Joha Kryze's Beskar'gam


Cool Guy
SWRP Writer
Mar 18, 2024
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Rich (BB code):
Joha Kryze's Beskar'gam TYPE Medium Armor COVERAGE • Head: Full helmet made of durasteel with a T shaped visor. • Torso: Multipe durasteel plates covering pecks, and stomach. • Back: Multiple durasteel plates covered by a jetpack. • Upper Arms: Durasteel plates that cover the shoulders, • Lower Arms: Beskar Forearm plate that covers 360 degrees aswell as a plate the covers the back of the hand • Upper Legs: Durasteel knee covering • Lower Legs: Boots
Function 1: Jetpack
The Jetpack is a rocket powered flying device that helps the user fly or slow their fall. Jetpacks are used in low altitudes for mobility, and even in the vacumm of space for easy monouverability. Some jetpacks feature a missile that is stored at the top of the jetpack. This missile can easily turn the tides of a battle. Joha's jetpack however is not equipped with a jetpack because Joha says, "it slows me down."​
Joha's formidable armor stands as a testament to his esteemed heritage, meticulously crafted Beskar'gam that he proudly received as a cherished gift for his verd'goten at the age of thirteen. Infusing his personal touch, Joha deliberately adorned the armor with the resplendent hues of Clan Kryze, an enduring homage to the indelible legacy of his forebears. Fabricated from durasteel, the armor has undergone numerous resizings to accommodate his natural physical development, attesting to its enduring resilience amidst the rigors of his journey.
This distinctive Mandalorian armor may evoke unease in certain regions where Mandalorians are met with skepticism or outright hostility. Its conspicuous nature and unmistakable Mandalorian design can elicit disapproval and unwelcome attention from individuals who harbor prejudices against the Mandalorian culture.
The intent of Joha's Mandalorian armor is multi-faceted, designed to serve a range of practical and symbolic purposes: Practical Protection: Crafted from pure beskar, the armor offers unparalleled defensive capabilities, shielding Joha from various forms of physical harm in the midst of combat or perilous situations. Cultural Identity: Adorned with the distinct colors and insignia of Clan Kryze, the armor serves as a steadfast embodiment of Joha's unyielding allegiance to his Mandalorian heritage, symbolizing his unwavering commitment to upholding the traditions and values of his clan. Personal Empowerment: The armor bestows a profound sense of empowerment and self-assurance upon Joha, bolstering his resolve and fortitude as he navigates the rigors of his warrior's path, instilling a deep-seated confidence in his abilities and heritage. Tribute to Ancestry: By donning the resplendent Mandalorian armor, Joha pays homage to the revered legacy of his ancestors, honoring their valor and fortitude while perpetuating the timeless traditions that define his familial lineage. Tactical Advantage: The distinctive appearance of the Mandalorian armor can also serve as a strategic asset, instilling a sense of awe or fear in adversaries, thereby influencing the dynamics of combat situations and negotiations. Resilient Symbolism: In the face of prejudice and adversity, the armor stands as an unyielding symbol of resilience and defiance, embodying Joha's unwavering spirit and unbreakable determination in the face of external opposition. Through its multifaceted significance, Joha's Mandalorian armor transcends its role as mere protective gear, emerging as an emblem of cultural pride, personal fortitude, and unwavering tribute to his storied lineage.
Wearing Joha's armor without being a Mandalorian is considered a grave transgression within the Mandalorian culture. The traditional significance of the armor holds paramount importance, and any non-Mandalorian found donning it in the presence of true Mandalorians risks invoking severe repercussions, potentially including lethal consequences. The deeply ingrained customs and honor code of the Mandalorian people dictate that such a display is met with swift and uncompromising retribution, emphasizing the gravity of the offense and the unwavering commitment to upholding their cultural heritage.
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Lekku-loving crazy person
SWRP Writer
Feb 7, 2024
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I believe this belongs in generitech.


Tech Admin/Tech Archiver
Jul 4, 2012
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