Jedi Order Lillian Prismarte (Padawan)


SWRP Writer
Nov 4, 2020
Reaction score
A NAME: Lillian Prismarte

FACTION: Jedi Order

RANK: Padawan


AGE: 16

GENDER: Female

HEIGHT: 5ft 7in

WEIGHT: 120 lbs

FORCE SENSITIVE: Force Sensitive and Trained (as much as a Padawan could be)
APPEARANCE: Lillian is a slim human, with black hair and blue robes. She is Asian in Human Ethnicity.


Lillian is a quiet and studious Padawan, she is however blunt as can be. She prefers reading to interacting with people and watering plants to growing a friendship. Nevertheless she is no peerless woman, she is a friendly person, though as per earlier her bluntness can get away from her at times. She knows quite a bit about plants from her reading.


Lillian is kind and blunt. To put it bluntly, she will be straight up with you, she want skit around the bush, she doesn’t censor herself either-what your hearing is what happened, no matter how gory or graphic. While besides her bluntness she tries to keep good manners-it seems that conversations about dull things bore her, But when an interest of hers comes up-she’s the most animated you’ll ever see her!


Born 17 (nearly 18 years ago) to a poor single mother on the planet of Naboo, like much young force sensitive children she was snagged by the Jedi Order, ever since she has trained, moved forward and never looked back. Now she spends her days training in Force Healing and Form 4. Much like her, both healing and Form 4 are straightforward, they are to heal and to defend respectively, and that is what Lillian intends to do when she becomes a full fledged knight and is what she’s been focusing on to impress her future master.

Lillian is an above average in skill force healer, she tries to tune herself into the living force in her patients when she helps out at the medbay and her plants when she meticulously waters them all.

In terms of dueling and combat, Lillian is no slouch, she’s read countless books on defense and form 4, eagerly absorbing any information she can.
Lillian is an organized person, the kind who takes notes and whom is punctual and on top of things, she is no slouch and likes others to be the same. She is naturally inquisitive and due to her bluntness ends up asking some rather intrusive questions.

GEAR: Her Trusty Blue Lightsaber with a traditional Titanium Hilt.
Her Jedi Robes, she usually wears a blue set, but she also has a hooded set, a dark brown set and a cream colored set. She is also in possession of a dark blue dress she likes.
ROLE-PLAYS: N/A (for now)

RELATIONSHIPS: N/A (currently)

SHIP: She does not have a ship of her own at this time.


PETS: Nope, plants don’t count.

KILLS: N/A for now

COMBAT: Not yet.
