Jedi Order Kaisa Vanloa


Lore Admin
May 19, 2013
Reaction score

Hair color
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Force Sensitive?
½Wrean ½Annfyn
Yes, trained
Jedi Council

Kaisa Vanloa

You're nowhere near as frightening as you think you are.

Kaisa was born to normal parents who lived a mostly uneventful life on Chandrilla. During her youth, Kaisa was always known as that kid that would stick up for others even if it meant she got beaten up by the bullies instead. Whenever there was someone getting pushed around or picked on, Kaisa would be there.

Of course, this valiant spirit also came with some drawbacks. Kaisa got in trouble a lot for fighting despite her honorable intentions. After awhile, her parents were forced to send her to a more.. strict type of boarding school. Needless to say, Kaisa didn't enjoy it very much. With both her parents and school teachers at their wit's end, a stroke of luck would finally go Kaisa's way.

Well, some would call it luck. Others would just say it was the will of the force.

During one of the free periods Kaisa was allotted to leave her boarding school she found herself in one of Chandrilla's markets. Passing by an alley, she heard a commotion and couldn't help but investigate. Some shopkeeper was getting roughed up for protection money and, like she always did, Kaisa wasn't going to simply let the man get taken advantage of.

Of course, she quickly found herself in over her head as a teenager facing off against three fully grown men. Her lip bloodied and her eye black, Kaisa was beginning to think the worst when a different stranger stepped in, wielding a brilliant blue laser sword and using what appeared to be some kind of magic. Or at least, that's what it seemed like to her.

After dispatching the thugs, the Jedi Knight - a man named Vic Bistara - sensed the spark of the force within Kaisa. Returning to her parents, Vic explained how he was with the Jedi Order and how he wanted to take Kaisa to be trained. Her parents were apprehensive at first, though with urging from Kaisa and calm words from Vic they eventually said yes.

That was nearly twenty years ago, and since then Kaisa hasn't changed much. More mature, maybe - though, her fighting spirit and unwillingness to turn a blind eye to the problems of others burns as brightly as it ever did.

  1. Lightsaber - Dual phase, tawny yellow blade.
  2. Utility belt
  3. Comlink
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