I've gotta take a break

Ace of Hearts

New Member
SWRP Writer
Sep 20, 2013
Reaction score
Hi...I've been gone long enough and have only been here for so short a time that maybe no one remembers me or cares that I'm gone. But I want to let everyone know anyways.

I have been inactive for a week or two or three for health reasons. I had to get ahead in school work because I had to leave town for a week to go to a clinic with my family. This is one of few clinics in the US that strives to help people with forms of scoliosis straighten their spines. It was hard and intense but I saw an improvement of almost 50% :)

Unfortunately, now that I'm home, to keep improving or to at least keep my spine at where it is at the moment, I have to do exercises and therapy every day. With this and school on my plate I have no time or inspiration to do you or my characters justice in role play. I apologize to all who threw their hat in the ring with me and have role-plays collecting dust. I wish it wasn't like this, really, but I hope this explanation is good enough to allow you to forgive me.

If this clears up, I will return. But health and academics always trumps pleasure for me. I'll see you on the flip side, folks!

Also, I was sad to find that Duke left. I apologize to the Rangers for leaving them while they recoup, that is, if they are still together under a different leader.

Bye for now. :/