Independent Lady Maja


Fins for Days
SWRP Writer
Dec 23, 2015
Reaction score


Lady Maja



Mamaugra Desilijic Bonba
AGE: 600+

FACTION: Independent
POSITION: Restaurateur

SKIN COLOR: Mottled Blue


Born to a low-ranking Desilijic Hutt of sizable wealth, Maja was the youngest and weakest offspring of her parent. She understood from an early age that she would never amount to much. It was this reality that allowed her to survive into adulthood, mostly ignored by the rest of her family. She lived a quiet existence, busying herself with familial pursuits. Over several hundred years she produced four Huttlets on her own, who were also thankfully ignored. An eldest son, Aruuda, a set of twins, Neera and Mojara, and their little brother Baji. Her children were her whole world. Granted, she had little else to focus on.

When her father grew old and sickly, she dutifully returned to attend his funeral. This was the first time in a century that she encountered the rest of her family, who had gathered to squabble over the inevitable Will. Maja was content with her station, having little interest in fighting her cruel elder siblings and cousins for power. However, she now faced the unfortunate truth she had avoided her whole life- she was an easy target. Her family, now fully aware of her presence, accused her of attempting to alter their father’s Will. Maja was not surprised, being accustomed to this sort of familial treachery. However, she foolishly believed she could talk her way out of the situation. All her words and pleas served to do was sever any alliances she still had.

A bloody family feud broke out, resulting in a bounty hunter murdering all four of Maja’s children. Aruuda had been barely an adult, with her youngest, Baji, being only a infant Huttlet. She never found out who hired the hunter, but it didn’t matter; she blamed the entire clan. Stricken with grief, she left everything behind, allowing the rest of the family to fall upon her father’s inheritance like starving vermin.

Maja fled in despair to the far outer rim, eventually settling in Canto Bight on the planet of Cantonica. She shed her clan name, vowing to never meddle in the sordid affairs of Hutt-kind again.


After many decades of grieving and solitude, she grew bored of moping around. She needed a hobby to distract her.

Disappointed at the quality of cuisine in Canto Bight, she decided to open her own restaurant, importing her favorite ingredients and hiring skilled chefs from across the galaxy. She became a valued client of various smugglers and big game hunters, paying top price for rare spices and beasts of all kinds. The establishment quickly grew in popularity, earning numerous awards for its exotic flare and expertly-curated menu. Maja still mostly kept herself, rarely appearing in the public eye.



In her youth and young-adulthood, Maja identified as more masculine, deciding to adopt feminine pronouns upon conceiving her first Huttlet.

As far as Hutts go, Maja was considered more benevolent than most of her brethren. She had a fairly good reputation in Canto Bight; but she could, however, be convinced to sell information on her many wealthy clientel, if the price was right. She could be quite cruel and conniving, but was rarely pushed to do so. She was still unlikely to go out of her way to help others, unless it was immediately to her benefit, or she felt a familial duty to do so. Like most Hutts, she viewed herself as above other species, though in her case she took more of a matronly role. Her perceived kindness was really just a result of trauma.

After the stress of losing her huttlets, Maja developed a tendency to act extremely motherly towards all children she encountered, and was known to impulsively adopt (Whether the child was an orphan or not). She had her own menagerie of wards running about her penthouse manor, tended to by various governesses. Even after a century, having little ones around helped soothe the ache in her heart.

When not clouded by a veil of melancholy, Maja could be witty, teasing, and surprisingly charming conversation. She still occasionally went through periods of depression or paranoia, in which she isolated herself and was not seen for weeks. Maja did not tolerate the presence of other Hutts, and would go into hiding whenever one of their pleasure yachts was reported nearby.


