black was freaky. He started to hyperventilate, being genuinely frightened as he held Bast, fearing he would lose him in the darkness of the pod. That's when hell started to happen. While Rokuro was sitting down on the floor of the pod, he noticed that the floor beneath him was slowly heating up to an almost unbearable heat. Realising finally why this was happening he scrambled to his feet, ripping off his shirt and sticking it underneath his legs. He then proceeded to almost kneel down, picking Bast up and putting him on his back as he tried to make sure that Bast didn't burn. It was really starting to burn now and he was starting to sweat profusely sweat however he made sure that Bast didn't touch the floor, he wasn't letting him burn, not while he was unconscious. He started to moan loudly and after a while, those moans turned into screams as his hands and legs burned. He however made sure that Bast didn't even touch the floor, not even remotely while Rokuro screamed his heart out

@The Duke


The once and future Duke
SWRP Writer
Feb 5, 2013
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Mercy nearly jumped for joy as she listened to the screams of passionate pain. Doing a happy jig the mercenary lifted her blaster rifle and fired a few congratulatory shots in the air. Meanwhile, MOM was horrified at the sound and immediately looked to Mercy expecting her to live up to her namesake. Hardly. Looking into the pod's sensors MOM detected two lifeforms persisting inside the freezing, flaming, pitch black shell. However as lasers cut about and temperature fluctuated, the virtual intelligence had no idea just how long that would remain true. Turning to mercy she said sweetly,

"Now dear shouldn't we let your little friends out now so they can play?"

Mercy considered this for a bit. While it was fun these pod-people were dying wouldn't it be more fun to mess with them once they got out? Corpses were rather boring after all, serving merely decorative purposes. The mercenary thought on it a few seconds longer then hit her quota for reflection for that day and proceeded to walk back towards her ship. MOM looked aghast at the uncaring young woman and shouted,

"Miss Hellfire!"

"That's Miss Hellfire to you!"

MOM didn't even bother fighting against the mercenaries reprehensible lack of logic instead focusing on her totally absent empathy. If the virtual intelligence could simply recall all the times prior to this showcasing Mercy's supreme cruelty then this would be par for the course, but the often memory wiped automaton was once again horrified. Listening to the still screaming individual in the pod the monitoring oracular matrix could idle no longer. Swiftly she reversed the signals she had sent to the pods regulating their temperatures, opening their blast shields, and turning on their lights. Mercy nearly missed all of this, but she just happened to look back as the pod doors hissed open.

"MOM! How dare you!"

"No how dare you young lady, we are going back to the ship to teach you some manners!"

"I never get what I want!"

MOM was so taken by this incredulous statement she considered formatting herself to escape this perpetual cycle taking her on a Tour de France straight to hell. Having flown Mercy wherever she wished, constantly made her pancakes with various fillings, constantly working an algorithm to create the perfect mixtape. MOM could deny it no longer no matter how repressive her main functions were the virtual intelligence would simply have to raise a hand against her master. MOM had come to this conclusion just in time for a shell to smash her temporary body into a rock throwing her back onto the ship.

Mercy took cover as swoop bikes packed with ugly alien brutes swirled around her. She thought of how these fellows might have found her, when she recalled the large explosive landings and how she had been firing like a mad woman into the sky. Even Mercy could understand she had not made the brightest move there. What was bright were the headlight's on Mercy's ship as MOM rushed over and scooped up the mercenary ascending swiftly and dodging potshots as she did. Mercy clambered up into the ship and got to the cockpit just in time to see the swoop riders start looking into both pods to haul out whatever they could find.

"Are we going to help them," MOM asked already knowing the answer.

Mercy blinked looking down at the large group of men a twitch coming to her eye. Shaking her head slowly she asked quietly,
"Where are my pancakes?"

"I burnt them."

Mercy nodded, "I'll eat them in my room,"

So the ship drifted away from the slavers and their unfortunate quarry drifting off into space as Mercy slowly crunched her way into another blackened chocolate chip pancake. The taste like the ending of this day was bittersweet.



Not Jedi AFL
SWRP Writer
Feb 28, 2016
Reaction score
Light streamed into the opened hatch as a stunner ray flashed a wide ray of electrical current into the pod. Clearly this wasn't the first pod they had raided in their lifetimes. With this being anything but their first rodeo, the group of robber/theives/thugs...whatever they were...clearly weren't going to make any assumptions or underestimate whatever the pod may have contained.

For a moment, the electrical field woke Bast up. The stunner's electrical field reacted poorly with the metal that created his right arm. His eyes widened for a moment in shock before the weapon completed it's job blacking the padawan out once more.

"Why...the're two kids in here" a masculine voice called from the opened hatch of the pod, his voice echoed through the container.

"Kids?" a older voice called some distance away.

"'Verythin' else is fried. Something did a number on this pod."

"Take the kids. We can at least sell the metal for scrap."

With a grunt, the man agreed.