Lord Of The Rings Interest Thread


SWRP Writer
Apr 28, 2014
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View attachment 1563
One Ring to rule them all,
One Ring to find them,
One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them,
In the land of Mordor where the shadows lie.

The Dark Lord gathers his strength in the land of shadows, while Men are none the wiser. A great darkness will spread over the man, with no Man, Elf, Dwarf, or Hobbit to remain...

So, with that out of the way, let me introduce this idea! Noticing that there was no major LOTR RP on the web, I took it upon myself to bring it to you guys, and in grand fashion! So, now let me lay down some ground rules:

1. You can play IC Characters.

2. Only Me and the person who can create the best application will play as Wizards.

3. Here are the banned races: Nazgul, Ents, Ainur, the gods, Sauron, etc.

4. Please be nice to your fellow players.

5. Use this application:






So, have fun!


SWRP Writer
Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
Name: Saruman the White

Race: Maia/ Istari/ Wizard

Faction: Isengard

Appearance: Saruman has extremely thin and long white hair, that reach down to his hands, along with a long, grey beard. He dresses in all-white robes and clothing, although it appears to slowly change colors to the naked eye. He carries a magical staff which is a replica of his base, the tower of Orcthanc.

[ Wiki Article ]

Saruman was a Maia known as Curunír by the elves in Sindarin, a servant of the powerful and high-ranked Vala Aulë - just as Sauron had once been. In Valinor, the land of the Valar, a council was called by Manwë, leader of the Valar, shortly after Sauron's defeat by the Last Alliance of Elves and Men. Though Sauron was overthrown, it would later turn out that he had not been effectively vanquished and his shadow began to fall upon Middle-earth a second time. It was decided to send five emissaries to Middle-earth. These should be "mighty, peers of Sauron, yet forgo might, and clothe themselves in flesh," as they were intended to help Men and Elves unite against Sauron, but the wizards were forbidden from matching the Dark Lord in power and fear.

The other four who were chosen were Aiwendil (Radagast), Alatar and Pallando (the Blue Wizards), and Olórin (Gandalf). Curumo was appointed overall leader of the group.

The five wizards arrived at the Grey Havens in the west of Eriador around the year 1000. Only the keeper of the havens, Círdan the Shipwright, knew Saruman's identity and origin. Saruman would later discover that Círdan had given Narya, the Red Ring, to Gandalf upon their first landing in Middle-earth. Even though Saruman was immediately considered the head of the order while Gandalf was not, Círdan had divined Gandalf as the wisest and greatest of the wizards. Saruman's jealousy of Gandalf grew from these events, perhaps because he feared that he would eventually supplant him as chief of wizards.

Saruman and the two Blue Wizards went into the east of Middle-earth. After one and a half millennia, he returned to the west, just as Sauron's power was growing again in Dol Guldur.

The White Council

When the White Council was formed at approximately year 2463 of the Third Age in order to counter Sauron, Saruman was appointed its leader, though Galadriel wanted Gandalf in this position. Saruman refused to step down due to his pride, while Gandalf had declined. At this point Saruman had begun to sense the resurgence of Sauron and to envy and desire his power, and especially the One Ring. This was also the same year that the One Ring was taken by the Halfling Sméagol (later called Gollum), who disappeared with it into the Misty Mountains for hundreds of years. It was during the meetings of the Council that Saruman first noted Gandalf's interest in Hobbits and The Shire, and believing that all his deeds related to some as yet undisclosed plan of his for self-enhancement, Saruman himself began keeping a greater watch on Gandalf and sent spies to The Shire. At first, he himself visited it secretly but stopped when he realized that its inhabitants had noticed him. Amongst the purposes of his visits was to procure some of the halflings' Pipe-weed, since in secret imitation of Gandalf he had begun to smoke.

At Isengard

In the year TA 2759, Saruman settled in Isengard with the permission of the Steward of Gondor, Beren, although he settled only as Warden of the Tower and representative of the Steward (the stronghold had by then been abandoned by Gondor). There he became important in the informal alliance defending the west of Middle-earth. In the tower of Isengard, Orthanc, he also found one of the remaining Palantíri.

In TA 2850, Gandalf entered Dol Guldur and confirmed that the evil presence was indeed Sauron. By Saruman's advice, the White Council decided against attacking Dol Guldur. Gandalf would later remark that it was at this council meeting that he first began to suspect that Saruman desired to possess the One Ring. Saruman's real intention was to permit Sauron to build up his strength, so that the One Ring would reveal itself. He later found that Sauron had more knowledge of the possible location of the One Ring than he expected, and in TA 2941, he finally agreed to attack Dol Guldur.

Ten years after Sauron abandoned Dol Guldur he returned to Mordor and declared himself openly. He established contact with Saruman through the Palantír captured from Minas Ithil, now Minas Morgul. In this year, Saruman also took Isengard for his own and began to fortify it.
[ End of Wiki Information ]

Now, Saruman seeks to betray Sauron, and tak the ring for himself, giving him control of Middle-Earth...