K7A-KU5 "Krakus"


SWRP Writer
Aug 9, 2016
Reaction score

Biographical information



Physical description


Binary Auto-Servitor
Male Personality
2 meters
160 kilograms
Light gray with red markings

Chronological and political information


Force Sensitive
· Galactic Alliance
___· Rebel

K7A-KU5 "Krakus"

Excerpt · Biography · Personality and traits · Powers and abilities · Equipment · Roleplays · Relationships

Before he broke down, Krakus was an average labor droid. That changed however, when rebels part of the Galactic Alliance patched him up, hoping to repurpose him as a combat droid.



K7A-KU5, "Krakus", was once a simple Binary Auto-Servitor, programmed to work in one of Correlia's many hangars. For years did the droid fulfill his task, until he was deemed too old, got slow and started to falter. Krakus was shut down and brought to a scrapyard.

Because nobody liked wasting credits, his telescoping legs were salvaged before he was supposed to meet his end. Now shut down and without legs, the labor droid awaited his fate. But that was not what the galaxy had in mind for him.

Krakus was an extremely durable droid, which meant that even after all these years, what was left of him was still in good shape. Perhaps that was why he stood out to a small party of rebels, who had come to the scrapyard looking for valuable assets for the Galactic Alliance. They stumbled upon the remains of Krakus, which they deemed useful enough to take with them.

The rebel cell had it's technician patch the droid back up; giving him a paint job and replacing his legs, among other things.

Because the rebels had no use for a labor droid, they decided to repurpose Krakus, giving him the role of a combat droid. However, as the rebels tried to install a combat bypass circuit on the labor droid, they accidentily damaged his programming. While installing the combat bypass circuit failed, the result of the damage inflicted had a pretty similar effect, as it had made Krakus able to think outside of his labor droid programming. Although it didn't make him more violent, it certainly made him able to utilize it.

Personality and traits
As an Binary Auto-Servitor, thinking isn't Krakus his strongest suit. Therefore, many consider him to be dumb, and may often be surprised by his 'thinking out of the box'.

Meant to be repurposed as a combat droid by the rebel crew has made Krakus obsessed with obtaining glory in combat. The people who saved him wanted him to fight for their cause, so that is what the trustworthy droid would do. Krakus is honorable and friendly, although it takes a trained eye to notice that he has no evil intentions, as he lacks a vocabulator to straight up tell them.

Like most other Binary Auto-servitors, Krakus speaks in a language derived from binary. Therefore, he prefers to hang around other Auto-servitors, preferring their company over that of many other droids or organisms. Despite preferring the company of other servitors, Krakus is exteremely hospitable.

Another trait he obtained thanks to his damaged programming, is his love for heavy physical labor, or working in general. He has a true worker's mentality, taking any chance he can get to do what he is good at; heavy lifting.

Powers and abilities

While the rebel crew may have failed to repurpose Krakus into a fully fledged combat droid, they succeeded in bypassing his completely passive programming. While he is by no means an experienced warrior, Krakus will not sit around and wait for a true combat droid to show up once a fight starts.

His lack of actual combat experience is made up for by his overwhelming strength and his high durability. He is the essence of a reliable and strong droid, even with his broken programming.

Thanks to his age and the very few memory wipes he experienced, Krakus became rather handy with small objects, having learned to make use of his large claws to perform more advanced tasks without too much hardship.


Krakus possesses the standard equipment of a Binary Auto-Servitor droid. This equipment consists out of a retractable computer interface probe which extends on a 3 meter long cable, a reader socket for datacards, magnetic grippers in his tracks for operating in zero G, and a pair of power sockets for powering and/or recharging external equipment.

Unlike most other Auto-Servitors, Krakus' replaced legs have knee joints, instead of it's usual telescoping function.


Chapter 1

Other canon appearances

Non-canon appearances

* Date may not match up with her age given changes in site time.

- Credit to Malon for profile code


None as of yet.
