Ask I Need A Doctor

Altair Din

Grand Marshal

Character Profile
Jan 3, 2022
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Altair felt sick to his stomach. He had expected a lot of things, but finding Vahliri blind and mutilated the way she was nearly broke him. He had to be the rock, he couldn’t let her see him crack. So he took her in his arms and he became Grand Marshal again, that unwavering boulder that always held fast through Tempest. He was forged into this through years of mistakes, survival, battles and brutality. The sight of the woman he loved being in this state would have sent him on a rampage across the galaxy, but he knew putting her back together was priority.

The tiefling had a set of armor for space where he may be recognized, so he donned a different helmet to make it less obvious who he was. He entered Thule airspace, doing what he could to keep her hooked up to the facilities aboard his ship with droids tending to her immediate needs.

Once on Thule, he had her transferred to a private medical bay that only she had access to. Unfortunately they couldn’t keep things entirely secret. A well known surgeon was called at once to tend to Vahliri. Altair would keep his identity hidden and simply snap the doctor’s neck if he asked too many questions. He kept a mask around the lower hemisphere of Vahliri’s face to protect her identity if possible.

For now, they had to wait to see what could be done about her condition. Altair held her hand, his mind racing. He tried to ignore the fact that Vahliri felt weaker not just from her injuries but in the Force as well. Altair wouldn’t mention anything about it. For now he was just here for her, as steadfast as always.

@Altaris @JoeWing

M.D. Blec Croncu


Character Profile
Sep 30, 2023
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Blec wasn't particularly fond of Thule, but he thought it might be worth visiting at least once. The infrastructure was quite impressive, yet some were unfortunate enough not to afford insurance. After several service calls for this planet, he jumped into hyperspace.

Shortly after arriving in the planet's orbit, he received an urgent call from an unknown source:


Blec sighed: "Well, here we go..."

He swiftly navigated to the provided location and touched down after a few minutes. The place looked like a wealthy individual's house, but he had no idea to whom it belonged. "Dopamine, get ICU-1, TRAUMA-1, and CARGO-1 ready. I want them at the cargo lift with the emergency stretcher in one minute. I'll be there shortly," he said, quickly exiting the pilot seat to don his prehospital suit. This suit was high-visibility and sturdy, designed for emergencies outside the ship.

Grabbing his emergency pack, which included a ventilation machine, a monitor, and other essentials, Blec was ready. It was apparent that the person would need emergency surgery as there wasn't enough time for stabilization. As the ramp lowered, Blec, accompanied by "TRAUMA-1," "ICU-1," and "CARGO-1" (who pushed the stretcher), waited for someone to guide them to the patient.

@Sreeya @Altaris

Darth Tempest

Faction Leader
Sith Order
Dark Lord of The Sith

Character Profile
Jan 4, 2022
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Vahliri could never express her gratitude to Altair - even as the Dark Lord drifted close to the edges of her consciousness. Her hand lightly reached out to take hold of the Grand Marshalls own - even as the words failed to manifest in her throat. Up until they arrived on Thule and her separated, suddenly flooded with a small army of royal attendants.

As the ramp of their ship was lowered, Tempest was wheeled towards the surgical bay on a table - surrounded by enough guards to avoid being glimpsed by anyone except for the surgical team. She was still left in scraps of her original armor, though the mask on the lower hemisphere of her face kept her identity concealed for moment.

Though she couldn’t see them, Tempest could feel the presence of the surgical team - footsteps echoing in her sensitive ears. She would speak not a single word as she was wheeled towards the sterile field, until sedatives finally claimed her throughout the operation. Whatever was necessary to be done, the Dark Lord of the Sith was within the doctors hands.

M.D. Blec Croncu


Character Profile
Sep 30, 2023
Reaction score

Blec signaled the droids with a quick wave, indicating that the stretcher wasn't needed for the moment due to the heavy guard around the patient. The setting was unusual, but Blec's focus remained entirely on the patient and her injuries.

Upon examining her, he noted both eyes were severely damaged, and her legs had been severed by a lightsaber - a rare but not unprecedented injury in his experience.

"Hello, my name is Doctor Croncu. I will be taking care of you today," he introduced himself to the Dark Lord as the stretcher was brought up the ramp. A quick scan with the mediscan confirmed the visible injuries and fortunately revealed no internal damage. However, she was hypovolemic and would likely need blood transfusions. "The injuries you've sustained can be fixed, but we need to stabilize you immediately before surgery."

Turning to Altair, he said, "You're welcome to accompany us, but we'll need space to work. The guards can stay as well."

Addressing TRAUMA-1, who had been accompanying them, Blec instructed, "ICU-1 back to the ICU. CRNA-1, TRAUMA-1 prepare RSI (rapid sequence induction for general anesthesia). Prepare 4 units of pRBC and 4 units of FFP."

As they reached the ER and the room ER-1 prepared for anesthesia, Blec's heart raced with the urgency of the situation. He wasn't nervous, but the stress of the critical procedure was palpable.

"TRAUMA-1, secure an IV line. CRNA-1, prepare the RSI medication," he directed the droids. To the patient, he said apologetically, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but we need to remove your mask for general anesthesia and ventilation."

Upon removing the mask, the face of a surprisingly young and attractive woman was revealed. The CRNA-1 applied a sensor module from the VISIMO monitor to her right upper arm painlessly.

"We'll start with general anesthesia. We'll see each other after the surgery," Blec reassured her. With a nod to CRNA-1, the woman was asleep within seconds. The droid then proceeded to intubate her and undress her, maintaining a reasonable level of dignity. Sensors were applied to her thorax to stimulate the diaphragm, minimizing the need for positive air pressure for ventilation.

"Start mass-transfusion. Prepare OR for bilateral CLR-Leg replacement and bilateral cybernetic eye replacement," Blec instructed, as the CRNA-1 began the transfusion process.

Turning to Altair, he explained, "We're taking her to the OR now. Please stay here with the guards; you won't be able to assist in there. To help, ensure your guards secure the ship's entry and exit points. If all goes as planned, we should be done in about an hour."

After instructing CRNA-1 and TRAUMA-1 to transport the patient to the OR, Blec left them to their task. He quickly changed into surgical clothing and meticulously scrubbed his arms and hands, preparing for the operation. Briefly visible to Altair, he then disappeared behind the OR door, ready to begin the complex surgery.

As Blec entered the OR, everything was set up and ready for the complex surgeries on the eyes and legs. The neuro-docks for both procedures were prepped and adjusted to fit the patient's size.

The case was a challenging one: an unknown female patient with most likely lightsaber-induced trauma. Blec decided to start with the leg surgery, considering the immediate threat to the patient's life. After confirming with CRNA-1 that the patient was stable under general anesthesia and that the mass-transfusion was completed without incidents, he proceeded with the operation.

For the leg surgery, Blec applied surgical tourniquets to both legs to stop further bleeding. He then amputated an additional 10 cm from each leg to ensure the neuro-docks could be attached to viable tissue. The operation involved intricate work with the femur and large blood vessels, ensuring stable blood flow and structural support for the neuro-docks.

Next, he focused on the nerves – locating the nervus femoralis, nervus cutaneus femoris lateralis, and nervus obturatorius. After identifying all the necessary nerves, he quickly implanted the neuro-docks. Following a series of tests, it was confirmed that the patient could walk properly with the cybernetic prostheses.

After another meticulous scrubbing and redressing in surgical attire, Blec moved on to the eye surgery. This procedure was both exciting and challenging due to the complexity of the eye's structure. He carefully removed each eye, preserving the surrounding nerves. The eye sockets were cleaned, and any unwanted tissue was removed. The neuro-docks, doubling as artificial eye sockets, were then placed and connected to the nervous system. The cybernetic eyes were fitted, and after a few tests, it was clear that they functioned well. The eyelids were positioned to make the cybernetics less noticeable.

With the surgeries successfully completed, Blec instructed CRNA-1 to wake the patient and prepare for her transfer to the ICU. He then prepared to inform the patient's companion, Altair, about the successful outcome of the procedures.

"Good, the surgery is complete and everything went smoothly. We're transferring her to the ICU now, and you'll be able to speak with her there. I'll come by to check on her shortly," Blec informed Altair.

Having relayed this information, Blec proceeded upstairs to complete the necessary charting for the patient's surgical procedures. Meanwhile, Darth Tempest regained consciousness in the ICU, Room 1, fully alert and responsive after the surgery.

@Altaris @Sreeya