Lwhekk: Chapter 1 - Protectorate Mission


Wannabe King
SWRP Writer
Aug 20, 2015
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The Shield of the Kjlljk dropped out of hyperspace above the Ssi-ruu home world of Lwhekk, as the planet came into view of the main screen before him and the hum of the hyperspace engines began to fade away one of the bridge crew turned to Arthon. "Hyperspace jump complete Counselor, we have arrived over Lwhekk." Arthon nodded stepping out his chair, he walked forward to the dursplast separating them all from the cold dark vacumm of space. "Signal our arrival to the ship, send comms to the planet that we come in peace. Scan for all nearby ships I want to know if they come at us." He said in a commanding tone, the original officer acknowledged before dishing out the orders to those below him.

One of them, a Zabrakian female stepped up to the main comms unit. "Attention all on board, we have arrived over the planet Lwhekk. We will be shortly making contact with the leading party of the planet. Any assistance they request we will provide as per our mission parameters. All officers are to report to their stations, aboard the bridge." After she closed off the comm unit, Arthon approached her. "Ask Agent Ell to meet me in the ready room." He asked. "Yes Sir."



SWRP Writer
May 22, 2017
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Tum had been sitting in his temporary quarters on board the ship cleaning his Vibro-Axe and Blasters when the intercom in his room clicked to life and the sound of some ship hand had told him the Councilor was looking for him, and to report to the bridge. With a long sigh Tum hooked his Axe back on his belt and holstered his heavy blasters. Tum's heavy steps echoed as he thundered down the hallways, the other sentient giving him a look each time he passed them. At 2.09 meters tall Tum was taller than just about everyone onboard and his large tusks gained him some attention. Tum walked into the bridge of the ship,"Councilor..." Tum said his voice deep and monstrous.


Wannabe King
SWRP Writer
Aug 20, 2015
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Arthon turned as he heard the hiss of the automatic doors to the bridge open behind him. The agent that greeted him was a beast, taller than every man or women on the bridge and perhaps even on the decks below. He was clearly marked for combat, his weapons bright and on show. "Agent Ell, I presume." He said in reply. Turning back to the main viewport behind him, he nodded to the tactical officer to his right. With a press of a button three images flashed up before them, the one's to either side showed a group of Ssi-Ruu, the middle showed a tactical read out of the planet, its garrisons and its fleet. Nothing to be worried about, they were all far enough away that they could make the jump before being attacked.

"Both the Conclave and the Elders have made contact with the Protectorate for aid in the ongoing civil unrest between the two. I would prefer to work with the Elders as you can never know a religious man's minds. But I thought I would seek your opinion before we open a channel with their leadership." Arthon gestured to the two groups and awaited the Agent's decision.


SWRP Writer
May 22, 2017
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"The minds of religious men are often clouded and warped, however they are more easily controlled through religious manipulation." Tum said surprising many people around them who no doubt expected his reply to the councilor to consist of a number of grunts and perhaps a belch,"If its reason we're after then the Elders are no doubt the way to go." He said sternly. The looks he was receiving from the bridgemen was nothing new, Tum was a monster in the eyes of the civilized races, and he knew it. The tactical layouts were informative, but Tum often built his own tactics on site in many situations. "We know the two ruling parties to be at odd with each other constantly, playing off of that will surely gain us favor in whatever side we choose." He said wrapping up his statements.


Wannabe King
SWRP Writer
Aug 20, 2015
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"A sound strategy." Arthon replied before turning to one of his officers. "Signal the Elder's we wish to make contact, also send a signal to the Conclave to inform them that we are awaiting our leader before making contact. That should through of their suspicions for now." The officer nodded and quickly made the relevant communications.

It was a fifteen minute wait before they heard back from the Elders. "Sir, they have given us co-ordinates to land." "Ready a shuttle, also send another to the Conclave as a waiting party." The officer once again nodded before turning back to her station. "Agent Ell, if you would follow me." Arthon made quickly for the turbo lift at the back of the bridge, expecting the giant of a beast to follow. The ride was quick and before they knew it they were in the small hanger of the ship. "Agent Ell, I would advise you not enter so heavily armed, a single blaster will do for now. This is a diplomatic mission after-all." Arthon himself only wore a single blaster at his hip, an older model, it had served since his time in the Border Alliance, it would hopefully serve him well now.



SWRP Writer
May 22, 2017
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Tum begrudgingly detached some of his weapons, leaving a single vibroaxe and a wardens Blaster. Sitting down, not bothering to strap in,"Any idea what to expect with these giant lizards?" Tum said. The councillors decision to sent a false hope vessel to the opposing side was intelligent and appreciated by Tum. 'Perhaps this man is worth his salt...' he thought.