

SWRP Writer
Jan 7, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Jotten

Coordinates: D12

Climate: Jotten's deserts and rain forests are on one side of the planet and only experience hot weather. The other side of the planet experiences all four seasons.

Terrain: Half of the Pangaea is green with meadows and hills and forests, while the other half is desert and rain forests. The two halves are separated by a mountain range.
The unexplored side of Jotten

Mountains as viewed from desert side

Mountains as viewed from forested side

Rain Forests of Jotten

A City on Jotten

Rotation: One revolution around the sun takes 232 days and one rotation of Jotten takes only 22 hours

Inhabitants: The fauna of Jotten went extinct due to overhunting. When this occurred the Jutonians used their GA ties to get animals on the planet that would be able to survive. Now many species from all over the galaxy live there. One sentient species, the Jutonians, and two subspecies, the Yottens and the Jusandaar, thrive on Jotten. They only live on the side of the planet with deserts and rain forests.

Resources: Jotten is rich with resources. Fishing and hunting is abundant and the mountain range could be mined.

Government: There is no government

Economy: There is no economy

Culture: Traditionally all Jutonian children are taught a talent such as painting, music, or dance. They are pacifistic and abhor weapons. The Yoten children are raised to hunt or go to war. The Yotens have been sporadically attacking the Jutonian city for decades. The Jusandaar have separated themselves from the other two clans. They are a small society not dating back very far. They focus on education and research.

Technology: Jotten has technology gained from trade with the former GA.

Satellites: Jotten has one moon

History: It is unknown how long Jutonians have existed. The oldest records date back hundreds of thousands of years. As long as anyone can remember they've had contact with the outside world. They allied with the Galactic Alliance in its earliest days. They exported and imported many things through their GA ties. When the GA was destroyed the Jutonians cut all ties and went into hiding from the Sith invaders.

Recently a group of Yoten extremists kidnapped random members from the Jutonians and Jusundaar cities. The kidnapped people were never found but the extremists were found and killed and their base was destroyed.
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