Joint Operations

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The once and future Duke
SWRP Writer
Feb 5, 2013
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Jedi Missions


We've become good friends with a certain order called the Jedi, you may have heard of them. You know, them fellers with the magic and the laser swords. Besides just hangin' round our base they'll also be helpin' us out on a couple assignments, both dangerous and requiring their particular set of skill. Try an' make a good impression.


Wanted For Murder and Kidnapping


Ross said:
Mission Name: It Ain't Easy Bein Wheezy
Intel: Theres a sick man out on the Wastes of Zonju V. True we have many actually sick people out there with the pox and such, but this guy has a sickness that can't be cured besides a bullet to the brain. This 'Wheeze' is insane and seems to get his kick by scaring people. He has set fire to peoples homes, locked them in chests, buried them alive, and recently he has kidnapped a group of children. He was last seem entering 'Whisperers Cave'.
Primary Objective Find 'Wheeze'. Stop him from doing anything to the children and make sure they are safe. Deal with the maniac as you like, but I don't think there is any saving that man. A bullet to the head would be the best in my opinion
Slots Available: 1 Ranger and 2 Padawans
Skills Required: Exploration, Information Gathering, Stealth
The Take: The kids kidnapped are from a a mining village called Grimm. One of the boys called 'Dusty' is the kid of a caravan owner. Altogether they cobbled together ten thousand credits a guarantee of aid in the future from the town and a trade deal with the caravan.

Be on the Lookout for Raiders

From 'Crap City'

Archimedes said:
Mission Name: Crapshoot
Intel: There is a raider settlement by the name of 'Crap City' north of Rorn. It's been a thorn in the trading city's side for quite some time but due to undisclosed reasons the King cannot directly attack it. Instead he wishes for you to assault the raider camp, clear it out, or lead the men there to surrender. They are led by a Nagai who calls himself Bowlan. I've also got intel that somewhere on the derelict ship where most of the men live may be a transceiver filled with data from the distant past, see if you can't get that for me!
Primary Objective Subdue the raiders anyway you can and more importantly GET ME THAT TRANSCEIVER
Slots Available: 2 Rangers and 2 Padawans
Skills Required: Melee combat, Ranged combat
The Take: King Ark has offered us an unusual gift with the usual payment, twenty thousand credits and a letter containing terms for a truce between our peoples as we both occupy the valley.

Wanted for Continual Disruption of the Peace

Mark Tarant and his gang of Tunnel Snakes

Gray said:
Mission Name: Tunnel Snakes Rule!
Intel: The bowels on Daedalus station are a disgusting place that produce disgusting people. Mark Tarant is one such person. He is one thug of a long line of thugs who wants to make himself the thug king. His scheme to do this seems to be a reverse blockade, he is keeping any kind of trade goods or people from coming and going into the Bowels without paying a hefty fine. Enforcement on the station is planning an assault but requires a small team of people who can blend in with locals to get deep into the Bowels and subdue Mark when it starts to prevent a lengthy battle. One last tip, this Mark seems to have picked up a rather powerful bodyguard, an echani with what appears to be force sensitivity. Proceed with caution.
Primary Objective Sneak into the Bowels. Subdue Mark Tarant. Force him to surrender and end his taxation
Slots Available: 2 Rangers and Jedi Padawan Kim Carsen
Skills Required: Melee combat, Ranged combat, Stealth
The Take: Station officials are offering 50,000 credits for Tarant to be brought in alive so he can be interrogated and made to confess his crimes. This will also show the good people of Daedalus what good people like us can do for them.


can't face

Ross said:
Mission Name: Desolation Spreads
Intel: There is a place on the wastes of Zonju V called The Desolation. It's an area of intense radiation that kills anything within it if it is not properly protected. It's been a terrible nuisance for most people who have to go around it and deadly for anyone ignorant of the zone. Recently however the problem has grown as it has been spreading. A local town has been hit and needs help evacuating who ever we can. After that you need to find what's causing this spread and stop or reverse it.
Primary Objective Help the settler of Tionna Oasis to escape the radiation before it sets fully into their area. After that explore the Desolation and attempt to find out whats wrong
Slots Available: 2 Rangers, Ciri Cray, and Kai Sera
Skills Required: Melee combat, Ranged combat, Exploration, Need to have radiation resistant armor and a rad sensor
The Take: This is a mission of pure good. If we don't do this a lot of people will die

Reward for Those Who Discover

The Cause of the Mystery Light

Archimedes said:
Mission Name: Blinded By the Light
Intel: A strange bright light has been emanating from atop Arat mountain on Subterrel scans have come up with nothing and any ship that has come close to it has experience power failures and crashed. Your mission, hike up to the top of the mountain and discover what the source of all this is, save any survivors you find. Note Subterrel has an acidic atmosphere wear breather masks!
Primary Objective Ascend the mountain, investigate what happened and prevent it from happening again
Slots Available: Jax Vos, 1 Jedi, 2 Rangers
Skills Required: Hiking, Exploration, Combat (possibly)
The Take: Whatever you find up there is yours and Subterrelians have offered to anyone who can definitively fix the problem a small fleet of L19 Freighters which they use to ship their mined goods to market

Wanted For Corruption of Life

Mal Anef

Ross said:
Mission Name: Cold to the Touch
Intel: A former Sith by the name of Mal Anef has left the order and taken refuge on Hoth. Reports are coming that she has taken refuge among the beasts there, even converting some to her cause through Sith sorcery. This type of power suggests she is extremely powerful so use caution when engaging her. While it would seem she simply wishes to be left alone further reports indicate she is wiping out settlements around her in order to conceal her movements.
Primary Objective Go to north point another settlement just went dark there. Find clues as to Mal's whereabouts. Find her and bring her to justice
Slots Available: 2 Rangers and Lucien Fang
Skills Required: Knowledge of Sith powers, Force powers, Melee combat, Wilderness Survival, Tracking
The Take: This is off the record, but this member of the order had a wealthy master and needless to say he wants this embarrassment gone. He offers 70,000 credits for definitive proof of her death.

Wanted for the Murder

Mogal the Terrible

Gray said:
Mission Name: Used to the Blood
Intel:Nagai have an unusual affinity for killing. Something that earned them a bad reputation in the greater galaxy. So when a Nagai starts getting called 'The terrible' you know they are bad news. Mogal is on the planet Saijo currently and has begun killing quite a few people, Nagai and Tof chieftains in particular. See that he is stopped. He runs with a band of around twelve Nagai who call themselves The Cull
Primary Objective Find Mogal. Stop him by any means necessary.
Slots Available: 2 Rangers, 2 Jedi
Skills Required: Tracking, Scouting, Melee and Ranged Combat
The Take: Saijo is not the richest world in the sector, but many of the tribal councils have offered to send some of their excess food supply back to the Saloon which will be mighty helpful in feeding us and starving civilians in the city

Wanted For Raiding of Unarmed Caravans


Gray said:
Mission Name: Honor and Blood
Intel: Raidings grown worse in Zonju V over the past few months, undoubtedly because the Huns focused less on taking over Sathad'Ra and more on creating their own fortunes. The tribe is so broken up now its almost silly to still group them in any fashion. There is one thing that keeps Huns together however and this is simple respect for power. Crom has been the most aggressive leader by fair in the raiding of caravans, lately he's gone too far as he has begun to not only rob unarmed caravans, but also to either kill all the merchants involved or sell them into slavery. It must be shown that this callous disregard for life will be met with justice.
Primary Objective Find Crom among the Hun raiding camps. Challenge him to a traditional duel. Defeat him.
Slots Available: 2 Rangers, 1 Jedi
Skills Required: Melee combat, Ranged combat
The Take: Caravan associations are offering us 40,000 credits if we pull this off, but honestly I'd do it for free...but hell they're paying so why not?


Wanted Dr. Ironus

For Breach of Contract and Murder

Vince said:
Mission Name: Whats Life
Intel: An isolated scientific satellite station near Tatooine has recently not been reporting to its corporate sponsor. Checking into this discrepancy the corporation swiftly discerned why. All the scientists were dead and all the research was gone. Noting the station had no light speed capable craft its clear the culprit and sole survivor Dr. Ironus has escaped to Tatooine. Note he has taken a tremendous amount of technology and theoretical knowledge into the augmenting of machines inter-weaved with biological components.
Primary Objective Track down Dr. Ironus. Capture him and return his stolen goods to the station.
Slots Available: Hiro, Adæ Nhean , Jake Paxson, Zhendar Indomi
Skills Required: Tracking, Combat, Investigation, Wilderness Survival
The Take:The corporation who doesn't wish to be named offers 60,000 credits for Ironus's return and a further twenty thousand for the lost technology.

A Call to the Faithful

Come one come all to Zion

Vince said:
Mission Name: Marching to Zion
Intel: Faith is a powerful thing, but it can make people make some powerful bad decisions. Zion is a myth that's been popping up on Zonju V for quite some time. It's a mythical city said to be hidden in the sands, it only emerges when those of true faith go out to seek it. It's said to have an endless supply of fresh water and to have soil suitable for all vegetation. Now a group of pilgrims wants to make their way there and are paying us for protection. We need to keep them safe long enough to show them and others that Zion isn't real and seeking it will only cause unnecessary suffering.
Primary Objective Protect the caravan. Conclusively prove Zion isn't real. Pizza party.
Slots Available: Zaylos Kartan, Dorax, Zhendar Indomi, and Jake Paxston
Skills Required: Desert Survival, Diplomacy, Scouting, Defense
The Take: Pilgrims offered us a lot, but I'm rejecting all their money but one merchants turned ascetic. He's an old man with no heirs so it would do him no harm to part ways with his fortune of 80,000 credits

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That Guy
SWRP Writer
Mar 13, 2014
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Clan Orar Missions


We've recently found some friends in the Mandalorians, more specifically - Clan Orar. They're one of the few remaining clans out there after what the Imperium did to their people, and they also happen to be one of the strongest. In exchange for opening our bases and giving 'em a safe place to stay, Clan Orar has agreed to lend a hand in helping us sort out some business with a few tougher missions. They're well trained, well armed and honorable soldiers, so it naturally goes without saying that they'll make valuable allies.

Something in the Water



It was once a shining beacon of hope on this desolate waste of a world. It was the brilliant idea of a council of corporate leaders who wanted to establish urbanized centers on any wild space planet they could. This first and greatest city was supposed to be a model and a testament to the profits that would be shared by all in their success.

But they didn't succeed.

While the city was swiftly constructed it wasn't a full year before the recently arrived colonists were abandoned. There was no word of further supplies, no plan given for evacuation, just sudden deafening silence. While the security forces held the mobs back for a few months it became clear to them that they were abandoned as well. Many fled then and those left behind were the poorest, the weakest, the sickest, and the cruelest.

With the city emptied, those that remained turned savagely upon the others and soon the entirety of the city was consumed by war. Ravaged by soldiers and their massive killing machines buildings crumbles and countless lives came to a grisly end


Now out of many million hopefuls only a few hundred thousand remain and trapped in the hell they all helped to create there very sanity begins to crumble. People begin to cannibalize not out of hunger, they destroy and kill not out of need. Men, women, children, all of them began to attack each other in a ceaseless rage and a growing mass.

Soon the cause became clear. The water. Those military groups that were supplied and disciplined enough kept rations and purified what water they could, but trapped in their steel castles they found themselves surrounded by the people they wished to control.

Despite this their sense of grandeur beckons them to battle. There is a satisfaction demanded of each as they turn their guns upon their people. Soon a slaughter shall be had of each unless something can be done.

That's where we come in...



Archimedes said:
Mission Name: Dipping our Toe
Intel: Stienghast's situation is still a mystery to us and the city is locked up tight. We need to figure out exactly what is getting into their systems and how. Theres a group of raiders outside the city led by a maniac named Slick.
Primary Objective: Find and capture Slick, subdue his crew. Bring the fiend to me for examination
Slots Available: Adrium Sparn, Bauren Augrems and 2 Orar
Skills Required: Capture, Tracking, Combat
The Take: Well gain a glimpse as to what is going on here
NPCER: Gamov or Zaylos


Ross said:
Mission Name: Getting our Feet Wet
Intel: Now that we have an idea of what's going on we need to secure a foothold in the city to help these savage people. Most of the militias won't resist our coming unless we come to them first, but there is one group we have to subdue before moving forward. They are led by a man who calls himself 'Ragnaros', he is actively killing all the afflicted people he can in a crusade to 'reclaim' his city. He has to be stopped to save those who can still be freed of this.
Primary Objective: Stop Ragnaros and his small army of acolytes
Slots Available: Le-Kenn-Wohn, Aryan, Two Orar and Fifty NPCs
Skills Required: Combat, Battle, Command
The Take: Well gain a glimpse as to what is going on here
NPCER: Gamov or Zaylos


Gray said:
Mission Name: The Purifier
Intel: The center of town holds a water purification plant that apparently isn't doing it's job. It's held by the most messed up soldiers out there who appear to have been drinking the straight stuff that has left everyone so messed up. You have to punch through them
Primary Objective: Get to the center of the city. Break through the mercs and see what you can fix in the plant to get it running again
Slots Available: Two Rangers, Two Orar, 50 NPCs
Skills Required: Command, Assault, Repair
The Take: Well finally settle this mess once and for all
NPCER: Gamov or Zaylos
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SWRP Writer
Jan 8, 2014
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Commonwealth Remnants (Makuran Rebellion) Missions:


We've made a deal with The Commonwealth Remnants, Our guns for theirs. The Waste Rangers will be assisting The Commonwealth with missions and in return they have agreed to supply us with weapons and armor. Sounds like a sweet deal right?! Let's help our friends out by getting these missions done. Show our new friends how The Waste Rangers take care of business.

Collin Graves said:
Mission Name: Dark Side of the Moon
Contract C-945/A

Commonwealth agents have tracked down a Crimson Raider slave market on the back of a small moon in the Ryoone system. The area is lightly guarded as it is not considered a military target. Last reports state there are somewhere between three to four hundred captives awaiting sale and transport. Your primary mission is to gain entry into this facility, neutralize all threats, and free the captives.

Secondary objectives:
Transport captives back to Koda Station for processing. If unable to transport you may call in Commonwealth freighters to transport the captives.

Destroy pirate facility to prevent future use. If unable to destroy facility place beacon for orbital bombardment at later date.

Military Support:
Two SSF/A 908 'Claymore' fighters can be called in for CAS once any AA has been removed from the facility.

Payment: 18,000 CR per person plus 2,500CR for each secondary objective completed without Commonwealth support.
Slots: Lexi Frost and 2 others

Collin Graves said:
Mission Name: Armed Repossession
Contract C-954/A

After the fall of the Rothana, the Crimson Raiders managed to tow off two functioning but moth balled orbital ship yards. The pirates are currently using these to keep there fleet maintained in the Hassaria system. The area is heavily defended. The primary objective will be the elimination of all pirate fleet and personnel leading to the capture of the orbital ship yards.

Secondary objectives:
Tow the orbital ship yards back to the Cuthbern system. If unable to tow the ship yard, remain on station in defense until Commonwealth vessels can arrive to begin towing.

Capture and transport any remaining ships to Cuthbern. A bounty will be payed based on each ships value.

Military Support:
White Revenant – Blackstone Cruiser
Four Squads of Makuran Marines – 32 Kushari

Payment is 22,000 CR per person plus 5,000 CR for completing the tow. Bounty will be payed for each other ship captured and brought back to Cuthbern.
Slots: Zaylos Kartan, Kelly "Axe" Axelson and Ralo Kas
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