Independent Kalis - "Bad Eyes"


So glad to know.
SWRP Writer
May 10, 2021
Reaction score

Kalis "Bad Eyes"


Kalis was raised amidst the dusty dunes of Tattooine for much of his early life. His parents were farmers that before they were killed off in a raid by a clan of tusken raiders though Kalis was spared the same fate as his family. He was still an infant and was found in his crib amongst the carnage and was surprisingly adopted by the clan and was raised as one of their own. To Kalis this was his family by the time he was of age to understand what that word even meant. He knew no different and the clan didn't have an interest in teaching him any differently than the rest of their kin.

The young man became a prodigy with their rifles, often spending his time tinkering with them. Taking them apart, putting them back together only to repeat the process with every one of them he could find. Raids on unsuspecting victims was his favorite because that meant the prospect of finding more weapons to tinker around with. Soon he had gathered quite an impressive little arsenal and made it a top priority to outfit his clan and family with the best weapons he could either find or improve himself.

Soon enough the clan was able to start carving out bigger swathes of territory for themselves, finding more and more opportunities to raid and harass the local populace. So much so that bounties began to be placed on the clan, hoping to rid the traders and farmers of the threat that had somehow managed to surpass what was usually expected of Tusken Raiders.

In due time the bounty hunters and mercenaries found their way to the sands of Tattooine in hopes of cashing in on what they thought was a simple enough bounty. But Kalis wasn't just good with taking apart those weapons and putting them back together again. He was a crackshot. Kalis had enough practice with the raids over the years to get a good grip on how to handle a rifle but he also liked to spend his time practicing more than anyone else in his clan.

These off-worlders were the perfect challenge. Kalis knew these strange men and women weren't of the average cut but rather trained killers who were looking for blood money. Something they thought they'd get easily enough. But they didn't know about Kalis and he made sure that anyone who came looking for his clan would know what really awaited them. One by one Kalis took his shots with carefully aimed precision. Each mercenary or bounty hunter was another etching on his rifle to remind him of how many fools thought themselves good enough to try and take the lives of his family.

They were just off-worlders. People who had no idea what their life was like. To these killers for hire, Kalis and his family probably seemed like a bunch of savages that no one would miss. The thought of others looking down on him and his clan was something that made his blood boil and so with every felled enemy, he took pride in his killings.

Eventually the day came when Kalis met a mercenary who was more than just a match. This mercenary was able to kidnap Kalis when he was scouting alone and took him to where his actual parents were buried.

It was there they talked for a time and Kalis was brought back to his clan but this strange mercenary was at his side upon their arrival.

The two of them massacred the entire clan.

Not just the men. But the women and the children too.

It's said that Kalis may have taken half of the bounty before he set his sights to working offworld. His notoriety as a gun for hire climbed over the years and gained himself the moniker 'Bad Eyes'.

It was something of a jest in passing but it stuck and most people attribute it to Kalis typically being seen wearing ocular enhancement devices. The last bit of information available on the individual known as Kalis is that he has recently taken up employment under the Private Security Division for a corporation known as Jade Galactic.

Ever since he has been a looming shadow in the distance.


+ Vibro-knife
+ Blaster Rifle
+ Tactical Gear
+ Ocular Enhancement Device

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