Madness Upon Mandalore


SWRP Writer
Mar 4, 2018
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1. Mandalore is a jewel in the outer rim. Despite the infighting of its contentious people the world is rich with a near endless array of raw resources. Mines pump out mighty ore, farms produce plentiful crops, and of course Mandolorian mercenaries are the cream of the galaxy coming from centuries of perfecting their craft in warfare.

Deucalians love a challenge and it could be for this reason alone that the fleets of Baldr, Barrenfist, Thorite, and Frosted Helm sit on the edge of their atmosphere with craft filled with warriors from all clans including members of the powerful Jedi Exiles and legendary mercenaries, explorers, and opportunists from all walks of life.

With gathered strength they will enter the atmosphere in a rain of fire without end to attack all sides while at the same time using their disunity and rivalry against them. For while the more reckless Deucalians fight and die in battle, clever Valkaria will lead silver tongued allies to bribe, threaten, and lie their way to easier victory for all.

In the end this is a raid so victory is destruction, theft, and terror. However if victory is greater still it would be acceptable to find the Deucalians ending their efforts with a base of power upon the Mandalorian world as a fortified colony for later expansion.

2. Me as both @Eira Baldr and @Völva Thorite and others from the Deucalian faction, Jedi, Exiles, Hutts and other interested Indies.

3. Deucalian Fleet and Mandalore

4. Thread 1 [Ask] - Aboard Freya's Light, the greatest of warriors of each faction will gather to discuss strategy while looking upon the world itself. Jobs will be assigned, loot divided, and glory sought.OPEN TO DEUCALIANS, HUTTS, EXILES, INDIES

Thread 2 [Open PVP]- Launched from Snekkja pods upon a Mandolorian village the Vanguard warriors will begin spreading terror wherever they can. Fire, bombs, random shots, no target is off limits while you steal everything not tied down. Continue to fight until Deucalian freighters come to pick up what was stolen and the fallen.Open to Deucalians, Indies, Hutts Exiles

Thread 3 [DM Opposition] - As the Vanguard fights shot from the Snekkja pods, the Deucalian fleet will face off against the Mandolorian fleets. Lead by the tactical minded members of the group the skies must be cleared of clan resistance through destruction, capture, or forced retreat for the rest of the forces to support the Vanguard.Deucalians, Indies, Jedi

Thread 4 [Open PVP] - Valkarian spies alongside trusted and charismatic allies will move to the clan grounds not hit by the Deucalians. Through diplomacy, bribery and other means the surrounding clans must be made to do nothing, join our side, or remain rivals or enemies of their attacked neighbors to ensure our forces are not overwhelmed.Open to Deucalians, Indies, Jedi

Thread 5 [Ask] - A strange disease is discovered to be afflicting many on the surface that the locals are naturally resistant to. By any means necessary a cure or treatment must be found to keep casualties to a minimum.Open to Deucalians, Indies, and Jedi

Thread 6 [Open PVP] - Regrouped those Mandolorians now prepared for a fight will face the now landed and well supported force of Deucalians who will move in to capture the village center.Forces will take on entrenched defenders in a field and take down key leaders to free up a strike force to attack the clan leaders bunker. Open to Exiles, Hutts, Indies, and Deucalians

Thread 7 [Dmed] - A small strike force works their way into the Clan leaders bunker to take him out as he coordinates defenses. Gaining his surrender or death and communicating it using his own array of communication should end the fighting the sector and allow the Deucalians and other forces to clean up. Jedi, Deucalians, Indies

Thread 8 [Ask] - Victorious the assembled force must now construct a base of operations including a communications array, defenses, a spaceport, and whatever necessities are required. Open to Deucalians, Indies, Jedi

Glory, what can be stolen from those that die, A Deucalian settlement on Mandalore. Conscripted Mandolorians bribed into mercenary service.

6. No
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SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2010
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Hey @BlackJack! So, first of all, I love this plot. Really great initiative here and I hope it gets off the ground!

I do have a few concerns here: mainly in regards to the Deucalian fleet and NPCs. How many ships are the Deucalians bringing in and exactly how are they doing that? Is your character leading the attack or are NPCs leading?

Edit: I ask because this looks as though your Level 1 (or 2?) character is controlling a massive NPC faction, so I need a bit of clarification.

I'm going to tag @Loco for fleet-related issues, since he's more knowledgeable than I am on those matters; but, if you could answer those questions for me, that would go along way towards getting this approved.



Tech Admin
Sep 29, 2011
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The fleet portion of this may need to be altered due to the review I've been conducting of faction fleet sizes. The Deuclian fleet is going to get majorly downsized from what is listed now.


SWRP Writer
Mar 4, 2018
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Thank you so very much for looking into this so quickly. I understand this is an extremely ambitious plot and I want to assure all involved this is not intended to be some power play to control assets I am entirely aware are not mine.

This attack is to be led by a leader of 1 of the major Deucalian clans which I can make an npc profile for for staff use. I suppose in that regard the answer to 6 would become yes.

Here is the NPC

Fleet Composition will be:

1 Tyr Class Frigate
10 Braggi Corvettes
24 Fenrir Fighters
15 Snekkja Pods

Breaking this down it'll couldn't be more that 500 fighters on the ground and that would leave skeleton crews up in space so more around 350.

This is a relatively small time raid meant to flex Deucalian power and is to be used to establish the start of a PC faction led by my level 2 that will start with relatively few assets including no naval assets so I can begin working towards more concrete goals with the interested players I've collected.

I also feel this is a great kick in the pants for Mandolorians as we've seen so few of them this TL and while they create mixed opinions I'm of the feeling that they serve an important niche in creating the strong variety of RP experiences that make this site great.

Breaking down the plot piece by piece its absolute optimum outcome would lead to the destruction of one Mandolorian village and the death of said Village's leader with a Deucalian settlement established upon its charred bones.

I've never intended to wield the Deucalians as a weapon as they are an NPC organization, but to that end if we're seeing what Aberforth describes as a severe lack of use of NPC organizations then I do hope there would be an outlet for it in PVE scenarios as described in the plot above. Otherwise we're making really long write ups about window dressing.

Thank you again for your consideration and all the good work the plot mods do as well as Loco on tech.
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SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2010
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"This is a relatively small time raid meant to flex Deucalian power..."

This is the crux of the issue. This is by no means a small-time raid. This is a full-scale invasion fleet. Put plainly, Level 2s would not be granted access to this amount of resources in any other faction. Now, I know you're not trying to control all of these forces with your character; but you are trying to use all of these forces in your plot. That's not the purpose of an NPC organization. An NPC organization is there to provide flavor and structure to your Indie character. Only by acquiring a sufficient level and doing plots to gain leadership over the faction in question are you then able to direct that faction's movements.

Beyond that, if you are trying to establish a PC organization with your Level 2, that needs to be primarily player-driven. We have two instances (that I'm aware of) of PCs creating PC organizations, and they were entirely built by PC characters. NPCs were acquired during or after the plots establishing them—and even then, we're talking about a handful of NPCs compared to the massive amount being used in this plot.

I would recommend reworking this plot to consist of an actual small raid done by PC members of the various clans within the Deucalians. Considering how small and reasonable the reward for this plot is, it should be easily obtainable by a small party of PC groups. No need for that many NPCs (or ships) to show up. @Loco will be leaving some comments on reducing the fleet size on the Deucalian NPC org. page.

Let me know if you need any help!


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2010
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Black Jack is leaving this plot in the hands of Black Noise, who has written a new submission.