Just Another Day (FLASHBACK)


Exchange "Noodly" AFL
SWRP Writer
Mar 22, 2016
Reaction score
Japrael System,
Inner Rim

Wandering through the dense jungles of Onderon is a typical day for anyone apart from, of course, the "lucky" people of Iziz - the fortified capital that needs not worry about any tribal warfare or deadly animals that lurks around in these jungles. What is as common as an elephant, zebra or lion would be in the Sahara, the beasts of Onderon thrive through the forests. However, they are like no other animal in the Galaxy...

Trembling as anyone would be, a 28-year-old Sergeant Falcon Darsten is serving what will be his final mission in his career at the Royal Onderonion Military.
Him and the rest of his squad are wandering through the jungle in search of some of the deadly animals that would most likely be in your nightmares - not reality. Falcon's gun, which is held right out in front of him, is shaking due to his trembling with fear. Out of all the deployments he's partaken in his career, this is by far the most scariest. At any point, these creatures could pounce out and tear him limb by limb. Everyone is just praying that they will see them before they are spotted.

This is a flashback thread. Anyone can join by either making up a soldier in the Onderonion Military or just simply using one of their own current characters who'd be there with reason. The purpose of this thread is to tell the story of how Falcon became mentally scarred by fighting these animals - not for anything else. This is not to say that Falcon is the centre of it.