Canon Indupar


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Jun 16, 2021
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Induparan Royal Crest

The planet of Indupar is located within the Ado Sector of the Mid Rim, neighboring planets such as Haruun Kal and Eiattu. It is the third out of six planets within the Indupar system, and one of only two habitable planets that orbit its central star Indupar. Located along the Ado Spine and near its convergence with the Rimma Trade Route, Indupar has long been known as an important stopover for Galactic shipping. Moreover, it’s exotic export market - largely in the form spices and other luxury goods - have contributed to its position as an important center of trade within the Mid Rim.

In recent years, Indupar has broken from its tradition of neutrality and aligned itself with the Independent System’s Consortium. Prospering within the new government, Indupar has since evolved into a staunch supporter of the Consortium and a hotbed of its growing nationalism movement.

C L I M A T E & T E R R A I N

Induparan Countryside

Visible from orbit as a blue-green orb enveloped by a spiderweb of white clouds, Indupar is a world renowned across the Galaxy for its pristine and picturesque environment. A continental world, Indupar is made up of three vast continents and a chain of island archipelagos nestled amongst its vibrant blue-green oceans. It’s landmasses are largely made up of sprawling rainforests and jungles, lush valleys, rolling grasslands and untouched mangroves. The planet’s northernmost continent is renowned for its picturesque countryside - dotted with chains of towering waterfalls and river rapids. It remains a popular site of tourism and vacation homes for Indupar’s noble elite.

Indupar boasts a climate that is almost entirely tropical - with little deviation in temperature all year, high humidity, and two seasons that consist of dry and wet. Monsoon rains and heavy winds are exceedingly common during the wet season, bringing with it almost constant cloud-cover. The following dry season is typically characterized by clear skies, lower precipitation and slightly higher temperatures.

While volcanic activity is still common amongst the planet’s island archipelagos, such natural phenomena has become exceedingly rare amongst Indupar’s two primary continents. Nevertheless, past centuries of volcanic activity and shifting tectonics have given rise to large mountain chains across the planet’s surface - the tallest of which remain the only place on Indupar where temperatures consistently drop below freezing and receive limited snowfall.

Indupar is orbited by two small moons - Chanra and Apiya. The larger of the two, the jungle-moon of Chanra exists as the only other habitable planet within the Indupar system, and for millenia has boasted a sizable agricultural population.

Boasting multiple cities and smaller settlements across its surface, Indupar’s capital and largest city - Dahonis City - lies within the Amiran River Delta on the southern coast of the planet’s northernmost continent.



Alsakani Colony Ship arriving on Indupar, circa 12,975 BBY

Around roughly 12,975 BBY, the first Human colonists - originating from the Core World of Alsakan - arrived within the Indupar system. The colonists - following rumors of expansive Aurodium deposits on the planet - settled within the lush rainforests and river-fed valleys of Indupar, building the first permanent settlements on the planet. With no native, sentient species to content with, human growth on Indupar progressed unimpeded - booming in numbers as they spread from continent to continent. Within generations, the colonists began to develop a culture and identity distinctly unique from their original home of Alsakan - giving birth to their own language and unique style of architecture. Bustling city-states were established along trade routes and strategically defensible locations across the planet - largely led by rival princely families. Divided by a desire for political dominance and control over valuable resources, early civilization on Indupar was characterized by constant skirmishes and warfare between its numerous nation states. Without a unified political leader on the planet, the status quo of constant skirmishes and rivalries between city-states continued for another two millennia - all while the planet avoided joining the Republic or any other intergalactic government.

It was not until 10,436 BBY that the political landscape of Indupar made a dramatic shift. In the preceding years, a series of political alliances and strategic marriages bound many rivaling city-states into uneasy alliances, forming a multitude of coalitions sworn to defend each other in the event of an attack. Eventually - as it so often did - conflict broke out once more amongst Indupar’s city-states, and the result was a crisis that, for the first time, spanned to every continent on the planet.With no overwhelmingly dominant power amongst the warring factions, the crisis drug out for over almost centuries - alternating between periods of active conflict and simmering cold wars.

By 10,243 the crisis entered into its final chapter with the rise of Dahon Ordalos. Rising to the head to one of Indupar’s princely families and warring coalitions, Dahon quickly proved himself as an incredibly successful tactician - claiming victory over several city-states within short order. Unlike his predecessors, Dahon broke with isolationist tradition and entered into under-the-table negotiations with the Galactic Republic - leveraging his planet’s valuable resources and strategic location in order to gain funding and arms from the Republic. Ultimately, Dahon’s bargain proved to be effective, and by 10,239 - supplemented with additional armaments and funding from the Core - claimed victory over the last rivaling city-states of Indupar, uniting them under his banner and proclaiming himself King of All Indupar - marking the beginning of the current hereditary dynasty. In the immediate aftermath of King Dahon’s unification, the capital of Indupar was established at the traditional Ordalos seat of power and promptly renamed to ‘Dahonis City’ in honor of the king. Additionally, the newly minted Monarch solidified the agreement with his Core allies by formally bringing Indupar into the Galactic Republic - where they would remain for millennia to follow.

United for the first time under a single government, Indupar enjoyed centuries of unprecedented growth and prosperity in the centuries that followed. Without a constant struggle for control of territory and resources, Induparan society and culture began a gradual shift towards a more artistic and peaceful existence. The rapid boom in trade brought newfound wealth to the obscure planet, helping to repair the damage done by centuries of conflict and fund further development. By 3,560 BBY, Queen Amira IV - harkening back to Indupar’s ancient history as colonists - sponsored the exploration and settlement of other planets within the Ado sector - starting with Indupar’s own jungle moon of Chanra. Within the following generations, the Induparan monarchy expanded its territorial and economic control to several other neighboring systems - establishing the Induparan Crown Worlds as the dominant political entity within the Ado Sector.

By 23 BBY - citing rampant corruption within the Galactic Senate and neglect from the Republic - Indupar ceded from the Republic and aligned itself with the Confederacy of Independent Systems - fighting for the Seperatist cause during the Clone Wars. With the establishment of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, Indupar was reintegrated into the New Order. The reigning monarch - the nineteen-year-old King Pranav - was publicly removed from power and executed in 17 BBY, citing his heavy criticism of the Empire as an immediate successor state to the Republic. A distant member of the Ordalos Dynasty was handpicked to succeed the late king, and it is from this lineage that the current Monarchs claim their descent.

In the immediate aftermath of the Battle of Endor in 4 BBY, Indupar aligned itself with the New Republic - happily casting off the oppressive regime of the Galactic Empire, enjoying the decades of peace that followed until the rise of the First Order in 34 ABY - with Indupar being one of thousands of worlds that were forcibly subjected by the fascist regime. With the defeat of the First Order at the Battle of Exegol, Indupar joined in the Uprising in 35 ABY - once again throwing off the shackles of their oppressors.

The reigning monarch at the king - Queen Nadira II - refused to align her Indupar once more with the New Republic - citing their failure to prevent the rise of the First Order and falling back on the belief that Indupar and its constituent colonies were better off alone - reinstating the policy of neutrality and isolationism that had once existed millennia ago.

It was not until the year 142 - over a century after the Battle of Exegol - that the political status quo of Indupar once more shifted. By then, Galek Ordalos had risen to the position of Governor of Indupar - directly serving the monarch and overseeing the Council of Viziers. It was under his advise and constant pressuring that the planet finally reopened negotiations with the rest of the Galaxy - ultimately choosing to formally join as a member state of the Independent Systems Consortium in the year 144 ABY.


Dahonis City, Capital of Indupar

The government of Indupar and its constituent colonies is known as the Induparan Crown worlds - made up of multiple systems and planets within the Ado sector. The Induparan Crown Worlds are an absolute monarchy, where all legislative, military and judicial power is officially vested in the reigning monarch. The position of Governor of Indupar - and that of Senator, during Indupar’s membership in the Galactic Republic - is a position appointed by the reigning monarch. While it is ultimately up to the disgression of the monarch to select whomever they choose, the position had almost exclusively been granted to members of the Ordalos Dynasty - most typically those low on the line of succession and unlikely to ever ascend to the throne themselves.

Over the centuries, the planet has developed a highly centralized bureaucracy to manage the day-to-day affairs of Indupar and its colonies as efficiently as possible. Regional governors and administrators are assigned to oversee provinces and planets beneath the crown - typically drawing from members of the royal dynasty or nobility to fill such roles. Members of the bureaucracy serve strictly at the pleasure of the monarch, who retain the power to override their decisions or replace them if and whenever deemed necessary.

The Council of Viziers - chaired by the Governor of Indupar - serves as an advisory and legislative body second only to the reigning monarch. While their function is largely to provide guidance to the monarch to make decisions for the planet, a two-thirds majority of the Council has the authority to veto decisions made by the monarch, and unanimous vote to remove the reigning monarch from office. Nevertheless, neither power is often invoked.


Induparan Architecture

Art and Philosophy
Induparan culture is most commonly characterized by its peaceful and eloquent traditions - having developed during the idyllic centuries following the planet's unification and shift away from its militant past. A primary focus of Induparan culture was placed on the artistic pursuits such as poetry, art and music - with the planet having produced several galactically acclaimed artists and musicians throughout its long history. This facet is Induparan culture is equally reflected in the planet’s Aurodium and jewelry crafting industries - taking a great deal of pride in handmade, beautiful works of art produced by Induparan artisans and exported to the rest of the Galaxy.

Induparan’s typically place great value in the natural beauty of their pristine homeworld, and this was reflected in the refined and elegant architecture of their cities and settlements. One would be hard pressed to find many examples of the towering skyscrapers or urban sprawl that dominate planets such as Corellia or Taris. Instead, Induparan architecture is dominated by an abundance use of domed buildings and slender minarets, stonework delicate ornamentation - typically utilizing colors and shapes that best compliment their lush environment.

Over millennia and during the planet’s period of isolationism, Indupar developed its own unique language and writing system - loosely derived and still retaining some vague influences from the High Galactic of their Alsakani ancestors. In modern times, the Induparan language had all but completely been supplanted by Galactic Basic in everyday life and official government documentation. Nevertheless, it is still widely spoken by Induparan natives as a first or second language, and is frequently utilized for music and poetry. It’s written, calligraphic form can be seen in some form in most examples of architecture and art.

Indupar theology is polytheistic in nature - with practitioners known to venerate multiple deities. These deities are believed to hold dominion over abstract concepts of Induparan life - such as Safety and Protection, Love, Warfare or Art. While some deities are faceless, most are depicted in humanoid form. One such example is the Goddess of Protection, Chanra, who is personified as a female humanoid cradling the moon in her arms.

Practitioners of Induparan theology believe in a never-ending cycle of energy correlated to life and death. All living things within the universe are connected through this cycle, be they sentients or non-sentient lifeforms. Upon death, it is believed that the spirits of all living things pass on to the afterlife, while their physical life energy is released and redistributed, in order for new life to flourish. This concept is seen in traditional Induparan funeral rites; wherein bodies of the deceased are first cremated and then buried - returning their remains to the earth to feed new life. According to traditional beliefs, those gifted with the Force are born with a unique connection to this cycle of energy, allowing them to manipulate it and perform supernatural abilities. Individuals born with this gift were often occupied important roles within Induparan society, In part due to the spiritual and sacred belief surrounding the Force, practitioners of the Dark Side are exceedingly rare throughout Induparan history. Those who have fallen to the Dark Side are seen as abusing their connection to the natural flow of energy, perverting and corrupting it in order to satisfy their own desires.

In modern times, adherence to traditional Induparan theology has diminished greatly - especially amongst the younger generation and those born within the urban centers of the planet - places where foreign influence is the strongest. However, Induparan theology is still practiced within rural communities across the planet and amongst members of aristocracy.

Additional Information
While idyllic and picturesque on first glance, Induparan society is plagued with staggering social disparities between classes. Those born on to the constituent Crown Worlds are subject to far more improvised standards of living - with such worlds often heavily exploited and stripped of resources by those on Indupar itself.
R E S O U R C E S & T E C H N O L O G Y

Indupar is blessed with an abundance of natural resources - the likes of which have greatly contributed to its wealth and prestigious reputation within the Mid Rim. Indupar has tropical hardwoods, ores, fuels, and rich amounts of food across its lush continents. Aquaculture thrives along its coasts and island archipelagos - while traditional agriculture is largely limited to cultivated orchards within its vast rainforests. Perfumes derived from its unique flora and exotic spices constitute a large export market for the planet, while Induparan glasswork - particularly in the form of hookah pipes - are popular as well. Perhaps the planet’s most valuable resource lies in its rich deposits of Aurodium that lie beneath the surface. For generations, Indupar has exported the priceless metal to the rest of the Galaxy - and its abundance has since given rise to a culture of metalsmithing and jewelry making.

As the seat of the Crown Worlds, Indupar draws extensively from its constituent worlds throughout the Ado Sector. The planet has historically been far more liberal in its exploitation of the colonies - with practices such as strip mining, fuel refining and large-scale clearing for agriculture exceedingly common. As a result of being able to rely largely on external resources, Indupar has remained pristine and lush in comparison - boasting low levels of pollution and vast stretches of untouched wilderness.

Technologically speaking, Indupar is on par with the rest of the Galaxy in terms of advancement. Nonetheless, Induparan architecture and other products are known to possess a more elegant and refined appearance - incorporating a heavy usage of domed buildings, stonework and delicate ornamentation.


Indupar is a planet in both Legends and Canon, but there is sadly little information on the Wiki article. The intent of this write up is to flesh out what little information there is on the planet, while also filling in the holes for culture, government, etc. The planet also serves as the homeworld of my governor, and would be the site of future RP.

Credit for the code/format goes to @The Good Doctor.
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