In Silent Lullaby I Mourn


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Nov 10, 2010
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Full image credit goes to madspartan013 on Deviantart.
Iron Citadel
Empress Teta
Koros System

Reports were still coming in from Count-Dowager Andarta and the agents in the field regarding the Battle of Serenno. The deserter Konstantine had made a desperate bid for Serenno, key to the Commerce Fleet's operation in a quarter of the empire. Its fall would have sent several supply lines into disarray. However, thanks to the sacrifices of two brave solders on Ord Radama, Serenno had been prepared. Konstantine's ambush was turned on the famed general. In the end, Battlegroup Statera lost and Konstantine was captured.

Konstantine had been put under heavy guard and transported to Empress Teta, where Geist was currently running operations to counter these anomalous insurgencies and insurrections. The Dark Lord had a high suspicion that Royston Spektor's treason was involved, but there was no concrete proof yet. And on its way was epiphanies gift wrapped in skin and muscles and bones called Konstantine. The traitorous general was being escorted by Imperial Guard to the Iron Citadel. The man was chained, traversing on mechno-chair. The Cinnagaran lord observed the bleeding horizon as Konstantine arrived.

"I remember Coruscant as if it were yesterday," Geist said, pleasantries forgotten in the wind. "I still feel every life that perished that day. I felt Andraste's raw power as she ravaged Coruscant. Years later, I experienced that raw power personally." Geist turned to face Konstantine. "I have endured the pain, endured the pain of the empire. And what have you done? Rather than endure the pain too, to aid the empire, you break it and hurt it and desecreate it. Tell me. Why are we here in our current predicament? What broke in you that caused you to turn on the empire, the very thing keeping order!"

Black Noise

SWRP Writer
Aug 3, 2011
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Konstantine said nothing, at first, his eyes appearing lifeless and dull. As he wheeled in, he thanked whatever gods he still believed in that he had possessed the foresight to wear a uniform and not his coat and scarf at Serenno. At least his things could be passed on to his son, still safe and hidden away. The Corellian knew that he would leave this world alive. The chains loudly clinked together as the man sat forward and breathed deeply.

Staring out into the sunset, he spoke, his tone was flat with a hint of sadness, "This world, ten years ago I thought I might never see it. Now, well, I'm sure I never imagined it this way. Standing atop a citadel of oppression, overlooking a world whose people are more dead inside than I am." He turned to Geist, the man still wearing the same suit and reflective mask he always wore. Konstantine had begun to suspect this was simply an illusion, rather than the Sith Lord possessing a closet exactly the same things. There was something comfortably familiar about the man, despite knowing he could be his executioner at any moment. To Konstantine, the man still looked like a friend, it was almost unnerving if Konstantine was capable of being unnerved.

Cracking a mirthless laugh, he continued, "Coruscant, I thought then that it'd be the end of it. The last true destruction, the beginning of a better galaxy. I believed in the Empire, I believed in it more than you could ever know, my friend. But Coruscant, Coruscant was nothing. Mandalore was Coruscant, Mandallia was Coruscant, Nog, Tracyn, Kalevala, Bonagal, Shukut, Condordia, Werda, all those worlds and moons and a hundred more. They were Coruscant too, but I didn't watch helplessly as they died, no, I fired the guns, I gave the kill order. I ordered women and children in evacuation ships be shot down. Geist I have been bled dry by this damn Empire, you're being bled dry by this damn Empire."

His tone changed, a deathly seriousness came over him as he finished, "Have you ever heard the principle of the boat of a thousand men? I'll tell you anyway. One thousand people are placed on two boats, six hundred on one, four hundred on the other. They're headed towards an enemy controlled area, only one boat can be saved? Which do you save?" He did not wait for an answer, "You save the one with six hundred, sacrificing the few for the greater good. But once you make port, you must again separate them, three hundred on each boat. Something goes wrong, one of the boats has sprung a leak. The men on the boat will not fit on the other, but they threaten to ram the other ship if the other boat does not sacrifice themselves for them? What do you do?"

Again, he did not wait for a reply, "You personally go to the leaking ship and kill everyone, sacrificing those already doomed to save the ones who could make it. But is it worth it? Go home, tally the losses. You've sacrificed seven hundred men, saving only a three hundred out of your original thousand. Must two thirds be sacrificed to ensure the one third you protect survives? Is it worth it?" He paused momentarily, asking again, "Is it worth it?


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Nov 10, 2010
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Geist let Konstantine say his peace. After all, the man was fated to die, he deserved a little courtesy before death, even if the man was a traitor. Normally Geist wouldn't care, but this man had once been a good friend, a hero to the empire. But friendship could not circumvent duty. He had allowed friendship to cloud his judgment and he didn't pressure for Sisk Renelo's execution on Reckoning as he should have. Instead Sisk was allowed to escape and sparked flames in a dying Mandalorian culture. Sisk was dead, but his legacy lived on.

"You think you know this place?" Darth Somnus questioned. "I was born here. Raised in these halls. Empress Teta was always full of corruption. They just hid it well behind a veil of smiles and luxuries. All the empire ever did was take down the wall. A reflection of the galaxy. The Republic was corrupt, just like the empire hides some corruption; I won't lie and claim we lack corruption. However, the Republic claimed to be the true champions of orders, and that was a lie. Greed was the law. Politicians were bought like HoloNet ads. Even the Chief of State was a weed needing to be trimmed." Or a grenade detonated in his face. "The empire has torn down the walls of myth. You see, the greatest enemy of the truth is often not the lie- deliberate, contrived, and dishonest, but the myth- persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allow the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought. The Jedi are the heroes, protectors of justice. Incorrect. The myth has built them up as such. In reality, the Jedi are the sentinels of the status quo, to allow things to remain as is. If they truly were defenders of the weak, they would have stopped corruption in politics, thwarted slavery, and stopped the encroachment of drug cartels. Instead, the empire is left to carry out such tasks. Since our rise, we've removed corporations' sway over politics, we've removed all taints of slavery in the former Alliance lands, and we've removed the Hutt Cartel's control over medicine. The Sith are seen as evil, and some past incarnations have been, but the difference between the Jedi and Sith is not good or evil, but the willingness to listen to one's feelings and strive for the future."

Darth Somnus walked closer to Konstantine. "So if sacrifices are needed, so be it. You make it sound like a few hundred sacrifices are deplorable. Why? Why are they wrong if they save the lives of billions and trillions of lives?!" Anger flashed in his voice. "You are a hypocrite. You may imagine us as the boatsmen, but the truth is that you are the sailor! You are sacrifices the boat containing innocent soldiers and citizens for your own gain, your own self-preservation. You're preserving your ideals, pipe-dreams, in exchange of innocent lives. The soldiers dying to protect the Imperium aren't evil. They simply want to protect. And you cut through them simply so you can claim you are correct, because neither of us are foolish to believe anything but the truth that history is written by the victors. You were once an author in history's weaves, but now you've jettisoned yourself from the bibliography. You've become a stain in the compilation of sentences. What the empire has done was necessary. Sacrifices were required. Order is upon us. And then you break the integrity by helping insurrections. Do you know how many soldiers died on Serenno? On Korriban, Ord Radama, Saleucami? I can give you the exact numbers. I can give you all their names. Because a war is not just about statistics. It's the final result, and when you begin to deviate from that goal, you mutate and bastardize and ruin the finale. Already others have been given false hope because of the atrocities you've committed. Was it really worth it? Must millions die simply to thwart one woman? A woman, I might add, would have been content to sit in silence had you and your allies and the Mandalorians invoked her wrath? You see yourself a hero, but the truth is concrete." Darth Somnus decided to take a chance, to test the waters. "Do you and Royston Spektor really believe your cabal can succeed, where an entire nation like the Galactic Alliance failed?" Spektor's treason was still in debate. At least in connection to these insurrections. However, Geist already knew Royston was already a traitor, having warned Clan Ordo of the upcoming Mandalorian Genocide. Which begged the question: If Royston actually cared about lives, why did he only warn one of countless Mandalorian Clans? Konstantine and Royston considered themselves pillars of righteousness, but they were just like the Sith and Imperial military leaders. It was all statistics. Who could be used and who was a liability.

Black Noise

SWRP Writer
Aug 3, 2011
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Konstantine could not resist his teeth slightly grinding against themselves as Geist spoke. He did not interrupt, Geist had let him speak, the least the former Grand Marshall could do was let the Dark Lord finish. When Geist, Darth Somnus, mentioned Royston, he snapped. "Do you hear yourself, Weiss?! There was a time when you gave a damn about order, peace, and the prevention of anarchy! Has that part of you died to give way to this monstrous, chaotic being that you've become? This end you speak of, it is nowhere in sight, not in the manner I know you want! Every day more and more people die, people who fight just because they were told to. You think I don't know those people, you think I don't know what the think, how they feel? I was one of them! I fought for this Empire since I was just a kid who didn't know which end of the blaster to point! I was never an author, I was a footnote, a side character to be told what to do, what to say, when to kill and when to die. I jettisoned myself, and I saw true peace for once in my life. Peace you'll never see, peace you'll never understand!

He tore at his chains, resisting, livid at the man whom he once thought fought for the same reasons he did. Anger rose in his throat, yet he did not allow himself to be reduced to shambles, he focused his anger, concentrated to the point of his conversation."You speak of the Empire tearing down the lies, but what have they replaced them with? Instead of the illusion of peace, we are given the clear picture of the tyranny that always ruled from the shadows! However, instead of a bundle of politicians we have one mad, psychotic woman who wantonly kills citizens on live holovision! Where was the Geist Weiss that sought for order? Why has he been replaced by this sniveling, cowering fool who'd rather let a rabid dog sleep in his own bed than put it down?"

His voice lowered, mentioning the Cotiere, though not by name, "We thought about inviting you, many of us thought that you of all people would see the logic in removing the Empress. But we were wrong."


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Nov 10, 2010
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Geist made his way to the observation deck in Konstantine's flagship, which was perched above Coruscant during the Core Campaign. From the glass, the carnage of battle bled the skies with smoke. Seeing Konstantine, Geist remarked, "Greetings, Konstantine Arkyadvich." It was known to the entire imperial forces evacuation was necessary. Geist, with his hypotheses, suspected Vereor had something under his sleeve, as he had gone immediately to another Titan-class Star Destroyer, stationed above the Jedi Temple. If they planned to do anything with the Force, a greater distance would be favorable. "I offer as advice, but it may be to our benefit to enter apogee. Who knows the effects could reach us at our present location." Indeed, he had no desire to feel whatever would be laid upon the former pinnacle of Galactic Alliance power.

"Greetings, Geist Weiss. I assume your mission was a success. And agreed, it is a mystery what our Dark Lord and Empress could have planned for-"

The ship shuddered as, unbeknownst to Konstantine, they were hit with the blast of energy that was the death of Dark Lord Vereor. The fleet, almost in perfect unison, seemed to cringe beneath the weight of the power smashing across them, emanating endlessly from the void created below them. The Grand General stepped back, sighing deeply and speaking quietly.
"Through the Force, I am become Death, the Destroyer of all worlds." Below them, a death of an entire world could be witnessed.

"Indeed, such an atrocity should not be repeated frequently, if at all," Geist commented. As the Shadow Hand to Darth Vereor, though few people knew that, he was privy to speak his mind a bit more freely than the average Sith. Besides, his intentions were always geared for the Imperium. "Sometimes, such an act is needed to wake up everyone, to the realization of how much change is needed. Corruption in the Galactic Alliance shall end. Order shall be established. Not the weak corrupt Order that the Jedi protected, but a stable one. In a way, the act that is being carried out here is an example of the impact it will have on the galaxy. Have you ever heard of the New Order Complex? It goes as such: With order comes chaos, with chaos comes destruction, with destruction comes death, and with death comes new order. Hopefully the death, the losses that we shall remember here, will pave way to a new Order."

The Dark Lord smacked Konstantine across the face with the brute raw power of the Force. "You dare preach to me?! I have always sought order. It is through the machinations of you and other dissenters that lead to this anarchy. Andraste is powerful, don't you real it? To go against her is to tear up the empire. But if we use her, the empire can remain strong. Fear of the empress kept the empire together. But then you and your compatriots spit in her face. You allowed her to unleash her brute strength, showing weakness. We can't have that. The empire must remain strong. Why can't you see that?!"

Deep breathing consumed the Cinnagaran. He wasn't even sure at this point if it was out of anger or a feeble attempt to calm down. "I have never changed, Konstantine. I have never backed down. I will protect this empire. If it means dealing with the devil, so be it. Carnage we are witnessing is the byproduct of insurgencies, not the empire or its ruler. Once we have eliminated the enemies, we will have order."

Black Noise

SWRP Writer
Aug 3, 2011
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Konstantine was taken aback by the sheer force behind the brutal attack of the sith lord. His jaw ached as if it had been broken, it very well came near to it. Breathing deeply, Konstantine did not reply, he did not interject, he listened. Part of him wondered, however, if Geist listened to his own words. For a few long, tense moments, Konstantine did not give the Dark Lord an answer, he waited, thinking hard upon his words.

Geist Weiss said:
Have you ever heard of the New Order Complex? It goes as such: With order comes chaos, with chaos comes destruction, with destruction comes death, and with death comes new order. Hopefully the death, the losses that we shall remember here, will pave way to a new Order."

When he finally did speak, it was through dead eyes and a pained voice,
"Look at yourself, Lord Somnus, you are not Geist Weiss. I knew Geist, he was a man who saw clear though the lies of the Empress. He believed mass murder to be an atrocity that should not be repeated. He hoped that with every death, the galaxy would wake up to their need of a change. He saw through the Chaos to Destruction, through the Destruction to Death, and through the Death, he saw a New Order. Look out to your Empire, is this is not Geist's New Order. This is a dying dream, a bastardization of an Empire that passed by us a millenia ago."

Geist Weiss said:
This death isn't exactly necessary. We should have waited for at least our people to evacuate; their sacrifices are meaningless. Throughout the time I fought planetside, I was wondering: why did we fight? Had the Empress and Dark Lord done this at the beginning, it would have saved lives. Even then this pandemonium isn't exactly necessary. Only time will show if it was the right choice."

Konstantine sighed, shaking his head and continuing,
"Did we make the right choices, Somnus? Those men and women in the Mandalore system were not all warriors, many of them lived peaceful lives who would have gladly served the Empire, served a New Order. To squash a single spider, we burned down our house."

Geist Weiss said:
"There is nothing to seek forgiveness for. Better to speak truth than to lie and let a false truth seem real. It's one of the faults of the Sith of old. They demanded worship, rather than reality checks." He paused. "My condolences for your loss. I wish this battle had gone differently. It was the Jedi Order and the governmental Galactic Alliance that sparked this war and dragged us into conflict, not its citizens. They should not have to pay for the sins of their masters as they are. It was why I tried to save as many people as I could when I departed."

Konstantine's voice raised ever so slightly, demanding an answer,
"Where were you when the lasers hit? Who were you saving when the Mandalorians pulled their women and children into escape shuttles, begging us with distress signals to not open fire as we burned their homes. How many of those shuttles were punished for the sins of their leaders? I killed them, Somnus, I KILLED THEM ALL. Why, why?"
Konstantine demanded, screaming for a moment,
"Why did we do it?! To what end?! Why?!"

Geist Weiss said:
You are our military's role model. If you start doubting our mission, what would happen to the military?"

Konstantine Arkyadvich said:
What will happen? I'll be replaced, simple as that. Every soldier has worth, or damn well should. But me, I'm just another man willing to follow orders. I've just happened to follow them for so long and so well that I give them now, and take them from two people alone."

"I was not wrong, was I?"

Geist Weiss said:
"I don't believe that for a second, High Marshall. You're no ordinary man, even if you wish to be. Your talents and skills, combined with your knowledge and expertise, allow you to climb above others. We may not agree on how we should fight this war, or should, hell, I know my drive for order has no true course and I only seek ways to achieve it. I am blind, but you, High Marshall, see. You see past the biases, you see people, not Sith and Jedi, Imperials and enemies. You see people as they are, a gift that lets you lead as effectively as you are. It is why, I believe, the outcome of his campaign has affected you as such. We both receive orders from two people, but our methods are different, our goals are different, but it is through people like you that both sides, Imperial and Sith, are able to work together as they do. Do not discount yourself, Konstantine Arkyadvich. You may not be Sith, and that may discredit you in some people's eyes, but that does not mean your role in all of this is insignificant."

Immediately, Konstantine demanded calm of himself and continued. He was not finished, not yet. Breathing deeply, he kept speaking,
"Do you remember, Somnus, what Geist told me? He was not wrong, he saw himself as blind, but his sight was far better than anyone could have predicted. But you are not him. Geist could have lead this enter galaxy into a New Order, eliminating anyone who stands in the way of Order. That was the Geist whom I knew, he forgave those whom he could use to further the Order, he broke code to further his goals, he did what was necessary. I admired him, more than I could ever describe. He was more than anyone else in the galaxy could see, he was capable of more than I could ever dream to be. He would not let anything, not adversity, not humanity, not even the Force itself, stand in his way!

Most of all, he was my friend.

But you are not him.

Somnus, you have killed the man I once knew, Geist Weiss is dead. The man whose actions spoke louder than his words, whose face didn't matter when he made a promise to keep, the man whom I admired as both an artist and a commander, he is dead. We are done here, do what you must."

Konstantine looked to Somnus. They were finished here, unless Konstantine was wrong, then there was no more reason for the former Grand Marshall to still be alive.