Jedi Order Kumasi Okun

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Jun 27, 2021
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Kumasi Okun was a male Morellian, hailing from Morellia during the Force Eternal era. Fenyang was raised in the Jedi Order. His talents in the Force were discovered at a young age, and his parents were not especially keen to host a child with such unpredictable powers.

As one raised in the Order, he has a great deal of pride towards the New Jedi Order. He loves the Jedi deeply, and he would give his life to defend them. He has volunteered at many fronts as a warrior and guardian as a result - where he used combat to work through grievances towards his family and himself. This was not the Jedi way, though, and a close relationship with his Master helped him to see beyond his anger and find a true calling as a Jedi. He wants to pass that on, as a Jedi Knight, to the fellow Jedi around him. When the Justicars reformed as the Jedi Arbiters Corps, he was among the first to volunteer to join them. Years of warfare, of seeing Jedi pass in the field of battle, taught him that his comrades needed serious mental help and support to be able to succeed.

He also saw the inverse - Jedi falling to the Dark Side. While merciful, he vowed to be the first and last line of defense against corruption, both obvious and seeping, into the Order. He vowed to avoid the mistakes of complacency that the old Jedi had made.

His noble ideas of his work were rather rapidly squashed, though, when he became a Justicar. He saw the extent of the bizarre behavior Jedi today exhibited. It was almost as if they had stopped pushing themselves, stopped working to master their own feeling and their own power.

Age - 50 | Species - Morellian | Height - 6'3 in. | Weight - 190 Ibs. | Eye Colour - Black | Homeworld - Morellia | Gender - XY| Faction - Jedi | Rank - Knight (Justicar) | Force Sensitivity - Yes

Personality & Traits

Stern, yet compassionate. Kumasi worries for the future of the New Jedi Order, and feels an unbelievable amount of stress stemming from that worry. He doesn't suffer bullshit easily, and will cut through disinformation to find the truth. He can be a fiery orator at times, or as placid and tranquil as a Jedi need be.

Skills & Abilities

A trained Jedi Knight and Justicar, Kumasi's abilities in combat match most trained Jedi knights. His greatest interests, though, lies in healing, studying, and teaching the Jedi code. He is quite emotionally intelligent as a result - able to investigate and counsel based on often accurate perceptions of others.


Jedi Robe

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