Non-Sapient Irling


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Biological Classification
Physical Characteristics
Average height___-______________1.8 — 2.3 metres
Average mass45.3 kg — 59.2 kg
Average lifespan~ 1 - 2 yrs
Skin colourPurple______________
Eye colourCyan
DistinctionsVisual sensitivity to light
Sociocultural Characteristics
Homeworld_Ord Mantell
Irlings were a large, non-sentient species of insectoid ptero-creatures that lived on the planet Ord Mantell. They were nocturnal creatures, preferring dark environments such as caverns and mining tunnels, and would form hives made out of a web-like substance within them. They were visually sensitive to light and became highly aggressive if disturbed.


Irlings were characterised by the four cyan eye stalks, mandibles on their head, and the stinger at the end of the abdominal region. Male irlings generally had more curved pincers than females. The pincers were used to capture dead prey, defend themselves and fold their wings.

The forewings on an irling were short, oblong, leathery plates used to cover the hindwings, similar to a beetle. The forewings were short and leather-like with very thin hindwings, and the hindwings were thin, folded membranes that expanded like a fan, radiating from one point tucked under the forewing. However, even though irlings could fly, they were rarely seen in flight.

Distinguishing characteristics
  • General body shape: elongate.
  • Head: Prognathous. Biting-type mouthparts. Ocelli absent. Four cyan-coloured eye stalks.
  • Appendages: Two pairs of wings normally present. The forewings are modified into short, smooth, veinless tegmina. Hindwings are membranous and semicircular with veins radiating outwards.
  • Abdomen: Stinger. Ovipositor in females is reduced or absent.

Irlings possessed a neuroendocrine system typical of most insects. They had a brain, a subesophageal ganglion, three thoracic ganglia, and six abdominal ganglia. Their digestive systems consisted of a fore-, mid-, and hindgut, but they lacked the specialised gastric caecae for digestion.

Life cycle and reproduction

Irlings were hemimetabolous, meaning they underwent a complete metamorphosis, developing through a series of 4 to 6 moults. They lived for approximately 2 years from hatching.

The irling population began mating in autumn and could be found together during autumn and winter. The male and female would live in a chamber underground. From midwinter to early spring, the male would leave or be driven out by the female. Afterwards, the female would lay approximately 20 - 80 eggs over a couple days. When first laid, the eggs were light green and oval-shaped, but right before hatching, they would shift to kidney-shaped and orange.

Irlings were among the species of social insects species to display maternal care. The mother would pay close attention to the needs of her eggs, such as warmth and protection. She would faithfully defend the eggs from predators, refusing to leave them unless the clutch turned bad. The mother would also constantly clean the eggs to protect them from dangerous and invasive species of fungi.

Eggs hatched after about seven to eight days; in some cases, the mother may assist the nymphs in hatching. After hatching, the nymphs ate the egg casing and continued living with the mother. They would nest under their mother while she continued protecting them until their second moult, feeding on regurgitated food from the mother and their own moults. If the mother died before the nymphs were prepared to leave, they would potentially eat her.


Irlings were primarily scavengers but displayed omnivorous and predatory behaviours. The abdominal region of irlings was flexible and muscular, capable of manoeuvring and expanding the tail and stinger. The stinger was used for a variety of purposes, such as for incapacitating prey and sometimes copulation.

The most common irlings were omnivores, eating plants and ripe fruit and actively hunting anthropods. To a large extent, there were also scavengers feeding on decaying plant and animal matter if given the opportunity. Observed prey included humans, savrips, flutterplumes, and gapillian grazers that stumbled or fell into their nests.

Irlings were generally nocturnal, hiding in cave systems and other unground complexes and nests during the daytime.

Relationship with humans

Irlings were abundant and almost exclusively found on Ord Mantell. No evidence suggested they could transmit diseases to humans or other animals.

While generally docile, they could become highly aggressive if disturbed by noise during their sleep or agitated by bright lights. Their pincers were capable of severing limbs with ease, and the paralytic venom contained in their stingers could leave a human incapacitated within minutes. They were considered potentially dangerous pests, and eliminating caves and hives of irlings was normal.

Once a hive was wiped out, the webbing in their hives and nests was often gathered to produce a unique silk available only from Ord Mantell.

"Irling Fishing"

For many Ord Mantellians, irling meat was considered a delicacy. They regularly hunted irlings for their high-protein meat to sell or prepare for themselves. It was common for a hunting party to consist of several to a dozen hunters to gather for what was called "irling fishing," a popular and common pastime and activity. Hunters would drop or throw a light with a sound emitter into a hive to draw them out and into daylight, effectively stunning and disorienting the irlings for the hunters to kill them in a hail of blaster fire.

What is the purpose of this species?
To take a currently canon species and expand upon it for the purposes of site lore and worldbuilding.
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