Independent Keqh'enezo'uomu


innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
Reaction score



the Force Eternal Timeline

Essential information
Keqh'enezo'uomu, known most commonly as Henezou, is a Chiss woman of about 26 years. She stands about 5'3" and weighs around 120lbs. She is unaffiliated and is not force sensitive.

Henezou was born on the planet Avidich. During her childhood, she was taken aboard Chiss ships to navigate through the dangerous Unknown Regions using the Second Sight, also known as precognition. After Henezou turned fourteen though, her connection to the Force began to slip away from her. Between then and her fifteenth birthday, she went from wielding the Force with ease to barely even being able to feel its presence. Like many teenagers like her before her, Henezou was eventually dismissed from her duties as a navigator and repositioned. Unlike most of the formerly-gifted children though, Henezou was not able to adjust. After almost twenty years of service, Henezou was discharged from the Chiss fleet for medical reasons pertaining to "mental stability."

Henezou currently spends her time traveling from population center to population center, hoping to find someone who can help her regain her connection to the Force. She scrapes by petty slicing jobs, using her knowledge of advanced technology systems to steal information for clients, but generally just scrapes credits off the top of bank accounts.

Slightly unhinged. Definitely obsessive.

Henezou received more than just a standard Chiss education because she was privileged enough to serve in the Chiss navy as a navigator. This education included skills such as firearm and pilot training, as well as hand-to-hand combat. That being said, her best skills are the ones she taught herself. She's a self-taught slicer, utilizing Chiss coding language techniques to hack into her targeted systems. But, most importantly, she can adapt.

Assets & gear
Generic, low-end blaster rifle (light damage)

S e a r c h i n g
1. Crazy Is As Crazy Does | ongoing

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