Ask I'll be Vindicated

Hera "The Joyful" Albion

Jedi Order
Jedi Councilor

Character Profile
Black Noise
Jan 12, 2021
Reaction score
Sometimes, Hera's genius surprised even herself. Bracca was a well-known shipbreaking world, a planet where old vessels were sent to be torn apart and their internals repurposed for new vessels. Shipbreaking was backbreaking labor and didn't pay necessarily very well, in fact sometimes the shipbreakers would be paid to take old vessels off the hands of the police or planets where local warlords had been disposed. It was here that Hera called up a few of the directors of some of the yards to see what they had come in for scrap.

What do you know, they had a Vindicator-class Cruiser come in, nearly mint condition, that they were more interested in reselling than tearing apart. Of course, there was a small issue of the hangar bays being completely gutted and open to space from a series of unfortunate accidents. But a ship didn't get sent to the ship breaking yards if it was flawless, and Hera understood that. There was only one small problem that the Jedi Master had not yet accounted for.

Hera was one person. How on earth was Hera going to take the vessel back to Chardaan where the shipyard she owned a majority stake in could fix it? Well that's where her trusty sidekick Auryn came in! The Padawan and Jedi Master, if they put their heads together, were invincible! Of course, Hera wasn't a complete moron, and she already knew she was in way over her head. But she was the type of person to jump first, look second. She'd have to figure something out on the fly, and fast.

Setting her ARC-170 starfighter down on the hull of the docked Vindicator, the massive vessel still sitting on the preparation line for shipbreaking on the surface of the world, Hera locked the vessel's magnetic locks to prevent it from flying away. It would need to stay there for the duration of this mission. Looking back to her copilot seat, she grinned and asked, "Ready?"

@Mr. Teatime