Independent Kel Rollan


SWRP Writer
Oct 27, 2020
Reaction score

Kel Rollan


► 37
► Human
► 6'4"
► 224
► Brown
► Black
► Coruscant
► Male
► Independent
► N/A
► Yes
Kel Rollan was born on the world of Coruscant to a upper class family. His childhood was relatively normal, go to school grow up, get in fights. It was when he turned five that his parents hired a new maid, who brought their daughter, a similarly aged to Kel girl named Mya Larbac, to study while they cleaned the apartment. From that point on the two were almost inseparable. They would grow up with each other until she turned ten, at which point her mother agreed to hand the child over to the Jedi. Kel was heartbroken, begging his own parents to do anything. They told him he was unfortunately not force sensitive, and couldn't leave to go with the Jedi.

The young man would live his life, moping about until by chance he would meet a Jedi when he was fourteen. Recognizing the force in the young man the Jedi inquired to whether Kel's parents were around. To which Kel lied and told the Jedi no. The Jedi, unconvinced by his answer told him to go home. Kel's return to the apartment was a shouting match that could likely be heard down to the lowest levels. His parents refused to grant permission to him to leave and the young man screamed at his parents for refusing to let him leave to become a Jedi. Eventually Kel ran, ignoring his parents cries he would run until he simply couldn't run anymore. In a seemingly chance coincidence he would once again meet the Jedi. The Jedi debated about whether to return him, but Kel's words managed to win him over. Kel would become a Jedi.

Kel's first steps at the temple were to find Mya, who was just as he remembered her. The two spent hours catching up before they were finally dragged apart to begin their training. Mya as a padawan, and Kel as a youngling. The young man would spend nearly three years as a youngling before getting selected by a Jedi Master for training. Between missions throughout the galaxy, and training until they couldn't walk Mya and Kel would always try to find ways to meet each other. They earned countless jokes and jabs from their respective masters, fellow padawans and even the temple staff. Kel however never cared, he was only happy with her. When he finally turned 18 and they both ended up married, despite the caution given to them by the council and everyone around them the two followed through. Mya eventually became a Jedi Knight at 22 while Kel would take until the age of 25 to become a Knight.

As two Jedi Knights the pair were inseparable. When one travelled on a mission the other followed shortly. The council worried about their extreme attachment would eventually separate the two, giving them tasks across the galaxy. The two would weather it, find convenient excuses to meet up before going or returning from missions. The two would remain in the good graces, and eventually when Mya turned 32 she was granted the rank of Master. Shortly after she would leave to go on a mission and not return. Ignoring the council Kel would leave the temple grounds to find his wife dead, the victim of an ambush. Upon his return he would lose his temper at the council. Their response would be to exile him from the Jedi Order, stripping him of his personal lightsaber.

Kel's exit from the temple would drive him to return to Coruscant, to wallow in his own self pity. He avoided using the force, the pain of losing his wife would interfere, fearing the corruption of the dark side the exile would avoid allowing it to corrupt him. The former Jedi would spend years shuffling about the lower levels of the world, working as a mercenary with a blaster for thug. Having only the lightsaber of his deceased wife he feared to activate the blade, fearing the memories that it would bring. Eventually tiring of the lack of challenge from his work the exile would sign up to work for the bounty hunters guild.

As a bounty hunter Kel would eventually find situations where his mediocre skill with a blaster would prove to be useless. Finally letting the emotions consume him, the former Jedi would finally activate his wife's lightsaber. Kel's role as a bounty hunter after that would prove to be a far easier job with the lightsaber. Proving to provide enough funds for the former Jedi to eventually build a new lightsaber of his own making, and eventually a light freighter. Eventually he would grow bored of success, opting to instead begin investing his proceeds into businesses.

Today Kel lives on Coruscant as a rather wealthy investor. He lives on the upper levels of Coruscant in an apartment and sometimes takes mercenary work if he feels it will pay enough. He has calmed down a considerable amount versus the younger version of himself, however the anger is still there if someone can find a way to dig in.

Kel Rollan in the modern day world is a seemingly calm individual who appears to have a plan for everything. He absolutely hates the Jedi who he believes may as well have killed his Wife. The former Jedi has a strong sense of justice owing to his former Jedi days. He tends to work alone, finding non-force sensitives as a drag and most other force sensitives as either Jedi, or to fallen to the dark side to be sane.

Kel Rollan is incredibly well versed in the ways of the lightsaber and slightly above mediocre when it comes to using a blaster. Since his Jedi days his skills with using the force have waned, ever fearful of the strong emotions that fill him eventually corrupting him.
+ Mya Rollan's Lightsaber - Purple
+ Own Lightsaber - Red
+ Nella 342 Light Freighter

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SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jul 13, 2014
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So I noticed a few things in this profile. The Jedi in this timeline do not take anyone that does not wish to go to the Jedi. So your character could join the Jedi if they wished, regardless of the age.

Jedi are also allowed to have relationships, it's not really a forbidden thing in this time period. Unless your character had such severe attachment that it would effect your character and become nearly non-consensual, the Jedi would not try to break them up, just so you are aware.


SWRP Writer
Oct 27, 2020
Reaction score
So I noticed a few things in this profile. The Jedi in this timeline do not take anyone that does not wish to go to the Jedi. So your character could join the Jedi if they wished, regardless of the age.

Jedi are also allowed to have relationships, it's not really a forbidden thing in this time period. Unless your character had such severe attachment that it would effect your character and become nearly non-consensual, the Jedi would not try to break them up, just so you are aware.
The point was his parents refused. I dont think the Jedi are going to take a 13year old child if the parents refuse. As for the relationship I recognize they're allowed. Hence them still being married. From what I understood there is still caution recommended, and their relationship would have left any Jedi wondering how safe it could have been.