Kei Serrano


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Jul 13, 2014
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Kei Serrano



NAME: Kei Serrano

RANK: Teacher

WEIGHT: 195 Pounds

The Forgotten Child
The emptiness and silence of space, the twinkling of distant stars, a young boy running from his past, and an infatuated girl--both no older than seventeen--followed by the birth of a young child among the stars and the slowly fading huff's of one's last breath. With the death of the mother, the father who was on the run and far too young to raise a child, left the newborn boy on the planet Serenno. Legend has it that the baby was found within a spaceport, sitting atop a shipping crate for Kei Freight and Shipping--crying and pleading.

The spacers, albeit a rather daft set of folk, had given the child a rather witty name, Kei Serrano, in which they gleamed with pride, blissfully unaware of the misspelling of the planet
Serenno. Though this newfound relationship would quickly come to pass before it even began. Word had gotten out that the spacers, who were hiding out on the forest planet, had taken a child who had been reported to be abandon on the port only moments earlier.

The Royal House of Therran sent their guards out through the city to find the stolen child, tracking down leads and sweeping through the various apartment complexes within the port city. After several days of searching and tracking, the Royal Guards were able to track the spacers' location within the city. The guards that had arrived at the apartment, had found the place completely abandon, except for a few stacks of spice shipments and a crying newborn beside a fake holo ID--the spacers had abandon the child in order to escape custody. This ill fate child would be sent to live within the royal orphanage.


Days in the Orphanage
The sounds of laughter, fighting, crying, and the thunderous thuds of children's feet scurrying throughout the halls could constantly be heard within the orphanage. Though for Kei he could feel the anticipation, excitement, yearning, and loneliness within himself and those around him--unknowing of why he could feel faint bursts of the emotions of others around him. During his time within the orphanage Kei was often seen as cranky and troubled--often fighting with those that he didn't get along with. He often felt jealous of the children that were chosen for adoption over him--causing an intense sadness and jealousy to brood within his heart.

Often during play sessions, Kei could be found alone, twiddling with sticks and rocks, with some of the children stating that he was practicing some sort of magic, with some even clamming that he was practicing the force--while in fact he was indeed using the force in these moments of solitude, he was not doing it out of his own free will, though the simple act of floating a pebble a couple inches above his palm was enough to garner attention from outside forces.

During the waning days of his stay with the orphanage on Serenno two mysterious robed figures had arrived at the steps of the children's humble abode. To the surprise of young Kei, who was only six years old at the time, the two figures were here to see him. The one figure was a small and wrinkly old fellow, who stood chest high to the young boy, while the other was a tall ebony skinned man with a stoic and tense demeanor.

After many talks with the young Kei, the ebony skinned Jedi had declared in private to the much smaller and exotic Knight, that the boy was too conflicted to join the order, and that it was too much of a risk for the Jedi to take on during their time of strife and conflict with the many exiled Jedi. Though the much older Knight would state that he felt both the light and the dark conflicting within the young child, as well as a dreary past that held a burden over the child subconsciously. It was this very past that lead the older knight to state that he would take the young child under his guidance and would vow to bring him into the order. It was from this moment of acceptance that the seeds of loyalty and undying ambition to prove to the Knight, Yunna, that he would not let him down.

Life on Tython and the Emergence of an Eager Jedi

Growing up on Tython brought many fun challenges and experiences for the eager Kei. He often would volunteer for many of the training sessions, and the teachers had noted his tendencies to always jump into battle without thinking. Though the teachers had also noted that it was this eagerness and willing to learn that allowed him to excel in become a strong swordsman and experienced in basic force techniques.

As Kei grew into his later teen years he would go on to pass his trials and become a padawan to the knight that had brought him into the order, Yunna. Together, Yunna would attempt to clear the murky darkness that lingered in his heart, noting that ambition could lead the young Jedi down a path to the darkside--though Kei would deny that he would be lead to the darkness and had a total love for the Jedi and their traditions, as well as going on to claim that he would eventually lead the Jedi and the galaxy to see the light side of the force. Though his master suspected that this stemmed from the fact that Kei saw himself as unworthy when compared to the other Jedi, and that the young teen was not able to separate himself from his parents abandonment as a baby, thus he clung to an undying loyalty to the Jedi, which could lead to his own downfall.

Though this contemplation would have to be postponed, as the great darkness and rift within the Jedi would continue to surge, causing both Kei and Master Yunna to head off to war across the galaxy. It was during this time that Kei would truly begin to be molded into a soldier of the Jedi, and with every battle his fervor grew stronger.

During one particular fight, Kei's life would come to a drastic change. Caught on the frontlines of a deadly conflict between the Jedi army and the Exiles, the Jedi and his master were pinned down in a constant barrage of fighting between force users and civilian armies alike. During the battle, a rogue explosion burst into the air, catching the right side of his face with shrapnel as he struggled with himself to save a group of civilians stuck within the dead--tearing it apart and leaving him blind on that side of his face.

With these newfound scars, Kei was left devastated and repulsed by the site of his face and opted to cover them up with a series of bandages--in order to hide the scars, but also hide the fact that he had hesitated in saving those civilians. His master would go on to state that we all have moments of weakness, and that war was not the way of Jedi, and for a boy to make such decisions on life or death was not the Jedi way. Kei would attempt to take his master's words to heart, but with the beat of the war drum continuing on, Kei would slowly lose his master's teachings overtime.

Knighthood and Beyond
Kei would spend countless years and most of his life fighting in the last days of the Jedi Wars. He would become a knight, well respected, but deemed too ambitious for his own good at times. During the last stages of the war, He would train his own Padawan, who was noted to have taken on traits of his master. With the last days of the war coming upon them, Kei is now attempting to seek to spread the Jedi way through any means possible, fully embracing the zealous tendencies--whether or not it's truly the Jedi way.



Kei could be best decribed as someone who is fanatical, he holds the Jedi Order and establishment in the highest regards, which can lead to him losing sight of the Jedi Values and teachings at times. He cares so much about the Jedi Order because he feels that they were the only people to give him a chance within his life, when others left him behind as a child. He will always go out of his way to make sure that the Order's agenda and image is upheld, which may cause issues with other Jedi down the road.

The biggest reason for his ambition is because he's compensating for his past abandonment, and even though he's never met his parents, deep down these questions are root causes of some of his turmoil within himself. It's these issues of not knowing that has caused him to lose sight of the family and relationships he's formed within the Jedi Order, and has begun to put a strain on the various relationships he has formed.

While he often comes off as someone who is very rigid, orthodox, and conflicted, deep within Kei is the eager and energetic soul that was simply looking to prove to his Master that he had made the right decision in bringing him into the order. Though this compassion, playfulness, and warmth has been locked away behind countless years of war and strife, that has made the Jedi lose sight of the true meaning of the order and the light. Kei has been forged from the blood of war, politics, though darkness currently pulls towards his heart, the light is still inside of him and the story of his life has yet to be completed.
