Open Tython Lessons of the Past

Aevu Salda

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 20, 2023
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Sunlight, filtered through the transparisteel ceiling of the small Jedi Archives, bathed Aevu in a pale, yet warm, glow. The air had a soft hum, a constant current that flowed through this ancient Temple on Tython. The galaxy was in turmoil. The Sith had returned, the Empire carving out a dark galactic power reminiscent of the Empire of old. He had learned little of what happened lately, although he knew that there was much change coming. For Aevu, with eyes that rather read the words of the masters of old, there was a lingering unease with it all.

Sitting nestled amongst the small shelves, which he had help fill himself, he heard faint whispers of the Force. Whispers of the past, or his imagination. He was not sure. But the hundreds of holocrons and holobooks were filled with the echoes of Jedi long gone. He was cradling a worn datapad in his lap, its flickering image displaying the weathered face of a Jedi Master from a bygone era. The holobook spoke of ancient lessons from the Old Order, before Order 66 had shattered the Jedi after millenia of their predominance.

A soft sigh escaped his lips. The weight of the past, both glorious and tragic, pressed heavily on him. The Jedi were rebuilding, their numbers slowly growing. He had sensed the Force, seeing that there remained specters of light in a Galaxy increasingly surrounded by darkness. The knowledge at his fingertips was double-edged sword. While offering invaluable lessons, a blueprint for a brighter future, it also served as a eerily reminder of their near-annihilation and fall.

As he delved deeper into the account, he did not hear the faint movements in the Temple. While it was small, it was a bulwark of the Light Side. The faint glow from the nearby shelves limited his vision beyond the Archives. There were many other tomes. His hard work of trying to collect and protect the history of the Jedi, and the Galaxy at large. Perhaps he was more interested than many other Jedi. He did not mind much. He was glad to teach. While he did not presume to have much influence in the Order, he did hope that more Jedi would understand the lessons of the ancient masters. Perhaps now was the time to seek out the Masters, and to see whether he could assuage the Crusade that was to come.

Irisa Ece

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Honey Magpie
Jun 2, 2024
Reaction score
Irisa moved silently through the archives, her steps a whisper against the polished floor. At first, she moved unseen, an observer in the hall of wisdom; only her shadow marked her passage. Occasionally, she would pause and brush the tips of her fingers against the artificial spines of holobooks.

Though some found peace within the solitude of silence, Irisa favoured sound. She began to hum, a tuneless melody that wove through the shelves like a gentle breeze. It carried itself well enough, a subtle disruption in the quiet and it was enough to draw Aevu’s attention. Well, alert him was perhaps the better word.

Some Jedi could get a little jumpy. As funny as it would be to give the human a heart attack, it was not the first kind of impression Irisa wanted to make. Mad tempting, though…

The hum of her tune faded as she spoke, her voice carrying the distinct drawl of the Inner Rim. “Ya know,” she began, her words breaking the silence like a chime in the wind, “someone once told me there’s a helluva difference between knowledge and information. The two things, they ain’t the same. I didn’t really get it, back then, but now…now I’m starting to understand.”

Stepping further into the light, the hybrid made her presence known once more. Her appearance was visibly ‘loud’, as expected of a Zeltron. She possessed bright pink skin, with equally vivid magenta eyes. Thick, purplish hair cascaded down in rich waves, framing her angular face. Subtle markings littered her skin as well - intricate patterns that were quite pronounced.

With a jut of the head, the hybrid decided it was as good a time as any to introduce herself. “The name’s Ece. And you? What should I ought to call you?”

Aevu Salda

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 20, 2023
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Aevu looked up vigilantly, as a gentle hum echoed through the vast chamber. Perhaps his solitary vigil in the archives was nearing its end. The tune carried little melody, perhaps being more in an attempt to clear the deafening silence inside the tranquil library. As he turned his haze towards the source, he noticed a figure emerge from the shadows in the hall. A young woman, her hair a starling shade of pink, and her skin the clear crimson of a Zeltron. Aevu offered a warm smile as the woman drew closer, her hushed words carrying a hint of something beyond hear years.

There was a wisdom in the woman's eyes that belied her youthful appearance. But her attire marked her as a Knight. A rare sight indeed, seeing as the Temple of Tython was a well-kept secret to most. He stood up softly, inclining his head in a respectful greeting. "My name is Aevu. It is a pleasure to encounter another knight amongst these ancient tomes." His haze drifted around the archive, his hand lingering on one of the shelves that lined the hall. "I believe that these books hold wisdom far surpassing any individual's capacity. That is why I brought them here. It's why I find myself drawn to them." He smiled softly. "What brings you to the Archives, Ece?"

Irisa Ece

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Honey Magpie
Jun 2, 2024
Reaction score
What brought Irisa to the archives?

"Guilt, I guess," She said with a shrug, her hands slipping into the pockets of her clothes. The hybrid then took a moment, regarding the shelves and the contents that had amassed with time. At least she knew now who was the one adding to the archives. Kark, now she owed Zephyr money - she had bet it was Force ghosts or something.

"Before I was a Jedi, I was a smuggler. Moving contraband like this is what got me collared.”

The memories came flooding back—the thrill of the chase, the rush of adrenaline that came with each score. It wasn’t an honest life but given the circumstances, it was the best of a bad situation. Weren’t no secret, either. Irisa was a young blood at the time. Impressionable with a lot of potential. Those were the exact words used by the Jedi master who had detained her along with the rest of the smuggling crew. He spoke on her behalf in front of the council because he believed in rehabilitation over reprimand. What a loon, taking a risk like that on someone like her.

Still, Irisa smiled. Guess it all paid off though, in the end. Against the odds, she did become a Jedi Knight.

"I like to come back ‘ere every now and then, check in on things.” She confessed, her spinel gaze drifting back to Aevu. “So, you the new librarian or something? Got your work cut out for ya, that’s for sure.”

Aevu Salda

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 20, 2023
Reaction score
Aevu chuckled at the question she posed. Perhaps before he had deemed himself the Librarian. A custodian of the old wisdom. This archive was evidence enough of that.

But he shook his head now, hoping to shake of those notions. "I might've considered myself one before. But in my travels, I have found so much more." He held his arms up, spreading them as he pointed to some shelves. "The path forward for me is not only to guard the lessons from ancient masters. Once, the Order was the foremost source of science and innovation. I am no expert on biology, or physics. But I am learning. With the Force as my guide."

He turned for a moment, looking at some shelves, taking out a particular holobook. "Once, there were masters who had the power to restore entire worlds. Not by the power of the Force. But by their knowledge of science. The Force was their guide as they made new discoveries. A perfect symbiosis, where science and the Force benefitted. I hope, one day, that we will see such masters again."

He smiled softly, but his heart wasn't in it. His thoughts dwelled on darker thoughts, sensing the Force as he knew many Jedi were marching to war. "Alas, I am not in contact with the Council any longer. If the Research Corps still exists, I do not venture a guess as to their whereabouts. I fear I must rebuild it on my own." He sighed, his voice heavy and grim. He looked up, grunting softly. "You must think me an old man, brooding and groaning for a return to the old ways."

Irisa Ece

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Honey Magpie
Jun 2, 2024
Reaction score
As Aevu's words trailed off into a somber sigh, Irisa couldn't help but sense the weight of his emotions. Zeltrons had an innate affinity for heightened empathy; not only could they project emotions onto others, they could read and feel those sentiments as if they were their own. What Irisa felt in that moment was an undercurrent of melancholy. The grimness in Aevu’s voice, the tension in his stance—she absorbed it all, a silent witness to his inner turmoil.

Summoning a toothy smile in response, the hybrid stepped closer with a sparkle of mischief. "Well, look at you being all dark and broody," she began, a teasing lilt in her voice, "While I appreciate a flair for the dramatics, you gotta give a girl some warning! Speaking of which, ya got a bed mate? Cos I know some friends who would just eat you up. They would totally dig this whole entire vibe.”

Proceeding then wiggle her eyebrows, Irisa searched for even the faintest flicker of amusement. Her words were light and playful, made in an attempt to lift the heaviness that had settled between them. It was second nature to a Zeltron, shunning all that was negative. How else would they stay sane?

“But seriously, Aevu” she continued, her tone shifting to one of earnest, “the galaxy’s a big place. The Jedi are scattered, sure, but that doesn’t mean we’re completely lost. Maybe starting up a new branch of the Research Corps would, I dunno, help rally some ‘em. Common goal and all that jazz.”

It wasn’t out of the realm of possibility. Stranger things had happened.

"I know a few people and they might be able to help us locate others. Can start forming the Research Corps and go from there..."


Aevu Salda

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 20, 2023
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He smiled in a bit of amusement. He was glad she was trying to lighten the mood a little bit. He swallowed for a moment at her mention of a companion. It brought back some memories he'd rather not have. He shook them from his memory, listening to her words."Not for a while, Ece." He answered her, trying his best to match her energy.

He listened more closely now to her next words. He felt a glimmer of hope as she mentioned the possibility of finding more people. "You would help me?" He pleaded, keeping his voice firm. "Then you are a better Jedi than me. All I have ventured to do is to sit around these shelves of shimmering lights, guarding books as if they were threatened babies. I see now what I have done: scarcely little." He sighed again. "I know not what influence my words hold with the Council, but perhaps if we could find others who speak as you do, you may be right. Common goals is what unite the Jedi, all the time. Through history, and in the present." He dared to smile more warmly now, hoping to give courage to the young woman.

He wanted to show her something, moving up from the shelves to a small holoprojector in the middle of one of the tables. He looked at the controls for a moment, before turning it on. A small galactic map showed up, its many star systems lighting up and showing their steady slow orbits around the Galactic Core. "I have tried my best to keep this updated." He said, touching a few more buttons as some yellow lights flared up in specific systems. "The Jedi Temples. Or as far as I know them. It is tragic what happened on Ajan Kloss. And Ossus is now lost. But I hope the Starlight Beacon stands still? Or at least Brighthome?" His voice sounded more concerned now, hoping to hear any news.

Irisa Ece

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Honey Magpie
Jun 2, 2024
Reaction score
Irisa felt the tense atmosphere begin to dissipate, the weight of Aevu’s earlier somberness lifting slightly. His amusement, though faint, was a sign that her efforts to lighten the mood were not in vain. His smile, however small, brought a sense of ease to the room, allowing her to feel more at home in the tranquil archives. She noticed the momentary hesitation in his response to her playful inquiry about a companion, a shadow crossing his features before he quickly masked it. Irisa knew better than to press further. Everyone had their own ghosts, and she respected his silent boundaries. There were times to pry and this was not one of them - for starters, they didn’t have any kind of alcohol!

“Aw, don’t go getting all sentimental on me. What kinda Jedi would I be if I just stood around doing nothin’? The piss poor kind, that’s what. As for the council…that’s a whole other headache.”

Aevu's self-deprecating words about guarding books as if they were threatened sentients brought a sympathetic smile to her face. "Don’t be selling yourself short, Aevu. You’ve done more than you realise." She assured him. "This job, preserving all this knowledge, it ain’t easy. Probably why no one else has been doing much of it. Come on, man - give yourself a lil credit."

As he moved to the small holoprojector in the center of one of the tables, Irisa followed, her curiosity piqued. The holographic map that sprung to life before them was a mesmerizing display of the galaxy’s vastness, each star system a tiny light in the infinite expanse of space. Aevu's care in maintaining this map was evident, and she felt a surge of respect for his dedication.

She reached out, pointing a finger into the holographic map in an attempt to locate the points of specific interest. "As far as I know, Starlight Beacon and Brighthome are still in occupation. Jedi are still using them as a bastion and base."

As the hybrid scrutinised the rest of the map, her mind began to wander. It wasn’t easy, finding Jedi relics. Her time as a smuggler. Was largely spent chasing down empty leads. It was always a bit of risk, finding out whether the tip off was good for profit. Her old captain said smuggling spice was child play, best left to the Pykes and their cronies. Big bucks came with contraband; eccentric buyers would pay through the nose just to lord over the fact that had something that once belonged to a Jedi…or Sith, for that matter.

“Hey, Aevu. Answer me this, where have ya been getting all this? No offense, ya don’t strike me as the ‘adventure-seeking’ type of guy. Have other Jedi been dropping off this stuff or what?

Aevu Salda

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 20, 2023
Reaction score
He sighed in relief as he heard that Starlight and Brighthome were still standing. He had tried to listen to the Force, but he was no Master. he had heard little word from any Jedi while he was in his self-imposed isolation. Perhaps Ece was right. There was still strength left in the Order, if those bastions remained open to him. A chance to return at last to the Council, see if they had plans for the Jedi. "Then there is still time."

He smiled in amusement, as he heard her curiosity for the collection. He shook his head in modesty, looking at the shelves around him. "For the most part, these books and maps were already here, stored in the old databanks untouched by the Empire of old. A lot of the others...I made copies from the works at Ajan Kloss. Perhaps my diligence was precautional...seeing the current state of that Temple. And a few were gained by buying them of markets in Inner Rim. I was lucky there were more collectors of Jedi knowledge out there. The Guardians of the Whills, the Church of the Force. But you are also right. Some Jedi Knights have been generous enough to give me artifacts they found so that I could store them." He smiled, thinking of a man now quite possibly dead, not from violence, but simply from age. He shook the thought of his mind. "But a few of them...required some more persuasion. One of them, a collection by Healer Ekintoros, was in the hands of a rather greedy Hutt..." He chuckled softly as he thought of the story. Perhaps for another time.

For now, he was determined. He turned back to Ece, an idea forming in his mind. "Ece, your contacts...could they bring us to Starlight Beacon?"

Irisa Ece

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Honey Magpie
Jun 2, 2024
Reaction score
"So, collaborative effort, huh? Sweet. Team work really does make the dream work." Irisa said with a grin.

She listened intently as Aevu recounted the origins of his vast collection; it was apparent to the hybrid how much time and effect had gone into preserving such knowledge. His diligence actually heightened her self-reproach. Whilst he was trying to protect the Jedi’s heritage, Irisa was trading in. Her time as a smuggler had sporadic scores of illegal artifacts; she had the crew hadn’t retrieved themselves herself though. They had simply stolen them from someone else. Details now were sparse. At the time, she was just a young blood who didn’t know any better. Asking questions would have just earned her a smack round the head from the smuggler captain.

Turning her spinel gaze about her, Irisa now wondered if those relics and tomes ended up making their way here to the archives. Back to Jedi, where they belong. It was plausible, given the fact that it was a Jedi strike team that led the entire sting operation.

Coughing awkwardly, the purple haired knight quickly latched the change of subject. Aevu’s was requesting transport to the Starlight base?

"Yea, I can make some arrangements," she replied, taking her cheek in thought, "Might have to call in a few favors, but it’s possible. I gotta report back in soon anyway. Let em know I’m still alive and kickin. Besides, I think getting out more would do you a hell of a lotta good."

But a thought gnawed at her, a concern that she couldn’t shake. She had seen too much darkness in the galaxy, and had been too close to it herself. “There’s nothing… dark here, is there?” she asked, her curiosity getting the better of her. “Traditional Jedi would freak if there was…”

There was more to it than that. “What if dark siders catch wind of this place? They could raid this place, if there was somethin’ ere to make it worth their while...”

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Aevu Salda

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 20, 2023
Reaction score
He smiled at her remark. He was grateful for those people who would help him. At least some out there believed that history was worth preserving. Many of these books were his attempt at finding some of the worthy knowledge of the old masters. But he was also proud to have found some of Luke Skywalker's personal works, even if they were mostly copies.

He looked at her as she answered his request, smiling softly. "I am thankful. It would be good to see the Council again. Even if it is only to learn what has transpired." His last words he laced with a soft note of concern, knowing of the whispers that had reached him. He wanted to learn of the Crusade that was to come.

He frowned for a moment, taking in Aevu's question. "Dark?" he asked, slightly surprised. "Not in the traditional sense, Ece. While the knowledge here is vast, I take great care to curate only that which aligns with the Light. This place should be a sanctuary, a place of learning and understanding."

Aevu chuckled at her last comment, a warm sound that echoed through the library. "Fear not, Ece," he reassured her. "The archives are warded, not by sentient Jedi, but by being steeped in the light side of the Force. The faintest whisper of darkness would be a beacon here, easily detectable." He gestured towards the shelves around them. "This collection holds knowledge, yes, but also acts as a potent counterpoint to the dark side's influence. It's a double-edged blade, as they say."

But now, his expression turned thoughtful for a moment. "However," he continued, "complacency is a dangerous path. The galaxy is vast, and you are right: knowledge of this library's existence could always fall in the wrong hands. That's why discretion is paramount. Few of the Jedi know of this place. But," he conceded, "your concern is well-placed. Knowledge, in the wrong hand, can be a dangerous weapon. If we are cautious, we will make certain that does not happen." He added some sternness to his voice as he spoke the last words, hoping to instil some form of confidence.

He softly gestured to the hall beyond the library, signalling his desire to walk to the landing area in preparation for their departure. "Now, about that transport to Starlight Beacon?"

Irisa Ece

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Honey Magpie
Jun 2, 2024
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Irisa listened to Aevu’s reassurances with a measured nod, her magenta eyes reflecting a blend of trust and lingering wariness. She believed in his assertions about the library’s protective measures and the curation of its contents. Still, her past experiences had taught her to be cautious. Knowledge, even when steeped in the light, could be dangerous in the wrong hands.

As Aevu gestured towards the hall beyond the library, signaling their departure, Irisa reached for her comm device. She quickly flicked through her contacts, selecting a few trusted names who might be able to help arrange transport. The connection buzzed, and she spoke in low, rapid tones. Fortunately, some of her contacts were already in that particular sector and were willing make a stop for her on Tython. Arranging the transport’s arrival would take only a few minutes though.

With the arrangements set in motion, Irisa turned to follow Aevu. They walked in silence through the ancient halls, the soft glow of the archives fading behind them. As they stepped out onto the landing pad, she took a moment to observe the state of the planet. Tython, with its rolling landscapes and serene skies, held a timeless beauty that belied the turmoil of the galaxy. Yet, there was a sense of isolation here, a feeling that they were on the edge of something greater.

She glanced at Aevu, her thoughts drifting onto a new topic of discussion. Before they could depart, there was one more thing she needed to know.
she began, her tone being one of curiousity, “before we go, one of the masters on the Council mentioned something to me called battle meditation. Ya got any holotexts on it?”


Aevu Salda

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 20, 2023
Reaction score
Aevu's smile softened as Irisa nodded, a flicker of wariness still playing in her deep magenta eyes. He understood her scepticism - the galaxy was a harsh teacher, and trust was a rare commodity these days. Yet, in her concern for the potential misuse of knowledge, he saw a spark of potential. Perhaps this Knight, haunted by a past he knew nothing of yet, held the makings of a valuable ally.

As Irisa contacted her network, arranging transport with apparent ease, Aevu watched with a hint of amusement. This knight, forged in the fires of a rogue life, as was apparent, possessed a unique blend of resourcefulness and caution. It was a refreshing combination, as stark contrast to the sheltered existence he had held until now.

When Irisa finished, they fell into step, walking in comfortable silence through the ancient halls. The tranquil glow of the library dimmed behind them, replaced by a cool, diffused light as they stood in the central hall, bathed in an ancient skylight. Beyond, through the large door below them, Tython stretched out before them, its green hills and azure sky a stark contrast to the chaos of the wider galaxy. Aevu felt a familiar pang of isolation, a weight that perhaps only another who had been here for so long could truly understand.

A flicker of surprise crossed his features as Ece's query broke the silence. "Battle meditation? That is an advanced technique. Not often discussed in basic training manuals. This is a powerful ability, Ece. A relic of a bygone era, when Jedi Masters led armies directly into battle." He rose an eyebrow, a silent question hanging in the air.

"Why the sudden interest, Ece? It is an ability not often taught these days. I think the knowledge resides within the archives, although such tomes are advanced and not readily accessible to all. Battle meditation delves into the deeper aspects of the Force, requiring a strong connection and a deep understanding of both war and peace." He watched closely at her reaction, attempting to gauge her intent. He discerned no dark motives in her, so he pressed on. He gestured towards the library behind them now. "There are indeed holotexts dedicated to the subject. I have gathered much information about ancient and forgotten Jedi abilities."

Aevu eyes met hers, his gaze both assessing and encouraging. "Perhaps you can tell me, Ece, what draws you to this particular ability? Knowing your purpose will help me guide you towards appropriate resources within this library."

Irisa Ece

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Honey Magpie
Jun 2, 2024
Reaction score
Irisa paused, considering Aevu's words. She actually liked the talkative human. The tranquility of Tython was great and all, but it actually gave the hybrid such a headache. One of her crew joked about it once, calling something stupid like sedatephobia. What a smart-arse. She just preferred noise over nothing.

Ruffling at her hair, Irisa then raked her fingers through the purplish locks. "One of the masters on the Council suggested it," she began, her voice getting all nostalgic. "I tried learning how to heal, but that was a bust cos I ain’t got no talent for it. Fightin’? Now that’s a different story..."

As she spoke, she pulled out a cigarra, a small habit she had picked up over the years to take the edge off when her nerves began to build. She lit it with a practiced flick, the tiny flame momentarily illuminating her face. The rich smoke of the cigarra was sickly sweet, a flavor expected given Zeltrons and their eccentric tastes. The first drag brought a sense of calm, the familiar burn easing her tension.

Combat was a tricky topic. Always has been because to Irisa, it was her form of meditation. Each swing of her twin lightsabers, each precise movement, was a dance. She remembered countless fights, each conflict a vivid memory. It was in the heat of battle that she felt most alive, most connected to the Force. And therein lay the problem. That state, exhilarating as it was, seemed unbefitting of a Jedi. The constant fighting, the endless cycle of violence, had begun to wear on her. She wanted to use her abilities in ways that could protect, rather than just destroy.

Closing her eyes, Irisa tried to recall the exact words of the Jedi Master who had recommended battle meditation. Admittedly, he had been partially scolding her at the time, so she hadn’t been fully attentive."Battle meditation creates strategic advantages," she recited, as if remembering a lesson. "By using it, a Jedi can weaken the resolve and coordination of enemy forces. More importantly, it can—ugh, what did he say? Somethin’ about minimising casualties. Yea, that was it! Using battle meditation can lead to quicker victories, with fewer losses on both sides. Disrupt the bad guys and boost the good. That’s how it works, right?"

Glancing at Aevu, she then looked in the direction of the library. Judging from his earlier expression, more persuasion was needed. "There’s philosophy too, I guess. Mastering battle meditation aligns with the idea that we use the Force for defense and protection, rather than for aggression and domination. Believe me when I say this, Aevu. I…want to be more than just a warrior."

Taking another drag from her cigarra, she silently offered one to Aevu out of habit. It was a gesture of common courtesy from her smuggler days, a silent offer to share a moment of calm in the midst of chaos. She doubted he would take it—he didn’t seem the type—but the offer was made nonetheless.


Aevu Salda

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 20, 2023
Reaction score
Aevu chuckled softly, a warm sound contrasted with the harsh rasp of Ece's lighter igniting her cigarra. He watched as the sweet aromatic smoke curled upwards, momentarily obscuring her face in a veil of purple haze. He watched with a hint of amusement as she took a long drag, the tension slowly draining from her posture. Or so it seemed at least.

"A Jedi with a cigarra." he mused, a playful glint in his eyes. "That's a new one for me. I understand it though. Tranquillity can be a double-edged sword too, especially for those used to the constant hum of action." He listened intently as she spoke, her voice showing a surprising tinge of nostalgia as she described her struggles. The way she spoke of battle, of its dance-like rhythm, resonated with him. It was a perspective he himself had not encountered before, but a stark reminder of the Jedi's role as protectors, before the Purge fractured their Order.

As Ece finished her recollection of the Master's words, a smile tugged at the corner of Aevu's lips. "Strategic advantages, minimizing casualties," he repeated, mimicking the tone of an old master playfully. "That indeed sounds like some honorable goals. I know not exactly how it works, but from what I've read: battle meditation is more than just a tool for victory; it's about using the Light Side to avoid bloodshed and instil courage in your allies."

He noticed her gaze linger on the library, and a flicker of understanding dawned on him. "And yes," he continued, his voice turning more serious, "the philosophy is crucial. Battle meditation isn't just about tactics, it's about harnessing the Force for the greater good. As I said before: it requires a deep understanding of both war and peace, a balance that eludes many."

His gaze softened further, a flicker of something kin to respect dancing in his brown eyes. "You want to be more than just a warrior, Ece," he stated, noticing her unspoken desire. "And that's precisely what draws you to this technique. It's a way to use your protection, to become the shield that safeguards the innocent, rather than the blade that cuts them down."

Aevu turned around, to the grounds beyond the gate of the Temple. He reached into his robes, pulling out a small, intricately carved box. He extended it towards Ece, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "I don't consider anything in the library of-limits, Ece. However, I believe there might be something else that can help you on your path."

He gestured to the gate, away from the landing area and towards the plains. "A path of the Temple turns east, to some of the training grounds. I know little about advanced battle meditation techniques. But I have read the knowledge that the library holds. Perhaps a practical demonstration would be more beneficial for you right now."

He paused, his eyes locked with hers. "Would you be interested in some lessons, Ece? A change to test your skills and delve into the connection between the Force and the balance of war and peace." The invitation hung in the air, a challenge and an opportunity to be seized.

Irisa Ece

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Honey Magpie
Jun 2, 2024
Reaction score
Irisa gave a shameless shrug and theatrically took another drag from her cigarra. In an impressive display, she blew out a perfect ring of smoke that slowly drifted upward. “What can I say? Old habits die hard,” she said with a smirk, the sweet, aromatic haze curling around her like a lazy serpent.

She did, however, contemplated Aevu’s words. There was a deep resonance within them. Many might comment on Irisa’s perceptive abilities, but Aevu was also rather insightful as well. His reassurances touched a place of uncertainty within her, addressing doubts she rarely voiced. Abashed, she looked away, blowing out another puff of smoke that gracefully slipped through the lingering ring she had made earlier.

When Aevu reached into his robes and produced a small, intricately carved box, Irisa’s curiosity was piqued. She looked at him questioningly, not entirely sure what to expect. “We givin’ gifts now, Aevu? Aw shucks, and I here am all empty handed”

Stubbing out the cigarra on the surface of her pierced tongue, Irisa tucked what was left it behind her ear for later use. Her interest was now fixed on the small box. Just as she was about to open it, she noticed her companion leaiving the landing pad. Glancing upwards, she determined that whilst the transport would be arriving soon, they had some time.

She would never say no to a bit of training. Irisa was very much a ‘hands-on’ type of learner. In her eyes, learning through practice had the best of results. “Ah, now you’re speakin’ my language,” she grin, her voice tinged with excitement. She couldn’t help but wonder though how exactly she was going to be able to practice battle mediation…well, if there was no battle going on.

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Aevu Salda

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Jan 20, 2023
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A grin came upon his face as Irisa stubbed out the cigarra on her tongue. Another first, fur sure. He saw a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes, but to him, that was hopeful sight. Her doubts, unspoken but acknowledged, were a bridge he could use to connect with her.

"Gifts?" He chuckled, the sound echoing softly on the vast training grounds. "It is something I hope you can use, Ece." He raised an eyebrow at her quip about being empty-handed. "Your presence here, Ece, is a gift in itself. For I would not have thought to be lifted from my self-imposed loneliness any time soon. And now, there are some lessons to teach. The Force is with us today." He spoke softly, looking up at the azure skies, Tython's large sun bringing a soft spring warmth to the plains.

Inside the box, she would find not only a datachip with a recording from old masters on Battle meditation. It also had two small idols, nestled neatly within the soft velvet lining inside. One, crafted from a smooth, white stone, depicted a serene Jedi Master in a flowing robe, his eyes closed in meditation. The other, carved from a dark, volcanic rock, resembled a fearsome warrior clad in battle armor, his stance poised for attack. He chuckled softly, this time the sound was harder to notice. When he remembered the idols and where he bought them, from a shrewd merchant on some backwater trade station, a smile came on his face. His thoughts ventured back to that moment. He did not foresee that when he had studied the box that they would come in handy some day.

He spoke softer now, as if to resemble a Jedi Master of old. Perhaps, he thought in amusement, one that may have walked this very ground. He cleared his throat. "Practicing battle meditation...well, a true warrior understands that the greatest battles are often fought within. In your training, you must have meditated before, Ece? I believe this one is different. It is a technique to harness the Force, not just in combat, but in every aspect of your life. It is a stepping stone, Ece. Are you ready to take the first step?"

He watched as she opened the box, revealing its contents. The idols of stone were more smoother than he remembered. But he knew they were the same ones. "These," he explained, "are representations of the two sides of the Force you will be exploring - tranquility and control. The datachip contains lessons from ancient Masters, Booresh Karan, Delin Sho-Tan, and Viruulakat. It is a guided meditation that will help you bridge the gap between them."

He took out a small holoprojector from his belt, handing it over to her so that she could insert the shimmering blue disc. "Follow these instructions on the chip, Ece," he continued. "Focus your mind on the serenity of the meditating Jedi, then shift your focus to the warrior's unwavering resolve. Let the Force flow through you, channeling its calmness in both your actions and reactions. That is the foundation of battle meditation. In Sho-Tan's words: 'a way to control the battlefield without ever raising a weapon'. Hopefully you will be capable to do just that."

He gestured towards a clearing within the training grounds. Sunlight dappled the ground through the leaves of the surrounding trees, casting a peaceful ambiance upon the scene. "Let us begin, shall we?" His voice was gentle, yet firm, an invitation to a journey of self-discovery. "I shall guide you, where I can. But the old masters on that disc, they will be able to teach you far better than I could. Let their words guide you." He watched as he sat down on one of the log benches at the edge of the clearing, holding out his arms to guide Ece to the middle.

Irisa Ece

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

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Honey Magpie
Jun 2, 2024
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Irisa examined the two small idols nestled within the velvet lining of the box, her fingers tracing the intricate details. The serene Jedi Master, crafted from smooth white stone, and the contrasting warrior made from volcanic rock warrior, poised for attack, radiated fierce determination and unyielding strength. Lost in thought, Irisa absorbed the symbolism of the idols. There was a significance to each of the figures, both representing the the core aspects of the Force she needed to master, both in combat and in life - tranquility and control.

But beneath her resolve, the hybrid felt a flicker of hesitation. The thrill of combat had always provided her with a dangerous excitement. In the most heated battles, she felt a perverse pleasure, a rush that was both exhilarating and troubling. It was a unruly beast, one that enjoyed lurking at the edges of her consciousness. Kept at bay only by her sense of duty and the mild vices she indulged in to sate it: smoking, the occasional drink—small things that kept the darkness smothered.

Rolling the data chip cross the knuckles of her fingers, Irisa then carefully inserted into the oholprojector. The flickering holograms illuminated her face, casting a blue glow that mingled with the golden sunlight filtering through the trees. The figures of Booresh Karan, Delin Sho-Tan, and Viruulakat appeared, their ethereal presence commanding respect and attention.

Looking once more to Aevu, Irisa proceeded to take a seat in the middle of the training group. Mimicking the serene pose of the meditating Jedi idol, she closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. She took a deep, calming breath, feeling the cool, crisp air fill her lungs, preparing herself mentally and emotionally for the meditation ahead. The scents of the forest—earthy and fresh—mingled with the lingering sweetness of her cigarra, grounding her in the present moment. The rhythmic rise and fall of her chest became a steady anchor, centering her thoughts and calming her mind. Her hands rested gently on her knees, fingers slightly curled in a gesture of openness and receptivity. After a few moments, she shifted her focus to embody the warrior’s resolve, feeling the change in her posture and focus. Her spine straightened the same time her shoulders began to square.

Yet, a sense of worry gnawed at the edges of her mind. One that always liked to linger. She couldn’t help but think about her previous attempt to master healing, which had ended in failure. What if she couldn’t master battle meditation either? What if this endeavor proved to be just as elusive? The doubt was a persistent whisper, threatening to undermine her confidence.

Pushing the thoughts side, the hybrid tried once more to focus. “There’s a wall…” she murmured. “I can’t…push through.” She could picture the barrier well enough, within the eye of her mind, but it was hard to overcome.
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Aevu Salda

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

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Jan 20, 2023
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Aevu looked as she sat down in the clearing, sitting up in a meditative stance. He remembered when he had listened to the words of these ancient masters, trying his best to center himself. He reached out with his feelings, trying to sense Ece as she began listening to the Force. He closed his eyes for a second, taking in the tranquil ambiance of Tython. He heard a soft ruffle of wind through the ancient trees, rolling down into the long grass that heaved with its soft touch. Beyond, he heard the mighty waterfalls that cascaded down into the Temple's valley. He sensed the Force, reaching out to it. A certain unsteadiness was stayed in it, as if unable to focus. Aevu struggled for a second, sensing echoes of great anger, but regained his footing when he returned to listen to Ece.

He opened his eyes, seeing her face in doubt. He spoke softly, trying to emulate the masters on the holorecording. "Your emotions are strong, Ece. This barrier is simply your doubt manifest. Do not fight it. Listen to the words of the masters." He tilted his head slightly, looking at the holorecording. Booresh Karan, ancient Alderaanian Jedi Healer, appeared, his kind eyes crinkled at the corners as he spoke in a calming melodic voice, sitting as Ece was. "Welcome. I am Booresh Karan. Within the Force lies the key to mastering not just the battlefield, but yourself. Peace is not simply the absence of conflict. It is the eye's storm, the point from where you may begin to heal. Peace begins with oneself: within the battlefield of the mind lies the greatest challenge. Here, doubt is your enemy, and serenity your shield. Breate deeply, feel the Force flow through you, calming the storm within. Only when your thoughts are still, can you truly perceive the path to victory."

The elder master was silent for a moment, proceeding with the next lesson. "The tranquility you seek lies not in the absence of fighting, but in the calm amidst the storm. Just as a healer mends a wound, battle meditation allows you to mend the disharmony within the battlefield, guiding the fight towards a swift and peaceful resolution." He outstretched his hands, his face deep in thought as he focused for a moment. "Focus on the interconnectedness of all things. By calming the anger within the enemy, you can lessen their desire to fight. Remember, a true victory is one where no blood is shed."

Booresh Karan's holo faded, replaced by the face of Dorian Jedi Seer, Delin Sho-Tan. His voice was deep and gravelly due to his breathe mask. But more than that, it had a hint of an almost otherwordly resosance. "I am Delin Sho-Tan. Look beyond the current conflict, Padawan. See the threads of fate that bind this battle. Battle meditation allows you to glimpse the ripples of the Force, to predict the flow of combat and anticipate the enemy's next move. This foresight will be your shield, guiding you and your allies to victory." Sho-Tan was standing up, and with a flick of a switch, he projected a star chart. Ancient, and outdated by now, but the lights were unmistakable. He continued. "Train your sight to see not just the physcial world, but the currents of the Force. By anticipating the flow of battle, you can disrupt your enemy's plans, turning the tide of battle before even a single lightsaber is ignited."

He was silent for a moment, preparing for his next lesson. "The battlefield is a web of emotions, a tapestry woven from fear, anger, and determination. See yourself not as an individual warrior, but as a part of a larger whole. The Force flows through you and your allies; let it become the unstoppable tide against the darkness."

Sho-Tan's holo was in turn replaced by Viruulakat, Ithorian Jedi Consular, towering and with wise, yellow eyes. His slow and rhytmic voice had a musical quality, translated by a soft and warm voiceover: "Greetings. I am Viruulakat. The battlefield is a living entity, Padawan. Through battle meditation, you can sense its rhythm, its flow. By understanding the battlefield's energy through the Foce, you can turn it to your advantage, make the enemy waver, maneuvering your allies to positions of strength, and guiding the flow of the fight."

Viruulakat let out a distinctive booming sound, appearing to wanting to press his next words. It was translated slowly: "The Force flows through al living things. By attuning yourself to the battlefield, you become one with it, turning its very essence into your greatest asset. The Force is the liveblood of the galaxy, a delicate balance between light and dark. As you enter the battlefield, remember this balance. Let not the thrill of combat consume you, lest you fall prey to the darkness."

Holding up his hand, his last words appeared to be of warning. "Do not rush into battle, young one. Patience is the shield of a true Jedi. Obvserve, analyze, and choose your moment wisely. A single, well-placed strike guided by the Force can turn the tide of battle, saving countless lives."

Aevu listened closely as the ancient master spoke, a wisdom eons old, but still relevant to this day. He was unsure whether he could master such a technique himself. He did not shy away from battle, but he would not choose to wage war on his own accord. And he could not foresee himself guiding all others through the battle.

Irisa Ece

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Honey Magpie
Jun 2, 2024
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Irisa shifted slightly, adjusting her posture as she sat in the clearing. The rough ground beneath her and the cool breeze rustling the leaves around her were both grounding and distracting. She tried to focus, to find the center within herself that Aevu and the ancient masters spoke of, but it was difficult. The flicker of doubt that had crept into her mind refused to be silenced. She took a deep breath, her lungs filling with the fresh, earthy scent of the forest.

As the first master began to speak, Irisa’s brows knitted together in skepticism. The soothing voice spoke of peace and serenity, concepts that felt foreign and almost naive to her battle-hardened mind. Her lips pressed into a thin line as she tried to make sense of the teachings. The idea of finding calm in the midst of chaos seemed almost impossible, and she struggled to let go of her ingrained habits. But as the recordings progressed, her skepticism began to wane. The words of the ancient masters, rich with wisdom and experience, started to resonate with her. She felt her posture gradually relax, her body responding to the calming influence of the teachings. Her brow smoothed, and she found herself nodding along, internalizing the lessons being imparted. The emphasis on viewing herself as part of a larger whole, on using the Force to guide her actions, began to make sense.

Her breathing deepened, becoming more rhythmic as she tried to emulate the serenity described by the masters. She visualised the interconnectedness of all things, attempting to calm the anger within herself, hoping it would extend to calming the enemy’s desire to fight. The struggle within her persisted, the beast of thrill and perverse pleasure in combat lingering at the edges of her consciousness, but she felt a growing clarity and purpose.

The next master spoke of foresight and understanding the flow of battle, encouraging her to see beyond the immediate conflict. Irisa’s eyes flickered with recognition as she grasped the concept. She could sense the threads of fate that bound each battle, the ripples of the Force guiding her movements and decisions. The teachings began to feel less abstract and more practical, aligning with her own experiences and instincts. As the final master spoke of patience and the living essence of the battlefield, Irisa’s doubts started to dissipate. She understood now that battle meditation was not just a technique, but a way of life—a way to harmonize with the Force and use it to guide her actions and reactions. The emphasis on observing, analysing, and choosing the right moment resonated deeply with her, reinforcing the idea that true strength lay in restraint and wisdom.

The tension in her body eased further, her muscles relaxing as she embraced the teachings. It was, however, interrupted by the sudden faint hum of a starship. Irisa opened her eyes and saw a small vessel descending through the atmosphere, signaling the arrival of the transport she had arranged.

It would appear it was time for their departure.