[Interest Check] Marvel Universe RP


SWRP Writer
Jan 7, 2012
Reaction score
Before anyone says anything about it, I am completely neutral on Marvel vs DC.

Now that that's past let's continue.

Characters: Any heroes are up for grabs. In my plot line all of the heroes Marvel has rights to are involved with SHEILD and will be on call for this little...disaster. So if you wanna be Vision or The Thing and nobody wants to be the Hulk or Iron Man that would still work out.

Plot: (kriff where's that notebook... ah here we go) Okay, first things first, Let's just ignore Iron Man 3. I have nothing against it but the ending ticked me off. (No spoilers) So let's just ignore it. There isn't that simple?
This would take place 2-3 years after The Avengers. Loki has served his sentence on Asgard and has returned to earth, specifically Stark Tower, the new Avengers HQ. He appears and tries to convince the Avengers/SHEILD to help him hide from Thanos who is looking for him to send him to Valhalla to meet his maker. He says he was under the same mind control that the "Glow Stick of Destiny" could cause (ya know since it has the Mind Stone from the Infinity Gauntlet...whoops said too much XD )
So yeah our first little plot twist would be whether or not Loki is to be believed or not.

Whaddaya think? Anybody game?

(and anyone with 2 IQ points could see where we'd end up no matter what we choose :p.)
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Lord of Naps
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jun 11, 2013
Reaction score
I think its an awesome idea and I would be down!