

artist-like person
SWRP Writer
Apr 4, 2012
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“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun..”

Ecclesiastes 1:9


Some would say that Lapinota and Zeltron should never meet

  • Species name: Lapinota
  • Language: lapinota
  • Planet: I'Na
  • Religion: Animism, Pagan. There is belief in a collection of spirits that inhabit all creation.
  • Diet: While they are excellent hunters, many prefer the ease of agricultural foods such as rice, squash, berries, and nuts.
  • Strengths: Cunning, Stealth, Speed. Heavily prize cooperation. Loyal to their communities.
  • Weaknesses: Their isolation make them easy targets for exploitation. When separated from friends and family, many fall into depression. They are not known for adapting to horrors. Many go "Tharn", a type of dumbing stupor that causes them to freeze still.

All Lapinota have long lapine ears, eyes, nose with a layer of short fur with a few spots that have longer strands, and are humanoid in appearance. The ears and eyes are highly expressive. Ears are usually sable colored, but there are variations in northern tribes that allow the ears to turn white during the winter. Some Lapinota hair turn white during the winter, causing alternating bands of black and white on some Lapinota. The eyes are usually dark colored, with rare genetic mutations that allow for pale colors.

Painting or tattooing is common, but reserved in honor of great deeds or in remembrance of a loved one. Hair is rarely cut, so many male and female Lapinota have long thick hair.


This young male Lapinota is ready to strut for the ladies!

Reproduction and Growing Up
Lapinota are born with fawn like spots and stripes on their backs. As they age, they will lose these spots. However, some youths may find that a stubborn spot with stay with them through adulthood.

Children are raised in groups by all members of the community. There is great reverence for the Elders of the community and it is considered just plain rude to not show respect for older members.

Females are able to absorb unfertilized eggs and miscarriages back into their bodies. Twins are the default born, but not many are identical, and it is possible for single-children families to occur. Reproduction with other species is possible in rare cases.

Love is encouraged in the selection of a partner. Arraigned marriages are unheard of.

Two Spirited
A very important and sacred role in Lapinota communities are those who are born as "two-spirited". It would be easy to explain this away as transgender, but it is not accurate. Lapinota would best translate this as "one foot in both worlds". Two-Spirited Lapinota are seen as advisers, often helping with relationship disputes.

Curious. Overly-friendly. Ready to show off to new friends. It is easy to make a friend of a Lapinota. Respect towards the elderly is a must, however, and insults towards the leaders of the community will be subject to a quick cuff from a bystander.

They seem to always regard non-Lapinota with a perplexed attitude of "Why must these alien folk make their own lives so difficult?". They are natural tricksters, with lying used in games to test wit. But do not mistake this as a sign of a dishonest species, they will certainly let you know what their opinions are of you.

This young female is quietly indicating that she is not impressed.

They communicate primarily in two forms: Verbal, daily, language and a trade language used entirely with hand and ear signals. Even when not using "Field-speak" Lapinota will use ears, nose-twitch, subtle growls, huffs, and other body-cues to enhance a conversation.

Be Swift. Be Cunning. Be Full of Tricks. Pass along the stories. You will never find a Lapinota without a good story to tell or a poem to recite. They will often pass along obscure trivia, or a slight gossip. Storytelling is seen as a great tool to teach and dancing is considered a part of the storytelling art form. Respect is given to those who are able to create the beautiful outfits, music, and dance steps to recreate these stories.

Many dedicate their lives to passing down verbal histories and folk-lore. They will never forget a birthday.

Their religion is focused on many spirits that influence their lives such as "The Great Mother", "Iktomi the Spider Trickster", and "Dark Spirit between the Dreams"

Since all objects have a spirit, it is considered exceptionally rude to be wasteful.

Lapinota live in highly affectionate, close knit communities. It is uncommon for members to live far from a community they were born into. However, it is not unheard of that when two separate communities meet, a few unmarried members will couple and result in pregnancies. This is viewed as a fact of life and not shunned.

Personal space is not really a concept.

History and World:

The Lapinota consider themselves the "People with a Thousand Nations". There has been little in the way of war, and histories often record great hunts, migrations, or new lands to explore. There have been floods, fires, and other natural disasters, but the challenge that vexes a rabbit the most are the megafauna that inhabit the world to either eat Lapinota, or be eaten by the rabbits.

Much of their migrations have centered around finding new land to hunt and farm. Lapinota trace their origin to the great western plains, towards the northern mountains on their Pangaea-like land mass.

The Lapinota have not advanced to machinery, but they are proud of their incredibly advanced irrigation networks, star navigation, and calendar keeping.

Technology: No machinery. Hunter and Agricultural society. Have been able to create cities using all natural materials and irrigation systems. They are the finest horsemen you will ever meet.


I have made this species before in the old timeline but they were much less "rabbity" and called "Snamreg". I encouraged other players to use them provided that they didn't use the species/planet to disrupt the the main story. I had a blast playing this species, but since I was gone I have modified them and I am ready to go at them again with a much different story than the one before. This story will be about the "First Contact" the planet had with the Galaxy, and hopefully be the start of a long storyline that can enrich the SWRP community experience.

I don't consider myself selfish, but I am a stickler for accuracy. I take pride in my research of cultures and biology that inspired this species and I hope it will show in my characters. I plan on reconnecting with some of my old RP chums and seeing how we can tell a great, fun, story with these rabbits.
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