Ask Raxus In a pale moonlight

Jhaa Fott


Character Profile
Nov 26, 2023
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Being home on Raxus was bittersweet after spending many months on assignment; it was not a wasted effort. Jhaa had found a Sith Artifact on Dantooine. Its use and mystery were unknown to her; as she walked towards the entry of the ISB Central Office, she checked that it was still on the bag slung over her shoulder; happy that it was, she continued into the hallowed halls.

She made her way to the turbo lifts that would take her to the office, where she would spend the next week or maybe even more, logging the events leading up and unfolding throughout her mission to Dantooine. The work was laborious but necessary for purging the galaxy of sickness. Her guards, death troopers, stood silently behind her, ready and waiting to protect her from any threat; the rap of boots on the floor reminded her that she was never alone.

The turbolift was sitting there waiting; she pressed the call button, and nearly instantly, the doors slid open; the troopers stepped inside with her, pulling an ID access card, she swiped, and a beep followed, indicating that it was ready for the next command. Pressing for the floor where most senior ISB agents worked, the lift sped away, moving to its destination. Within moments, its doors opened to a hallway with no decoration other than white ceilings, floors, and lights, all symbols that the ISB was a healer in a sick galaxy.

As she stepped out of the turbolift, Jhaa raised her hand and said to the troopers, "You are dismissed."

The troopers stayed in the turbolift, and Jhaa continued down the hallway, walking towards her office; as she entered, before sitting down, she took a moment to make sure everything was in its proper place; satisfied, she moved, placing the bag in the safe underneath her desk. Once she finished that, she sat down at her terminal, flicked it on and began to work.

Her comm system began to beep. She switched it on, and to her surprise, it was a Hutt; it began to speak. @Nor'baal

@Javier esschoolbus @Sreeya just a tag fyi

OOC: Armor for the troopers and write-up are still pending approval but will be added.

Nor'baal Desilijic


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Sep 2, 2021
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Nor'baal reclined on his ornate throne in the grand hall of the Supre Moguls palace on Nal Hutta, the soft glow of dim green lamps casting a dank hue across the room. The air was thick with the scent of exotic spices and the faint hum of droids and slaves tending to various tasks. A lavish feast lay spread out before him, a testament to his insatiable appetite and immense wealth. His eyes scanned the room, taking in the bustling activity of his minions and the ever-watchful guards stationed at strategic points around the chamber.

The Hutt's attention was momentarily drawn to a group of Twi'lek dancers performing gracefully in the centre of the room, their movements fluid and captivating. However, his mind was preoccupied with more pressing matters. Beside him, a protocol droid chattered away, relaying reports from his various enterprises across the galaxy.

"Supreme Mogul, our agents have made contact with the ISB, as per your instruction, most magnificent of sages." the droid intoned in a monotone voice.

Nor'baal grunted in acknowledgement, his thoughts drifting to the recent intelligence he had received about the apparent ambitions of his new Diamyo to take over the leadership of the Empire. He knew full well the risks this posed to him, as well as to the current regime - a Sith assuming command? Unthinkable.

Yet in every twist and turn, there was an opportunity.

Nor'baal signalled for the comm system to be readied.

The protocol droid bowed slightly before scurrying off to fulfil the command. Nor'baal's eyes narrowed as he contemplated the upcoming conversation. He knew that approaching an ISB agent required a certain level of finesse, but he was confident in his ability to manipulate the hapless humanoid to his advantage.

As the droid activated the holocall, Nor'baal straightened slightly, adopting a more authoritative posture. The screen flickered to life, and the image of Jhaa appeared. The Hutt's yellow eyes glinted with amusement and calculated interest as he began to speak, setting the stage for what he hoped would be a mutually beneficial arrangement.

The image of Nor'baal Desilijic Fa'athra flickered to life on the comm system, his massive form nearly filling the entire screen. The Hutt's throne room on Nal Hutta could be seen in the background, its opulence starkly contrasting with the clinical white of the ISB office. Nor'baal's yellow eyes glinted with a mixture of amusement and calculated interest as he observed Jhaa.

<Jhaa, I presume,> Nor'baal's deep, guttural voice rumbled through the comm.

The Hutt's lips curled into a semblance of a smile, a gesture that was more unsettling than comforting. <I believe we may have a common interest in halting your new found pretender?

Nor'baal's gaze was unwavering, his demeanor exuding confidence and authority. He leaned back, the wealth and power of his position evident in the casual ease of his movements.

He stopped soeaking, leaving Jhaa with the Hutt's words hanging in the sterile air of her office.

Jhaa Fott


Character Profile
Nov 26, 2023
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Jhaa watched the Hutt speak with morbid interest, though the one thing she did respect was the power and authority he commended. That kind of authority attracted her to the Empire and the ISB, but she wondered if it had all become an illusion and if she would gladly compromise everything she worked for. She could see the Hutt surrounded by ornate fixtures, a feast, and perhaps not seen in the holo, many servants tending to his every whim.

She responded with a deep resonant and authoritative tone, yet laced with a softness that added a layer of complexity. It was a voice that mirrored the Hutt’s gravitas but carried an undercurrent of subtlety and calm, like a velvet glove over an iron fist,

"Indeed, the ISB may not wish to see a return to turbulent times," she began, her words carefully chosen to probe for more information. "But you have yet to clarify how this benefits the Empire."

As she spoke her mind, already calculating the possible outcomes, every word, even the unconscious shift of body language, could betray her true intent; thinking back to her days at the academy, her teachers taught her the importance of being ready to catch even the smallest of whispers; she stared intently at the Hutt looking for any subtle change that might give her a clue of what he was thinking. This was a game of wits, and she liked to win.



Nor'baal Desilijic


Character Profile
Sep 2, 2021
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This Imperial was a calculating figure, and she very clearly had her own agenda. But then again, who didn't? Nor'baal considered his words carefully and delivered them coldly <You Empire needs stability in order to thrive - a command structure which is as respected as it is feared.>

What the Hutt said was undoubtedly true, perhaps a little obvious. Yet it laid the ground for his offer, one which he hoped would entice the ISB Officer to side with him. <My new Daimyo of Kessel - I believe you call them - my spies and informants tell me he seeks to use the wealth contained in the mines to mount a bid to become your next Emperor.> he laid the information at his disposal, part of it anyway, at Jhaas feet.

Nor'baal was not a fool. He was aware that there were others within the Imperial hierarchy who desired power for themselves, Altair, and others. <I have no interest in seeing Kessel remain in the control of a non-Hutt. It is my assumption that the ISB has no interest in seeing the wealth of the spice mines used by an outsider to make a play for the throne, either?>
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