I Think I Owe It...


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Apr 8, 2015
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Good Day folks!

It is a pleasure to speak with you today. This is a notification, but it isn't a sob story. =D

Recently someone approached me for some ideas and let me tell you! I was happy to give up some ideas, but it got me to thinking (it was something they said in their initial PM) - I've appeared a little lost. I had essentially disappeared. That was not my intention.

Usually every day or every other day I do log into the site to see if I had any PMs - typically I get notifications on discord but for some reason, those notifications also disappeared. So here's the news... I do log in quite a lot and I lurk. But many of you might have noticed, there haven't been any posts by me or that I haven't created a character to use - this is all true. But I haven't left.

At the end of the last timeline, I did a blitz. I had posted a lot and quickly, enough that might even give our resident post crazy @Nefieslab a run for his money! (Okay, probably not really.) It was taxing to be sure but don't for a second think I didn't like it. I really enjoyed it and some of those posts were such a blast to write and were (in my opinion) really good quality posts. When the new timeline started I wanted to take just a couple of weeks off to recharge, and to allow the mad rush of new characters to die down a little before I post some (our character mods were no doubt swamped and may have appreciated one less character to look at haha) but, as time progressed I got a little busy and when I came on I sometimes just looked at the screen - not because I didn't have any ideas, it was just I didn't have any "right" ideas for my situation and to fit in. (True, probably a stupid thing to say since there is not exactly any "wrong" ideas out there.) And I just didn't put it together.

Second, to the break, I've been a little on edge - a little uneasy; because I knew what would be coming but I just didn't know when it was coming. I had suspected my life was going to be a little mish-mashed for a while, and I knew that this year - 2019 - would not be a repeat of 2018. What do I mean? Well, you're impatient but I'm getting to that! Probably.

Actually getting to it now...

So things have evolved this year and I have received confirmation of what I've been waiting for at the end of January, so now I have a good idea of what this, Unfortunately, this timeline I will be sitting out because in May I will become unavailable for an extensive period of time.

I have been given an opportunity and I will need to crush that opportunity. However, it is going to require me to be away for a minimum of 6 months, and that's assuming all goes according to plan - if not 6 will turn into 8 or 10 months. However, once this time has passed I will also need a month or two to get settled because completing this will result in me moving to a whole new province and starting a whole new life - and that in itself is scary but also exciting.

So a slightly better idea of what the opportunity is, well it's training with an iconic Canadian symbol and will result in me having a better life for me and my girl since it will guarantee me a career that I have been looking to achieve for so long. While I am away, I will need to focus and try to block out all my typical pastimes for that short period of time. Which isn't too hard, when your thrust into the midst of everything and your way of life immediately changes. I'm going to be giving it my all, and I'm looking forward to it.

So, I think I owe it to everyone to provide an explanation, which is what I am doing.

This timeline I will be sitting out, and part of why I hadn't been starting up is because I didn't want to start something I couldn't commit to and finish as I had planned. (Sucks having to give up partway through) But with that in mind, while I will be sitting out of this one I'll probably roll into the new timeline. I've already got plenty of ideas of what I want to do - and I've no idea what new crazy ideas the team will come up with for next time - but my ideas certainly are designed to work with whatever world we craft. So that's certainly something I'm looking forward to.

Though I am not active here, that doesn't mean I'm not lurking about. As I said, I log in and take a few peeks but I'm so out of the loop I wouldn't even know where to begin! (Although, if you want me to fill a DM role or reprise a role as an NPC - please let me know, I'd be happy to write that) Further, though I am on discord - its installed on my phone. So never ever hesitate to message me here or there, I've got it close at hand and will typically get back to you. Further to that, when I'm gone in May I can still be reached on discord but don't expect rapid responses or lengthy conversations from me! If you're so inclined that is.

So with all of this down, I want to extend a thank you to everyone here and there, it's been a lot of fun and I look forward to the future. Thank you, everyone, for the amazing collaborations we've done and the memorable experiences I have from the previous timeline. When I come back, I hope to have a big old smile on my face, a fancy new uniform in my closet and a whole new life. I hope to come back to some incredible people and some phenomenal collaborative work going forward. I look forward to talking to people and once again I appreciate it all.

If I don't tag you (Tag yourself ;)), I don't think less of you! If I've crossed paths with anyone, even if it was just in passing or in a single thread, you've still made an impact.

Thank you to all of the community here at Star Wars RP! You're all awesome. Incredible. Amazing.

Your fellow author,
(Sometimes known as Rob, mostly known as Councillor Bruce Guleya haha!)



Lore Admin
May 19, 2013
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though we dont know each other super well, i wish you good luck with your career opportunity. we will always be here when you are able to return. (:



Story Admin
Jedi Order Faction Leader
SWRP Supporter
Mar 12, 2015
Reaction score
Good Day folks!

It is a pleasure to speak with you today. This is a notification, but it isn't a sob story. =D

Recently someone approached me for some ideas and let me tell you! I was happy to give up some ideas, but it got me to thinking (it was something they said in their initial PM) - I've appeared a little lost. I had essentially disappeared. That was not my intention.

Usually every day or every other day I do log into the site to see if I had any PMs - typically I get notifications on discord but for some reason, those notifications also disappeared. So here's the news... I do log in quite a lot and I lurk. But many of you might have noticed, there haven't been any posts by me or that I haven't created a character to use - this is all true. But I haven't left.

At the end of the last timeline, I did a blitz. I had posted a lot and quickly, enough that might even give our resident post crazy @Nefieslab a run for his money! (Okay, probably not really.) It was taxing to be sure but don't for a second think I didn't like it. I really enjoyed it and some of those posts were such a blast to write and were (in my opinion) really good quality posts. When the new timeline started I wanted to take just a couple of weeks off to recharge, and to allow the mad rush of new characters to die down a little before I post some (our character mods were no doubt swamped and may have appreciated one less character to look at haha) but, as time progressed I got a little busy and when I came on I sometimes just looked at the screen - not because I didn't have any ideas, it was just I didn't have any "right" ideas for my situation and to fit in. (True, probably a stupid thing to say since there is not exactly any "wrong" ideas out there.) And I just didn't put it together.

Second, to the break, I've been a little on edge - a little uneasy; because I knew what would be coming but I just didn't know when it was coming. I had suspected my life was going to be a little mish-mashed for a while, and I knew that this year - 2019 - would not be a repeat of 2018. What do I mean? Well, you're impatient but I'm getting to that! Probably.

Actually getting to it now...

So things have evolved this year and I have received confirmation of what I've been waiting for at the end of January, so now I have a good idea of what this, Unfortunately, this timeline I will be sitting out because in May I will become unavailable for an extensive period of time.

I have been given an opportunity and I will need to crush that opportunity. However, it is going to require me to be away for a minimum of 6 months, and that's assuming all goes according to plan - if not 6 will turn into 8 or 10 months. However, once this time has passed I will also need a month or two to get settled because completing this will result in me moving to a whole new province and starting a whole new life - and that in itself is scary but also exciting.

So a slightly better idea of what the opportunity is, well it's training with an iconic Canadian symbol and will result in me having a better life for me and my girl since it will guarantee me a career that I have been looking to achieve for so long. While I am away, I will need to focus and try to block out all my typical pastimes for that short period of time. Which isn't too hard, when your thrust into the midst of everything and your way of life immediately changes. I'm going to be giving it my all, and I'm looking forward to it.

So, I think I owe it to everyone to provide an explanation, which is what I am doing.

This timeline I will be sitting out, and part of why I hadn't been starting up is because I didn't want to start something I couldn't commit to and finish as I had planned. (Sucks having to give up partway through) But with that in mind, while I will be sitting out of this one I'll probably roll into the new timeline. I've already got plenty of ideas of what I want to do - and I've no idea what new crazy ideas the team will come up with for next time - but my ideas certainly are designed to work with whatever world we craft. So that's certainly something I'm looking forward to.

Though I am not active here, that doesn't mean I'm not lurking about. As I said, I log in and take a few peeks but I'm so out of the loop I wouldn't even know where to begin! (Although, if you want me to fill a DM role or reprise a role as an NPC - please let me know, I'd be happy to write that) Further, though I am on discord - its installed on my phone. So never ever hesitate to message me here or there, I've got it close at hand and will typically get back to you. Further to that, when I'm gone in May I can still be reached on discord but don't expect rapid responses or lengthy conversations from me! If you're so inclined that is.

So with all of this down, I want to extend a thank you to everyone here and there, it's been a lot of fun and I look forward to the future. Thank you, everyone, for the amazing collaborations we've done and the memorable experiences I have from the previous timeline. When I come back, I hope to have a big old smile on my face, a fancy new uniform in my closet and a whole new life. I hope to come back to some incredible people and some phenomenal collaborative work going forward. I look forward to talking to people and once again I appreciate it all.

If I don't tag you (Tag yourself ;)), I don't think less of you! If I've crossed paths with anyone, even if it was just in passing or in a single thread, you've still made an impact.

Thank you to all of the community here at Star Wars RP! You're all awesome. Incredible. Amazing.

Your fellow author,
(Sometimes known as Rob, mostly known as Councillor Bruce Guleya haha!)

I’m sad to see you go, but best of luck with your opportunities! I’m sure you’ll crush it! Don’t stay away too long, and I hope to see you come back around to full activity someday. Don’t be a stranger!


Member (asf)
SWRP Writer
Apr 12, 2016
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Thank you for checking in, @Zigara! And honestly, I'm so happy for you. Almost envious.

But yeah, forget this forum and pursue your dreams. Know that I absolutely won't hold it against you if you decide not to return, neither should anyone, because your career and your future should always trump some role-playing forum, great as it may be.

Best of luck to you!


SWRP Writer
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Have a great time Zig! Just as the others said, opportunities only come around like that once in a while so go for it and rock it :D


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Apr 8, 2015
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Thanks everyone, @Deviant @Nightfall @Phoenix @Logan.

I really appreciate it. Feel free to send some messages my way when I go - this goes for the whole boards - because I'll need some support and it's great to know people are rooting for you.


Site Owner
Sith Order Faction Leader
May 3, 2010
Reaction score
Will miss you, man. One of the best DM buddies ever <3

Best of luck on everything, know you're gonna kill it ^^


SWRP Writer
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
I am thrilled that you have been offered and opportunity to work towards a better life and truly appreciate that you're willing to set pleasures aside to accomplish this! Please know that I am always here if you ever find yourself in need of someone to speak to whether it be about the site or life in general (I'm no stranger to real life struggles, believe me). You have my well wishes and I'll keep you and your girl (wasn't sure if this was a child or significant other) in my thoughts. Thank you for thinking of me in writing this post, it means a lot.


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Apr 8, 2015
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I'm bumping my own, old, ancient thread.

Now I'm not back, not yet. But this is more of an update post. I'm happy to write this as well. I'm in the middle of my 22nd week of the 26 week training program I am in. Next week, Monday and Tuesday represents a major benchmark that will determine my future, and I'm super excited, terrified, and nervous for it.

So, once it's cleared all will be well. However, I still have to finish everything up (though it'll be a bit less stressful) and then I need to get setup in my new home. I will still be away until at the very least November 14th and then I need to get setup like I said. I'll be starting a new life and new career so I'll be busy.

But all of this is good. Obviously I won't be in this timeline - I wouldn't even know where to begin, I've no real idea of where everything is haha. And I suspect were nearing it's end anyways.

I still pop in from time to time, and I rarely say hello on discord (so busy) but I'm always a message away - just might take some time to get a reply.

Anyways, just wanted to give an update. I'm still alive! And still thinking about the time I've been here and look forward to the future.


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Apr 8, 2015
Reaction score
Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night, or whatever you want to call whatever time you have.

I am very happy to report that, I completed my major benchmarks and tests and whatever else you want to call it. I have started my career and I'm pretty damn excited. I finished all of that early November, but damn - I live in the boons now so to get internet installed, well I made the appointment early November and the only time they could fit me in was December 31.

But I have it. I'm mostly moved in and I am happy to say I've already started looking at the future of SWRP. I was able to actually flip the little switch from "Inactive" back to "Active" it was pretty exciting!

I saw Star Wars and I'm already prepping my new character(s) - I don't know what the Galaxy will look like in January, but I'm going to adapt them to what happens.

I'm happy to be back!

Looking forward to talking and roleplaying yet again!


Story Admin
Jedi Order Faction Leader
SWRP Supporter
Mar 12, 2015
Reaction score
Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night, or whatever you want to call whatever time you have.

I am very happy to report that, I completed my major benchmarks and tests and whatever else you want to call it. I have started my career and I'm pretty damn excited. I finished all of that early November, but damn - I live in the boons now so to get internet installed, well I made the appointment early November and the only time they could fit me in was December 31.

But I have it. I'm mostly moved in and I am happy to say I've already started looking at the future of SWRP. I was able to actually flip the little switch from "Inactive" back to "Active" it was pretty exciting!

I saw Star Wars and I'm already prepping my new character(s) - I don't know what the Galaxy will look like in January, but I'm going to adapt them to what happens.

I'm happy to be back!

Looking forward to talking and roleplaying yet again!

Welcome back and congratulations on getting underway with your career! I hope we get to RP together in the nuTL again


PaintshopPro Addict
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Apr 3, 2018
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Ziggys back!!! Heya Bud!!


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Apr 8, 2015
Reaction score
It 'tis a pleasure.

Thank you everyone.


Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
Welcome back and congrats!